My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 501 Too Partial

Chapter 501 Too Partial
Others could see Brother Jiu's embarrassment, so they turned their eyes away and didn't look over there.

Only Shi Fujin looked at the elder brother's wrist, showing undisguised admiration on his face.

Elder Brother Ten felt it was an eyesore, so he moved a step, blocking Shi Fujin's sight.

Shi Fujin was not annoyed, leaned close to his ear, and said with a smile: "Brother is really strong, he can lift Brother Ninth with one hand, and he can also make money on Naadam!"

Every July, the ministries of the grassland hold the Naadam Conference, where they compete in wrestling, horse riding, and archery.

Especially wrestling, the Mongols like it the most, and it is a symbol of warriors.

Elder Brother Ten said without any hesitation: "When I reach the age of eldest brother, I am already so strong."

Shi Fujin nodded and said, "Mmm, yes, definitely!"

The third elder brother was at the side, watching the ninth elder brother who was about to die, with concern on his face, he said: "If you feel uncomfortable, go back and rest, so as not to worry the elders."

Brother Nine was annoyed, looked over with raised eyelids, and said, "Third brother, you are so funny, Khan Ama said that tonight's family banquet is a 'reception banquet', and my younger brother is the master!"

The third elder brother wanted to spit on him, shameless.

So obsequious!

"Pick up" and pick up more than [-] miles!

In order not to be reprimanded, he even used the newly married old ten and old ten Fujin as shields!

The third elder brother despises it, but also thinks there are merits, maybe he can learn a thing or two.

Because Khan Ama didn't punish him, nor reprimanded him, is this a trick?
He seems to have a direction to learn.

After a while, the two concubines, Concubine Hui, Concubine Rong and two noblemen also arrived.

The seats have been set up, except for the two honorable seats at the top, which are single seats, and the bottom ones are all double seats,

Everyone sits according to seniority and inferiority. To the east are two concubines, two nobles, the couple of Sanfujin, the seventh and eighth princes, and the tenth prince and his wife.

On the west side are Concubine Hui, Concubine Rong, eldest elder brother and Jiu Gege, fifth elder brother and his wife, Shu Shu and ninth elder brother, thirteenth elder brother and fourteenth elder brother.

If they were arranged according to the sequence, Big Brother would have a single seat, and Jiugege would also have a single seat.

Manchurian customs, unmarried aunts and grandmas are honorable, sitting with elder brothers, the seat is not wrong.

"Big brother..."

Although the two are brothers and sisters, there is a difference between men and women, and there is still a difference in age, which is very strange to say.

Jiu Gege greeted him shyly.

Eldest Brother glanced at her and said, "You look better than when you left Beijing."

Is this because of eating with the Queen Mother?

She was still thin, dry and fleshless, but her vitality and blood seemed to be sufficient, and her eyes were brightened.

Jiu Gege turned his head, looked at Shu Shu through the fifth prince and his wife, then turned his head, and replied with a smile: "It's very interesting to practice Ba Duan Jin with Mrs. Jiu every day, and I don't get tired so easily."

The elder brother asked curiously, "What is that?"

He was not looking for something to say, but thought of a few princesses at home.

Each one of them looks thin, but if there is a way to keep fit and practice, he will feel more at ease.

The emperor's daughters are almost all pampered, and the emperor's granddaughters should be no exception.

Especially the few princesses of his family, who are the elders among the granddaughters of the emperor, if they don't touch Meng, what will happen to the other granddaughters of the emperor?
Jiugege said: "It's a fitness method handed down by the Taoist school. It's relatively soothing and can be practiced by women. Sister-in-law Jiu took it from a book."

The eldest elder brother nodded, and glanced at the seat of the ninth elder brother and his wife.

Brother Nine suppressed the volume, turned sideways, and muttered to Fujin, not knowing what to say.

He, Fujin, smiled and looked very serious.

This younger brother is unreliable, but younger siblings are safe.

The eldest elder brother was heartbroken, and said: "When the southern tour returns, I will send some of your nieces to live in the palace for a few days, and then I will trouble my sister to teach them."

