My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 500 Gathering

Chapter 500 Gathering
Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

Just as Shu Shu was thinking about going over to visit in person, Wu Fujin came with Fifth Elder Brother.

The fifth elder brother came to see his younger brother.

He just got the news, and he was taken aback. Seeing Brother Jiu, he reprimanded him: "If you dare to leave Beijing without an order, be careful of Yu Shi's impeachment!"

He also left the study at the age of sixteen and began to work as a errand in the Sixth Department. He was very honest, and every time he received an errand, even so, he was caught by the censor and impeached two or three times.

Although the thunder was loud and the rain was light, it still left him with lingering fears.

A well-behaved person who can't stand others' pickiness.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Is my younger brother that reckless person? He must have asked for an order. Besides, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own system and has nothing to do with the imperial court. The impeachment of Yushi can't impeach my younger brother!"

Speaking of this, he became interested in Yu Shi: "You really love to find faults so much, you dare to pick on everything? The prince and elder brother don't give you any favors?"

Although he was already on duty, he was not involved in state affairs. He was familiar with the Ministry of Punishment and the Clan Mansion, but not the others.

In particular, the inspector's office where the censor is located is a separate yamen.

The fifth elder brother nodded and said: "The higher the status of the person impeached, the more capable they are. This is what they do, and they rely on this to make meritorious deeds to get promoted and get rich."

Brother Nine stroked his chin and said, "That's not right with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the grandsons of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are just short of criticizing!"

Although the Ministry of Internal Affairs has added two new directors, Ma Qi and He Yi, there is actually no change in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Still as usual.

Baoyi Sanqi of the House of Internal Affairs is the emperor's family slave, plus a dozen or so harem concubines and royal relatives, even the prince, the ninth elder brother, dare not act rashly, let alone the courtiers.

It's up to the owner to beat the dog.

That's the truth.

But this trend has gone bad, if you don't move, you will be feeding moths one after another.

The deficiencies in various parts of the imperial court were slowly adjusted.

Brother Jiu feels that the Ministry of Internal Affairs can also add a few censors.

The two brothers were talking in the west room, Shu Shu pulled Wu Fujin, and the sister-in-law went to the east room.

Seeing Wu Fujin's sullen expression and pale face, Shu Shu thought about the situation last month, and said, "Sister-in-law is here?"

Wu Fujin nodded, with a bit of shyness, and said: "Dirty clothes, I lay down after changing, and I have been sleeping until now."

Shu Shu looked in the direction of the east wing, hesitating whether to invite Shi Fujin to talk.

But the "meeting ceremony" has not yet been seen.

Since Kangxi set up a family banquet, the ceremony will be held together in the evening.

Shu Shu took out her pocket watch and looked at it, she saw that she was right, the time for the dinner party should be around the corner.

Sure enough, the sister-in-law didn't say a few words, and the little eunuch in front of the imperial court came to send a message, summoning the prince and prince Fujin to the imperial court.

The ten princes and his wife also got the news and came out from the east wing.

Seeing Shu Shu followed by a young woman, Shi Fujin knew what he was doing, and came over with a smile and said, "Is it Fifth Wife? I'm Buyin, and I'm also from Old Shi's family!"

Seeing that she was cute and sweet, Wu Fujin also smiled, and went up to shake hands with her.

Shi Fujin carefully looked at Wu Fujin several times, and Wu Fujin blushed a little from being stared at.

Only then did Shi Fujin smile and say to Shu Shu: "Fifth Sister-in-law is not like a sister-in-law, but like Ninth Sister's older sister..."

Shu Shu was by the side, and understood why Shi Fujin said that.

Wu Fujin and Jiu Gege are fond of reading books, love to read poems, and have somewhat similar auras.

She nodded and agreed: "Yes, this is also the fate of being a sister-in-law."

Fifth elder brother was beside him, also smiled and said to tenth elder brother: "Congratulations, you will be an adult from now on, very good, very good."

He couldn't say anything else, but he was really happy for Elder Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Shi is the prince who lost his mother, even though there are Khan Ama and their brothers, it is still different.

Marry a wife and have children, so you are not alone.

Elder Brother Shi twitched his lips, nodded and said, "My brother also thinks it's good."

The brothers and sisters-in-law here are happy and happy, and the eighth elder brother is standing at the door, looking at the situation, his face is still warm, but his heart is very complicated.

