My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 506 The God of Wealth

Chapter 506 God of Wealth
Brother Jiu approached, looked at the account book in Shu Shu's hand, nodded and said: "Just follow what Fujin said."

Don't take advantage of this, otherwise you will lose your tongue, and Khan Ama will scold him again.

The treasurer complied.

Which woman can refuse the joy of shopping?

You Shushu has done a good job, and Shi Fujin is very good at following his example.

What she saw was the chime clock.

This is a rare thing to see on the grassland.

She pointed to a gold-plated chime bell, imitating Shu Shu's appearance, and said: "How much silver is here, and how many more are there, I want it all!"

The room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at each other, looking very helpless.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said, "Do you want to give it away?"

Shi Fujin nodded and said, "That's good, I'll send them off one by one when the time comes!"

Speaking of this, she still waved her fingers and said: "Ninth sister-in-law wants to give it away, fourth sister-in-law wants to give it away, second sister-in-law wants to give it away, and the concubine and..."

Elder Brother Shi didn't dare to let her talk anymore, and hurriedly said: "Then don't give this, give me a pocket watch, it's the same to see the time."

The shopkeeper was clever, and immediately took out several pocket watches. There were four kinds of pure gold inlaid with gemstones, pure gold, gilt gold, and pure silver.

Shi Fujin looked at the chime clock, then at the pocket watch, and said with disgust: "This small one is too eye-catching, and doesn't have that style."

Elder Brother Ten patiently said: "If you like that, let's buy two for home use. If Zhong is not happy to give it away, the meaning is not good. If you want to give it as a gift, the pocket watch is the same."

Ten Fujin was a little confused, and said: "It's not in the way in Mongolia, can't we send it?"

She knew that there were many rules in the palace, but she never thought that there would be talk about giving something.

Elder Brother Ten made the decision and said: "I don't give it away, so I don't feel uncomfortable when I know the taboo later. If you like it, you can buy two. After you move, you can also put one in the front study. The others need pocket watches..."

Among foreign goods, pocket watches are a large category, and the stocks here are also abundant.

Jiugege whispered to Shushu: "Sister-in-law Jiu, I want a few too..."

Shu Shu said: "Then buy more and keep them for when you will always need them."

In the future, it can be used to appreciate the mother-in-law's family, or to add makeup to the princess below.

The quantity is too large, and based on [-]% of the selling price, the profit will be huge.

They were all golden branches and jade leaves, and the shopkeeper's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he didn't dare to settle the score, so he looked at the owner.

Ji Dong's family also made up their minds, nodded and signaled to listen to the nobleman.

It's just that he didn't dare to accept the profit, so he had to go back and discuss with his old father what to do.

I don't know when Shengjia's next southern tour will be...

In the past few years, the Ji family can donate money to the cultivation palace.

Shu Shu bought a Goryeo to participate in the Gurkha knife before, so she didn't buy a pocket watch here.

Even so, everyone bought a lot.

Ten Fujins bought twenty of them, and Elder Brother Shi helped to choose them. They didn't want gold-plated ones, but five were inlaid with gemstones, five were pure gold, and the remaining ten were pure silver.

Jiugege bought ten of them, five with precious stones and five with pure gold.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are the same as Jiu Gege.

Under Shu Shu's nod, Zhu Liang bought five of them, only one was inlaid with gemstones, and the rest were pure silver.

The elders are not short of this, Shu Shu counted the number of people in his mind, the jewel-encrusted one should be for Qingru, and the rest are for him, Fusong and the twins, and the first two are still young, so they don’t need this.

Next is the makeup mirror. The big one is one foot square and is placed on the dressing table, while the small one is the size of the palm of your hand and you carry it with you.

We also bought a lot.

Then there are Western perfumes and Nanyang snuff bottles.

These two are big heads again.

When the final settlement was made, it was a number that surprised even the prince.

Everyone was happy to buy before, but now they are a little dumbfounded.

It was Brother Jiu who reacted quickly and said: "Open the order, pack them into boxes according to the quantity they bought just now, and Master Huihui will send someone over to pay the bill."

The shopkeeper responded, and went down to make an order.

