My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 499 Finding Parents

Chapter 499 Looking for Parents

It turned out that Kangxi was worried about Brother Jiu, and just asked a question, but it turned out that there was no movement when he entered here.

The new yard at the front was tidied up, and Elder Brother Ten took Shi Fujin to resettle it, but Elder Brother Jiu and his wife were not seen moving.

Thinking of Brother Jiu's previous embarrassment, Kangxi moved his fatherly heart and came to visit in person.

This is the empress dowager's residence, before going to visit her son, she had to greet the empress dowager first, and that's what she heard.

Bai Momo was at the door, saw someone, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty..."

It was a wake-up call to the grandparents and grandchildren in the house.

Brother Jiu covered his mouth, showing a bit of pity, looked at the Queen Mother and said, "Grandmother..."

The Queen Mother pointed at him, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense in the future."

Brother Nine nodded like a pounding garlic.

He finally understood what it means to "don't listen to the old man's words, and you will suffer in front of your eyes".

The fourth brother is right, but whenever Khan Ama is involved, he should murmur in his heart and not speak out.

Once it is said, it doesn't matter whether Khan Ama listened to it directly or others listened to it and passed on the gossip.

Brother Nine felt that it was time for him to have a long memory, but he became calm instead.

He hurriedly stood up and looked at Kangxi with a smile: "Khan Ama!"

Seeing the speed at which his face changed, Kangxi snorted coldly and said, "Now that I know it's Khan Ama, what did you say?"

Brother Jiu heard this, hesitated, and said: "Isn't this when my son came here just now, did the steward of the Li family talk to Li Xu, saying that he found something, and even mentioned the nobleman..."

What happened to the Li family?

I offered beauty once, and got sweetness, so I want to give it a second time?

Because of Wang Guiren's matter, the Eight Banners nobles did not murmur much in the early years.

It is a national policy for bannermen not to marry, and it is inappropriate for the emperor to do so.

It also involves the interests of the Eight Banners.

Now whether it is the Eight Banners draft or the Ministry of Internal Affairs draft, the concubines selected are all banner girls.

Just added a lot of relatives in the harem, even if it is not my turn this time, there will be a next time.

If you change into a civilian girl, you can also enter the palace. There are so many beauties in the world that day that no noble girl from the Eight Banners can compare.

Kangxi glanced at him angrily, and said, "What stories are you thinking about? Wang Gui gave birth to a child, and I asked Li Xu to look for her parents before."

Brother Jiu heard this, and frowned and said, "What's going on? The people the Li family arranged to enter the palace didn't know the basics, they were simply acting recklessly!"

Kangxi's face was sombre, and he said, "You think I'm an old fool?"

Brother Nine closed his mouth, still showing dissatisfaction on his face.

People with unknown backgrounds were sent to the palace. If Li Xu had evil intentions, Li Xu would not be wronged if he was cut.

Seeing the quarrel between father and son, the Queen Mother said to Brother Jiu: "It's not that Mr. Wang's background is unknown, it's because his family is poor, and he was sold by his parents to the Li family as an adopted daughter."

This adopted daughter is naturally a tactful term.

Because the law forbids "buying good for cheap", so now, except for official servants and maidservants, most other people raise servants in the name of "fostering sons" and "adopting daughters".

Brother Jiu also knew this, and said angrily: "What are such cruel parents looking for? Let them enjoy the honor, why?"

The queen mother was born in Mongolia, a place that favors boys over girls, and couldn't understand the thoughts of such parents, so she looked at Kangxi.

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine and frowned and said: "You were born in the palace and grew up in the palace. You don't know the sufferings of the world. You are a common people. Natural disasters and man-made disasters are hard to come by. This is also a way of life. Do you want the whole family to die together?"

Brother Jiu himself is not generous, but he can roughly guess what Wang Guiren is thinking.

Or it's really hard to part with one's own flesh and blood, and one wants to kiss one's parents.

Maybe it's just that the resentment is hard to dispel, and she wants to show them how well she is doing.

In Jiu's opinion, it is completely unnecessary.

It will definitely be taken advantage of at that time.

Thinking of this, the ninth elder brother hurriedly said: "Huang Ama, when someone comes over, don't give too much rewards, be careful that you can't fill your desires, just give a false name, let the fifteenth elder brother and the sixteenth elder brother look better, and reward them with silver." Save it!"

Kangxi looked at him with a dark face, and said, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Brother Jiu said frankly: "I just don't think it's worth it. If you have that money to reward the nobleman, you can leave it to the two elder brothers as pocket money."

Kangxi still wanted to train, but the queen mother said from the sidelines: "Brother Jiu is right, you can't make others worse."

Seeing that the queen mother wanted to protect her, Kangxi couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Brother Jiu is open-minded, he doesn't know the seriousness, he shouldn't have spoken on this matter..."

If people spread the word, what would they say about Brother Nine?

It's as if his heart is crooked and he doesn't allow his concubine's natal family to stand out,
The queen mother shook her head and said: "My elder brother has a sense of distance in his heart. This is because he is afraid that the Wang family and the two younger elder brothers will suffer in the future. If the uncle is not good and picks up the nephew, what can the nephew do?"

Brother Jiu nodded beside him and said: "Yes, yes, Han Ama, that's what the son means. At that time, there will still be a filial piety, so it's not good to ignore the outsiders. But such a family who sells their sons and daughters If you don’t love your own daughter, how can you still love your grandson? Then it will be my elder brother’s trouble!”

Kangxi thought of Guo Luoluo's house.

Brother Jiu is not close to that side, and it is reasonable to look down on the Wang family.

It's just that this is Jiangnan, and the Confucian etiquette says, "There is no wrong parent in the world."

The father is the guide for the son, and the guide is always irreversible.

