My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 505 The Proud Nine Fujin

Chapter 505 The Proud Nine Fortunes

"Slave Li Can has seen all the little masters..."

The visitor immediately stepped forward, rolled down his horseshoe sleeves, and slapped everyone a thousand times.

Surname Li...

In the flag...

Brother Ninth was still hesitating, and Brother Fourteen reminded him, "Brother Ninth, he is Li Xu's brother..."

A few days ago, Elder Fourteen had seen this person.

Brother Jiu waved his hands and called out, "Since you are from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, why didn't you make up the errand for the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Although the Li family is not a prominent family in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they also have a governor, who is the earliest high-ranking official family, and their children should have a good future.

This person is younger than Li Xu, but he is not much younger, and looks like he is in his thirties.

If he becomes a senior, he will fill in the errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. With his qualifications, he should be a doctor and a principal now.

This person did not apply for a job.

Li Can said with a bit of shame: "The servant was originally in the industry, but he failed several times. Last year, he was appointed as an alternate magistrate in the Ministry of Officials."

Brother Jiu curled his lips, this is not a rare job for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The so-called alternate magistrate is the top wearer of the seventh rank.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Does your brother still work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Li Can said: "The third slave brother is currently working in the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the fifth slave brother is in Fengchenyuan..."

If no specific position is mentioned, then it is not a rank official.

Only then did Brother Nine's expression soften, and he said, "Did Li Xu send you here?"

Li Can shook his head and said: "The servant has been serving the prince of Zhijun these few days. It is the prince of Zhijun who sent the servant to run errands for Master Jiu."

This is when the eldest brother knew that the nine elder brothers and his wife had brought their younger brother and sister out, so they were worried and sent a local snake to lead the way.

A few days ago, Jiu Gege heard Shu Shu mentioned the old affairs of the Li family, and knew that this was the son of Governor Li's wife.

From this point of view, the wronged one seemed to be Mrs. Wang again.

It was obvious that he was the original wife and had two sons, but after her husband died, the eldest son became the new head of the family, and his two sons failed the imperial examination, and their grades were not high.

Looking at this age, I have to become an official, and my qualifications are limited.

Before the ninth elder brother could speak, the fourteenth elder brother said enthusiastically: "It's better to go to other places, the biggest foreign goods store in the city, you can take us around."

Li Can responded immediately and led the way.

Seeing that the brothers were about to go out, Bose and Aiyintu came to meet them.

Brother Jiu took a look and said: "It's right in front of you, you don't need so many people, just follow Yishi's guards. Others should eat and drink."

Bo Se said: "Jiu Ye, this meal is not bad, there are many people in the market, so it's better to be careful."

Ai Yintu also said: "Yes, Master Jiu would rather have more, and save trouble."

Fu Nai and Heishan followed suit.

Although the two did not speak, they meant the same thing.

Brother Jiu nodded when he saw it: "Then follow."

A group of people walked out of Qingyue Tower in a mighty manner.

Li Can looked at the carriage and everyone's mounts, and said, "Jiuye, if you go over there, there are mostly steps, the carriage can't pass it, and it's not convenient to ride a horse."

There are shops on both sides of the road, one after another.

Ten Fujin's eyes were not enough to see, so he asked Elder Brother Ten, "Are all the shops in Suzhou here? How many shops must there be?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said: "According to the book, there are tens of thousands of families. I should have said too much. There are thousands of families..."

This street stretches for ten miles and is the most prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River.

There are many steps on the road, and sometimes there are small bridges ups and downs.

With Shu Shu on his shoulders, Jiugege whispered, "Sister-in-law, what shall we buy?"

Shu Shu said: "Buy whatever you like, don't worry about the money."

Nowadays, foreign goods are popular in Beijing, not only for men, but also for many women.

Such as small mirrors, gold pocket watches, etc.

The shop where Li Can led the way was not far from Qingyue Tower, probably only half a mile away, and we arrived there.

There is a gold plaque on it, which says "Wanbao Pavilion".

The clerk at the door saw everyone coming, and hurriedly sent a message, and then a man who looked like a shopkeeper came out, cupped his hands at Li Can and said, "Fourth Master Li..."