Brother Fourteen counted the things he bought, and spent all the money he brought out this time.

What to do when you arrive in Hangzhou and Jiangning?
The empress let herself watch to buy some good Ning satin and go back to reward others, as if she had spent all the hundreds of taels of satin.

He looked at the thirteenth elder brother, when the time comes to borrow some from the thirteenth elder brother in private?

However, Elder Brother Thirteen also bought several items, and none of them were left behind. Who told him that he still had two younger sisters.

Thirteen seems to be peeking at Sister-in-law Nine?
Elder Fourteen's heart moved, and he leaned into Elder Thirteen's ear and said, "Did you run out of money and want to borrow money from Sister-in-law Nine?"

Brother Thirteen glanced at him, but didn't answer.

Elder Brother Fourteen muttered: "Sister-in-law Nine is Ding and Mao is Mao, and she is very energetic. Why don't we talk to Brother Nine?"

His temperament is that he is a little scared when he meets someone who is strong.

Elder Brother Thirteen shook his head, and whispered: "I'm not borrowing money, I just want to talk to Sister-in-law Nine to distribute a few catties of Korean ginseng."

In the twelfth lunar month of last year, his biological mother, Concubine Zhang, fell ill, and then became weak.

Elder Brother Thirteen remembered this and only thought about Korean ginseng.

Brother Fourteen thought for a while and said, "Then I want two catties, which happens to be one catty for our mother and one catty for fourth sister-in-law."

Brother Thirteen nodded and said, "Then remember to tell Sister Jiu when you turn around."

A Wanbao Pavilion, walking down the third floor and seeing hundreds of foreign goods, everyone can be regarded as an eye-opener.

It took an hour and a half.

By the time he came out from here, he had already arrived at Shenzheng.

Shu Shu and Shi Fujin are fine, they are both strong and strong, and it is not obvious to others, only Brother Jiu and Jiu Gege are difficult brothers and sisters, and it is a bit difficult to walk.

Shu Shu helped Jiugege, and Tenth Brother helped Jiugege to save them some effort.

Fortunately, it was only half a mile away, so everyone went back the same way and arrived downstairs at Qingyue. Those who got on the carriages got on the carriages, those who got on the horses got on the horses, and went back to Zhizao Mansion.

Arriving at Zhizao Mansion, Brother Nine did not go back to the guest house in the West Garden, but told everyone: "I will go to Li Xu and settle the bill first. When I return to Beijing, everyone will count their share. If there is any regret It’s nothing if you don’t plan to ask for it, it’s all mine, and I’ll give it to other people later.”

Everyone agreed.

Brother Jiu followed Li Can to find Li Xu.

Jiu Gege was also tired, and after greeting Shu Shu and Shi Fujin, he took the maid back to his yard.

Ten Fujin took Shu Shu's hand, with excitement on his face, he said: "Wanbao Pavilion is great, I also want to have a Wanbao Pavilion, I want everything, I didn't buy enough today, what should I do, Jiusao?"

Most of the things she bought this time were intended to be sent back to Abahai.

Shu Shu glanced at Elder Brother Ten, and said, "Open one if you want, and then send someone to pick up the goods from Fuzhou Customs and Guangzhou Customs."

In the first month, the adult princes share their property, and the ten princes also have a share, and there are many shops among them.

Under his name, there is also the marriage property of Empress Xiaozhao and Concubine Wen Xi.

To be honest, the most profitable businesses in the capital are pawnshops and money houses.

This foreign goods store is also an option.

Especially here in the Ten Fortunes, there is Abahai behind it, and the Mongolian princes who come to pilgrimage every year in the inner and outer halls are the source of tourists.

When Shi Fujin heard his heartbeat, he looked at Elder Brother Shi longingly, took his arm, and said, "Master Shi, Master Shi, let's open one. My Erhe gave me [-] taels of gold to press the bottom of the box. Put it aside, use that to open a Wanbao Pavilion!"

Eight thousand taels of gold? !

Converted to eighty thousand taels of silver!
Everyone looked over.

Even if there is no marriage, isn't this money too much? !

The previous prince, Fujin, seemed to be no more than ten thousand taels.

