My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 509 Tao Shuren

Chapter 509 Tao Shuren

The "second old lady" in Wen's mouth is Li Xu's uncle, Tao Shi, the widow of Li Yuegui, the late chief envoy who participated in politics, and she has a third-class gentleman's order.

She also has another identity, that is, the mother-in-law of Jiangning weaving Cao Yin.

The Li family was originally an ordinary family in Baoyi, and there was only one Baoyi assistant leader in the family, but there were two high-ranking members successively, namely Li Xu's father Li Shizhen and Li Xu's uncle Li Yuegui.

The former is the second-rank governor, and the latter is the third-rank governor.

Although Li Shizhen and Li Yuegui are cousins ​​in name, they are actually raised in the same family.

Li Yuegui lost her father at the age of three and was brought up by her uncle Li Xiquan.

Li Xiquan is Li Xu's adoptive grandfather.

Because the adopted sons and adopted nephews have all become talents, Li Xiquan was also praised by the ancestor emperor.

That is, Li Yuegui didn't live long, and Kangxi died in office in the [-]st year.

He has two sons with ordinary qualifications, both of whom were born under the supervision of the Imperial Academy, but they did not go into official career like Li Xu.

Now the whole family is attached to Li Xu's family.

Li Xu was a little stunned, sighed, and said, "Son, I'm going to see my aunt..."

Wen Shi sighed and said, "Go ahead and speak up, your aunt is not a fool."

Li Xu smiled wryly, and went to the East Wing.

In the East Wing, Tao Shuren was also paying respects to the Buddha. She seemed to be about the same age as Wen's, already in her sixtieth year.

She is Li Yuegui's stepmother, but because her original spouse left earlier, she married into Li's family at about the same time as Wen's, and the sister-in-law and sister-in-law have always been close.

This is also the reason why she lived with her nephew's house instead of her son-in-law's.

Seeing Li Xu approaching, Tao Shuren put down the rosary.

Li Xu respectfully said: "Auntie..."

The two have deep ties.

At that time, the Eight Banners entered the customs, and the world was gradually calmed down. Li Shizhen also passed the examination of the Eight Banners' talents, and was released to serve as a judge for Changlu, so he sent people back to his hometown in Shandong to inquire about the whereabouts of his relatives.

As a result, the family's original wife, Wang, is still there, honoring her mother-in-law and raising her uncle.

At that time, Li Xu was not yet born, and the situation of Wen Shi, the daughter-in-law married by the Li family outside the customs, became embarrassing.

Later, it was Li Yuegui and his wife who came forward and talked with the Jiang family. They respected Wang's status as the first wife, and at the same time, according to customs outside the customs, Wen's family was also the second wife.

The children born to the two are all descendants.

Later, Li Shizhen's rank became higher and higher, and he also asked for an imperial order for the Wang family, so he wanted to rectify his concubines again.

It was still Li Yuegui who came forward to support Wen's mother and son.

Li Yuegui, who was released outside, sent a letter to Li's father, asking for a place for Li Xu to be a shady student.

At that time, it was also a precaution, so as not to be suppressed or flattered by the aunt, and to come out as soon as possible to make a future.

This is why the two families are still like close relatives across the house.

Tao Shi looked at Li Xu and said, "You're not in the imperial court to serve as an servant, so why come here when you're free?"

Li Xu pointed to the guest courtyard next to him, and said helplessly, "Auntie, brother Jiu sent someone to warn my nephew that no one else is allowed to enter or leave the place where the holy driver stays."

Tao Shi was silent for a while, and said, "Do you think my old lady is troublesome?"

Li Xu said: "Auntie, today is different from the past..."

It turned out that "presenting beauty" was the proposal given by this lady.

Tao's natal family is also from Baoyi, even though she took a foreign post with her husband in the early years, there was no news from the capital.

Whether it's the honored old man in the upper three banners, or the upstart in the wrapped three banners, the ups and downs of the family are all connected with the emperor's harem.

At that time, when Li Shizhen was the governor of Guangdong, he didn't mean to rely on each other with his eldest son. On the contrary, he had the intention of suppressing him, so that he could not be promoted to the prefect for ten years.

Tao Shuren's two sons were young at the time, and after losing her husband, she took her son with her and went to the Wen family's mother and son, and later gave Li Xu the idea of ​​"presenting beauty".

Therefore, Li Xu returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the magistrate, and returned to Beijing to serve as the manager of Changchun Garden, and then he was sent to Suzhou Weaving.

Dow sighed, and said, "Xudong, tomorrow is Longevity Day..."

Xudong is Li Xu's name.

Li Xu has an exquisite heart and immediately understood.

It is now the thirty-eighth year of Kangxi, and the emperor is one year older than him, forty-six years old.

"Auntie doesn't like the prince?"

Li Xu hesitated for a moment and asked.

Dow said: "It is said that 'the royal family favors the eldest son, and the common people love the younger son', but I think that sometimes it is just the opposite... Everyone knows that Suo'etu is the pillar of the 'princelings'. Suo'etu will be executed."

Even though the old lady's status was not high in her early years, she has experienced three dynasties.

The Eight Banners fight among themselves, and it is rare for them to lose their heads.

Especially top-down cleaning.

Li Xu thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "It's too hasty now, it's too early to 'bet'."

Tao Shi took it calmly, and said lightly: "That's by the way, the main thing is that Wang Guiren has a natal family..."

If the Wang family performed their duties properly and were satisfied with each other, then the bond of flesh and blood would be closer than their relationship with nobleman Wang.

Only when the Wang family showed their vulgarity, the emperor didn't like it, and Wang Guiren didn't want to get close, would he continue to rely on the Li family.

These years, the Li family, as the "maternal family" of the nobleman, paid thousands of taels of silver to the palace every year.

