Chapter 507: Equal Divide among the Schools

In the weaving yamen, Brother Nine was talking to Li Xu about the settlement of Wanbao Pavilion.

"I bought a lot here and there, so it's not easy for my elder brothers and Fujin to contribute money on the spot. I just want to pay the bill from you first, and then make up for it when I return to Beijing."

The so-called Suzhou weaving refers to the imperial merchant's office responsible for supervising and purchasing silk and satin in Suzhou.

If Shu Shu were here, he would tell Brother Jiu that this is the "government procurement" of future generations.

Therefore, weaving Yamen has to transfer a lot of money from the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Internal Affairs every year.

Ninth elder brother was just misappropriating, not embezzling, so Li Xu naturally agreed.

Brother Nine said: "When the master borrows it, the formalities must be completed. When the master is in Beijing, he will return it directly to the account of the Ministry of Households or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It will not be possible to send someone to deliver it to you again for two or three thousand miles. "

Li Xu thought for a while, and said: "The servant will take a look, it's more convenient to record it in the account of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Brother Jiu was a little worried, and said: "Master knows that you are a local snake, and you are respectable in the local area, but this money is absolutely worthless, and it will all be given to Wanbao Pavilion, so don't make trouble for you!"

Among the ministers who accompanied the southern tour, in addition to the bachelors and officials of the Six Departments, there were also censors.

Li Xu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the servant will never dare."

Seeing his respect, Brother Jiu couldn't help but say something more, and said, "What do you mean by the future of your brothers? With your family's seniority, it is easy to make up for the vacancy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The lady in the house doesn't like it?"

The key is that Li Xu has a good reputation, and he seems to be considerate and kind in his daily work, so Brother Nine is rarely warm-hearted.

I want to return favors and not owe favors.

If Li Xu was mean, like Ah Ling, using his status as a parent to suppress his brother and not let him stand out, then Brother Nine would not bother to care about other people's family affairs.

Li Xu showed a wry smile, and said: "Madam Tai has a high heart, and she only wants the slave's two brothers to follow the example of the slave's father, get promoted in the imperial examination, and be released as a palm seal officer..."

As a result, those who came and went again and again did not make it to the top when they were in their thirties.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Isn't there still a few concubines who can't be mentioned?"

Li Xu said helplessly: "When I lost my upbringing, I just thought about how to occupy the family's money. After my father left, I skipped over the servants, divided up the land in Tongzhou, and opened an account alone. Now, except for the fourth brother, Can Qiang, who was born by Mrs. Tai It still looks like it, other slaves don’t dare to provoke it, and they don’t dare to put it in a prosperous place like Suzhou.”

And besides the separation, he and those brothers were also involved in other things.

Before that, he had no son, and several brothers wanted to send his nephew to be his heir.

But God is sorry to see, he had a son in middle age, he has blood, and he has taken precautions against his brothers.

On weekdays, he treats people kindly and kindly, with a bit of quagmire, known as "Li Fu", but he never dares to underestimate people's hearts.

The grade of the weaving yamen is not high, but they have a lot of money in contact with, and most of the contacts are various weaving factories in Suzhou.

Letting those people come over is not an arm, but dragging him to hell.

Brother Jiu said: "Okay, your in-laws in the capital are old, if you can handle them, if you want to make up an errand, just say hello to the master."

Li Xu thanked him, Brother Nine left here, instead of going back to the West Garden, he came back.

Just as Ma Qi came down from the Imperial Palace, he saw Brother Jiu coming over, stepped back and stopped, and said: "I have seen Brother Jiu, I have seen Brother Jiu, and I have seen the delicious food of Qingyue Tower at noon."

From the tenth elder brother's wedding ceremony, the two met several times, and Ma Qi spoke casually.

Seeing the meaning of the words, it was the rice noodles delivered at noon, and he also ate them.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Others are okay, only the cherry meat tastes really good..."

Ma Qi just exchanged some pleasantries, and after saying that, he bowed his hands and left first.

Brother Jiu looked at Ma Qi's back and thought of Ma Qi's daughter.

Eight Belle Mansion...

Not to mention a fire pit, it's almost the same.

Di Fujin is domineering, and the nanny's family also cares about him.


At that time, Ma Qi will be worried.

Brother Jiu's mind was spinning, ready to move.

The farce of the Yaqib family before was not something that could be settled by a single shop.

After a while, Kangxi called in, and he saw Brother Jiu's bad face.

Kangxi wanted to reprimand him, but he had no idea for a while.

Coupled with the soft mouth of cannibals, he felt that he had more patience.

"Since I'm tired, I don't know how to take a good rest..."

Kangxi hummed softly, with some concern.

Brother Jiu didn't wait for orders, he pulled up a small stool first, sat with a cheeky face, and said helplessly: "My son also wants to catch up on sleep, but younger sister Jiu and the two elder brothers are waiting, what can I do, who is my son?" It's my brother!"

After all, he didn't wait for Kangxi to ask more questions, so he recounted the half-day itinerary.

He didn't even hide the matter of transferring money to settle the bill with the Yamen of the Weaving Mansion.

It's not something taboo at all, it's easy to cause trouble if you keep it secret.

Kangxi's face darkened when he heard this, not because he was annoyed, but because he remembered that he had rewarded the accompanying ministers and guards with money yesterday, forgetting to accompany the prince.

It's not wrong to get to Jiangnan and want to buy something.

But this guy who picks and searches has to embezzle money from the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which sounds disrespectful.

