My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 514 Xu is a misunderstanding

Chapter 514 Xu is a Misunderstanding
After the eighth elder brother finished speaking, the scene suddenly quieted down.

The third elder brother glanced at him, then at the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, and realized that something was wrong.

Before this brother, several good ones looked like one person, is this a breakup?
The fifth elder brother looked indifferent and didn't intend to speak.

Brother Nine raised his chin, hugged his shoulders, and looked at the pavilion in the distance.

Elder Brother Ten said to Fujin in a low voice: "You're hungry, I'll fill you up soon..."

Everyone came to pay their respects early in the morning, and they haven't had breakfast yet.

Ten Fujin said: "Is it time to go back? I have to go out soon, don't delay!"

The scene was quiet, and the words of the young couple fell into everyone's ears.

The thirteenth elder brother lowered his head, looking at the roses blooming in the corner.

The fourteenth elder brother glanced at the eighth elder brother, and then at the ninth elder brother.

He originally looked ordinary among his brothers, so he looked a little bit of a thief.

The third elder brother said "haha" twice: "Then you go to work, don't delay the business."

The eighth elder brother blushed, looked helplessly at the ninth elder brother, sighed, turned and left.

Everyone looked at Brother Jiu.

The eighth elder brother had a wrong expression just now, as if the ninth elder brother was ignorant.

The third elder brother said: "Is this a quarrel? It's weird, when you still have red faces, why..."

Before the words fell, a strange expression appeared on his face.

It can't be the rumor of that and that, right?

At that time, the eight blessings were open to talk, and when they made a fuss, did it stop after returning to Beijing?
It's a matter of privacy, Shu Shu, the "client", is also in front of her, and her younger brothers and sisters are watching. The third elder brother is not good at talking about this, so he turned the conversation around and said: "If you have something to say, talk about it, let's go back and relax. Brother, just talk about it, maybe there is some misunderstanding."

Brother Jiu didn't want to mention this, and said, "I'm hungry, the steamed buns delivered by the weaving mansion's kitchen yesterday were pretty good, let's go back too!"

Everyone continued to walk back without delay.

Sanfujin couldn't hold back his curiosity, changed places with Wufujin, approached Shushu, and whispered: "What's the reason for this, why are you so annoyed?"

Shu Shu didn't hide it, but she didn't say it so carefully, she just said: "It seems that the servants over there are disrespectful, who knows, our master didn't go into details."

San Fujin listened, and tasted it in his heart, thinking it was more like Brother Jiu's excuse.

Ninth elder brother is the prince's elder brother. If it is said that there are close brothers and some alienated brothers, it is reasonable to neglect them for a while.

His teeth are at the back, even if he is the son of a concubine, but there is an older brother from the same mother above him, so the respectability in front of the imperial court can only come from the fifth elder brother.

But if you want to talk about servants, even if they are not under the name of Brother Jiu, according to common sense, no one would dare to confront the prince.

This is vague, for what reason?
Sanfujin was startled and unsure, feeling uneasy.

She glanced at Wu Fujin, and saw that Wu Fujin was still calm, without changing his face.

Sanfujin pursed her lips, slandering in her heart.

On weekdays, it seems that she is acting like a relative, but in fact it is just a matter of face, and there is no sense of worry at all.

You know, it's not just the two princes who are fighting against each other. If the reason is really related to Shu Shu, it's not good to lose in front of the elders.
What will the emperor think?
What would Concubine Yi think?
And if brother Jiu has a grudge, can he live in peace in the days to come?
It's just that she, like the third elder brother, has thought deeply about it and knows to avoid it. Now is not the time to talk about it.

So when they arrived at their respective yards, everyone dispersed first.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine went back to their room and changed into regular clothes.

Breakfast is also brought up, there are the small buns mentioned by Brother Jiu, and rice cakes, and the thin ones are wontons with dried shrimps and gnocchi filled with meat.

Brother Jiu took a bite and was pleasantly surprised, "Isn't this the meat glutinous rice ball we made in the first month?"

Shu Shu nodded with a smile.

Similar things, the one in front of me is even bigger, and there can only be four in a bowl, which is already full.

It looked about the size of a baby's fist.

Brother Jiu's joy lasted very short, and he realized something was wrong after the second and third mouthfuls.

He didn't embarrass himself either, and immediately took an empty bowl and spit out the gnocchi in his mouth.

"What's the matter? The salty stuffing is mixed with the sweet stuffing?"

He muttered, looking carefully at the remaining half of the glutinous rice balls.

The inside is the color of soy sauce, and the gravy is red and bright, which seems to be pure meat.

Shu Shu swallowed all the glutinous rice balls in her mouth, and then replied with a smile: "It's not confusing, Suzhou people like sweets, it's because sugar is put in meat stuffing!"

Brother Jiu grinned and said, "That's too sweet, I thought yesterday's cherry meat was a sweet dish..."

Who would have thought that a meat dumpling would be sweet.

Brother Jiu looked at the little ravioli and didn't dare to try it.

It's not that he doesn't eat sugar, it's just that the sweetness and freshness are mixed together, which is strange.

Seeing that he looked afraid of falling into the pit, Shu Shu ate the small wontons with a spoon.

Fortunately, even if sugar is added, it should only enhance the taste a little, not obvious.

She nodded and said, "The little wontons are good, you can eat them."

Only then did Brother Jiu take his own bowl and ate all the wontons.

Even though I think the taste is a bit bland, with less oil and less salt, compared with the gnocchi just now, it is already a normal diet.

Eat breakfast quickly, before Chenzheng is finished.

The couple rinsed their mouths and nodded to follow.