In Shu Shu's previous example from Wufu Jin, there were only a few thousand taels of silver.

The fourteenth brother thought that he would go out this time, so he brought eight hundred taels of silver, three hundred of which was given by the empress, and the remaining five hundred was most of his savings.

He has always been loose in money, but now that he is older, he has discovered the benefits of money. Seeing Shi Fujin, he is envious.

Elder Brother Ten also discovered that this is a good business opportunity. Foreign goods are popular in the capital now, and there is no shortage of buyers at all.

He knew that Brother Nine and Sister-in-law Nine had a lot of shops, and Sister-in-law Nine mentioned this, but she didn't mean to make a fuss, so she nodded, showing a bit of connivance to Shi Fujin, and said: "Open it if you want, it happens that there is a shop in the family outside the door."

Those are the few trading streets in the inner city behind the imperial city.

Ten Fujin brought joy, and said to Shu Shu: "Nine sisters-in-law and nine sisters-in-law, besides these things, is there anything to eat in the foreign goods?"

Shu Shu thought about the current trade, and said: "There should be some seafood such as bird's nest, shark's fin, or kelp and shrimp."

Wanbao Pavilion does not focus on food, so there are only expensive and scarce Korean ginseng, and there are no other imports.

After hearing this, Shi Fujin lost interest immediately.

She still misses the meat.

Shu Shu remembered the Mongolian restaurant that he had been thinking about during his northern tour last year.

According to the Mongolian meeting in Monan once a year and the meeting in Mobei every two years, from the end of each year to the next March, there are a lot of Mongolian princes in the capital.

What I thought about before was to build a yurt-style garden hotel in Haidian, but if I opened an authentic Mongolian restaurant in the shop on Dongsi Street, the business would not be bad.

Elder Fourteen was itching in his heart, looking at Shi Fujin was like looking at a golden doll.

When he reached the gate of their yard, he went back with Brother Thirteen, and couldn't help but mutter to Brother Thirteen: "Brother Ten is not marrying Fujin, but marrying the God of Wealth. How about we talk to Khan Ama, and also point to Mongolia Gege, the people in Horqin should be richer than Abahai, right?"

Brother Thirteen ignored him.

Who said that Mongolian Fujin was not good before?

It is equivalent to breaking an in-law.

Now that you know that the dowry is rich, how about talking about it again?

Regardless of whether Fujin's dowry is rich or not in the future, it's still a dowry, who would expect to live on that?
Elder Fourteen said: "A noble daughter like Sister-in-law Nine is also fine..."

Just don't be like the fifth brother, an average person.

The two brothers were talking, and the eighth elder brother came out from the east chamber.

The yard on Zhizao Mansion is limited, and the few princes and elder brothers who have no family members are all crowded in this place.

The fourteenth elder brother smiled and said, "Brother, are you back?"

Eighth Prince paused, nodded, and asked with a smile: "How are you doing, how about going out to play?"

Brother Fourteen nodded and said: "I went to several places, first went to the Thanksgiving Temple to offer lamps, then went to the Qingyue Tower in Changmen to eat Suzhou cuisine, and then went to the 'Wanbao Pavilion' of the richest man Ji's family to buy a lot of things... ..."

He chattered endlessly.

Eighth Brother listened, feeling a little pain in his chest while breathing.

No brother dated him.

He did not go to the imperial court as a servant.

This afternoon, he was alone in the yard.

It wasn't until I sent someone to see the elder brother and the seventh elder brother that I found out that the ninth elder brother had sent the noodles back.

There are Big Brothers, there are Seventh Brothers, and there are no him.

Seeing the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother entering the west chamber, the eighth elder brother also turned and went back to the room, with a wry smile on his face and a faint uneasiness.

Ninth brother, it seems that you are really annoyed this time?

One less update, no more staying up late, insomnia last night, my mind is muddled today, updated 10 in October, owed 31+2 update, and Cao Mianzi’s father’s second leader added update, which is the fourth update, next time Monthly compensation, and then roll around to ask for a monthly pass, and make an appointment for the guarantee on the 1st.

(End of this chapter)

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