My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 504 The Great Wish

Chapter 504 Great Wish
The turret, also known as "circling the tower", is a blessing ceremony in Buddhism.

The direction is to go around to the right, and the number is three laps to start, and the remaining seven laps, fourteen laps, twenty-one laps, etc., take multiples of seven.

There is another number, one hundred and eight laps.

Usually around the tower at one time, one hundred and eight laps is the upper limit.

Brother Jiu dislikes the height of the pagoda, because the higher the pagoda, the wider the base.

Just like this pagoda of Baoen Temple, the diameter of the base of the pagoda is ten feet, and it goes around more than thirty feet in a circle.

The young couple was going to the turret, but no one else followed.

The queen mother and the concubine were led by the abbot to drink tea in the meditation room.

The ten princes took the ten Fujin to the Buddhist hall to offer incense.

Jiugege, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother were feeding the fish by the release pond.

The golden koi inside is as long as an arm, and on the middle stones are bastards and bastards.

Jiugege, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother think that the koi carp is beautiful, and the tortoise is also exquisite and cute, so they can't take their eyes off it.

Brother Nine took Shu Shu by the hand, walked towards the pagoda arrogantly and vigorously, and said, "Let's go straight for one hundred and eight circles!"

Shu Shu showed his doubts: "Master, I'm a little tired. The sun is shining now, let's do seven laps first, and then one hundred and eight laps when I fulfill my wish next time?"

There is really no way, who told the person in front of him not to know himself?
Shu Shu can only show weakness.

Converted into meters, one lap is more than ninety meters, and one hundred and eight laps is about [-] meters.

Calculated as a distance, it was twenty miles.

Not to mention Brother Nine's current appearance, even if he hasn't gone through a long journey and is full of blood, he can't go that far!

Brother Jiu hesitated, and said: "Then just in case..."

It’s okay if you don’t believe in it, but if you have some faith in your heart, you’re afraid that something you can’t do will become a bad omen.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Let's learn from the emperor's grandmother, and we will go around the pagoda every time, seven times each time..."

This is about the matter of the queen mother offering lamps separately.

Starting from Huai'an Mansion, all the temples I met have worshiped and offered lamps, all of which are single-nine.

Brother Jiu was persuaded, and felt sorry for Shu Shu, nodded and said: "Alright then, let's go around seven times first."

The two walked to the right, and within a few steps they caught up with Fifth Elder Brother and Wu Fujin.

The fifth elder brother was panting, his forehead was profuse with sweat, and his footsteps were a little heavy; Wu Fujin was beside him, and his breathing was a little rough.

Seeing Brother Jiu and Shu Shu coming, Brother Wu smiled at them, and Wu Fujin also nodded.

Brother Nine looked at Brother Fifth, touched the handkerchief from his sleeve and handed it over, and asked in surprise, "How many times did Brother Fifth turn around?"

The fifth elder brother took the handkerchief and wiped it on his forehead, and looked at Wu Fujin instead of answering.

Wu Fujin had a string of agarwood beads around his hands, and his fingers were placed on the beads, and he was counting with the beads.

She looked down and said, "Fifty-three laps."

The Fifth Brother heard this, laughed immediately, and said, "There's only one more round to go!"

Ninth elder brother sneered, and said, "What big wish did fifth brother make, to complete one hundred and eight laps?"

The fifth elder brother looked up at the pagoda, and said, "I pray to the Buddha, so that the emperor's grandmother can celebrate Khan Ama's [-]th birthday!"

It is now the thirty-eighth year of Kangxi, the emperor is forty-six years old, and there are fourteen years left before his sixtieth birthday.

The Empress Dowager is fifty-nine years old this year, and in another fourteen years, she will be over seventy years old, which can be considered a long life.

This is because the Empress Dowager prayed for another [-] lamps when the emperor was sixty years old and asked the fifth elder brother to remember it.

