My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 516 Family Letter

Chapter 516 Letter from Home
After lunch, the group came out from Qingyue Tower.

It was already early noon, and it was time for dinner.

The third elder brother and the fifth elder brother also came out of Wanbao Pavilion and arrived here.

Because of the road, they also walked from Wanbao Pavilion, and the carriage should be parked in a nearby open space.

Compared with yesterday, San Fujin did not dress up so hard, and the tinsel on her head was also half tinned.

The jeweled armor and the high and low flag shoes with tassels were also replaced with ordinary ones, otherwise, in the eyes of Jiangnan people, they would look like opera singers.

Wu Fujin didn't wear tianzi, but her hair was in an ordinary bun, with two bunches of flowers on her hairpin.

Seeing Brother Nine and his party coming out of it, Brother Three said in surprise, "Didn't you say you were going to Taihu Lake? You're going back so soon?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Go back, they are all big rocks, and there is nothing to see."

He was in a hurry to go back, and he didn't intend to continue greeting the third elder brother. He greeted the fifth elder brother and his wife and San Fujin, and took everyone away.

The third elder brother watched the ninth elder brother walking in a hurry, and said to the fifth elder brother: "What does the old ninth brother mean? I am afraid that I will be late. Let him account for it?"

The fifth elder brother glanced at him, and said: "He is the elder brother, and he will pay the bill with the younger one. The third elder brother is the elder brother, so how can someone else settle the account?"

The third elder brother didn't feel quite right when he heard this.

If this means, the meal at noon counts as your own?

Does he have some muscle pain?
This is not a table, the four of them also brought [-] guards, maids and eunuchs, adding up to thirty or so people!
This requires four tables!

But the guards from Shangsanqi came after them, they were all the sons of nobles, and they would be senior members of the army after they were released. Could it be possible to just book a table and the others wait outside?

Changmen is not far from Zhizao Mansion, and within two quarters of an hour, everyone came back.

At the gate of Zhizao Mansion, Shu Shu and Shi Fujin got off the carriage.

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine happened to watch her too.

The husband and wife are facing each other.

Brother Jiu is a little bit regretful. In fact, it's not bad for half an hour or an hour. Shouldn't it be time to visit Ji's quarry before coming back?

Fujin wanted to see stones before.

What should I do if the stone is not recognized?
He said: "Go back and take a good lunch break, let's go to the night market in the afternoon."

Shu Shu thought about having to bring guards with her every time she went out, and their flag dress was also quite unusual among the crowd, so she lost interest, and said, "Send someone to buy it, I'm impatient with the crowd, and I'm afraid of noise..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Well, then I'll send Sun Jin to buy some for dinner later."

Shu Shu held hands with Shi Fujin, and brought their maid back to the small courtyard of the West Garden.

Brother Jiu didn't go to Yuqian immediately, but looked at the three of them and said: "This matter is related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so I'll ask if I ask, it doesn't seem obtrusive, there is no need for you to get involved."

Elder Brother Ten said: "I have bumped into each other, I can't tell the relationship at this time."

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "Since it's about Khan Ama's reputation, brother Ninth can't sit idly by, and it's not easy for us to watch."

Brother Fourteen also said: "Anyway, we saw it too, let's go!"

Only then did Brother Jiu stop talking, and brought the three of them to the courtyard where Sheng Jia was staying.

Before the ninth elder brother asked someone to see him, he saw the eighth elder brother and Pingjun Wang Naerfu walking out of the main room.

Brother Jiu took a look at Neerfu. Although Neerfu is a junior, he is actually one year older than the elder brother, because he has a brother, who was only the second son who did not inherit the title in his early years. He lost his father when he was young, so he was given the grace to enter the palace as a companion to the elder brother.

This accompanying reading is not the same as Haha Beads. Attending class and reading with eldest elder brother is considered as a grace to the clan, which is equivalent to being raised together with the prince.

