My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 512 is still divided into 369 grades

Chapter 512 Still Divided into Three, Six, and Nine Classes

Several sisters-in-law followed behind and heard everything.

In any case, it is good to be rewarded with silver.

Husband and wife are one, no one thinks that the couple's accounts should be clear.

Especially San Fujin, already thinking of what name to use to hold the reward silver in his hands.

How about just mentioning the Western perfume that my mother-in-law likes?

Since the mother-in-law is reluctant to part with the money and feels distressed, then they will buy it!
Even if the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is ordinary, Sanfujin is willing to give her money to her mother-in-law instead of letting San elder brother save a private house for Gege.

All day long, it seems like the weak wind is supporting the willows, but it can fool people, and people are greedy, as if their whole family has to rely on selling girls to survive.

It's like giving birth to this master of his own family, as if he had been poured into ecstasy soup. He wanted to be frugal, but he was willing to help Gege supplement his mother's family, just to make his concubine look good.

What is this all about?
Like a fool.

Sanfujin knew in his heart that the money was destined to go back to Tian Gege's pocket, and it was just a different way to get money.

From a family like the Tian family, there is a girl who has climbed a high branch, and she can only make up for it. How dare she dig the meat?

Wu Fujin was not short of money, and before going out this time, Fifth Elder Brother paid the silver from the account in exchange for the gold that she could carry.

Even with the Queen Mother offering lanterns and praying for blessings, the money spent along the way is limited.

But Shi Fujin bit Shu Shu's ear and said: "I got the money, let's go to the shop next time and buy more!"

Shu Shu nodded in agreement, and didn't disappoint her to persuade her to buy less.

To be honest, there are not no foreign goods in the south of the Yangtze River in the capital, but there are fewer and more expensive ones, and they are not as happy as buying here.

It will be fine when Shi Fujin gains insight and gets over the addiction.

A group of people were talking, and they arrived at the main courtyard behind Zhizaofu Middle Road, where Shengjia stayed.

It's not yet the beginning of Chen, and it's not too late for the juniors, but they are one step behind.

There are already many people waiting in the yard.

Along with Prince Jian and King Pingjun who were on the southern tour, as well as university scholars, ministers leading the guards, ministers, etc., as well as the governors of the province who came to the court before, and the generals of Hangzhou who came to greet them, they have all gathered, waiting to congratulate life.

There was no movement ahead, and King Zhijun went to talk to Prince Jian and King Pingjun.

Everyone also stood in the past, not in a hurry to let the person at the door pass the message.

Seeing that it is time for breakfast, maybe the emperor will see you after dinner.

Shu Shu called He Yuzhu, and ordered in a low voice: "Go over and ask Gege why you didn't come here, do you want to celebrate your birthday with the elders?"

They are all flesh and blood, no sons come over, and daughters are left behind.

Yesterday we agreed to celebrate his birthday together in the morning, but there is no sign of anyone yet.

He Yuzhu bowed in response and went east.

After a while, He Yuzhu came back and said in a low voice: "Shengjia is at the Empress Dowager's place. The emperor's dining table was set over there this morning, and Jiu Gege was sent to accompany him to eat."

Only then did Shu Shu know the reason.

About two quarters of an hour later, at the beginning of the morning, there was the sound of quiet whips not far away.

In the courtyard, there were two or three muttering in twos and threes, but there was no movement at the moment. They retreated to both sides of the corridor one by one, turned to look at the door, and bowed to greet them.

"Crack", "crack"...

With the sound of static whips moving from far to near, Kangxi strode into the courtyard.

He was wearing a dragon robe and did not sit on a chariot, surrounded by eunuchs and guards behind him.

Seeing the courtyard full of people, he slowed down his pace, moved his gaze away from the crowd, nodded as a signal, and entered the main room without stopping.

When he reached the door, he paused, and ordered Liang Jiugong, saying: "Let the princes and prince Fujin!"