Brother Jiu felt a little guilty after hearing this.

All he thought about was his own little family, and he didn't think about Han Ama and Er Niang.

After the fifth elder brother finished speaking, he continued to walk with Wu Fujin, still talking plausibly.

Brother Nine slowed down, pulled away from them, and whispered to Shu Shu, "I don't seem to be filial, I'm asking Buddha to bless us, let us have a little brother..."

Children don't ask for more, but they hope to have them.

Otherwise, the example of Prince Zhuang is right in front of him, so he is not afraid of anything now, and his brothers and nephews will be eyeing the title of his family in the future.

Shu Shu also whispered: "Your majesty is in the prime of life, and your empress is only in middle age. There is still time. Let's ask one by one."

The queen mother is here, and the fifth elder brother is looking for longevity. Kangxi and Yifei don't need it now.

Brother Jiu thought about it, and immediately calmed down. He also chanted a few scriptures about circumambulating the pagoda, and turned the pagoda wholeheartedly.

With seven laps in total, the pace is fast.

By the release pool, Jiu Gege brought his two younger brothers, before they finished feeding the fish food in their hands, Shu Shu and Jiu elder brother came back after turning the tower.

The ten princes brought ten Fujin and kowtowed in front of the Buddha.

Brother Jiu felt that he was not tired, but full of strength.

I'm hungry.

When they came out in a hurry in the morning, the couple each had a bowl of almond tea to deal with it.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu took everyone to the Zen room to bid farewell to the Queen Mother and the Concubine.

The queen mother and the two concubines are waiting here for the fifth elder brother and his wife, and they will eat vegetarian food here at noon.

After coming out of the Zen room, Shu Shu and his party left Baoen Temple and went directly to Changmen.

From Baoen Temple to Changmen, it is a total of four miles.

Everyone took the carriage and arrived at the destination in less than a quarter of an hour.

At noon, Changmen Street is very lively and bustling.

There is also a pier here, and there are many boats moored along the river.

On both sides of the street, there are small buildings with two or three floors.

When a group of people passed by, the cries on both sides became quieter.

Pedestrians on the side also backed away.

We must know that now it is not only the division of the banner people, but also the division of the banner people.

Suzhou has been stationed in the Eight Banners, but the time in Suzhou is very short.

Once in the second year of Shunzhi, Duoduo occupied Nanjing, divided his troops into various places, and sent the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty to garrison Suzhou, and was replaced by the Green Camp two months later.

Once in the eighteenth year of Shunzhi, the south of the Yangtze River was unstable, and the Zhenghuang Banner Han army came to garrison it, and it was withdrawn in the third year of Kangxi.

Therefore, Suzhou did not garrison the Eight Banners, nor did it have a separate banner city.

Seeing so many guards and guards on horseback at once, everyone was more curious than fearful.

The soldiers and civilians all know that when Sheng Jia toured the south and was stationed in Suzhou, those who brought guards and vests on the trip must be nobles from the capital who came here with their retinue.

The biggest restaurant right now is Qingyuelou, which is diagonally opposite Ximen Wharf.

Brother Jiu asked someone to send it away yesterday. He gave the deposit and silver to cover the third floor of Qingyue Tower.

There are twelve rooms in total on the third floor.

Now that it's all inclusive, it's all on the table.

Everyone sat separately.

Shu Shu, the ninth elder brother and his wife, brought the tenth elder brother and his wife, Jiu Gege, the thirteenth elder brother, the fourteenth elder brother, and Zhuliang to a table.

A table of Bose, Aiyintu, Fu Nai, and Montenegro.

Although Heishan is a step behind them in terms of status, he is the most important warrior of the Eight Banners, and he has become acquainted with them all the way.

The remaining two guards each have a table.

A table of vests from Sibeile Mansion.

A table of guards from the Dutong Mansion.

There was also Wang Ping'an, Wang Changshou, and the personal eunuchs of the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers.

