My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 502 Temptation

Chapter 502 Temptation (rolling for a monthly pass)

Except for the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers, all the elder princes sitting here are already married and have also gone through the "court ceremony".

The elder brother looked a little dazed, he and his wife were married in the [-]th year of Kangxi, so many years have passed.

When he brought Da Fujin to the Qianqing Palace to kowtow, did he also disagree with Lao Shi like this?

Da Fujin is also from the surname of the Eight Banners, but that one is weaker, but she is also the daughter of Shangshu.

As the eldest daughter-in-law of the royal family, Fujin is also selected from thousands of choices, with outstanding appearance and behavior, the elder brother has no dissatisfaction.

As a result, the year after the wedding, due to the "party struggle" of the previous dynasty, Mingzhu dismissed her prime minister, and her father-in-law, who had always been on good terms with Mingzhu, was also involved in it, criticized by others, designated as a party member, and dismissed from office together.

Even though no evidence was found later, the father-in-law never recovered.

Fujin was uneasy. At that time, not only he was looking forward to his son, but Fujin was also looking forward to his son.

In a blink of an eye, everything is empty.

Fujin went, and so did my father-in-law.

The elder brother took a sip of wine and lowered his eyes.

The "partisan struggle" at that time, thinking about it now, is somewhat difficult to figure out.

It seems that the courtiers are attacking each other, but is it true?

It's more like Khan Ama was afraid of the old ministers, and replaced a crop of more obedient newcomers.

Brother San was also stretching his neck to watch, but he didn't think about fairness or unfairness like San Fujin.

How can there be fairness in the palace?

He knew early on that although everyone is the prince's elder brother, brothers are different, and they are divided into ranks.

Otherwise, why are the elder brother and him sent out for foster care, instead of the prince and fourth elder brother?
It is because the latter two have distinguished biological mothers and adoptive mothers.

He looked at his birth mother across the way, and he also sighed in his heart.

If the eldest brother of his compatriot is still alive, then it may be said that his mother is the head of the four concubines.

When the time comes, the brothers will be of one mind, and their benefits will cut through gold, so they won't be so lonely without a helping hand like they are now.

The fifth elder brother also remembered the "meeting ceremony" after his big wedding the year before last. At that time, after kowtowing in Ningshou Palace, the queen mother not only gave Wu Fujin jewelry, but also gave them a pair of dragon and phoenix peace cards.

"What about the pair of dragon and phoenix cards?"

Fifth elder brother asked in a low voice.

Wu Fujin felt rejoicing in his heart, and said softly: "Keep it in the jewelry box, and we will wear it later?"


Fifth elder brother pursed his lips and nodded with a smile.

Brother Seven didn't lift his eyelids, he just looked at the utensils on the table.

They are all high-quality porcelain from official kilns, and the banquets of the general clan and royal palace are nothing more than that.

The Weaving Mansion kept these utensils, is it specially prepared for pick-up?

He recalled the inspection of the palace in the north last year, and felt that the weaving mansion would be tricky.

It's just that he is not a troublesome person.

Not in his place and not in his own affairs.

After thinking about it, he left it behind, and looked at Brother Jiu.

There were so many people that they didn't bother to talk before. I don't know what's going on in my Baylor Mansion?

My own Fujin was pregnant in August last year, and it is almost eight months now.

I don't know if Shengjia can return to Beijing before Fujin gives birth.

The eighth elder brother, who was at the same table with the seventh elder brother, saw that the imperial father valued the tenth elder brother and his wife, so he thought of going with the third elder brother.

It is also in my mind that "a son is more expensive than a mother".

Brother Ten is different from them.

There was a tightness in his chest.

The Eight Banners have always been hierarchical, and he can understand others looking at it this way.

But Khan Ama kisses Ama, and so does his son...

If you want a son of noble birth, why do you accept so many concubines?
Also from Baoyi, the concubine who was born as a servant of Baoyi was not picky, but when it came to his biological mother, because he was born as a servant of Baoyi, it seemed that he was inferior?
Xin Zheku's concubine's son...