Jiugege nodded and said, "Well, just come."

She also met Da Fujin when she was young. She didn't have much to do with her sister-in-law, but she never had an affair, and she felt sorry for a few nieces who lost their mothers.

The fifth elder brother and Wu Fujin at the bottom are also talking.

The fifth elder brother whispered: "If there are cold dishes for a while, don't eat them. When you go back, you will send someone to ask for a hot pot."

Wu Fujin was not feeling well, whispering everywhere in the hall, disturbing and disturbing.

But hearing Fifth Prince's words, she felt warm in her heart, and felt that the world was quiet.

There are only the concerned eyes of the person in front of him, and the simple and friendly words.

Inexplicably, Wu Fujin thought of Shu Shu's way of dealing with Brother Jiu, nodded and said, "Listen to me!"

The fifth elder brother laughed, and said again: "Take a good rest tonight, and I will take you out for a stroll tomorrow."

At the request of the officials and people in Suzhou, Shengjia stayed for another three days. He will not leave until March [-]th. Today is only [-]th. Everyone will be free tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Wu Fujin originally wanted to say that he could go to see the garden, but he changed his words and said: "There is a Baoen Temple in Suzhou, which is said to have incense and incense. Let's see if the emperor's grandmother wants to go. If the emperor's grandmother is impatient, we can accompany the emperor. Grandmother went to Baoen Temple to offer incense."

The fifth elder brother heard this, and said: "The emperor's grandmother is definitely willing to go. Even if the emperor's grandmother travels, people will be banned from walking around the temple. At that time, we will go and follow, and we will not be able to visit other places!"

Wu Fujin smiled and said: "It's okay, I can send someone to find a few local restaurants and ask for a few tables to come over. After tasting Suzhou cuisine, it's almost like watching the beautiful scenery."

The fifth elder brother listened, and really cared, and said: "Then ask someone to inquire. We will order local dishes once, and we will also eat vegetarian dishes together. Let's eat with the emperor's grandmother."

Wu Fujin smiled and nodded.

Between Brother Jiu and Wu Fujin, there is an aisle two and a half feet apart.

Almost heard it all.

Surprised, he took a look at Wu Fujin, and asked Shu Shu in a low voice, "Sister-in-law Wu, is this enlightened?"

Shu Shu also whispered: "It's not just for Fifth Brother's sake, the emperor's grandmother is loving..."

Wu Fujin will be sincere and filial to those who care for each other.

Brother Nine curled his lips and didn't speak.

No matter how kind and loving, the elder is an elder, and he can't get along with the younger generation.

But when he heard Baoen Temple, he remembered what he had promised Twelve Elder Brothers, and said: "Since the incense is effective, let's go there too, and just in time to finish what we promised Twelve."

Shu Shu remembered that the day after tomorrow is March [-]th, which is the day of Longevity Day.

No matter if they go to offer lamps or help Twelve Elder Brothers to offer, it is not easy to delay, the best is tomorrow.

She just glanced at Brother Jiu's thigh, feeling a little worried, and said: "If you want to go, you should go tomorrow, will you be okay with me..."

Brother Nine snorted lightly, squeezed her hand under the seat, gritted his teeth and said, "When you get back, you can see if you can do it..."

The fourteenth elder brother sat at the bottom, looking at the table in front of him, everyone whispered to each other, all talking small things.

Even Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong were talking without a word.

He looked at the opposite side again, and his eyes fell on Wang Guiren, who was in the second seat, thoughtfully.

The thirteenth elder brother saw that he was rarely honest, turned his head to look over, followed his line of sight, and also looked at Wang Guiren's face.

Wang Guiren is not the same age as them, and she is still the concubine who gave birth to the prince, it is nothing to look at more, but she still sits with the noble Guerjia.

It's a bit offensive to look at it like this.

Noble Guerjia noticed something, and came out a little bit at a loss.

The thirteenth elder brother reminded in a low voice: "Okay, don't look at it, the nobleman is uncomfortable."

