Chapter 511 Equalization of the Rich and the Poor
"Here, brother, please help me bring a few bottles, I want this flavor..."

Concubine Rong put down the perfume bottle, feeling a little dispirited.

It's strange to say that in the past two months, due to the end of Tiankui, she has been upset and irritable, and she tends to forget things.

But what happened many years ago is very clear.

When she was tossing and turning in the middle of the night, she even remembered the scene when she entered the palace on the first day.

What clothes she wore, what hair she combed, and how she was chosen by the Empress Dowager, all of them were clearly remembered.

As for this rose perfume...

When was the first rose perfume given?

Concubine Rong fell into distant memories.

Is that the ninth year of Kangxi, or the tenth year of Kangxi?
At that time, there were three elder princes in the palace, Chengrui, the eldest son born to her, Chenghu, the first son of the empress, and Chengqing, the third son of the concubine Hui.

At that time, the titles in the palace were not concubines, concubines, or nobles.

None of these.

At that time, it still inherited the name of the harem level from King Sejo's time.

Empress, Fujin, big princess, little Fujin, princess...

At that time, the empress of the Yuan Dynasty was the empress, and she was Gege who was born in Shangqi. Because she gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor, she was directly promoted to Da Gege.

Concubine Hui is a princess, and she has been promoted to Xiaofu Jin because of her merits in giving birth to a son.

Fujin followed, Empress Tong hadn't entered the palace yet, Concubine Yi and Concubine De were even young girls who had just left their heads at home.

That was before the Dragon Boat Festival in the ninth year of Kangxi...

The empress came down with the rose perfume.

Was it like that at the time?

Concubine Rong was a little dazed, picked up the perfume bottle and opened it.

It was indeed a familiar smell, the rose perfume I had used before.

But it is still different from the earliest memory.

Since which year did the rose perfume smell like it is now, without the original strong fragrance?
It was after the Dragon Boat Festival in the thirteenth year of Kangxi...

After the Yuan Dynasty, she suffered from postpartum hemorrhage and died.

Then the rose perfume in the back was replaced by a reward from the imperial lord.

At that time, I still felt that the taste was weak, and I asked a special question, knowing that it was the tribute from the governor of Guangdong, not the one that Hangzhou Weaving Mansion was responsible for purchasing.

At that time, I thought that maybe it was because of this reason.

Concubine Rong looked at the perfume bottle in her hand with a look of horror on her face.

Standing opposite, Shu Shu was talking about Western bracelets to San Fujin.

Since it is held as a sample for everyone, it will not be stupid to bring an orphan.

There is only one piece of such a bulky bracelet inlaid with diamonds, but there are three other pieces of the same style, one inlaid with millet beads, one inlaid with amethyst, and one inlaid with garnets.

Because these types are common in later generations, but now they are relatively rare and expensive because they have traveled across the ocean, so Shu Shu doesn't want them.

Sanfujin immediately became interested, and said: "Then I have to go around tomorrow."

That's all for pearls, there are two western gemstones left, but they are rare in the market, so if you take them off and put them in other jewelry, there will still be a few lumps of gold left.

Shu Shu listened with a smile, her expression remained unchanged, but she turned her eyes away.

She saw Concubine Rong's strangeness, and she also saw Concubine Rong lower her head to cover herself.

Brother Jiu was bored, looking at the flower arrangement in the vase, it was two pink roses, blooming just right.

I didn't realize it before, but Concubine Rong likes roses.

It seems that the clothes on the concubine's mother are also pink. This color is fine for a little girl, isn't it a little immodest for elders to wear it?
When he looked up again, his face had returned to normal, and he said with a bit of fatigue: "That's it, as long as the perfume, other than this one, if there are other smells, brother will help me buy a few bottles..."

After that, she picked up the teacup.

Brother Jiu nodded in agreement, and motioned He Yuzhu and the others to put away the box, and then the master and servant left.

Sanfujin looked at Concubine Rong, but felt something was wrong.

In the usual way, the mother-in-law should be nagging now, just saying that it is not easy for the third elder brother, to be a good housekeeper, to save money and not to lose money.

As a result, his face was sullen now, and he didn't mean to speak.

Concubine Rong was silent for a while, then raised her head to look at Sanfu Jin.

San Fujin was wearing Kesi clothes, her head and earrings were all pearls the size of a little finger, and even the armor on her hands and the flag shoes on her feet were inlaid with gemstones.