After more than ten years, a banker can come out.

Now seeing that the prince born to Wang has already stood still and won the title of nobleman, when the two elder brothers grow up and their qualifications increase, they will be a concubine.

"The two princes who guarded the king and nobleman took the title of 'uncle', and the Li family can keep the wealth for two generations!"

Dow said seriously.

Li Xu's face was ashamed, and he said: "It's my nephew who doesn't think too much, so I let my aunt worry about it."

For the sake of the Li family, it is true that the Wang family cannot be allowed to stand out.

Li Xu didn't put Wang's family in his eyes before, thinking that they were ordinary people in the market, even if Wang Guiren cared about his relatives and was willing to get close, he couldn't mention it, and couldn't take his place.

But there is a next generation.

His eldest son is young, and now he is making haha ​​beads beside the fifteenth elder brother.

Although the two are masters and servants, they have the status of "cousin". As long as there are no mistakes in the future, a guard will not be able to escape the future.

If the Wang family followed Shengjia to Beijing and replaced him, it would be difficult to say in the future.

However, Li Xu was also a little curious, and said, "Auntie, this time Sheng Jia took seven princes with him on his southern tour, plus the two who 'received him', that's nine..."

Li Xu saw them all, but Tao Shi didn't see any of them.

However, except for the tenth elder brother, the other elder brothers were born by the concubines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they were also paid close attention to in private.

Tao Shi pondered for a moment, and then said: "The emperor distributed the titles of princes last year. There were six princes in one group. Even if they grow up, they are not as qualified as the previous ones. You can't honor six brothers!"

The implication of these words is that if the East Palace is unstable, the follow-up candidates will be among the six.

The reason why Li Xu listened to this aunt's opinion was because Tao was born in a scholarly family, and his ancestors were from a scholarly family, unlike ordinary women who are knowledgeable in the house.

Li Yuegui's grandfather, who was the commander of the Central Guard at the end of the Ming Dynasty, was captured along with his confidants and staff, and was wrapped in a coat.

His staff member is Tao's grandfather, both of them are Han Chinese, and they have a close relationship, and they have been married for generations, relying on each other for help.

In the early years when Tao's husband was in the world, she was not only a virtuous wife, but also her husband's assistant.

The six candidate princes, except for the seventh elder brother who was born with a disability, and the fifth elder brother who was stupid and disfigured, the rest were the four prince elder brothers.

Li Xu was very calm.

It's still early, let's look at it ten years later.

He himself was in his prime, so of course he knew what his situation was.

It doesn't mean that people who say they are "old" are really old. Within three to five years, they will still be full of energy.

After leaving here, Li Xu didn't ask for help, but went to the prince's courtyard where the first few princes lived temporarily, and asked the guards to send a message to see brother Jiu.

Brother Nine was not idle either.

Just when the things in Wanbao Pavilion arrived, he asked someone to pack up a copy of everything, and asked He Yuzhu and Xiao Chun to hold them, and come out with Shu Shu.

Since it is going to the women's relatives, even if they are all elders, with a difference of several decades, it does not hinder the defense of men and women, it is more convenient for Shu Shu to explain, especially since many of the things purchased are for women.

As soon as he left the yard, he saw Li Xu there, Brother Jiu greeted him, "Why are you here? Did you come to find Prince Zhi, or Qi Bei Le?"

The elder brother and the seventh elder brother are responsible for the security of the weaving palace in Suzhou these days.

Li Xu hurriedly said: "This slave is here to find Master Jiu..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Shu Shu next to him, with hesitation.

Brother Jiu said: "This is a clear question, who kept the person? The place here is not big. There are so many princes and Prince Fujin in front, what should I do if they collide?"

Li Xu smiled wryly and said: "The Wang family was reluctant to part with the nobleman, and took the initiative to keep the nobleman's niece to stay. At that time, the slave's mother was not there, and the aunt did not want to offend anyone, so she agreed. Just now, the slave has sent his wife to the guest room, and now he is packing his luggage. I will send them home in person.”

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Even if the parents of noble people are still ordinary people, how dare they entrust them so much?"

It is not a secret that Li Xu takes care of his widowed aunt.

Even though there is no successor in the Li family, Aunt Li Tang herself still has the order of a third-rank lady.

Li Xu kept silent.

Brother Jiu glanced at him, and said more directly: "Ama Khan treats his son with kindness, and you have to be aware of how kind he is to the prince's family, so don't let the river tear down the bridge."

Li Xu said gratefully: "Thank you Jiuye for reminding me, this slave will write it down."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Master and Fujin are going to the Empress Dowager's place first, you are busy first, let's talk when you have time."

Li Xu bowed in response, and watched Brother Jiu and his wife leave.

Shu Shu felt as if grass had grown in her heart.

Li Xu's widowed aunt?
Isn't that Cao Yin's mother-in-law and Cao Yong's grandmother? !
To be honest, Li Xu has no blood relationship with the Li family, but in his hometown in Changyi, Shandong, he has a few cousins ​​left by his own uncle.

Li Xu has an ordinary relationship with his aunt, Mrs. Wang, but he seems to have a good relationship with his cousins.

The fans of later generations also verified that many family letters belonged to Li Xu and several cousins.

On the contrary, the Li family is really in decline.

Li Yuegui is a senior member of the third rank, but his two sons are unknown.

On the contrary, Li Gege from the backyard of the fourth elder brother was also from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and was the daughter of Li Wenye, the prefect.

This Li Wenye's name is the same as Li Yuegui's two sons. Some people speculate that they are relatives, and they don't know whether it is true or not...

It's endless to check the information. I always want to find out the relationship. It won't be so late tomorrow.Then, ask for a monthly pass in a low voice

Attachment: The next update will be at 11:2 on November 12, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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