The three of Xiaochun sat at the same table with Shifujin's girl and Jiugege's maid.

There were still four seats left, Brother Jiu didn't move, and added two more seats, and sent He Yuzhu and Sun Jin to lead the people in the restaurant to weaving mansion.

One table is sent to the elder brother, and the other is sent to the seventh elder brother.

These two are still on duty, unlike other people who can come out to relax when they have free time.

For the remaining four seats, there is one for the emperor, one for the two concubines, and one for the two nobles.

Since Brother Nine wants to treat guests, he will order only high-class meals.

Local specialties are served again.

At this time, there is already cherry flesh.

Shu Shu sat next to Brother Nine, looking at the familiar dishes, there was a feeling of interlacing time and space.

It seems that this dish was also compiled into the Manchu and Han Banquets later. It is estimated that it was the recipe that Qianlong brought back when he went to the south of the Yangtze River.

On the other hand, another Suzhou famous dish, squirrel mandarin fish, has not been released yet.

Shi Fujin was originally worried that it was fish or shrimp, but when he saw the shiny cherry flesh, he swallowed immediately.

Everyone's focus is on eating, not on eating, and thinking about going to the store, and they will run out soon.

Just looking at the passers-by below, Jiugege looked at her body, and asked Shushu in a low voice: "Sister-in-law Jiu, isn't our dress inappropriate?"

There is not much difference between men's flag dress and folk dress, but there is a big difference between women's flag dress and women's Hanfu.

When everyone got out of the car just now, there were appreciating eyes from all around. Apart from fear, there was also novelty.

Shu Shu didn't know what to say.

She had thought about this before, but she didn't expect it to be so conspicuous.

Even so, she is not easy to get everyone to change their flags and pretend to come out.

In that case, it would be too outrageous.

Shu Shu pointed to the shops on the opposite side where many women came and went: "It's okay, let's not go to the other places, just go to those shops."

Judging from the signs, it is the Silver Building and the Silk and Satin Shop, and there is also a small shop, which should be the Rouge Shop.

Elder Fourteen was also looking at the shop above, and said, "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, let's find a foreign goods store, and my younger brother wants to buy a Yegong Linglong Knife!"

Yegong Linglong Knife is a Western knife tributed by the governor of Guangzhou during Shizu's time. It is a double-groove knife and one of the famous treasured knives.

Emperor Shizu rewarded Ye Bilong back then, and this knife was named after him.

When Ye Bilong passed away, this imperial sword was brought into the palace as the dowry of Empress Xiaozhao.

Empress Xiaozhao's relics were inherited by her younger sister, Concubine Wen Xi, and are now in the hands of Elder Brother Ten.

Brother Fourteen has long been envious.

If it weren't for the relic, which was of extraordinary significance, he would have been pestering and begging for it long ago.

Is it possible that when you have the opportunity to visit a foreign goods store, the first thing you think of is to buy a knife.

Brother Nine smiled and said, "It's a good idea. If there are some on the market, it won't be so expensive. But if you can't buy western knives, you should be able to buy Japanese knives and Ryukyu knives!"

The fourteenth brother frowned, and said in distaste: "It's not as good as the Daqing knife. There is no Western knife, but the Gurkha knife is needed!"

Shu Shu was listening, and she was also moved.

Gurkha is the west of Tibet. It was called Nibhara in the Tang Dynasty, and it is the Nepal of later generations.

The waist knives produced there are very popular in the capital.

Starting from Fusong, a bunch of younger brothers can buy this knife as a coming-of-age gift.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu looked at Zhu Liang.

Sure enough, Zhu Liang was listening carefully to the conversation between the fourteenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother, with anticipation on his face.

Before the few people went down, He Yuzhu and Sun Jin came from Zhizao Mansion after delivering the noodles.

Following the two of them, there was a middle-aged man in his thirties...

The next update will be at 10:31 on November 12th. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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