Brother Ba recalled the whispers of the palace people when he was a child, clenched his fists in his cuffs, and felt unwilling.

Brother Jiu just complained casually, then put it down, and said to Shu Shu enthusiastically: "Tomorrow, we will wear the same purse and clothes of the same color, go to Baoen Temple in the morning, and go to a restaurant on Changmen Street at noon!"

Shu Shu's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and anticipation was also born.

Before Brother Nine was not there, she had to be cautious in her words and deeds, and she was not allowed to be free in her actions. She was basically confined to the boat, and occasionally got off the boat and followed the Queen Mother to worship the Buddha. She had never been to the side.

Suzhou Changmen is a place that often appears in the notes of later Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was the most prosperous commercial street in Suzhou at that time.

The thirteenth elder brother at the bottom heard it, and his face was full of anticipation, but he hesitated.

Brother and sister-in-law finally got together and were very affectionate. If they followed, it would be too unpleasant.

Brother Fourteen didn't think too much about it, he stretched his neck and said, "Brother Nine, Sister-in-law Nine, let's go together!"

Brother Jiu had disgust on his face, just about to shake his head, he thought of Jiu Gege, and asked Shu Shu, "Do you want to take Xiao Jiu?"

He couldn't let his sister stay with his wife when he didn't come over, and leave her aside as soon as he came, that would be too unkind.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said: "Let's leave the banquet later, ask my sister, she must also want to go, she has traveled thousands of miles, and only a few days can be spent walking."

Brother Nine looked at Brother Fourteen and said: "Then follow, that is to say, you must be obedient and not be willful, or there will be no next time!"

Brother Fourteen nodded with a smile and said: "My brother is a year old, and he is already sensible!"

Although there is some suspicion of having a brother-in-law's honor, the fourteenth elder brother is not unhappy, and he followed the thirteenth elder brother with a smile: "Who told us to be young, don't be cheeky and follow, Khan Ama will definitely not allow us to go out and play... "

This is to see the hesitation of the thirteenth brother.

Brother Thirteen heard that Jiugege was there, so he calmed down and said with a smile: "It is said that Changmen to Fengqiao, the ten-mile long street, and thousands of shops are one of the most prosperous places in the south of the Yangtze River. I really want to go have a look."

Kangxi and the Empress Dowager are sitting in high positions, so they can clearly see what is going on next to them at a glance.

Seeing that the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were looking at the next table, he knew that the two brothers wanted to follow the ninth elder brother.

Afterwards, Brother Nine nodded, and Brother Fourteen smiled, all in his eyes.

He was quite relieved in his heart, and felt that Brother Jiu's son was a bit indebted, but he didn't hold grudges at heart, and he didn't care about it.

In the twelfth lunar month of last year, because the fourteenth elder brother was ignorant, he was disgusted by the ninth elder brother. Not to mention turning his face, it seemed that there was a quarrel.

Immediately, his eyes swept to the eighth elder brother.

The eighth elder brother was turning around to talk to the tenth elder brother, the tenth elder brother responded politely, and turned back to talk to ten Fujin.

Eighth Brother smiled and continued to eat the food in front of him...

This night, brother Jiu was a little crazy.

Shu Shu, who was making a fuss, was very worried, and used a handkerchief to gag Brother Jiu's mouth, otherwise she was really afraid that the noise would be too loud and spread to the yard.

There are ten princes and his wife in the East Wing. If they are alarmed, what will happen?

"Cruel, Master Abuse!"

Brother Jiu finally spat out the handkerchief, turned over and bit Shu Shu's shoulder.

Shu Shu stroked his back, hoarse voice, and whispered: "Didn't it be agreed to go to Baoen Temple tomorrow? How many more times do you want to make trouble?"

Brother Nine put his chin on her shoulder and said, "One more time, three times produce all things, three times will do!"

Shu Shu fluttered, her mind was still clear, and she was counting the time in her heart.

There is no one who goes in the afternoon to pray for incense to the Buddha, so you have to go there before noon, so that you can wake up at the latest, which is fine.

It's rare to be so obedient, so Shu Shu will let him.