It turned out that this kid was lucky, because he was the second son of the county king, and he was named Beizi when he was fifteen years old.

As a result, within a few years, he became the king of the county.

His elder brother attacked his father at that time, he was cruel, killed innocent people, and was deposed, and the title of Pingjun King was transferred to Naerfu.

"Uncle Nine, Uncle Ten, Uncle Thirteen, Uncle Fourteen..."

Nerf is very respectful, and he treats several uncles who are younger than him as if he were a big guest.

It's just this time to come to the Imperial Palace...

Brother Jiu asked directly: "Did you come to the imperial court, was it summoned by Khan Ama, or did you come by yourself?"

They came back from Taihu Lake and went to Qingyue Tower for dinner. The chief of ceremonies of the county palace felt that something was wrong and came to sue Nerfu?
Naerfu showed shame on his face, and said: "It's my nephew who came to the imperial court to plead guilty, the control is not strict, and the subordinates did something stupid!"

Brother Jiu's face was ugly, and he said: "I have reported it all to the imperial court, honestly, there is nothing else to hide?"

Nerfo was surprised, and said: "In addition to embezzling the ship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, did the slave do other things?"

Brother Jiu didn't care whether he was really confused or pretended to be confused, and said: "Then let the emperor talk about it, so as not to waste my saliva by talking twice."

Narfo looked at the eighth prince with a look of surprise on his face.

The eighth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, and said: "Perhaps there is some misunderstanding, why don't you ask Wang's nephew to ask?"

Brother Nine glanced at Brother Eight and said, "Brother Ba doesn't know the cause and effect, so how did he know it was a misunderstanding?"

The fourteenth elder brother was beside him, and also said: "Yes, yes, mynah, you are always thin-skinned and easy to talk, did you get pulled here by Nerfu on purpose?"

Speaking of this, he glanced at Nelf and said, "We can't be close! Do you think that if you pull mynah to stand in front, mynah will be able to lean towards you? Mynah is not confused!"

Eighth Brother: "..."

There is an uncomfortable feeling, did Fourteen say that on purpose.

Nerf: "..."

As serious as it sounds.

Naerfu felt that the princes and elder brothers made a fuss too much. His fault was that the time was wrong, and he should not have transported the stones when the holy driver was stationed.

But if you report it, that's fine, what else can you do?
Not guilty, he said, "Then listen to Uncle Jiu."

At this moment, there was also movement at the door from inside.

Liang Jiugong was ordered to come out, looked at Brother Jiu and the others, and said with surprise: "Master Jiu wants to see you?"

Brother Nine nodded and said, "Please trouble me to understand the biography."

Brother Fourteen hurriedly said, "Not only Brother Ninth, please see me, there are three of us."

Speaking of this, he pointed to Narfo, and said, "There is still him, but the Lord, he can't run away!"

Liang Jiugong was confused, but he didn't talk much. He bowed and turned to go in.

Others are fine, but the eighth brother is by the side, but his heart is turbulent.

Brother Jiu called Liang Jiugong "expert"? !

This is not wrong.

When he was the little prince in the early years, he also called the imperial eunuch that way.

When did you change your mouth?

It seems to be the time when I left the study room and my followers beat Zhungeer.

Thirty-five years of Kangxi...

He thought very clearly at the time, he was no longer the little elder brother, so he naturally wanted to follow his brothers.

But Brother Nine is seventeen this year, and he hasn't changed his mind yet!
When Liang Jiugong talked to Brother Jiu, he was obviously more familiar.

Eighth brother regretted it in his heart.

In the early years, I didn't see Brother Jiu and Yuqian being so close.

But thinking about it, it's not surprising that the emperor's father made him the head of the House of Internal Affairs, and meeting the imperial court has become a common occurrence.

But after a while, Liang Jiugong left and returned, saying: "The emperor's dictation, the ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, the fourteenth elder brother, and Pingjun Wang Naertu will meet you!"

Everyone responded and followed Liang Jiugong in.