Kangxi said to Brother Jiu: "This is not something you, a junior, can open your mouth to comment on. From now on, shut up and go down. If you keep talking too much, you will be fined for three years of salary!"

Brother Nine immediately became honest.

He is not short of money now, but the salary is different after all.

I always feel that it is the foundation for a man to support his family, and if it is missing, he will lose his confidence.

He said to the Queen Mother: "Grandmother, grandson goes down first, you tell Khan Ama, don't let others take advantage of you."

The Queen Mother nodded and said lovingly, "Go, go."

Brother Jiu limped down.

The queen mother looked at his back, feeling distressed, turned to Kangxi and said, "Stop scolding him, just for the sake of filial piety."

Kangxi rubbed his brows, and said: "I just indulged him too much, dare to say anything, dare to meddle in everything!"

The queen mother laughed and said: "Who made him the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? When the emperor rewards the royal family, he must also use the money from the internal treasury. It is also related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not a wrong rule."

Mrs. Wang has served well these years and has made great contributions in giving birth to a son. Before Kangxi, he asked people to find Wang's family, and arranged for them to move to the capital under the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He really changed his mind after hearing Brother Nine's complaints.

Yes, having multiple uncles and grandfathers for no reason is not a good thing for the fifteenth elder brother and the sixteenth elder brother.

If the mother's family is decent, it will add luster to the prince elder brother.

Such a small family can only hold back.

At that time, it is impossible to say that we will help one or two generations.

Thinking of this, Kangxi looked towards the door.

Just now I forgot to punish Brother Nine. Even if I don’t punish my father for such false remarks, I should fast for ten days and pray for myself!

Brother Jiu returned to the East Wing, looking as if he had escaped from the sky.

Shu Shu was not surprised to see her.

Kangxi has passed, and now father and son don't say that mice avoid cats, but every time Brother Jiu sneers, he is often reprimanded.

Brother Jiu said in a low voice: "In the future, my grandfather will remember clearly, but whenever Khan Ama is mentioned, regardless of the predecessors, he must sing praises, and don't say anything bad, just murmur in his heart."

Speaking of this, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Why did the fourth brother think of warning the master? Could it be that he himself is also like this, hahahaha!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

Seeing him like this, Shu Shu felt much lighter.

If you are scolded, you will be scolded. At this time, fathers and sons don't have to be so careful.

The luggage is almost packed.

Because Kangxi was in the room, Shu Shu didn't go there either, and it was time for the dinner after a while, so she went to the West Wing to say hello to Jiu Gege, and then followed Jiu Gege to the yard.

Before, Shushu lived on the East Road, and her new residence is in Huayuanzi to the west of Zhizao Mansion, with several small courtyards in front.

The accompanying prince elder brother was assigned to live here.

There are three small courtyards juxtaposed in total.

In the past, the third elder brother and the fifth elder brother had the same yard, and the eldest elder brother and the seventh elder brother shared the same yard.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother share the same yard.

Because they wanted to make room for the ninth elder brother and his tenth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother moved to the eldest elder brother's yard.

When Shu Shu and the ninth elder brother went to the West Garden, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were still there.

Both of them were waiting for brother Jiu to come over, but their intentions were different.

The fourteenth elder brother saw the ninth elder brother and said: "Ninth brother, ninth brother, my brother has vacated a room for you!"

This is credit.

Although I was annoyed before, but I haven't seen him for two months. Brother Jiu saw that this younger brother is still very close, and said with a smile: "Well, brother appreciates it, and find a meal at the biggest restaurant in Suzhou City tomorrow!"

The fourteenth elder brother immediately smiled and said: "The younger brother can wait."

Suzhou and Hangzhou are the paradise on earth.

In the most prosperous place in the world, who wouldn't want to go out and play?

But the elder brothers are serious, and no one likes to take him to play. He is not a clever eye on the ninth elder brother who came over to "greet him".

Seeing that the ninth elder brother was easy to talk, the fourteenth elder brother glanced at the empty west wing room, then leaned forward and said: "Ninth brother, ninth brother, you don't know, our side is crowded, originally it was the elder brother, the seventh brother , now I went with Brother Thirteen, Brother Starling came back from his errand, and passed away too..."

Brother Nine heard this, his smile faded, and he interrupted Brother Fourteen and said, "Don't even think about it, I plan to catch up on sleep these two days, so I won't let you come over and make trouble!"

As for the eighth brother, forget it.

The fourteenth elder brother wanted to say more, but the thirteenth elder brother came over and said, "Ninth elder brother came all the way on horseback?"

Brother Jiu nodded, feeling a burning pain in his inner thigh.

It's okay if you didn't pay attention before, but once you pay attention to it, it tastes sour.

The thirteenth elder brother brought a flattery and looked forward to it, and said: "The bodyguards and guards also have two horses and two saddles?"

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "What are you thinking about? It's useless, Khan Ama won't let you get off the boat!"

This is Jiangnan, where security is critical.

It is estimated that the eldest brother and the fifth brother will have to arrange it, and half-grown children like the thirteenth brother should not join in the fun.

Elder Brother Thirteen drooped his head, and immediately fainted.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother left.

The yard was also quiet again.

Nine Princes and his wife are the eldest, occupying three main rooms.

The ten princes and his wife lived in the third room in the East Wing.

Shu Shu looked at the courtyard next door, and said to Xiaosong: "Did you see Wu Fujin when you passed by?"

Xiao Song thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I didn't see it."

Shu Shu was a little worried.

There is a difference between men and women, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother will come as soon as they come, but there is still ten Fujin.

Wu Fujin got the news and should have gone to check, but there is still no movement.

Could it be that you are not feeling well?
Rolling around asking for a monthly ticket, what happened?Two more dropped, 55
(End of this chapter)

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