Liang Jiugong bowed and agreed.

When Sheng Jia entered the main room, he straightened his waist and said: "Here comes the emperor's dictation, all princes and prince Fujin will meet you!"

Headed by the elder brother, the whole group bowed and listened, and then entered in order according to the sequence.

Shu Shu was half a step behind the ninth elder brother, followed behind the eighth elder brother, and in front of the tenth elder brother and his wife.

Because of the pick-up here, the house has also been remodeled.

Five rooms are wide and two deep, with a brand-new carved dragon throne in the middle.

Kangxi did not sit on the dragon seat, but in Xicijian.

This side imitates the buildings in the capital, with kangs in the north and south.

Kangxi sat on the kang right now.

Eldest elder brother put down his horseshoe sleeves, knelt down on both knees, respectfully, and said: "I respectfully wish Khan Ama a thousand-year-old birthday, great blessings!"

After saying that, he took off his hat, "bang bang bang" and kowtowed three times.

Kangxi stretched out his hand, motioning for him to get up.

Eldest brother had a beard when he was in mourning, but when the attendant wanted to serve the elders, it was disrespectful to wear a beard, so he shaved it off.

Even so, compared with other elder brothers, this face is still a bit different, especially the elder brothers who are after the ninth elder brother, not only like father and son, but also like uncles and nephews.

This was not the case during the northern tour last year. The pain of losing his wife made him suffer a lot.

"You are all well, that is my blessing!"

Kangxi sighed and said to elder brother.

The eldest elder brother showed shame, and said: "It is the son who is not filial, which made Ama Khan worry."

Kangxi said: "It's good that you know it. When you return to Luan, I will ask your mother-in-law to show you. When the end of the year, you can welcome Fujin!"

The elder brother heard this, and hurriedly said: "Ama Khan, there is no need to do this, let's wait until the next year's draft, and there is no need to make an exception for my son."

Girls of the Eight Banners have to participate in the draft every three years.

This year is not the year of the draft. If you look at them in advance, it is equivalent to choosing in advance from the next wave of show girls, which is disrespectful.

What's more, at the end of the year, the children hadn't left their clothes yet, so he didn't want to put up lanterns and festoons in the county palace to welcome the newcomers in.

Kangxi frowned and said, "You don't need Fujin, the children also need someone to take care of them..."

That is the county prince's mansion, how can it be done without a mistress?
Eldest brother hesitated for a moment, and said: "My son thought that after Shengjia returned to Luan, he would carry Wang Gege as Shu Fujin..."

This Wang family is Qingxi, the grand maid who left the Palace of Yanxi Palace years ago.

Because of Dafu Jin's demise, she was ordered by Concubine Hui to serve some young masters in the county prince's mansion, and her name was also removed from the palace book.

A big girl can't just hang out in the palace without a name or distinction, and just give Ge Ge her status.

It's just that the name is the name, and the house has not yet been consummated. It's more like finding a foster mother for the children.

Kangxi also remembered this, frowned and said: "The background is too low..."

Either the daughter of a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or an ordinary coat-coated family, Shengzai has been in the palace for a long time, has served Concubine Hui for many years, and behaves fairly properly.

He understood what his son meant, but he still wanted to uplift Wang Gege, let her be tied up with the interests of the young masters, and succeed Fujin in the future, so he couldn't use his stepmother's status to suppress the young ones.

In fact, Shu Fujin did not have a formal canonization, so he defaulted to a level, below the side Fujin and above Gege.

Eldest brother doesn't have side Fujin, if Wang's family is Shu Fujin, he can overwhelm other members and take care of the housework before Ji Fujin comes in.

Eldest brother smiled wryly and said: "It's better if you come from a lower family background, and you won't have any other thoughts when you have your second or third son in the future."

Kangxi felt unhappy: "You don't need to think about this all day long, if the time comes when the successor Fujin is not a good person, you will be taught by your elders."