It shouldn't be.

They should have been so close as brothers.

Isn't this situation of blind date between brothers and sisters-in-law exactly what he expected before?

Elder Fourteen followed and stretched his neck. Seeing that they were still talking, he urged at the top of his voice, "Brother Fifth, Brother Nine, Brother Ten, stop dawdling, it's time to go!"

When the people in the yard heard the movement, they stopped talking and came out.

At the entrance of the small courtyard in the middle, Sanfujin brought his mother and was already waiting.

The third elder brother was not there, and at noon, he followed the eldest elder brother to reward the officers and soldiers accompanying the emperor.

Now there are four princes, Fujin, and San Fujin is the oldest, so of course they can't stand alone in front of the queen mother and the emperor.

Seeing the three younger siblings approaching, she originally wanted to go with Fujin Shi, but after looking at Fujin's corolla, she changed direction and went to talk to Fujin Wu.

"It's been a month and a half since we've been out, and this is the first time we've had dinner together."

Sanfujin and Wufujin walked in front side by side: "I don't know what's delicious in Suzhou, are you used to it?"

Wu Fujin said softly: "Nowadays, river and river fresh foods are on the market, and fish and shrimp should be the main ones!"

Ten Fujin followed Shu Shu at the back, listening to the sister-in-law at the front.

Ten Fujin whispered: "I don't like fish, it has thorns, I want to eat meat!"

Shu Shu reassured: "Don't worry, there is meat, and the chef from the imperial dining room is here. There must be a lot of dishes from the capital at the dinner."

Shi Fujin is innocent and romantic, even if other people hear her talking, they just smile.

On the other hand, Elder Fourteen who was walking beside heard this, came over and said, "What kind of meat does Mrs. Ten like to eat, mutton or pork, does Ah Ba raise pigs and chickens?"

So fat, do you eat meat?
He doesn't like to eat vegetables, why can't he gain weight?

This southern tour was the first time he went out of Beijing with his retinue, but because the trip was so fast and he was still stuck on the boat all the way, he was a little bit less interested.

I miss the Northern Tour even more.

At that time, there was still Qiu Xi, who could hold the flag and hunt.

Shi Fujin smiled and said, "Mutton and pork are fine, but I don't like fish. They should raise pigs and chickens, and I still eat that occasionally."

The prairie doesn't eat fish, but when she arrived in the capital last year, she ordered rice noodles outside, and she ate braised fish once.

The result was a stab in the throat.

Ten Fujin was scared.

Elder Fourteen said, "Sister-in-law Ten has the same taste as Grandmother, and Grandmother also loves meat."

Ten Fujin said, "Don't you like meat? Why are you so thin?"

Like a chick.

Elder Fourteen waved his arms and said, "I'm not skinny, I'm just blemishes, and I'll be strong from now on."

Shi Fujin looked at the older elder brothers beside him, but didn't nod.

Except for the fifth elder brother, there is no strong one.

She was a little worried, and asked Fourteenth Brother, "Aren't you eating well? Why is Fifth Brother the only one who looks like a normal person?"

If she is also so thin, she will be sad when Ehe enters Beijing at the end of the year or next year.

The fourteenth elder brother looked at the fifth elder brother with some doubts.

Brother Wu, is this normal?
I saw it every day and didn't notice it, but after a closer look, the waist seems to be thicker again, and it doesn't look much narrower than the shoulders, so it's two feet five or six, right?

For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

On the other hand, Elder Brother Shi, although he and his wife are newlyweds, they have been together day and night for a month and a half, and they roughly understand her worries, saying: "We have our own dining room for the prince, and later you can call it whatever you want, and sister-in-law Nine gave it back to us. There are a lot of recipes, and when the time comes, take good care of them and you won’t lose weight.”

Only then did Shi Fujin laugh, nodded and said: "Well, you should eat more when the time comes, don't be too thin."

Brother Ten nodded.

Men are stronger and more dignified.

The first three Fujins heard everything, turned their heads, and said with a smile: "Ten brothers and sisters, the customs in the capital are different from those in Mongolia. Women don't say 'thin is beautiful', so it's not good to be too...too rich..."

Shi Fujin blinked his eyes and said, "I didn't eat other people's food, so people still care about this?"