This is just normal wear.

Already outstanding, this make-up is even more colorful.

But just now what was Jiufu Jin wearing?
Even if the clothes are out and changed to bright colors, Jiufujin is just an ordinary Ning silk dress, not fully embroidered, only simple embroidery on the cuffs and neckband, except for the half tin on the head, the ears are earplugs the size of rice grains, There is only a string of eighteen seeds hanging on the skirt, and there are no other ornaments.

She sighed and said, "You think I'm long-winded, but you are also well-educated, and you have read books, don't you even understand the principle of 'following the example'? The emperor is frugal, from the empress dowager to the prince concubine and the prince Fujin in the palace, How many extravagant ones are there? You spend your own money, but when you go out, you can't just represent your own size, you are also the royal daughter-in-law!"

In the end, she was a little solemn.

Sanfujin slandered endlessly, but instead of arguing, he listened with his hands down.

Who doesn't wear brighter clothes when going out?

Could it be that the royal daughter-in-law is not dressed as well as ordinary officials?

This is Jiangnan again, if you don't bring wealth and honor, you have to make people laugh at the people from the capital who bring the village spirit?
It's just that the mother-in-law didn't make unreasonable arguments like every time, but brought out the emperor to explain the truth. San Fujin is very knowledgeable about current affairs.

As for whether to listen or not, it depends on her heart.

She was proud of herself and felt that she had mastered a good skill to deal with her mother-in-law, that is, to be reasonable.

There is nothing wrong with the rules.

The last time I complained to the Queen Mother was that although the Queen Mother only rewarded Zhu Ruyi in the end, it was also rewarded by the Queen Mother.

She thought her ears would suffer again, and planned to listen patiently to her mother-in-law's ramblings, but Concubine Rong waved her hand and said, "Okay, you can go back too!"

Sanfujin was surprised, looking at Concubine Rong, only then realized that her expression was not right.

Concubine Rong's face turned pale, looking extremely tired.

It was fine just now, even if I bought a few bottles of perfume, it wouldn't be like cutting flesh, right?

Sanfujin said uneasy: "You...are you feeling unwell? Why don't your daughter-in-law send someone to the imperial physician?"

Concubine Rong raised her eyelids, glanced at her, and said with a bit of impatience: "No, it's just getting up early, tired, let's go down!"

Sanfujin pursed her lips, stopped talking, and backed out.

Concubine Rong sat still, looked at the roses in the vase, walked over, leaned over and sniffed...

At this moment, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu had already returned to the yard.

Elder Brother Ten came out of the East Wing when he heard the commotion, and said, "Brother Nine, Sister-in-law Nine, my younger brother took Fujin out to have supper and drink floral wine, are you going?"

Brother Jiu glanced at the sky, it was already dusk, and said, "Is there a night market in Suzhou?"

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "Yes, Wang Changshou heard from people that the night ban time here is different from that in the capital. The capital is one o'clock at three o'clock, and this side is two o'clock three o'clock. It is on the side of Changmen. , it is at this time that the market opens..."

Brother Jiu was weak and didn't want to move. He glanced at Shu Shu and hesitated.

If the wife wants to go, ask Jiugege to accompany her?

But Shu Shu looked at Elder Brother Ten and said, "We won't go, let's wait until we get through this day. It should be fine when we get to Hangzhou and Jiangning."

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Well, let's go then, and we'll bring back delicious food."

Brother Jiu asked: "Spend a few more taels of silver, and everyone above will be filial. Who told us to be small."

Ten elder brothers agreed.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine just returned to their room.

She waved her hand, sent Xiaochun and He Yuzhu away, and then whispered to Brother Jiu: "Just now Concubine Rong looked at the perfume bottle with a strange expression, is there any taboo in this?"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What's so taboo about a perfume? It's rare outside, and there is no lack of it in the palace. Not to mention the Guangzhou Customs, there are people in Hangzhou Weaving Mansion who are responsible for purchasing some foreign goods from the customs. including the perfume..."

Shu Shu thought about Concubine Rong's expression, and said, "It seems a little unhappy."

And it is also abnormal, more generous than the legend.

Not only did I ask for a few bottles of rose perfume, but I also asked for other flavors later.

Brother Jiu said: "Don't worry about her, maybe this is the only thing I care about, who doesn't have many preferences..."

Shu Shu thought about it, so she put the matter aside.