He thought about it and said: "Tomorrow's Longevity Day, stop celebrating the banquet, and the accompanying princes and princesses will reduce their rewards. Zhijun Wang, Sanbeile, Wubeile, Seven Beile, Babeile and half salary, you and ten elder brothers, ten The three princes, the fourteen princes, and the nine grids."

After hearing this, Brother Nine immediately sat up straight and began to count in his mind.

The half salary of the county king is [-] taels, and the half salary of Baylor is [-] taels. It is only [-] years for him to follow the bald prince and princess without a title!

"Khan Ama..."

Brother Nine was a little excited, with grievances, and said: "Isn't the bald brother Khan Ama's son? The same prince and princess, how can you reward silver according to the rank of the title? When he was in Beijing, Khan Ama gave the reward. I was still thinking about telling my sons to 'follow the rules of the king', how did I forget this time?"

Kangxi glanced at him and said: "Then according to what you said, we want to distribute it as one?"

This is just pocket money, how much money will you get if you "follow the king's rules"?
Brother Jiu nodded hurriedly, knowing that he couldn't ask for more, and said: "Yes, yes, there is no need to 'follow the king's rules', Cheng Ding's son must be similar, if you want to reduce the grade, you can also reduce the thirteenth brother With the fourteenth elder brother and the two younger brothers..."

Speaking of this, he thought about the arrogance of several female family members who "buy, buy, buy" in Wanbao Pavilion today, and said: "There are also queen mothers, concubines, concubines and nobles, should they also reward some silver? Then pick Jiangnan Is the earth instrument more convenient?"

As for the matter of the women's relatives following the Queen Mother to offer lamps, Brother Jiu didn't bring it up.

In fact, it is not a small sum of money to throw away the temples everywhere.

Kangxi looked at him, and said angrily: "You are generous..."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "There is no reason to only reward outsiders and not family members... just don't forget, there are still a few princes Fujin, the less they are close to Ama, the more generous they are..."

Speaking of this, he thought of the dinner last night, and wanted to say something.

Immediately, he remembered Si Age's warning, and swallowed it again.

Kangxi saw the unpredictable changes on his face, and said, "What are you thinking about?"

Brother Jiu looked at the door and said: "Didn't that just meet Mrs. Ma Qima and think of Gege from their family..."

Kangxi didn't speak, but remembered what he had read in the previous letter.

Looking at the party at the banquet last night, brother Jiu is holding a grudge, which is rare.

Brother Nine said: "It's not easy for Mr. Ma Qi. One person has several errands and is diligent in doing things. Last year's wedding was postponed, which hurt Mr. Ma Qi's face. You also raise your hand and give Ruyi or something, maybe Fucha Gege's life will be easier in the future."

Kangxi's expression was unclear, and he said: "The side Fujin I'm referring to, does anyone dare to belittle him?"

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Perhaps your eighth son is usually too good-tempered, he is too used to be a servant, but he is just a nanny and a nanny, but he is the master's house!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't hide his anger, and talked about the "Qianjinfang" at the front door, and said: "How dare they? If the business in the prince's mansion next to it makes a living and makes money, would they dare to do this? It's just to see that his son has a good temper That's all!"

Kangxi raised his head and glanced at the Ruyi painting on the roof.

It's obviously a dog-tempered dog who sticks to his hair and jumps, but he still says "good temper"?
The plaque has also been smashed, the certificate has been handed over, and the shop is also in hand, what else do you want?
Just face eye drops like this?

Brother Jiu said: "Anyway, those slaves are too arrogant, even the concubine Wei, she treats the princes politely and respectfully, there is no one who is so big, and Ba Fujin has a bad temper, but this nanny's family has not fallen behind. Arrogant, Fucha Gege went over, maybe he had to be ruled by them..."

Kangxi's eyes were gloomy, and he thought of the wet nurse's family in Yuqing Palace.

By milking the little master for a while, even the mistress is ignored.

Going forward, there is the mother Liu who directly plotted against elder brother before the second school, and the one who was caught by the princess behind Ningshou Palace.

Because of the lessons learned from Yuqing Palace, Kangxi remembered the miscarriage of Bafu Jin.

Since the nanny is the housekeeper of Baylor House, it is easy for her to get involved in the kitchen, and there is still an unmarried girl in her family.

Kangxi had already heard it in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and said impatiently: "I've been worrying about it all day, there is no such rule, when brothers get married and start a family, they have to live their own lives, and it's not up to others to point fingers, It's the same with the eighth brother, and it's the same with the tenth brother!"

The ninth elder brother was dumbfounded, and really wanted to say that in his heart, the eighth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are not of the same weight, they are separated by distance.

Kangxi thought for a while, and said: "Go back to the Queen Mother, the Concubine and the two concubines, and ask what you can buy. It happens that you have no errands with you, so please pay attention to this matter."

Brother Nine nodded and said, "Well, well, it's all on my son, so don't worry!"

In fact, there are only three places where Shengjia resides in Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Jiangning, and there is time to buy them.

Fu Jin also wants to buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, and buy by the way.

After talking about the business, Brother Nine thought of the Wang family he met when he went out in the morning, and wanted to ask a few questions, but felt that he was worrying too much.

That's Khan Ama's cheap old man, and they always want to reward them decently. I just mentioned it once before, and Khan Ama will be annoyed.

He changed his words and raised his puzzlement: "Khan Ama, isn't the "Great Qing Law" about the separation of the family "regardless of the concubine and concubine, all sons are equally divided"? Why can the Li family be separated in the capital? Li Zhizao, the other five brothers will be divided?"

(End of this chapter)

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