Sanfujin choked, and said with a sneer: "It's not about me, I just want to give good advice to the ten younger siblings, not just to follow the Romans, but also to follow the precedent..."

Speaking of this, she straightened her body and said with more confidence: "Like today's dinner party, there will be a 'meeting ceremony' later, the ten younger siblings should change into auspicious clothes and auspicious clothes and crowns, instead of wearing other clothes and wearing jewelry next to it."

Ten Fujin was a little apprehensive, thinking he was wrong, and looked at Elder Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten said patiently: "Our situation is different. The Ministry of Internal Affairs only sent the winter auspicious clothing crown before, but the Xia auspicious clothing crown has not been delivered yet. It is not easy to bring the winter auspicious clothing crown when going out this time..."

Ten Fujin smiled brightly, and felt relieved.

Sanfujin looked at the appearance of the young couple, and his mouth was bitter, but he had a kind of kind heart, and said to Elder Brother Ten: "The customs in Mongolia are different from those in the capital. Brothers and sisters are newcomers, and there should be stable people around them. The old man who is in charge can find one or two servants for his younger siblings if he is able to do so."

Seeing her rambling, Elder Brother Shi was a little annoyed at first, but after hearing this sentence, he knew it was a good word, so he accepted it, nodded and said, "Thank you, Sister-in-law San, for your reminder. I'll look at it when I return to Beijing."

He had thought about this long before his wedding.

But I'm worried that the mother-in-law Bao Yi will bully his wife by taking the big one, or that those people are still involved with Niu Hulu's family.

Even his own wet nurse and nanny didn't want to get involved in the backyard.

When I was on the road before, nothing was revealed yet.

Now that the prince Fujins are together, there are too many things that his wife doesn't understand.

Thinking of this, Elder Brother Ten glanced at Shu Shu.

Although there is sister-in-law Jiu, there are no sisters-in-law who stay together.

He had the idea to find an old nanny for his wife.

But what he was thinking of was not the old people of Yongshou Palace, but the palace people under the name of Concubine Duan Shun.

That was Fujin's great-aunt, who legitimately asked for help.

The place of Shengjia is on Zhizao Yamen Middle Road, and the temporary building behind the Yamen is there.

The eldest brother, the third elder brother, and the seventh elder brother are already here.

The third elder brother was talking non-stop, and the eldest elder brother was listening with folded arms.

Seventh elder brother was beside him with a blank expression.

Seeing a group of people coming over, the seventh elder brother couldn't help but look at the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother.

Elder Brother Ten looked ordinary. Compared with the beginning of February, his face was darker, and stubble appeared on his mouth. At first glance, he was several years older.

Brother Jiu's complexion didn't change, but he became thinner, his cheeks were suffocated, and his walking posture was wrong. Could it be that he was being supported by Fujin?

It seems that galloping all the way is really a lot of crimes.

Seventh elder brother was sincere, stepped forward and nodded to Shu Shu, and directly pushed Jiu elder brother, saying: "I will help ninth brother!"

Ninth elder brother was unprepared, so he was changed from relying on Shu Shu to relying on seventh elder brother.

He rolled his eyes ungratefully, he was really puzzled, couldn't he see that this was a little fun of their husband and wife?

The most important thing was that Brother Nine was caught by the emperor when he sneezed in the afternoon, and he was guilty, so he made seven points out of three points.

Seeing Brother Jiu's small movements, Shu Shu held back a smile, and said to Brother Seven: "Please trouble Uncle Qi."

The elder brother and the third elder brother stopped talking when they saw everyone coming.

The elder brother saw that the ninth elder brother was leaning on the seventh elder brother, worried that the seventh elder brother would be struggling, so he stepped forward and slipped the ninth elder brother, and directly put him on the chair next to him.

Ninth Brother's feet were hanging in the air, his face was flushed, his eyes were wide open, and he glared at Big Brother.

Eldest brother blinked, a little confused, saw Shu Shu out of the corner of his eye, and understood, this was because he didn't want to show Xiong in front of Fujin...

In the last two and a half days, beg for a monthly pass!Both Zhang Shuo and the author of the book review can be displayed later, and the front desk is estimated to be ready soon, thank you for catching bugs, ^_^.The third one is going to be very late, everyone can watch it together tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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