Chapter 513 Knowing Interests
After teaching the two younger sons, Kangxi felt at ease.

He glanced at Brother Jiu and remembered what Brother Jiu said yesterday.

Except for the two younger brothers Thirteenth Brother and Fourteenth Brother, the older princes who followed him had really worked hard in the past two months, and each had their own errands.

At this time, it is time to reward the silver.

Immediately, he glanced at several princes Fujin who were pleasing to the eye with low brows.

On this journey southwards, the Empress Dowager eats and lives well, and her health and mood are better than when she was on the northern tour last year, thanks to the five and nine Fujin.

And Sanfujin here, even if there are deficiencies, it is a compliment to subsidize my uncle's diet out of his own pocket.

As for the Ten Fortunes...

In order to "greeting" with her husband, she went out of Beijing the next day after the wedding, and even the "returning ceremony" was omitted.

"Reward all the adult princes and prince Fu Jinyin who are in charge with one thousand taels each, and half for the thirteenth and fourteenth princes!"

Kangxi said.

Everyone had heard Brother Jiu mention this matter before, so it was no surprise that they all thanked the reward in unison.

Immediately, Kangxi said: "Go down, pass on Prince Jian and Prince Ping to come in."

This is the order of today's birthday celebrations, first the royal family, then the clan relatives, and finally the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs.

Everyone lined up.

Brother Nine's fingers moved slightly in his sleeve, he had already made a calculation in his heart.

Their rewards are one thousand taels for eleven, five hundred taels for two, or twelve thousand taels.

The queen mother is not rewarding silver, but "respecting silver", which should be the highest, two thousand taels?
The two concubines are on the same level as the imperial concubine, and should be about the same as them. It is estimated that they are also one thousand taels.

The next two nobles will be halved, five hundred per person.

So the total is [-] taels.

According to the various filial ratios of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the amount of money I plan to "honor" to the emperor's father every year is almost the same.

What do you mean?
It's like he made a birthday for the old man?

That's fine too!

It's rare that he didn't feel wronged, and when he glanced at his wife, he was very happy, so he returned two thousand taels!
There is actually a kind of joy of taking advantage.

After leaving the middle road, the fourteenth elder brother snapped his fingers angrily and said, "I'm twelve, and the thirteenth brother is fourteen. What's the difference between Chengding and Taizong? Emperor Taizong has defended the city so much, Khan Ama is also Ready to get married!"

The elder brother said: "What's the rush, wait a few years and it will be fine."

Elder Fourteen curled his lips and said: "But last year I rewarded him once, and it was only Brother Ten. This time, there are two differences. Younger is also a whole son, not a half-hearted son!"

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "Just be content with it. You're still not satisfied after getting five hundred taels, what else do you want? Eldest brother hasn't said anything yet?"

This sentence was nonsensical, everyone looked at Big Brother, and then at Brother Nine.

The eldest elder brother didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Ama Khan rewarded the silver, it's not my money, what can I say?"

Brother Jiu coughed lightly, his eyes fluttered, and he said, "That's not necessarily the case, maybe we are all under the influence of Big Brother."

While speaking, he glanced at the third elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, and even the eighth elder brother, and quickly moved away.

Seeing his strange expression, the elder brother patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't be a fool, you have said everything!"

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said: "Haha, that's what happened. After my younger brother mentioned that the princes didn't give me money, Khan Ama originally wanted to divide it into two classes. Brothers with nobles will each receive half a year's salary. No Jue's sons pay a yearly..."

The elder brother understood, and snorted softly: "I understand, you ordered to quit, and Khan Ama will share equally!"

Brother Nine nodded frankly and said: "It's not about rewards for meritorious deeds, but what about titles and titles? In the "Great Qing Law", the division of family property is still divided among all the sons. Naturally, follow the law. Evenly divided!"

Elder Fourteen noticed something was wrong, hurriedly came over, and said: "No, Brother Ninth, since all the sons are divided equally, why is it halved for Brother Thirteen and Brother? It's one hundred taels less than the annual ratio?"

