My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 515 Wang Yuan

Chapter 515 Wang Yuan

After hearing this, everyone looked in the direction that Brother Thirteen was pointing at.

Sure enough, there was a boat parked on the dock near the lake in front of Ji's house.

There are also some guards and vests standing on the shore.

Everyone looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "I saw Ma Qi yesterday, but I didn't hear what he said."

What he thought of was the piece of land that had been set aside to the north of the Changchun Garden during the first month, and it was for the Empress Dowager to repair the garden.

When the garden over there is repaired, the West Garden will be assigned to the East Palace and the underage prince.

But Brother Nine felt that it should not have been purchased by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Khan Ama went south this time to inspect the river workers and appease the people.

All the officials, gentry and common people in the south of the Yangtze River are staring at the news of the Southern Patrol Fleet.

What do others think of the selection of Taihu stone at this time?
The common people have been suffering from disasters year after year, and the food is not enough to eat. The royal family is still building gardens?

The story book is written clearly, the people rebelled in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the introduction is "Hua Shi Gang".

Brother Jiu frowned, and told He Yuzhu, "Go and see, which bastard used the boat from the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

Using a boat is still a trivial matter. If you dare to take the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at this time, you will be damned.

He Yuzhu went in response.

There are carriages and guards here, and there are dozens of people in a mighty manner, and the people at the pier of the other courtyard naturally also saw this side.

Someone came over in a hurry.

It wasn't someone else, it was the youngest son of the richest man who entertained everyone at Wanbao Pavilion yesterday, his name seemed to be Ji Yunhong.

"Masters, Fourth Master Li..."

Ji Yunhong walked away in a hurry, before reaching the front, he folded his hands and bowed to everyone.

Brother Jiu directly frowned and said, "What's the matter with the boat? Who is buying stones at this time?"

It's not that he "only allows state officials to set fires, but not the common people to light lamps", he can only buy them himself and not let others buy them.

He and Shu Shu were also thinking about ordering, and when the Zhizao Mansion's ship enters Beijing, they just follow along.

What do the people in the south of the Yangtze River think of this way of loading stones directly with the boats on the southern tour?
Ji Hong hesitated for a moment, glanced at Li Can, but did not answer immediately.

Brother Nine looked at Li Can.

Could it be the Li family?
Li Can hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Jiuye, this servant really doesn't know about this!"

Ji Hong said: "It was the steward of Zhizao Mansion who brought people here, saying that the Taihu stones needed for the King's Garden were collected by the King's Mansion of Ping County in the capital."

Brother Nine was not very surprised, there were several clan members accompanying the southern tour.

The leaders are Prince Jian and Prince Ping. Other princes and generals should not dare to do private affairs at this time.

While talking, He Yuzhu came back, followed by another person, wearing a third-rank men's suit.

This is a member of staff who followed King Pingjun to the south, and he also met some elder brothers, and immediately said: "My slave, Shi Guiming, the head of Prince Pingjun's residence, has seen some masters."

Brother Jiu said in a bad mood: "The stone that Prince Ping sent you to buy?"

Hearing that the voice was wrong, Guiming tremblingly bowed and said, "Yes, at the beginning of the year the emperor rewarded our master Haidian with a piece of land..."

Brother Jiu frowned. You must know that the Pingjun Prince's Mansion has been passed down to the fourth generation of kings.

The first king of this branch is the second son of Prince Li Lie, King Yuetuo of Keqin County.

When it was passed down to the third generation of kings, the title was changed to "Pingjun Wang".

The current Narfurt is the fourth generation king and the great-grandson of Yuetuo.

It is also for this reason that their family is a generation away from other clans.

Narfo is the nephew of the elder brother Jiu and others.

After four generations, there is no garden in Haidian?

"What about the previous garden?"

Brother Jiu asked.

Gui Ming bowed, did not answer right away, but hesitated for a while, and said: "The previous garden is next to the Empress Dowager's new garden. I am afraid it will be inconvenient, so our master dedicated the garden to the emperor."