Xiaochun and Xiaotang didn't follow today, they stayed here to organize their luggage, and also washed and ironed the clothes that Shu Shu had worn in the past few days.

Sun Jin also has an errand here, that is to go to Gao Yanzhong's side, and ask the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to arrange the ship.

We can't bring up the matter of changing the ship when we arrive at the pier tomorrow.

"Didn't you say that Brother San and his wife were in the same boat before? Just follow that standard and let them spare two boats."

Brother Jiu ordered.

Sun Jin made a note and went to find Gao Yanzhong.

Elder Brother Ten and Fujin Ten also changed into regular clothes.

Ten Fujin was used to wearing Mongolian robes, and he also wore riding clothes on this trip, which was very similar to Mongolian robes.

Now it is an authentic flag dress, a loose cloak with slanted breasts, and a layer of shirt inside which looks similar to a cloak in her opinion.

All loose and fat.

Shi Fujin looked down, not very satisfied.

She was wearing the silver-red flag dress that Shu Shu gave her before, and the Prince Fujin's auspicious suit in the morning was dark blue, which also made her look thinner.

This person has changed into ordinary clothes and put them on in several layers, making him look very bloated.

She drooped her head and whispered to Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law, can the style of this dress be changed in the future? The one with a belt on the outside, it looks too fat?"

Shu Shu took a few glances at Shi Fujin, it was really not bad for the people in the sewing room, it was obviously Shi Fujin's own choice of color.

It is red on the outside and light red on the inside.

Shu Shu said: "Look back and think about it carefully. Bannermen don't like to wear skirts. They usually wear robes on the top and trousers on the bottom. The belt is hidden inside."

Shi Fujin thought that the one his sister-in-law gave him would fit him better, so he said, "When I get back to Beijing, let Xiaochun help me draw two clothes. It should be a little waist-tight, not like this."

It's just a trivial matter, Shu Shu complied naturally.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were already ready, and they all came to meet when they heard any movement here.

There are a lot of people on my side, Brother Nine didn't care about it, so he sent someone to find Li Can to accompany him.

Li Can heard that they were going to Taihu Lake to look at the lake stones, and said with a smile: "Coincidentally, there are many lake stone fields over there, and the largest one belongs to Ji's family."

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and said, "Isn't their family a salt merchant? Why is the business so scattered?"

Li Can replied with a smile: "The Ji family made a fortune relatively early. In the previous dynasty, it was a family of eunuchs. Their wealth has lasted for more than a hundred years. Others say that their family's ancestral graves are good, and their descendants are well-mannered, so they have been promoted and promoted continuously!"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "Their ancestors are afraid that they will be alarmed, maybe their bones will be blown!"

Li Can was taken aback, looked at Brother Nine and said, "I didn't expect you to think of this?"

Isn't it the prince elder brother who didn't open the mansion?
Feeling very knowledgeable.

Brother Jiu raised his chin and said proudly: "What's the matter, there are so many people in this world who harm others and benefit themselves. If this word gets out, the graves of the ancestors will probably be plowed down!"

The richest man in the south of the Yangtze River is jealous, let alone the locals.

Also, the title of "No. [-] Salt Merchant" does not belong to Ji's family.

The person who boasted about their family's ancestral grave may be among those people.

That's the tongue that kills.

Although killing the dead.

Brother Nine looked at those murder files last year, and there were not many premeditated murders.

Almost half vendetta, half love.

The vendetta didn't say anything about killing the father and humiliating the mother. In that case, there are human feelings beyond the legal principles, and the death penalty is usually not sentenced.

Among them is this kind of peer rivalry.

Or the neighbors are jealous.

Yiguo, Suzhou Prefecture, is Wu County and Changzhou County.

Weaving Yamen is to the west of Wu County, and Taihu Lake is in the southeast of Wu County, where Wu County meets Wujiang County.

It was almost twenty miles away, and the carriage traveled there for half an hour.

At the front, it is not as dense as the courtyards in the city, but an individual courtyard circled along Taihu Lake.

After the carriage listened, Li Can pointed to the largest yard ahead and said, "There are quite a few stones there. When the servant first came here the year before last, I came here to see it for a while, and there are estimated to be thousands of good stones. "

This place not only buys lake stones, but also buys them from outside, resulting in a yard the size of several mu of land, where lake stones worth hundreds of thousands of taels are placed.

The fourteenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were originally riding horses, but now they all got off.

Elder Fourteen said with a smile: "It is said that there are water bandits hiding in Taihu Lake, and there is no one to make a decision with this lake stone that is worth thousands of gold?"

Li Can smiled and stopped talking.

Where are the real lake bandits?
Can you still live without eating or drinking?

It's just the thugs and lackeys raised by the powerful.

Although Ji's family is not a native of Suzhou, they have been a succession of Scholars for several lifetimes, and their in-laws and old relatives are all in the officialdom, so they are not afraid of the boss.

The thirteenth elder brother is also looking at Taihu Lake, and feels that the water surface is vast. Before looking at Hongze Lake, he thought it was big, but this Taihu Lake seems to be bigger.

It’s just that in the other courtyard that Li Can mentioned, there seemed to be a big ship moored at the pier in front.

After taking a few more glances, Brother Thirteen sensed something was wrong, and said, "Brother Ninth, isn't that a ship from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Someone is transporting stones!"

I have been sleepy for the past few days, and I can’t get up even when the alarm clock rings. I thought it was because of the cold weather, but it started to get hot at night. I took my temperature, 37.7, sweating, and a low-grade fever. No wonder I have been wanting to sleep for the past two days.

I came here first today, and the leader Jiageng and last month's debts are also slowly coming.

The next update will be at 11:4 on November 12th. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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