The spring night is short.

A night of lingering.

The next day, the yard was quiet.

It's already three poles in the sun.

Elder Brother Shi took Shi Fujin out.

Xiaochun, Xiaotang, and Xiaosong were on the porch, looking at the upper room, waiting for the masters to get up and wash up.

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin are also there.

He Yuzhu looked at Xiao Chun and said, "Don't you want to hurry? The carriage outside is already ready, and it will be over if you delay."

Xiaochun exhaled, went to the upper room and knocked on the door.

Shu Shu woke up in a daze, yawned, opened the curtain, and looked at the window.

The sky is bright.

"Fu Jin, it's the second quarter of the junior high..."

It was Tsubaki's voice.

After hearing the content clearly, Shu Shu woke up immediately, and raised her voice, "Here we come, prepare the hot water!"

After finishing speaking, she pushed Brother Jiu.

Ninth elder brother lay on the bed lazily, refusing to lift his fingers, and said pitifully, "I don't want to go, my waist is straight, and my legs hurt..."

It's completely different from the spirit of Dragon and Tiger last night.

Shu Shu went to look at the base of his thigh, it was red and swollen, and there were a few scabs the size of a thumbnail.

Looking at the gray under his eyes, his eyelids were so sleepy that he couldn't open them, Shu Shu also felt distressed, so she didn't rush him.

She got out of bed by herself, changed her clothes, and walked out with her shoes.

"Where is Master Ten?"

She saw that there was no movement in the east wing, and looked at Xiao Chun.

Xiaochun said: "Take ten Fujin to the two concubines."

Shu Shu looked at the two courtyards to the east, then at He Yuzhu, and said, "Have you all gone out, is elder brother still there?"

He Yuzhu said: "Just now I saw that the uncle and the seventh master have left, it seems that they have gone to the guard camp, the fifth master and Wu Fujin have gone to the Queen Mother's courtyard, and the Sanfujin seems to have passed on the female family members of the Li family to go out with Han Gong, the third master I should still be with Eighth Master."

Shu Shu has nothing to do.

If the fifth elder brother and the tenth elder brother were there, she could still entrust the matter of asking for incense and offering lamps. Now she can't go to the third or eighth elder brother, right?
She was thinking about what would happen if it was changed to tomorrow, and there was a little eunuch poking her head at the door.

Seeing Shu Shu here, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute respectfully.

It is the eunuch of the fourteenth prince's haha ​​beads.

"Jiufujin, our master sent a servant to ask when we will leave..."

Shu Shu rubbed her temples, remembering that today's plan to go out is not only their husband and wife, but also a sister-in-law and two uncles, all of which were agreed yesterday.

Shu Shu said: "Let's get it right!"

The little eunuch responded, and Xiaochun and the others also started to move.

Shu Shu hurried back to the house, thinking about how to coax her.

Brother Jiu closed his eyes, heard her footsteps, stretched out his hand and said, "Lie down, it's four o'clock this morning before closing your eyes..."

There was the sound of a clapper for announcing the watch, which he remembered vividly.

Shu Shu sat over and whispered: "Master, let's go back and ask for a boat alone..."

Brother Jiu immediately opened his eyes and said, "Aren't you refusing to let me go? Are you saying it's too much trouble?"

Shu Shu said: "We can deal with it on the Empress Dowager's boat, what about the tenth brother and tenth sibling?"

If the newlyweds live with the elders, they will go to Concubine Hui's boat.

It should be exchanged with Eighth Prince.

But it's not convenient.

"There are still quite a few boats of half size and small size empty. We will be alone, and the tenth brother and the others will be alone. It will be more comfortable to live in..."

Shu Shu suggested.

After leaving Suzhou on March [-]th, the team went to Hangzhou. After staying in Hangzhou for a few days, they began to return to Luan.

It took nearly two months when I came here, and even if I went back sooner, it would take more than a month.

Live more spaciously, and everyone will be at ease.

Brother Jiu was completely awake, his eyes glistening, and said: "Not only is the small boat empty, but the two spare dragon boats are also empty..."

(End of this chapter)

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