The eighth elder brother was left to jump alone.

His expression remained unchanged, but his fists were clenched tightly, but he didn't stay any longer, but walked out.

If you want to find a way to make up for it, you can't do it.

It's not an option to be so stiff.

Just as he was thinking, his eunuch hurried over, holding a letter in his hand, and said, "Master, the letter from the mansion has arrived!"

The eighth elder brother paused, and said: "Didn't you get a few letters from the Ministry of War when you came here the day before yesterday? Why are there again now?"

Before, he was ordered to go to Hangzhou and Jiangning to check on the preparations for the pick-up, and he has been traveling all the time. Even if there are letters from the capital, he has suppressed them and has not read them yet.

It wasn't until he came back earlier that he asked someone to fetch a few letters from the head of the chariot and horse department.

The eunuch said in a low voice, "It was sent by the general manager to deliver it in person, and it did not go to the military department."

The eighth elder brother kept his mouth shut, almost guessing the reason.

Yazib has always been on the right track.

In this way, without a letter from the Ministry of War, but sent privately, there should be something difficult to say in the letter.

He was a little flustered.

It was time and time again, Fujin's place made him uneasy.

He endured his anxiety and didn't rush to watch.

When he returned to the small courtyard of the West Garden and entered the north room in the East Wing, he directly tore the envelope.

It was Yazib's personal letter, mainly talking about two things.

The first thing is that at the end of February, Baylor House became the defendant.

Because the name of the silver building's signboard was the same as that of the Jiufujin Silver Building, Brother Jiu was furious. Not only did he send someone to smash the signboard, but he also sent someone to the Infantry Dutong Yamen to file a complaint against the Silver Building in Baylor's Mansion for "counterfeiting".

There is no way for this matter to become serious, Yaqibu, in order to ask Brother Jiu to withdraw the lawsuit, agreed to transfer the shop at the front door to Brother Jiu as compensation.

The second thing was that on the third day of March, Fujin asked someone to submit a complaint to the clan mansion, suing his uncle and Guo Luoluo patriarch Ming Deng for usurping their property, and asking the clan mansion to investigate thoroughly.

Beizi Sunu took the case and started asking people to investigate the case.

The mother of Bafujin is Heshuo Gege, and although his father was executed for the crime, he has no identity and is still Heshuo's son-in-law.

The lawsuits related to the couple can indeed be handed over to the clan's mansion.

The eighth elder brother looked at the letter and had a splitting headache.

What happened to the former signboard? !

Before, Haitang talked about Jiufujin's Yinlou shop in front of him. Among the properties allocated in the first month, there happened to be a shop at Qianmen.

Haitang started talking about wanting to open a bank.

At that time, he thought that he would also use this for family gifts in the future, and it would be cheaper to open one.

For this matter, he went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs before leaving Beijing for the second time, and entrusted the affairs of the Baylor Mansion with Brother Nine.

At that time, he was stingy and had some bad intentions.

But they never expected that Haitang would dare to use the same name as a silver building? !

Ninth elder brother is the most straight-hearted, I am afraid that he will only see it as a provocation, how can he bear this?

Looking at the lawsuit against Fujin himself, it was even more absurd.

Not to mention that the family ugliness should not be publicized, even if there is a real case of encroachment, if the king of An County is asked to come forward, can Ming Deng still refuse?

She is a married woman, and the dowry is generous. Even the prince Fujin is not qualified to intervene in the distribution of her natal family's property.

It's okay to say that she has brothers from the same mother, or has a good relationship with two uncles.

In fact, there is no contact.

So what does this lawsuit mean?
After more than half a year of marriage, the eighth elder brother also knows a little about his wife's temper.

Paranoid, get what you want.

This must be because King An did not agree with her to reveal or pursue this matter, so she wanted to make a fuss in the clan's mansion.

Injuring others is not good for oneself.

Bad reputation too...

The monthly ticket list is 52, crying and begging!

(End of this chapter)

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