Concubine Rong's current age is menopause, and her emotions are sensitive. Who knows that those words are wrong and she will feel uncomfortable.

They really don't have to worry that much.

At this moment, Xiao Song came back and went directly to the west wing where they stayed, with big and small bags in his hands, and they were all eaten after they were lifted.

There were preserves, sweets, and packets of sweet treats.

Seeing her, Xiaochun felt helpless, pointed to her forehead and said, "Who is complaining about toothache, and thinking about eating sweets all day long?"

Xiao Song said with a "hehe" smile, "I'll just eat a little of everything, and everyone will eat the rest together! My father wants to buy something for me, and besides food, I don't lack anything else."

Xiaotang put away the food and said: "If you want to eat, you can eat it during the day, and you are not allowed to eat it before going to bed at night, or your teeth will really break down."

Xiao Song rubbed his belly and said, "It's getting long, what should I do if I'm hungry at night?"

Xiaotang said: "Then drink lotus root noodles or fried noodles, or hard noodles."

Xiao Song reluctantly agreed.

But she still remembered the business, washed her hands and went to the upper room, and said: "Fu Jin has been tired for a long time, and my servant will press it for you?"

Shu Shu agreed, turned over and lay down on the couch.

Xiaosong stepped forward, sat down on the edge of the couch, and began to massage his shoulders and necks.

Shu Shu said: "Uncle Hei said when will we leave?"

Since Brother Nine and his party have been sent to the Southern Tour team, whether it is Heishan or Fu Nai, they have all completed their errands.

Shengjia will continue to go south, and before returning to Luan, there is no need for them to follow along, and they can return.

They all rode alone and did not go with the fleet, and they still wanted to ride back to Beijing.

Xiao Song thought for a while and said, "I said I want to see Guard Fu."

Shu Shu had already heard Brother Nine talk about Fu Nai's relationship with the Cao family, and said, "The guard Fu is going to visit relatives in Jiangning."

That is the old mother-in-law, a serious and loving relative.

Xiao Song said: "Then wait for them to come back from Jiangning, anyway, half of them are still on the way..."

Brother Nine said from the side: "Come out from the imperial court in the next afternoon, and it seems that someone said that among the followers of the courtiers, the locals in Jiangsu can have a holiday, and they don't have to go to Hangzhou. Old Fu's place is probably going directly to Jiangning .”

It is three hundred miles from Suzhou to Hangzhou, and four hundred miles to Jiangning. However, Hangzhou and Jiangning are not in the same direction. It is more than five hundred miles from Hangzhou to Jiangning.

Brother Jiu was already counting the time, and said: "The holy driver will leave the day after tomorrow, and he will arrive in Hangzhou on the [-]nd or [-]rd. In Suzhou, officials, gentry and common people kneel down to keep the holy driver. It is inevitable to come to Hangzhou. It will be twenty-nine or thirty when Sheng Jia returns to Luan..."

Shu Shu remembered something, turned her head, and said: "No, didn't you say that there is still a trip to Songjiang, isn't it?"

Su Song is the combined name of Suzhou Prefecture and Songjiang Prefecture.

These two houses are next to each other.

The ninth elder brother had been to the yamen of the household department several times before he came out, and he also knew that the fourth elder brother's errand was to sort out the tax deficit books of the Songjiang mansion in the past few years.

At that time, the local newspaper reported that there was a flood, but in fact it seemed to be a tide disaster or a tsunami...

He rubbed his chin and said, "Because General Hangzhou brought troops to meet him, so there is no need to delay any longer. I guess Shengjia will stay in Suzhou when he comes back. At that time, Khan Ama should go to Songjiang Mansion."

Hundreds of years later, the canals have begun to unblock, but it is only the beginning.

Shu Shu has never walked this line, so she is really not familiar with this section of waterway.

Although she is a senior red fan, she never forgets to go to Jiangning Weaving Mansion to see it, but thinking about the fatigue along the way, she is also a little tired, so she said to Brother Jiu: "Then I guess when we can return to the capital ?”

Brother Nine said: "The return trip will be quicker. You don't need to inspect the river works, and you don't need to stay in various places. If it is faster, it will be almost the first ten days of May, and if it is slower, it will be in the middle of May."

Shu Shu turned over and sat up, and said, "How long is the construction period for the Prince's Mansion?"