Brother Nine curled his lips and said: "Isn't it that Han Ama is tight? I'm afraid he won't let it go, so I said that if I want to halve it, I'll cut it for both of you!"

Brother Fourteen stared at Brother Nine, not knowing what to say.

If Brother Nine hadn't proposed this matter, there would be no reward, but in the future, he might not have proposed so diligently!

The third elder brother heard it clearly, and said: "In this way, we are all at a loss, so you and the old ten will grow from six hundred taels of silver to one thousand taels?!"

Brother Nine wanted to shake his head and tell Brother Three that it wasn't calculated that way.

There was no such reward as Prince Fujin before.

That's what he suggested too!

The third elder brother was the one who took advantage, from [-] taels to [-] taels.

But when the words came to his mouth, he felt that it was inappropriate, so he said: "Isn't it just two hundred and five? Brothers, what's the matter with the rich and the poor? The elder brother lost six two hundred and five and didn't say anything. If you are unhappy, the younger brother will give you back." Two hundred and fifty is good!"

The third elder brother felt awkward and said: "Don't just say two hundred and five, this is not a good word!"

"Hey! You're so paranoid. Didn't my brother settle the account for you? Baylor's half salary is [-] taels, and now it's [-] taels, which is [-] taels short. I didn't make a mistake in the calculation!"

Brother Jiu said.

The fourteenth elder brother was beside me, thinking that he would also learn arithmetic in the study, and he calculated in his heart, and said: "That's not right, the eldest brother lost one thousand five hundred taels, and the third, fifth, seventh, and eighth brothers lost [-] taels each. The number of people is two hundred and fifty taels less, the thirteenth brother and I are one hundred less each, the ninth brother, you and the tenth brother are only four hundred taels more each!"

It seems that Khan Ama is really poor?

Such a change also reduced the reward by two thousand taels.

Brother Jiu patted his protruding forehead, and said: "If you are so clear about what to do, fourteen, fourteen, my brother will tell you a truth today, it is called 'to lose is to take advantage'!"

Elder Fourteen frowned: "I've never heard of it!"

Brother Jiu was still thinking about taking Shushu to see Taihu Stone, so he said: "Okay, okay, since there is no banquet today, let's go, we are still thinking about going out!"

The third elder brother thought that the ninth elder brother loved to pretend to be in front of the imperial court the most in the past six months, so he hurriedly said: "What are you going to do, what birthday gift did you order? Tell me and listen, if it is good, everyone will join us!"


Ninth elder brother was a little surprised, glanced at third elder brother, and said: "I kowtowed my head, did you prepare a birthday gift here?"

The third elder brother was stunned, these days he followed the imperial officials who followed him and made friends with the local academics and politicians, and he was very busy every day.

He looked at Sanfujin.

San Fujin lowered his eyelids, and said: "Yesterday, I went to the imperial court to honor eight birthday gifts and eighty catties of birthday noodles."

The birthday gift was prepared before leaving Beijing, how could such a big event be overlooked?
After several years of husband and wife, she can also see that her master is filial.

How could such a big matter be ignored.

The third elder brother breathed a sigh of relief, but said: "It's too simple, even though it's a birthday, not a whole life, we as children should respect it..."

He was rambling, but others didn't like to listen to it.

The elder brother said: "I'll go to General Hangzhou and ask about the departure of Shengjia tomorrow."

Seventh elder brother still cherished words like gold as always, and said from the side: "Let's go together!"

The two went outside Zhizao Mansion.

Brother Jiu was planning to go out with Shu Shu, so he was already impatient and said: "Let's go first, let's go first!"

Elder Fourteen hurriedly said: "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, where are you going to play today?"

He watched helplessly, wanting to follow.

Brother Jiu quickly waved his hands and said, "We are going to see the garden, don't join in the fun, we want to go out and send someone to find Li Can to accompany him."

Brother Fourteen curled his lips and said, "What's so good about the garden? It's small and mean, there's not much room..."

A few days ago, they stayed in Yangzhou, and they visited a so-called famous garden with Shengjia.

