Chapter 510 The Smell of Roses

In the Empress Dowager's room, besides the Empress Dowager and the Concubine, Jiugege is also there.

It was rare for her to be lively, and she told several elders what she had seen and heard about "Wanbaolou" vividly.

There are dozens of facades, and the upper and lower floors sell foreign goods.

Small pocket watches and snuff bottles, and large woven blankets measuring one foot in size.

And perfumes from France, little gemstone mirrors from Italy.

Just as she was talking, Bai Momo came in and said, "Your Majesty, brother Jiu brought Jiu Fujin here, and brought a lot of things."

Jiugege hurriedly stood up.

The Queen Mother smiled and said, "Call in!"

"Grandmother, my grandson is here on an errand!"

Following the sound of speaking, Brother Nine brought Shu Shu in.

He Yuzhu and Xiao Chun in the back, each holding a bunch of boxes in their arms.

Jiugege was surprised, looked at Shushu, and said, "Have the things from Wanbaolou been delivered?"

Shu Shu nodded, looked around the room, and found that the small tables were too small, only the round table was big, so she signaled He Yuzhu and Xiao Chun to put the things in their arms over there.

The Queen Mother smiled and said to Brother Jiu: "What kind of errand is this, distributing things everywhere? Did Xiao Jiu buy these?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "That's not it. Just now when my grandson came back from the imperial court, Khan Ama said that if the emperor's grandmother, concubine, and concubines have something to buy, he will let his grandson run errands. These are practical things. Many It is only available in Suzhou, so my grandson thought not to miss it, and showed it to the elders, and if anyone likes it, I will send someone to buy it tomorrow.”

As for the matter of asking for silver rewards for helping the retinue of the palace, he didn't plan to talk about it.

When the money comes down, just show it off to your wife in private.

If he said it, it would seem that he was asking for favors from his elders.

An older woman is also a woman.

Both the queen mother and the concubine got up.

On the round table, various boxes have been opened, and there is a dazzling array of things.

All the things Jiugege mentioned just now were there, such as small jeweled mirrors, perfumes, pocket watches, snuff bottles, and a two-foot-long tapestry.

There are a few things that I didn't mention, such as pronunciation boxes, diamond brooches, ruby ​​brooches, kaleidoscopes and other small objects,

There is also a box that actually contains shoes.


The Empress Dowager pointed out curiously, "Why does it look like it's made of wood?"

A pair of wooden-soled shoes, with pumps on the top and a foot-and-a-half heel on the bottom.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "This is a rare item from the 'Wanbaolou'. This is the only one in total. It has been kept in the warehouse for more than ten years. The grandson thinks it is fun, so he bought it. I heard it is called 'Xiao Bangxie'. Yes. The people over in Europa wear it."

The soles of flag shoes now are only four and a half inches high, but this one has three four and a half inches.

The Queen Mother shook her head and said, "It's not comfortable to wear, and I can't even walk."

Shu Shu was at the side, listening to the conversation between grandparents and grandchildren, and also took a second look at the shoes.

Not "little bang shoes", but "Chopin shoes".

It seems to be popular in Europe from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century.

It is the ancestor of high heels in later generations.

There are two theories about its origin. One is that it was made by prostitutes in Venice. It is similar to the purpose of binding feet in China, both for walking swayingly.

One is London, because of the development of urbanization, there are no toilets, and the hem of the skirt is easy to get dirty when walking...

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law Qi is definitely not the only one who likes high-soled flag shoes. When the time comes, I will use this as a reference, and I can't say that the current flag shoes can be raised by another two inches.

When Shu Shu heard it, she wanted to give Brother Jiu a thumbs up.

But it is really far-sighted. It seems that from the Qianlong Dynasty, flag shoes gradually became higher. In the late Qing Dynasty, there were not one foot, but eight inches.

Jiugege was beside him, he glanced at Brother Jiu, and then at Shushu.