Brother Jiu said: "The craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry are rich, and the Department of Construction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs still has manpower. The construction period reported by the Ministry of Industry was five months, and the construction started in late February, and it will be half July. I guess it should be faster some."

Shu Shu was a little excited, and said: "Then let's celebrate the emperor's birthday tomorrow morning, and then go out to visit the garden. If there are good lake stones and flowers, we can also order them."

Brother Nine nodded and said, "Then go for a walk!"

The couple went to bed late yesterday, and they were busy for most of the day today, they were already tired, so they washed up early and went to bed.

But brother Jiu didn't close his eyes yet, he yawned and said to Shu Shu: "This person is not familiar with the place, old ten and the others are all right, won't you meet someone who can't open your eyes?"

Shu Shudao: "There are guards following him, and Li Can, a local snake, besides, in order to meet the driver, the hooligans in the city should be able to deal with it."

Even so, Brother Nine was still a little worried, and muttered: "Didn't you say that there is a 'Hongmen' here in the south of the Yangtze River, who specializes in 'anti-Qing and Fuming', under the banner of 'Third Prince Zhu'?"

Shu Shu also yawned, how can there be so many ups and downs in life.

Especially with their current identities, no one else can touch them if they want to.

The ups and downs are also living a life.

The clapper of the second watch rang.

There was movement in the yard.

It was Elder Brother Shi and Fujin Shi who came back.

Seeing that the upper room was still lighting the lamp, Elder Brother Ten stood under the window and said through the window: "Brother Nine, you brought back crabapple cakes and wine rice cakes, do you and Sister-in-law Nine want to try them now?"

"Don't eat, don't eat, we have to rest..."

Brother Jiu was already very sleepy, so he pulled his shoes out of bed and turned off the light.

The tenth elder brother looked at the darkened window, and heard his ninth elder brother mumbling inside, "I'm finally back, I'm so sleepy".

He couldn't help feeling somewhat regretful, because he came back a little late.

Shouldn't press back.

But Brother Jiu is really serious, are you a child?

Elder Brother Ten complained in his heart, but his chest felt warm.

Silent all night.

The next day, Brother Nine opened his eyes and immediately revived with full blood.

He stretched his waist and said to Shu Shu: "Let's go to the night market to see and see. Yesterday during the day, I saw so many lanterns hanging outside, and I thought it was wrong, and I was thinking about how to use it for decoration. It turns out that it is because of the night market... ..."

There is also a night market in Beijing, but because of the "night ban", there are not many night markets open throughout the year.

There are two major festivals, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Lantern Festival, each with a few days.

The time of "night ban" has changed. The Mid-Autumn Festival is extended from one o'clock to three o'clock in the middle of the night, and there is no "night ban" for four or five days before and after the Lantern Festival.

After hearing this, Shu Shu became interested, and said, "Then let's go see tonight."

The couple dressed neatly and put on the prince's auspicious clothes and the prince Fujin's auspicious clothes.

Today is March [-], the Longevity Day.

Even if the banquet is over, as sons and daughters-in-law, they have to go to the imperial court to kowtow and celebrate their birthdays.

In the yard, Elder Brother Ten and Fujin Shi have already come out.

Ten Fujins are wearing the brand-new Prince Fujin auspicious gown.

Suzhou Weaving is in charge of the dresses of the masters in the palace, including Prince Fujin's auspicious clothes.

It should have been prepared beforehand.

I had my body measured the day before yesterday, and yesterday afternoon I was given a set of changed Prince Fujin's auspicious clothes and two sets of regular clothes.

Just having clothes, but no matching prince Fujin's auspicious crown, Shu Shu chose a sapphire blessing full of tins from among her few tins and gave it to Shi Fujin.

It looks like it fits well.

Seeing Shu Shu coming out, Shi Fujin looked at her, then looked down at himself, and said with a smile: "I wear the same clothes as Jiusao!"

After saying this, she looked at Brother Nine and Brother Ten, with sparkling eyes, and said, "They also wear the same clothes."

Shu Shu smiled, this is a uniform, not only them, but I saw San Fujin and Wu Fujin at the door after a while, they must be dressed in this way.

While talking, several people came out of the garden.

There was also movement in the two courtyards next door.

The third elder brother and the fifth elder brother came out from the courtyard in the middle and joined everyone.