The fourteenth elder brother looked away, and whispered: "Isn't Khan Ama the least fond of concubines who favor her mother's family? Why do you want to help Wang Guiren find his parents this time?"

The thirteenth brother thought for a while, and said: "It is said that 'you will know the kindness of your parents when you raise a child'. Maybe it's because you gave birth to an elder brother, and the nobleman missed his parents, so he asked Khan Ama for it?"

Elder Fourteen shook his head and said, "I didn't find it this time, as early as that time in the twenty-eighth year, Ama Khan asked someone to look for it."

This time it was Thirteenth brother's turn to be surprised, and said: "Then why can't I find it?"

Brother Fourteen said: "It seems that he left Suzhou to visit relatives and friends in other places."

When the governor of Jiangsu came to report the matter in the morning, he happened to be in front of the emperor and listened to one or two sentences.

Brother Thirteen didn't speak, and felt a little fanfare in his heart.

Even if it is not announced to the world, where are the secrets in the officialdom?

As the son of heaven, the emperor's father is accompanied by a living official.

In this way, visiting the relatives of the harem concubine among the people, wouldn't the identity of the nobleman be made public?

The identity of the coating before that was directly revealed.

Voter women entering the palace are suspected of being lustful.

Khan Ama acts more and more freely.

Elder Brother Thirteen was a little stunned, he didn't know whether this change was good or bad, and he felt a little uneasy.

The fourteenth elder brother was still muttering: "Fortunately, the nobleman is of low background, otherwise, he would be a concubine now. At that time, the fifteenth and sixteenth elder brothers will be the most favored by Khan Ama! "

Brother Thirteen smiled, but didn't answer.

After a while, there was a sound of whips outside the door.

The saint is here.

Kangxi supported the queen mother, and mother and son came together.

There was no sound in the room immediately, and everyone stood up to greet him.

After Kangxi and the Empress Dowager sat on the honorable seats above, they raised their hands to tell everyone to sit down, and then everyone sat down again.

Kangxi looked at the ten princes and lowered his head, and saw the ten blessings all in red.

Seeing the ten princes, he hurriedly brought the ten Fujin out to the emperor Kangxi for the "meeting ceremony" after the prince's wedding.

As for the Empress Dowager, she kowtowed in the first afternoon, so there is no need to see her now.

Although this is also the daughter-in-law whom we have arranged for in the first few years, but to be honest, this is the first time Weng and daughter-in-law have met each other.

Seeing that Shi Fujin was strong and well-spoken, Kangxi felt that he couldn't believe what he said outside.

What Shi Fujin said before was obese was really exaggerated.

It's just right now, just like the crown princess, she is a male.



I only hope that ten elder brothers and ten Fujin can be successful here.

Kangxi concealed the melancholy in his heart, and nodded to Shi Fujin with a smile.

Before Shi Fujin officially met people, she respected this "Heavenly Khan". Seeing his kind and warm eyes, her heart suddenly became at ease, and her eyes became more envious.

When she saw Li, she immediately followed Elder Brother Ten and changed her words: "Khan Ama!"

This temperament can be seen at a glance, it is not scheming, it is cute and cute.

Kangxi's mood improved a lot, and he said, "Reward!"

Liang Jiugong took the tray, on which were a pair of hollowed-out dragon and phoenix sachets made of white jade.

"Thank you Khan for the reward!"

Shi Fujin smiled happily, took the purse with both hands, and directly lowered his head to fasten it to himself and ten princes.

Brother Jiu looked at it, his eyes were red, he turned his head and said to Shu Shu: "Ama Khan is too partial, we didn't reward anything when we greeted each other!"

Shu Shu glanced at Sanfujin opposite, and sure enough, she was rubbing the handkerchief again.

The same prince, Fujin, waited for the "initial appointment ceremony" and received more betrothal money, and now there are more rewards in the "appearance ceremony"...

Didn't mean it?

Is it because they are afraid that they are too harmonious? !
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Attachment: The next update will be at 10:30 on November 12, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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