The fourteenth elder brother felt that the gardens in the south of the Yangtze River were the same thing, not as grand and open as the gardens in the capital.

Elder Brother Ten was beside him, and said, "Brother Ninth and Sister-in-law Nine, are you planning to visit Taihu Stone?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Yes, if there are any good ones, make a decision first, and then transport them back to the garden."

Elder Brother Shi hesitated. He also reserved a place for gardening in his yard.

Ten Fujin was already talking aside: "Taihu Lake? Taihu whitebait, Taihu whitefish, Taihu white shrimp..."

Elder Brother Ten looked at her with gentleness and said, "Want to eat?"

Shi Fujin nodded, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Jiu said that the whitebait in Taihu Lake has no spines, so I can eat it. The steamed whitefish in Qingyue Tower yesterday also has no spines, and the meat is tender!"

Brother Ten glanced at Brother Nine and hesitated for a moment, thinking whether to split up or go with his brother and sister-in-law.

Brother Jiu has already said: "Don't delay, if you want to go, you can change your clothes and go out together..."

Speaking of this, he instructed He Yuzhu: "Go to Gao Yanzhong and talk to him, prepare two carriages, and then go to Bose and Aiyintu to talk..."

Elder Fourteen was by the side, couldn't help it anymore, leaned over, took Elder Ninth's arm, and said, "Brother Ninth..."

Ninth elder brother glanced at him, disgusted, just about to refuse, he saw Thirteenth elder brother behind him, looking at him pitifully, and said: "Okay, let's follow, but it's agreed, we still have to Be obedient!"

Elder Fourteen nodded quickly and said, "I know, I know, don't worry!"

I heard that I just went to see the Taihu Stone, and the third elder brother had no interest.

Although he is usually sour and fake, he is actually the most pragmatic person and has little interest in such hypocrisy.

I was reluctant to pay real money to buy a few big stones.

The same goes for the fifth elder brother.

Shu Shu, on the other hand, remembered yesterday's meeting at Qingyue Tower and the purchase of Wanbao Pavilion, and said to Wu Fujin in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, if you have no other arrangements today, you can go for a walk with Brother Wu. I heard that it is the largest restaurant in Jiangnan." In foreign goods stores, things are quite expensive, and there are many practical ones, but they are a few percent cheaper than buying them in the capital."

Sanfujin was listening, and said: "Yes, yes, let's go to Wanbao Pavilion today..."

She was still thinking about the three big gold bracelets, and wanted to see other gold objects as well.

I heard that foreigners like to use gold and silverware, and the dishes are all gold and silver.

If it was all her jewelry, it would be unreasonable, but after buying these daily necessities and receiving them into the warehouse in the government, no one else would say anything.

With an extra budget of [-] taels of silver, San Fujin was already impatient.

The third elder brother said: "Wanbao Pavilion? The one of Ji's family, I have to go and see it!"

That is the richest man in Jiangnan, the first salt merchant's family.

Shengjia's residence in Yangzhou Mansion is the other courtyard of Ji's family.

After the third elder brother finished speaking, he looked at the fifth elder brother and said, "Fifth, together? The younger ones get together, and we also get together?"

The fifth elder brother nodded with a smile. After all, he couldn't let his wife go out alone, he had to accompany him.

The eighth elder brother stood by and looked to his left. The third elder brother and the fifth elder brother also started to plan.

"Qingyue Tower is so famous, you have to see it."

San Age said.

He still couldn't forget the noodles he didn't eat yesterday.

Later, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were overjoyed, and they had already talked about the gangsters in Taihu Lake in the picture book.

Only the eighth elder brother is self-contained.

The eighth elder brother wanted to take a step forward and explain clearly to the ninth elder brother, but he couldn't lift his feet.

Everyone is eagerly waiting for the trip, and he is still more interesting.

He took a long breath, and said to the third elder brother and the fifth elder brother: "I just remembered that there is still a previous errand that I haven't reported to Khan Ama, so I will go ahead..."

(End of this chapter)

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