Chapter 508 People's Words Are Frightening
Kangxi did not answer immediately, but pondered for a moment.

It seems that reading the dossiers of the Ministry of Punishment was not in vain, and everyone thought about the "Law of the Qing Dynasty" in advance.

The farce at Qianmen at the end of last month was the same, and it is the same after hearing what happened to the Li family now.

Not to mention that his princes are knowledgeable, there are not a few real idiots.

It's just that the status is limited, and the world is a bit worse.

Kangxi said: "Qi Xi could have competed with his brother for the title in the early years, why not?"

Even though Mrs. Tai was there at that time and had the right to be the heir to the title of the family, Qi Xi was not without strength to fight.

Above the parents, and the patriarch.

The head of the Zhenghongqi branch of Dong E's family is Peng Chun, and he is not a fool, so he naturally knows which one is more appropriate.

Brother Nine hesitated for a moment, and said, "Is this... people's words to be feared?"

Everyone has a weak heart.

Who told Xin Dali to be weak?
If it's at the bottom of the list, or a concubine, it's fine to just rely on Qi Xi to be a rich and idle person.

But he is a brother, with a more noble status, and this situation is also pitiful.

Kangxi nodded and said: "The Li family is also the same. Li Xu used his father to supervise the children of the country at sixteen, was awarded the cabinet secretary at twenty-three, and was released to the prefect of Shaozhou, Guangdong at twenty-three. Over the past few years..."

Of his several brothers, two descended from the concubine are still taking the imperial examination, and the three descended from the concubine are still white.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Then there's nothing we can do. If it's a son, he doesn't care about these false names, and can he lose a piece of meat? Since he's asking for fame, then just suffer the injustice!"

He just said casually, stood up, and planned to leave.

He has already made a plan, and when the things in Wanbao Pavilion arrive, he will take a copy of each and go to the Queen Mother, the Concubine, and the two concubines. The province missed the shop in Suzhou.

According to Li Can, Wanbao Pavilion is the largest foreign goods store in the south of the Yangtze River. It would be a pity to miss it.

Even if there are other shops in Hangzhou and Jiangning, they can't compare to this one.

Before he opened his mouth, Kangxi had already opened his mouth and said: "If there is anything unpleasant between brothers, just remember it in your heart, and you don't need to show it in front of outsiders!"

To save others from reading it, they will make guesses and laugh at the fact that the royal family does not have a blind date.

Brother Jiu heard this, frowned and said: "My son didn't do anything, even if he doesn't want to talk to someone, can't he?"

Kangxi scolded: "How old are you, is that the way to solve the problem?"

Brother Nine raised his chin and said, "But he didn't come to apologize to his son, even if he did, we have to talk about whether to forgive or not."

Like last July, when it was clearly not his wife's fault, but he had to bow his head to make amends to Fujin, it shouldn't be like this.

At that time, I was trapped by the words "people's words are awesome".

Now think about it, everyone talks about others behind their backs, and everyone is talked about behind their backs, and whoever wants to talk will talk.

Kangxi listened, pondered for a while, and said: "Since that's the case, why don't you delay the day when you go out of the palace, and reward others with the mansion inside the Anding Gate first?"

Brother Jiu almost jumped up when he heard this, and looked at Kangxi with a wavering expression on his face.

As if thinking of something frightening, his eyes widened.

When Kangxi saw it, he frowned and said, "What are you slandering?"

Brother Jiu covered his mouth and looked around. Seeing that there was no one else except Liang Jiugong and Wei Zhu, he pointed his finger upwards and said in a low voice, "Ama Khan, could it be that my son is hiding a brother?" ?”

Kangxi didn't react: "What brother?"

After speaking, he understood, and scolded, "What are you talking about again?"

Brother Nine said awkwardly: "But it is the prince's mansion, the place is not small, and the regulations are also built according to the county king's mansion and Baylor's mansion, and there are two prince's mansions next to it. If this son wants to vacate the mansion, those who are qualified to occupy it first No one..."

There are only a dozen or so clans that can be counted, and none of them are eligible to be directly enshrined as the king of the county, nor Baylor.

Kangxi snorted coldly: "Isn't this 'Far fragrance near stink'? I'm afraid you will be next to the eighth elder brother's mansion, and there will be some lawsuits every now and then!"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Then how can it be? Is my son that narrow-minded person? He lives behind closed doors, and no one can hinder anyone! My son knows what Han Ama means, so don't worry, my son is already on a job. It's not difficult to deal with people on the face, they are all elder brothers, just be respectful in front of others!"

Kangxi waved his hand and said: "It's good to have a number, let's go down!"

If the mind is big, there is no such thing as a small mind.

Brother Jiu didn't continue to ink, but smiled and said to Liang Jiugong: "I bought a lot of good things in the afternoon, including a snuff bottle from Nanyang, and there is a painting of an elephant with bright colors. I will send it to Ada later. .”

Liang Jiugong choked in his heart, looked up at Brother Jiu, saw him smiling, obviously couldn't think of where to go, he could only bow down with helplessness and said: "The servant is waiting for the reward from Master Jiu!"

Brother Jiu nodded, and said to Wei Zhu: "There is still a box of Western quill pens left for you, and I will send He Yuzhu to bring them later."

Wei Zhu hurriedly said: "Slave, thank Master Jiu for the reward!"

"It's nothing, anyone who sees it has a share..."

Brother Nine said proudly, and then backed out.