Li Can said: "The nobles in the capital come to buy, don't put the good things at the bottom of the box!"

When the guards and vests stood at the door, many customers saw them and quietly retreated out.

At the door of the surrounding shops, many people looked here.

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, but she felt like she was being looked at as a gorilla.

The shopkeeper's Guaijue, while sending someone to invite the owner, at the same time told the clerk to take off the cover.

This means that individual visitors are no longer accepted.

No wonder Li Can told Brother Nine just now that this place is the most comprehensive, and the shop looks big.

There are more than a dozen rooms on the front door, with three floors up and down, just like a big shopping mall.

Shu Shu looked around curiously.

As far as the eye can see, everything is overseas.

The closest ones are from Korea, Ryukyu, and Japan, the farther ones are from Siam and Gurkha, and the farther away are objects from Western countries.


Is it a sea merchant?
Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, and it happened that Brother Nine also looked over.

Before, the couple were still thinking about exporting the fine objects made in-house from Guangzhou Customs.

Brother Jiu asked Li Can, "Whose business is this? A sea merchant?"

Li Can said: "This is the shop of Ji's family, and it is the property of the second room of Ji's family."

Brother Nine became interested and said, "Is that Ji's family from 'Southern Ji Beikang'?"

Li Can nodded and said, "It's their family..."

Everyone looked at Brother Jiu, and Brother Jiu said: "The richest man in Jiangnan, his family has been an official since the previous dynasty, and he is also the largest salt merchant in Jiangnan, and their family also owns the largest library in Jiangnan."

The current head of the family is Ji Zhenyi, the second master of Ji, who was born as a Jinshi and was also in court in his early years.

At this moment, the owner got the news and came here in a hurry. He was a young man of twenty-seven or eight years old, and he was the youngest son of Master Ji Er.

Brother Jiu looked at everyone and said, "What do you want, just ask the owner directly. If you don't want anything in particular, just go upstairs and downstairs..."

Except for the fourteenth elder brother who was obsessed with western knives, the others did not specify a target, so they dispersed and were carried by the shopkeeper, looking around.

Shu Shu looked at it and remembered it in her heart.

Korean ginseng...

"How many catties are there in this store?"

Shu Shu stopped and looked at the shopkeeper.

Korean ginseng is cooked ginseng, which is steamed in a special way, which makes the ginseng softer and neutralizes the fire of ginseng.

This is used as a daily nourishment, suitable for all ages.

The shopkeeper thought for a while, and said, "This is the new red ginseng from Korea at the beginning of the month. It's a hundred catties in total. I sold it for twelve catties and eight taels, and there are still eighty-seven catties and eight taels."

Shu Shu said again: "How much money is a catty?"

When the shopkeeper heard this, he hesitated.

"market price……"

Shu Shu asked.

The shopkeeper said: "Ninety taels for the first class, seventy taels for the second class."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Then I want all the remaining Korean ginseng."

Everyone looked at Shu Shu.

Is this eating ginseng as a meal?

Shu Shu felt that it was rare.

Korean ginseng has a shelf life of over ten years, but now the price of ginseng is rising year after year.

This is something that no one can do without.

It's good to be prepared.

Brother Ten realized that this is a good thing.

It's just that he didn't open his mouth, it's so heavy, and he will mention it to his sister-in-law in private when he turns around, just move a few catties.

At that time, it can be added to the annual ceremony of going to Aba Haibu.

The doctors in Mongolia have poor medical skills, and good medicinal materials and ginseng are even more rare for them.

The fourteenth elder brother also came to his senses, approached with a smile and said, "Ninth sister-in-law, ninth sister-in-law, give my brother two catties..."

At that time, I will be filial to my mother, and my fourth sister-in-law has always been kind to me, so I can give some as well.

Shu Shu nodded with a smile and said: "Okay, when the time comes, I will ask for the first class, or the second class. If the fourteenth brother speaks, the original price will be transferred to you."

Elder Fourteen was dumbfounded, then looked at the shopkeeper and said, "You are the market price, my ninth sister-in-law wants it all, should I give you a purchase price?"

The shopkeeper couldn't make the decision, so he looked at the owner.

