Chapter 503 Sincerity Makes Spirit (Second Monthly Pass)
"No, with the word '御', even if it's a spare, it's not something we can sit on, it's a taboo!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu shook her head quickly.

Brother Nine blinked his eyes and said: "That's not free either. Doesn't it mean that the guards and the Minister of the Interior are still on duty, why don't you bring the old couple?"

Shu Shu shook her head even faster this time, and said: "When I came here, I was riding a horse. I didn't know the embarrassment of taking a boat. The wooden boards are not sound-proof, so I told you that we live alone. If you really want to stay with the Queen Mother, you have to be honest. Really."

Among other things, Xiaochun and the others do not have a separate room, and there is not even a partition between the inside and the outside, so it is inconvenient for each other.

Brother Jiu also thought of this, and said: "Master, think carefully, the southern tour is slow this time, and it will take two months before returning to Beijing..."

Anyway, it's time to get up.

The couple packed up quickly, and estimated that it took a quarter of an hour, and the two of them were dressed almost the same.

Both of them were wearing ordinary clothes, Brother Jiu didn't wear a yellow belt.

Shu Shu didn't wear tianzi either, she just had her hair up in an ordinary bun, with a small comb with the character "Fu" inserted in it, and soft-soled boots on her feet that were easy to walk in.

She sent Xiaochun to pick up Jiugege first.

When the couple came out, Jiugege, the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers were already there.

The three of them were not children, and they tried their best to be as simple as possible. Most of the small work they wore on weekdays was gone, and only their purses were left.

Even so, it can be seen that he is from a wealthy background.

Seeing that several people were eager to try with novelties, Shu Shu also looked at the purses on their waists.

Looking light and light, it is probably a gold leaf, a golden scorpion or something like that.

After thinking about it, she signaled Xiaochun to take the purse, and gave one to each of them.

Inside are silver porridge seeds, silver melon seeds for one renminbi, and silver peanuts for two renminbi, which are easier to settle accounts.

Jiugege poured it out and looked at it, he was a little puzzled and said, "Are the things sold here so cheap?"

Shu Shu said: "If there are some items on the small stalls, they are probably sold for money, tens or hundreds of Wen, this is the right way to pay, if it is in the shop, let's talk about it."

If you don't prepare this, will the other party pay for a small thing with a price of a few pennies or a few tens of pennies?

That's too embarrassing for the boss.

Shu Shu would not be happy if she was slaughtered as a fat sheep.

The fourteenth elder brother weighed his purse and said, "Is this old enough to eat?"

Brother Jiu glanced at his stomach and said, "One meal is enough, it depends on how many meals you want!"

Elder Fourteen smiled and said, "Anyway, I'm eating a big family today, if it's not enough, I'll push Brother Ninth there."

In addition to what Shu Shu and Brother Nine carried, He Yuzhu, Sun Jin, Xiaochun, Xiaotang, and Xiaosong also brought purses.

The guards sent someone yesterday to say that the two guards of Bose and Aiyintu who followed him out today, as well as the ten armored men from the palace brought by Fu Nai, and the ten men from the Dong E family brought by Heishan and Zhuliang. guard.

Elder Brother Ten looked at the crowd and said, "After a while, we'll go to the biggest restaurant after we get out of Bao'en Temple. We'll have a good meal, and then we'll leave. Everyone should see this bustling place well."

It was hard work for these forty people to gallop all the way.

But luck is also good, yesterday the emperor rewarded the Southern Tourist University Bachelor, Minister of Internal Affairs, and Silver Guard, and everyone happened to catch up.

As for the guards in armor and Dong E's family who were not at the guard's office, Brother Nine sent He Yuzhu over, and each of them rewarded him with twenty taels of silver.

Unlike Montenegro, Fu Nai got double rewards, but he couldn't just reward with silver.

After returning to Beijing, it is unavoidable to prepare a backup gift.

Although it is tiring to run around, everyone is young and strong, and they have recovered after a day's rest yesterday.

Shu Shu pulled Zhu Liang and looked him up and down.

The fifteen-year-old boy is about the same size as an adult, but his face is still immature, and he is not yet fourteen years old.

He just laughed, but he didn't shout as usual.

Shu Shu was still puzzled, and happened to see Elder Brother Ten next to him.