She really wanted to ask her brother, is this shoe really a reference for women's shoes?
No other ideas?

If there are high-soled shoes that men can wear, it is estimated that they will be willing to spend more money.

My ninth brother must be one of them.

Concubine Duan Shun took the pronunciation box and opened it to listen to the movement inside.

The kind of sound box that is wound up, when it is opened, a little silver figure is spinning.

Then there is the soothing music.

It's not the world famous songs that Shu Shu is familiar with, but more melodious ones.

The room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at the pronunciation box.

Concubine Duan Shun couldn't put it down, she said to Brother Jiu: "This one is good, this one is good, if it's convenient for Brother Jiu, just buy one for me."

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "It's convenient, just do what you want. Later, my grandson will work as an errand, and I can just go ask Khan Ama for a reward."

Concubine Duan Shun looked at Concubine Shu Hui: "Your sister, don't you want one?"

Concubine Shuhui waved her hand and said: "I have good ears, and I can't bear the ticking of the clock on weekdays, and I don't like to hear it."

Speaking of this, she looked at the snuff bottles and said, "This one is more applicable, and it's decent to reward people in return."

The queen mother looked at those palm-sized small mirrors, and said: "This is good, and it is also suitable for the little princesses."

Although she only raised one granddaughter, Jiugege, the other princesses in the palace also live in the princess of Ningshou Palace.

Remembering that there were three little grandchildren, the Queen Mother pointed to the kaleidoscope and said, "There are a few here too."

Xiao Chun was beside her, took the sharpened eyebrow pencil and simply wrote it down.

Seeing this, Jiugege thought of the quill pen, and asked Brother Jiu: "Brother Jiu, is there any rich quill pen? I forgot to ask for that first..."

Brother Jiu said: "A box, I will give you a bag when I return to the palace."

The price is cheap, and it is decent to give away.

Brother Nine was planning to go back to pay his respects, so he brought the word "foreign" anyway.

When he came out of the queen mother's courtyard, the booklet in Xiaochun's hand was also full of three pages.

When she arrived at Concubine Hui's place, Concubine Hui chose more types, including her own perfume, a one-foot-square makeup mirror, a ruby ​​brooch, pocket watches, makeup mirrors for her granddaughter, and a kaleidoscope and pronunciation box for her grandson.

After picking around, she still couldn't bring enough. She looked at Brother Nine and said, "Women and children like them all. Is there anything your elder brother and starlings can use?"

Brother Jiu glanced at Shu Shu, and said: "There are also Guoerka knives, let my son wrap them up, about twenty pieces, if you reward the eldest brother and the starling, the son will honor the concubine and mother two."

Concubine Hui waved her hand and said, "You don't need to be filial, elder brother, you only bring a little money when you go out, and when you get back, put it all together, and I will pay the bill together."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "The son is not being polite to you anymore. We let our hands go for a while and bought a lot. We really want to bring down the famine."

Concubine Hui heard this, and said with concern: "Then what should I do? When I went out, I asked your eldest brother to bring five hundred taels of gold, and sent him to send it to you later?"

Brother Jiu pointed to the middle road and said: "No need, no need, I'll make it up with the Weaving Yamen first, and I'll make it up for them later."

After hearing this, Concubine Hui was relieved, and reminded the two of them: "There are many good things in Jiangnan, but you have to weigh them when you buy them. "

Brother Nine and Shu Shu wrote it down.

They broke the money this time, but also to make a reserve for the future.

It's not that if you buy something, you will be scattered when you go back.

Instead, I think about opening a mansion to live in the future, and there are many places where favors are respected.

The current "big wholesale" in Jiangnan is also to reduce a few expenses in the future.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of the elders, they became a young couple who would not live a life.

The two of them did not explain, and accepted Concubine Hui's kindness.

It was Shu Shu who remembered the two nobles.