The boss nodded.

The ninth elder brother looked at the fourteenth elder brother and frowned and said, "What are you talking about? Whoever does business sells goods according to the purchase price. Transportation, storage, stores, and labor are all thrown away..."

The holy driver made a southern tour and repeatedly ordered not to disturb the local soldiers and civilians. Could it be that their prince elder brother wants to take advantage of others when he comes out to buy things?
Can't afford to lose that person!

The fourteenth elder brother was dissatisfied and said: "But Korean ginseng is a garden ginseng, which is the same price as ginseng. Who would be taken advantage of not to buy ginseng, and buy Korean ginseng at the same price?"

Shu Shu: "..."

She seems to be the one who has been taken advantage of.

The current people's cognition thinks that wild ginseng is ginseng, and cultivated garden ginseng is fake ginseng, and circulation and sales are prohibited.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu.

He felt that Shu Shu didn't like to suffer.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and said, "Nowadays ginseng is not expensive, one or two ginseng costs about ten taels of silver, but how can there be such a large amount? The good ginseng on the market is kept by each family, and the ones bought are all within one dollar. Wait, half a catty a year is more than enough."

Really good ginseng is still priceless.

This Korean ginseng is superior in its large quantity and mild medicinal properties, whether it is for the ninth elder brother, or for Yifei and Jueluo after giving birth, it can be used together.

Ji Dong's family hurriedly said: "Master Jiu, you don't need to follow the market price, add [-]% to the purchase price, and the throwing fee is enough."

Brother Nine waved his hands and said, "Don't be too wordy, it's not just buying this one, it's based on the market price."

Ji Dong's family dared not refute.

Elder Fourteen curled his lips, not mentioning ginseng, and said, "Where are the knives, do you have Western knives or Gurkha knives?"

The shopkeeper immediately brought his assistant and brought several boxes of swords and swords, including Gurkha swords, Japanese swords, Korean swords, Malay swords, etc. There were no Western swords, but only one Western sword.

Although the fourteenth elder brother felt that it was not enough, he still held the sword and did not let go.

This is the only Western sword, with a golden eagle as the handle, and the whole body is inlaid with gold, which looks gorgeous.

Things are rare.

He was afraid of letting go and letting others look at him.

Koryo swords are forged in imitation of Japanese swords.

The Malay sword is only one foot two, which looks a little stingy.

Everyone's eyes are still attracted by the Gurkha knife and the Japanese knife.

Brother Thirteen looked at the shopkeeper and said, "I want a Gurkha knife, how much is it?"

The shopkeeper didn't dare to talk about the market price, so he added [-]% to the purchase price as the owner said just now, saying: "Thirty-nine taels of silver."

Elder Brother Thirteen nodded and motioned for the following eunuch to settle the bill.

Zhu Liang looked at the knife in Elder Brother Thirteen's hand, couldn't move his eyes, so he leaned in front of Shu Shu, and whispered: "Eldest sister, I want one too, can I buy it..."

Shu Shu didn't nod immediately, but asked the shopkeeper, "How many more are there in stock?"

The shopkeeper said: "The goods from Southwest arrive late every year. This is last year's inventory. I need to check the account books."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Then go and see..."

Seeing her posture, and still wanting to make a circle, the fourteenth elder brother asked curiously: "Sister-in-law Jiu, how much money did you bring out?"

Shu Shu smiled and said nothing.

Actually not much.

Even if it is replaced by gold, it still has weight.

But Shu Shu thinks, why is this popular now?

It's just right to prepare to use this salute.

After a short while, the shopkeeper came over with the account book and said: "I bought [-] handles in May last year, and now there are [-] handles besides the ones in this master's hands."

Shu Shu didn't nod, but stretched out her hand to look at the account book.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to refuse, and offered it with both hands.

After reading this item, Shu Shu understood that the purchase price of this Gurkha knife was thirty taels of silver, and the selling price was sixty taels of silver.

She pointed at the selling price and said, "I'll take all the rest, let's calculate it at [-]% of that!"

The shopkeeper couldn't help being stunned. In that case, it would be forty-eight taels of silver, which is nine taels higher than his asking price just now...

(End of this chapter)

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