Last year, Elder Brother Ten was still in the period of changing his voice, and it will be better at the end of the year.

Zhu Liang's age has also reached the stage of changing her voice.

Shu Shu said, "How's your throat? If you're not feeling well, you can prescribe some medicine to moisten your throat."

Zhu Liang shook his head and said, "It's okay."

With a duck voice.

Shu Shu said: "Stop talking, don't drink cold water these days, and drink warm water when you're thirsty, and don't eat fried food and garlic, or you'll become a broken voice and be careful and disgusted."

Zhu Liang pursed her lips, her face flushed, but she obediently stopped talking.

After the siblings exchanged greetings, everyone walked out surrounded by guards and others.

Before leaving the weaving mansion, I saw a few people walking towards me.

The leader was a [-]-year-old official wearing a second-grade make-up suit, followed by seven or eight people.

The one in front looks like a husband and wife.

The two were wearing brand-new clothes, but their expressions were panicked and reserved, and they were also in their sixtieth year.

Everyone's eyes fell on the old woman, because she looked familiar.

She looks somewhat similar to Wang Guiren that everyone met last night.

Behind him was a middle-aged man, and the people next to him looked like his wife and children.

Among the juniors, the older one is a woman, about the same age as Shu Shu, who is dressed as an unmarried girl, and the rest are boys, the older ones are twelve or three years old, and the younger ones are only seven or eight years old.

The fourteenth elder brother followed the thirteenth elder brother and murmured, "Are you here to recognize your relatives?"

Brother Jiu thought about what the steward of the Weaving Mansion said yesterday. The person in charge of finding someone was the governor's yamen. He looked at the official and said, "Governor Song Luo Song?"

That official was Jiangsu governor Song Luo, one of the ministers in charge of picking him up.

Because the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother came later, he hadn't seen each other in the past few days, but when he saw the positions of the two, he still distinguished them, bowed to salute, and said, "Chen Song Luo has seen Jiu elder brother and Jiu Fujin." , Elder Brother Ten, Elder Brother Ten, Elder Brother Nine, Elder Brother Thirteen, Elder Fourteen."

Brother Jiu waved his hands and shouted, looked at the two people behind him and asked, "Is this the nobleman's family?"

"Brother Jiu, it is the nobleman's own parents, brothers, sisters-in-law, nephews and nieces."

Song Luo replied.

Nine elder brothers looked at the old couple in front of them a few times, they were cautious, but they didn't look poor.

Along the way, although Brother Nine and the others were on the official path, they had seen real mountain peasant women and knew what a real poor old woman was like.

He pondered and asked, "Aren't they farmers outside the city?"

Song Luo said, "It's Zhihu in Dongcheng."

Brother Jiu's face paled, he nodded, and led a group of people away.

Shu Shu sensed his displeasure, and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Brother Nine snorted softly and said: "Yesterday, Khan Ama also said that I don't know the sufferings of the world, and that the common people sell their sons and daughters because they can't live on. Farmers, ordinary people, and craftsmen, who earn money to make a living, have reached the point of selling their sons and daughters? Even if they are really seriously ill or for other reasons, the days will be relieved, and it is not time to inquire about their own flesh and blood. The whereabouts, the weaving mansion is right here..."

In his opinion, he must have been guilty, and sold his daughter to a death contract at a high price, so he didn't dare to inquire about it, as if his daughter was really dead.

Such parents, what else do you want them to do?
Because of "A Dream of Red Mansions", Shu Shu paid more attention to the Li family and the Cao family.

As a result, loopholes were also found.

The time when Wang Guiren entered the palace was not Shengjia's second southern tour, but between the first and second southern tour, when the Li family presented beauty.

At that time, Li Xu was not Suzhou Weaving, but the manager of Changchun Garden.

How did the beauties from Suzhou get to the capital?

There must be something hard to say about it. Kangxi's search for talents in the [-]th year was relatively evasive, and no one was found.

It's just that these gossips have nothing to do with them, so Shu Shu didn't raise any guesses in her mind, she just diverted the conversation and said, "It's getting late, so there's no need to delay, this place is still several miles away from Bao'en Temple."

At the gate of Zhizhi Mansion, the carriages and horses were all ready.

Shu Shu held Jiu GeGe's hand, greeted Shi Fujin, and his sister-in-law got into a carriage.