In this way, before the stepmother came in, he had bad plans, how could he live in the future?

It's not hot these days.

I also lost my original wife back then, and I didn't say so.

Although Kangxi felt sorry for his granddaughter and grandchildren who lost their mothers, he still loved his son the most, and said: "This time, it's up to you, you can put the days of referring to Fujin in the next year, and when that time comes, don't gossip anymore!"

The eldest elder brother said gratefully: "Xiehan Ama, my son understands."

The third elder brother is by the side, and I can't wait to bring it.

According to the charter, shouldn't the prince and elder brother have a birthday greeting?

But after the elder brother finished speaking here, he moved out half a step, and then moved back.

The father and son talked about their daily life.

The boss has been serving the imperial court these days, when can't he say that he has to show such partiality in front of other sons?
The third elder brother slandered, with grievances, and remembered what happened eight hundred years ago in his mind.

Back then when Buku won the boss, Khan Ama didn't praise himself, but went to comfort the boss.

He also praised him for being sensible and knowing how to be humble to his younger brother.

Kangxi had already looked over, and the distance was less than ten feet, so he could see clearly.

He squinted his eyes and said nothing.

It was still the fifth elder brother who was kind, seeing the third elder brother distracted, poked him in the back of the heart, and reminded in a low voice: "Third elder brother, it's your turn..."

The third elder brother came to his senses now, hurried out of the queue, followed the same movements as the eldest elder brother before, knelt down and said: "My son Yinzhi congratulates Khan Amadod for a long life, like a crane like a pine!"

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "I heard that you were invited to Fuxue Poetry Club yesterday morning, how is it?"

The third elder brother said respectfully: "Suzhou has outstanding people, because the holy car is here this time, the disciples also wrote a lot of hymns yesterday. My son is dull and dare not show his timidity, so he proposed to compile it into a book and wrote the preface! "

Kangxi looked at the third elder brother, and it was not surprising that he responded to him like this.

Sometimes, this son is still very reliable.

And he still has some talents.

Even if the poems are really written, they still have a bit of aura, not to mention very good, but seven or eight points, without showing timidity.

But compared with that, this modesty is more in line with the preferences of scholars.

It's just that this is not a big contribution, the county king's hat still has to wait.

After seeing him.

If he learns how to get along with his brothers and pretends to be a good brother, then before the next step, the little elder brother will be given the county king's hat.

Thinking of this, Kangxi's expression softened a little, and he also called the third elder brother to get up, and then looked at the fifth elder brother and his wife.

The third elder brother smiled reluctantly and retreated to the team.

He remembered clearly that just now the emperor said six sentences to the boss, but when he came to him, there was only one sentence? !

The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat!
He is still aggrieved.

The fifth elder brother and his wife had already kowtowed and returned to the team after speaking their congratulations.

Then came Seventh Brother...

Brother San blinked, as if it was nothing.

Just now at the fifth place, Khan Ama didn't say a word.

The next thing is coming soon, everyone has the same rules, but the birthday greetings in their mouths have changed.

Shu Shu was still a little nervous at first, thinking that brother Jiu has been jumping up and down recently, with a sense of presence, will Kangxi treat him differently?

At this time, is it good or bad to treat each other differently?
As a result, she thought too much.

There is no difference from the previous ones.

Not only them, but also the ten princes and ten Fujin who kowtowed afterwards, Kangxi was also indifferent, and didn't mean to ask more questions.

On the contrary, it was the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother. Kangxi gave a few words, saying: "Follow your brother and sister-in-law these days, be more obedient, if you dare to make trouble, there will be no next time!"

Brother Thirteen honestly agreed.

Fourteenth elder brother was embarrassed, feeling that the words meant something.

He is also a year older and more thoughtful.

Why can't Khan Ama see it?
I opened my eyes in the morning and thought about paying off the debt at four o'clock today, but in the early winter without heating, it was so hard to get up, 55
(End of this chapter)

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