Brother Nine heard it and understood.

The Queen Mother's new garden is located in the northwest of Changchun Garden.

The gardens of Prince Ping's Mansion are next to each other, that is to the northwest or the north of Changchun Garden.

Brother Jiu looked away, saying that it was Pingjun Wangfu who was at fault.

The most expensive thing to build a garden is not the land, but the vegetation and stones on it are valuable.

He pointed to the boat and said, "What's the matter with that boat? It's been two months since your royal mansion had a garden, and why did you want to buy stones in Suzhou with great fanfare at this time, when Shengjia is staying?"

Gui Ming said: "This is the supply ship that the Ministry of Internal Affairs followed before. It brought all kinds of supplies when it left Beijing. When it was empty, it was idle. Our master borrowed a ship..."

"Borrowed from whom?"

Brother Nine doesn't sound right.

Ma Qi should not be such a careless person.

Or are the people from Pingjun Wangfu talking about other things in front of Ma Qi?

Guiming cupped his hands in the direction of Zhizao Mansion, and said: "Our master, please ask for an order from the emperor to borrow a boat from the emperor."

Brother Jiu's face fell down with a "bang".

This is what I am most afraid of. Someone will pull the tiger's skin and drag it on Sheng Jia.

Even if it is said to be "misunderstanding" and "misunderstanding" at that time, the rumors have already spread.

He didn't rush to get angry, but looked at Ji Hong and said, "Go and get your account book, I want to see how much money can fall in a boat of stones!"

With a wry smile on Ji Hong's face, he cupped his hands and said, "Master Jiu looks so good, students don't dare to increase the price on this..."

"Stop talking nonsense, get the account book!"

Brother Jiu said with a cold face.

Ji Hong had no choice, but he didn't move. Instead, he took out an account book from his cuff and handed it to Brother Jiu with both hands.

Brother Jiu took it, and turned to the last page without looking at the previous one.

The ink on it is brand new, and it is exactly the record of the boat of stones in front of me. It is more than a foot high and more than a foot short, and there are more than sixty pieces in total.

The cost of purchasing rough stones, the cost of raising stones, and the amount of the principal.


Ji Hong really didn't lie, he did not increase the price.

Not only was there no price increase, but only [-]% of the principal was charged.

Brother Nine looked at the brochure with an unclear expression.

These princes and elder brothers dare not do this when they go out to buy some things, because they are afraid that they will be treated as a joke by the local officials and people.

In the end, Nerfo was very courageous and dared to take advantage of it.

Brother Jiu was not in the mood to look at the stone anymore, so he endured his anger and waved Gui Ming and Ji Hong away.

Afterwards, he said to Elder Brother Ten, "There are quite a few princes and ministers in attendance, and there may be more than one case. Don't go shopping today!"

Elder Brother Ten naturally had no objection, looked at Shu Shu and Shi Fujin, and said, "Then turn back now and go back after eating at Qingyue Tower?"

Perhaps because Jiangnan is more affluent, here is different from the habit of two meals a day in the north, and it has already been three meals a day.

He said this because he was still far away, and it would be noon when he returned, and he was also afraid that Shi Fujin would be disappointed.

Ten Fujin has no objection, as long as there is food, you can eat it anywhere.

Shu Shu nodded, feeling uneasy in her heart, knowing that there is a strong relationship between them.

If you uncover this matter, you will offend Pingjun Wangfu; if you don't uncover this matter, the emperor's reputation will be damaged.

Prince Pingjun's Mansion, Prince Kang's Mansion and Prince Shuncheng's Mansion are all descendants of Prince Li Lie, and they share the same spirit.

Brother Nine's attitude is to choose.

That's fine, in the future, not only will there be no good popularity in the coat of the House of Internal Affairs, but even the princes and princes of the clan will also avoid it.