Brother Nine refused to ride a horse, so he asked Brother Ten and Zhu Liang to get into the carriage.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were just the opposite, but they refused to ride a car. Both of them rode a horse.

A group of people walked out of Weaving Street and headed for Baoen Temple.

Half a street away from Baoen Temple, you can see a towering pagoda surrounded by greenery in front of you.

The thirteenth elder brother was riding on the horse and said in surprise: "It's really tall!"

Fourteenth elder brother also looked over, and said with a sense of boredom: "It would be great to go directly to Changmen. I don't have much time, so I have to go here to delay."

When we arrived at the intersection, we saw the officers and soldiers of Fubiao and the officers and soldiers of the guard barracks stationed, and the officials and the people were not allowed to enter.

Brother Thirteen recognized a small school and said, "Who is here to invite incense?"

The little school said, "It's Wu Bei Le and Wu Fu Jin who came here to serve the Empress Dowager and the two concubines..."

As soon as the front team stopped, the carriages behind also stopped one after another.

Everyone got out of the carriage and walked into Baoen Temple.

The Empress Dowager and the two concubines had just come out of the main hall to offer incense. When they saw Shu Shu and the others, they came and greeted them.

"Didn't you say you were going shopping? Why are you still here?"

The queen mother looked at Shu Shu and said with a smile.

Shu Shu glanced at Elder Brother Jiu, and said, "Master Jiu said that tomorrow is Longevity Day, so he brought his younger brothers and sisters to offer lamps first, and then went to play."

The queen mother showed relief on her face, she nodded and said: "It's just right, we are going too, let's go together."

Everyone didn't come here to pray to Buddha, but followed the queen mother and concubine to the side hall.

There are already zhike monks waiting.

According to the example last time at Jiangtian Temple, everyone followed the Queen Mother and offered lamps to Kangxi to pray for blessings.

Last time at Jiangtian Temple, they were all female relatives, and the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were not there. Only then did they know the reason for coming to Baoen Temple.

In addition to taking the money that should be paid, Brother Jiu took out a few more, besides providing an extra portion for the emperor and the queen mother, he asked someone to write the names of Su Ma and nobleman Wan Liuha.

Seeing Shu Shu, she quietly added a few copies, besides those of the Empress Dowager, Concubine Yi and Jue Luo, as well as those of the Uncle and his wife and Qi Xi.

This Baoen Temple is not small, but the side hall for offering lamps is only so big.

Seeing the couple standing next to the Zhike monk, adding one lamp after another, everyone noticed it.

Everyone asked why, and then added lights.

Elder Brother Ten here add the Empress Dowager, Concubine Wen Xi and her parents-in-law.

The thirteenth elder brother added the queen mother and birth mother Zhang concubine.

Elder Fourteen thought about it, and added the Empress Dowager and the birth mother, Concubine De.

In his heart, he felt that he was too flattered by the Queen Mother, and he was not that close at first, but everyone was like this, so he had no choice but to follow the example.

Ninth elder brother spent money on sesame oil, and also bought two strings of sandalwood bracelets that had been consecrated on behalf of twelve elder brothers, only to realize that there were fewer people.

"Didn't it mean that the fifth brother and the fifth sister-in-law came to worship the Buddha after the mother-in-law, why didn't they see anyone?"

Brother Nine asked Shu Shu.

Shu Shu had already heard the Empress Dowager mentioned this, pointed to the Repaying Grace Pagoda not far away, and said, "Fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law turn around the pagoda to pray for blessings..."

This Baoen Temple was first built in the Three Kingdoms. It is a thousand-year-old temple with strong incense and many people praying for blessings, so its reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

Brother Jiu looked at the tower and hesitated: "Didn't you mean the ninth floor? Why does it look so high?"

Shu Shu didn't know either. Jiu Gege next to him had read the records of the Repaying Entity Pagoda before, and said, "It's nine floors, but the tower is twenty-three feet seven feet five inches tall."

Brother Jiu let out a sigh of relief, looked at Shu Shu and said, "Since it's effective, let's ask for it!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu was stunned.

The couple who don't know who?

Brother Jiu doesn't believe in Buddhism at all.

Brother Jiu's face became more serious, and he said: "It's not that sincerity will lead to success, then I will be sincere once..."

(End of this chapter)

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