Kangxi looked at his back and really wanted to ask, what about his share?

Before, he thought he was more sensible, but in the blink of an eye, he wins over the servant in front of him.

Doesn't everyone have a share?
But thinking about how Brother Jiu and Jiu Fujin behaved in a considerate manner and would not lower his filial piety, he felt more at ease.

Brother Jiu left Yuqian and came to the West Garden.

When we arrived at the front guest house, we saw the figures of female family members not far away.

Looking at the attire, it looked familiar, it turned out to be Wang Guiren's family who met across from him in the morning.

If you are not from Suzhou, why are you still staying in Zhizao Mansion?

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he saw this.

When he returned to the yard, his brows had not yet relaxed.

Shu Shu is crooked, Xiao Song is not there.

It's a rare father and daughter reunion, Shu Shu gave Xiaosong a vacation, and the father and daughter have not come back yet.

Xiaochun was sitting by the couch, holding the account book of today's purchase in his hand.

Item by item, I recalled it and recorded it in the account book.

Xiaotang was also sitting beside her, with all kinds of small jars in front of her, all of which were candied fruit.

The most famous thing in Suzhou, besides Suzhou embroidery, is all kinds of candied fruit.

Shu Shu wanted to buy some, so she asked Xiaotang to choose the category.

Taking advantage of everyone's time in Wanbao Pavilion in the afternoon, Xiaotang went to several candied fruit shops in the surrounding area and selected about [-] kinds of candied fruit that were not available in the capital.

Now I cut it into small pieces, put it in a small dish, and served Shushu with a toothpick to try it.

Shu Shu tasted it for a while, and the butternut plum and rock sugar bayberry were the best, and said: "These two are sweet and sour, the empress, Ernie, and Amu will like it..."

The taste of the remaining nine-made tangerine peel is normal, but thinking about reducing phlegm and relieving cough, she said: "There are more tangerine peels, and there are golden silk kumquats. You can choose the others."

The reason why she launched the "buy, buy, buy" mode is also because Brother Jiu said that the things she bought would not go with the fleet of the Southern Tour, but go directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The weaving offices in Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Jiangning have tribute boats coming to Beijing in other months except when the canals are frozen in winter.

Brother Jiu walked in and saw Shu Shu enjoying himself.

There is no black girl, and there are people to keep her company.

The food was delivered to the mouth.

Thinking about the size of the cabin, these girls are all in the cabin, Brother Jiu feels something is wrong.

Xiaochun and Xiaotang had already stood up, seeing his drooping face, they felt a little uneasy.

If you stay, you are afraid of being an eyesore, but if you leave, you can feel comfortable.

Shu Shu waved his hands and said, "Go down and get busy, and have a good rest."

Now that there are wing rooms and sitting rooms, the maids and eunuchs who follow can also freshen up well.

The two went down now, Shu Shu said: "What did Li Xu say? Can't move the money here?"

That's what she thought of, and she felt a little regretful.

I brought less money when I went out, and I bought it again when I bought it.

Now I can't make it all up...

If the money from Zhizao Mansion cannot be embezzled, it is necessary to ask the Queen Mother for help.

If you want to be in the capital, you can bring a banknote when you go out, but it is not very useful to go out with a banknote from the capital.

Brother Jiu waved his hands and said: "It's not for this, the payment has already been made, but when I came back, I saw the Wang family, but they still haven't left, and they are still wandering in the yard. It's unreasonable!"

As he said that, he called He Yuzhu and said, "Go and ask Li Xu, what's going on? Although the emperor is not staying here, the prince and prince Fujin are here. Why are there other people here?"

It would be fine if they belonged to the Li family, they were born in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they were also from the family of a governor, so they knew the rules and taboos.

The common people outside bumped into them rashly, so they couldn't explain the reason.

He Yuzhu went in response.

Shu Shu asked curiously, "That Miss Wang you met this morning?"

My niece, Xiao Gu, has the appearance and figure of a nobleman.

Compared with Wang Guiren, it is a little less charming and a little more tender.

There are beautiful women in the south of the Yangtze River, and Gusu is the most beautiful.

There is some truth to this statement.

Brother Nine nodded and said, "Isn't it that Li Xu has changed his mind again?"

Because Li Xu was a little pitiful before, the good feelings he had had were instantly wiped out, leaving only contempt.

Shu Shu hadn't met Li Xu yet, and didn't know the inside story. After thinking about it, she shook her head and said, "It shouldn't be like this."

This time, the holy car toured the south, with the empress dowager on the top, and the prince and princess on the bottom.

Even the prince Fujin followed several of them.

Even if Kangxi was in a hurry, he would not name Mi at this time.

And it's not the same now as it was then.

Back then, there were no civilian women in the palace, and Mrs. Wang was the only one.

Now Ge Geli in Qianqing Palace has many folk girls, and there is no shortage of them.

To the north of the West Garden, Li Xu's family lived.

They originally lived on Zhizaofu East Road, because the entire East Road was vacated to make room for the Empress Dowager and the palace family members, and their family lived in two small courtyards to the north of the West Garden.

"Mother, what is going on with the Wang family, what are they doing..."

Li Xu got a message from He Yuzhu, so he hurried over here.

Wen Shi sat in front of the Buddha statue, holding a Buddhist bead in his hand, raised his chin to the east wing, and said, "It's not me who is in charge, it's the second old lady who is in charge to keep guests..."

Get lost, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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