These two are "evergreen trees" in the harem that will not fail in the next twenty years, and she is also willing to sell favors.

It's just that the status of the two is not high now, and unlike Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong who are thirty years older than Brother Nine, it's not easy to deal with the prince directly.

Shu Shu raised Concubine Hui and said: "Mother, if the two nobles have something to be proud of, please help pass on a message, and we will take it with you tomorrow."

It was just a little effort, Concubine Hui agreed, looked at Shu Shu and praised: "This is very good, after all, if you are an elder, you should still respect it."

It's not wrong to be like Bafujin, but it's too snobbish and cold.

When they arrived at Concubine Rong's place, Sanfujin was also there.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law didn't know what to say first, and the atmosphere was not very good.

Concubine Rong drooped her face, as if someone else owed eight hundred taels of money.

Sanfujin was standing, still stepping on the flag shoes, looking at him like that, he was almost impatient.

Concubine Rong looked at the big and small bags behind Brother Jiu, she couldn't help but smile, and said: "Brother is really polite, I just delivered the noodles at noon, and now I'm sending something..."

After finishing speaking, she told the maid: "Hurry up and pick it up..."

Brother Jiu heard that the wind was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Concubine, these are not filial, they were bought by my son Fujin, and I showed them to my concubine. If there are rare ones, my son will run errands for you!"

Concubine Rong's smile froze immediately, she was not interested, and she looked at Shu Shu with a bit of earnestness: "There is nothing in the palace, what are you spending this money for? You are young, you don't know that there are many places to spend money on living at home. .”

Shu Shu smiled, not easy to answer.

It didn't cost her old man's money, and my mother-in-law hasn't spoken yet.

Brother Jiu also felt bored and got up, wondering if he could leave.

It is true that he followed the imperial father's word of mouth, but the "Wanbao Pavilion" is not his business, and whether he likes to buy it or not has nothing to do with him.

Sanfujin was already standing in front of Xiaochun, opened a box and looked at it, it happened to be a bracelet inlaid with gold and diamonds.

Different from the exquisite gold-threaded bracelets in the palace, this bracelet is a bit rough. The main diamond stone is the size of a small fingernail, and it looks like glass. It is not as popular as red sapphire.

But this is gold!

Thinking about going out this time, San Fujin paid two thousand taels of silver from the government account.

Buying jewelry is buying, and buying clothing materials is also buying.

Jewelry can fall into one's own pocket, and the material of clothes is the whole house.

She smiled and said, "That's good, I like diamonds, they look plain."

Shu Shu glanced at her, a little surprised.

Now people don't recognize diamonds very much.

Shu Shu left this and ran towards the main stone in the middle of the bracelet.

It looks like it has five or six carats, and it can be removed to make a ring face.

Shu Shu said: "This is an orphan, only this one, let me take it."

The gold bracelet is half an inch wide and weighs half a catty. Rich people don't like this rough style; poor people can't afford it, so they keep holding it down.

Sanfujin let it go with some regret.

Concubine Rong's eyes fell on the French perfume.

This tribute comes from Guangzhou Customs every year, but the amount is not much.

In the early years, Concubine Rong did not lack this.

Whether it is the empress or the emperor, remember to give her a reward.

She was included in the annual tribute that year.

Later, as she got older, new favorites such as Zhang Concubine and Wang Guiren appeared in the harem, and the rewards from Zhongcui Palace disappeared.

Feeling a little disappointed in her heart, she picked up the perfume, unscrewed it, and sniffed it under her nose. It turned out to be the familiar scent of roses, and her heart trembled...

Tears running, this month's monthly ticket list is too tight, SOS, I'm about to fall out of the top [-], I beg all fathers to give a little help.

In addition, the post of Fen Guoguo has already come down. In the book circle, there are 20 titles of book friends. The activity posts of interested fathers and sister Xiaoba must be posted with that activity, which can be directly assigned by the background of the website. titled.

(End of this chapter)

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