And brother ten, he is really a good brother.

Don't stop it.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother came out just by making up the numbers.

It doesn't matter whether you look at the stone or not, the important thing is to come out and let the wind out.

Elder Brother Thirteen hesitated for a moment, leaned over to Elder Ninth, and said in a low voice: "Elder Ninth, do you want to tell Prince Ping first and ask why, and tell Han Ama directly, for fear of offending others. "

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said: "If you offend, you will be offended, so what, who told him to use the official ship for the logistics supply of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! What do others think of this? Do you think that our royal family is taking advantage of the rich people in the south of the Yangtze River? Is it shabby for a big gentry? It is necessary to investigate, and it must be strictly investigated! Who knows if he has other sneaks outside along the way!"

Elder Fourteen's eyes sparkled, and he said: "Brother Ninth Cha, bring your younger brother with you, and you can make meritorious service even if you don't know it!"

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said: "You are only so young, you just want to get involved in this, what are you doing for meritorious deeds? You can't be awarded a title now?"

The fourteenth elder brother puffed up his chest and said: "Save up the credit, and wait until the next year's Eight Banners draft, my brother will ask for a good Fujin!"

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "No, you will only be fourteen by then, why are you referring to Fujin? It should be out of the question, I guess it will be the next issue..."

The fourteenth elder brother heard it, and immediately made a bitter face, and said: "Then I will ask for two squares, anyway, the prince's dining room will be erected in a dignified way."

This is also a common practice in the palace. Although the prince's residence has a dining room, it is relatively simple. The daily meals of the princes are still in the dining room of the Qing Palace.

Only when the prince has a wife, can the prince's dining room be perfected.

Brother Nine was disgusted, and said: "You can't be more promising, and there is no one who wants to marry a wife just because of this!"

The fourteenth elder brother lived in Ganxitou for some time last year, and ate and drank in the second one.

Thinking about the food in the second institute, he said with a bit of a sour taste: "I just can't figure out why the daily supply of our prince's elder brother is only that, but the supply of sisters-in-law is so complete. What does this mean? Son The daughter-in-law is a spoiled guest, so she wants to eat better; we sons are just fooling around? For more than ten years, it has been the same, and nothing has been added."

Brother Jiu doesn't pay much attention to appetite, but he still remembers the egg problem clearly.

There are no eggs in the prince's elder brother's order.

When Fujin from his own family married in, the second institute had eggs.

At that time, Lao Shi wished he could eat eggs twice a day.


It's over there in the imperial dining room. Er Niang reminded him not to interfere.

Can I intervene now?

Brother Jiu made a note in his heart.

A group of people returned the same way and stopped directly at Changmen.

Fortunately, there was still a while before the meal, and there were still many private rooms vacant, so Brother Jiu asked for a few according to the number of people, and everyone had lunch.

However, Brother Jiu remembers telling He Yuzhu when he was eating in the morning: "When ordering, remember to order more meat, and tell the shopkeeper to put less sugar. They are all from the north, and they are not used to that."

Some of the ingredients in the table I ordered last time were prepared in advance.

This time I came here directly, mainly focusing on some local fast-hand dishes, and the raw materials are common ingredients and seasonal vegetables.

He Yuzhu agreed, and planned to go to the shopkeeper to order food.

Brother Shi still remembered the "Three Whites of Taihu Lake" mentioned by Shi Fujin yesterday, and told He Yuzhu: "In addition to white fish, if there are white shrimp and whitebait, also order them."

Seeing Elder Ten ordering food, Elder Fourteen said, "That cherry meat, there are two servings on each table today!"

He likes to eat that, if there is only one portion, it is not good to keep chopsticks.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Elder Brother Thirteen: "What would Brother Thirteen want to eat?"

Elder Brother Thirteen said with a smile: "I like that shredded eel, it's delicious."

He Yuzhu memorized them one by one, and went out to find the shopkeeper to order...

(End of this chapter)

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