The third elder brother was shaking the folding fan in his hand, watching the ninth elder brother put away the fan, he tapped him with the fan, and said: "Lao Jiu, tell me, do you have any objections to my brother, why did I provoke you? "

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Okay, what did Third Brother say about this, and what kind of etiquette is this, my brother is confused?"

The third elder brother snorted softly and said: "Why didn't I have a share in the dinner at noon yesterday? Why is the elder brother the elder brother and the seventh elder brother, so I am not the elder brother?"

Brother Jiu said unexpectedly: "You were in Zhizao Mansion yesterday, didn't you go out for a stroll?"

This is Suzhou, not some other place. If you don’t have knowledge and experience, is it not for nothing?

Brother San paused, and said: "I went out in the first afternoon, but I came back at noon, and happened to meet He Yuzhu bringing someone to deliver the noodles, okay, I waited in the yard for a long time, but I didn't get a bite!"

Brother Nine said: "My younger brother doesn't know about this either. I just thought it would be hard to come out. Everyone went out for a walk. Big Brother and Seventh Brother had errands and couldn't get away. It's poor, so I wanted to let them try Suzhou cuisine."

The third elder brother's face is better now: "Isn't it just leaving me, but the elder brother and the seventh brother?"

Brother Nine said calmly: "Of course, I originally sent people to cover the third floor of Qingyue Tower, but in the past there were a few tables left, so I sent people directly to send them back for distribution, which also saves the cost of throwing away."

Third Elder Brother: "..."

He looked at Brother Jiu and felt that it was not a lie.

But this is not a special "respect dish", but the rest of the table?
Seeing that he didn't make a sound, brother Jiu thought he didn't believe him, so he stretched out his hand to break up with him and said, "The guards, guards, vests, eunuchs and maids who followed are all seated and the table is full. It's several taels of silver at the table, so don't let it go to waste!"

The third elder brother was speechless, and really wanted to transfer these words to the imperial court for the emperor to hear.

Lao Jiu's "filial piety" is watery!

Everyone walked from west to east, the elder brother, the seventh elder brother, and the eighth elder brother came out with the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

Brother Fourteen covered his mouth and winked at Brother Ninth with a bit of gloating.

On the faces of the elder brother and the seventh elder brother, it was hard to say a word.

It turned out that he was sympathized with and got a table with Lao Jiu? !

The eighth elder brother smiled lightly, even though he knew the reason, his mood did not relax.

They all grew up together, the ninth elder brother could fool the third elder brother, but he couldn't fool him.

If you really want to think about it, even if you know that someone is going out, you will stay; you don't ask a question, but you are still annoyed.

On the contrary, it was Brother Thirteen who regretted not coughing twice to remind Brother Ninth.

Brother Nine was completely puzzled, but rather pleased with himself, he said to everyone, "Ama Khan will give you some money later. I helped you beg for this yesterday. You should thank me very much later!"

The elders don't want favors, but the brothers don't?
If you do good deeds without letting people know, you will suffer a disadvantage.

Elder Fourteen stood up and said cheerfully, "How much money?"

He was poor, and seeing his sister-in-laws buying and buying, he also wanted to spend money.

Not only Brother Fourteen, but everyone else also looked at Brother Ninth.

Brother Jiu said: "Then I don't know, but yesterday I remembered that all the officers and soldiers who followed me had rewarded me with silver, but there was no one from us, so I said something to Ama Khan, and I saw that Ama Khan meant yes." ..."

The fourteenth elder brother had already brought expectations: "Could that be an annual rule?"

There are two grades for the prince's year, twenty taels a month when he is not in the study, and two hundred and forty taels a year; fifty taels a month and six hundred taels a year when he is in the study.

Ninth elder brother glanced at eldest elder brother, feeling a little guilty.

Although he muttered "follow the king's rules" in front of the imperial court yesterday, he knew that most of the time it was useless.

The big reward to the clan years ago was also in the name of playing Zhungeer, which was also a kind of reward for merit.

Only he and Elder Brother Shi made up the numbers, and others turned a blind eye.

Now the prince is rewarded generously, but the teacher comes from no name.

Most of them are still "equal rich and poor".

It was this money that came out of the imperial father's private treasury, and he wanted to distribute it to the princes according to their rank.

Now after talking about the unfairness for a while, the total number should not change, that is, the gap between each person is less...

It was too late to write the second update, so I kept writing it down, two in one to ask for a monthly ticket.

The next update will be at 11:3 on November 12th. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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