Chapter 517 Reverse
Suzhou Weaving Mansion, Imperial Front.

Nerfo knelt on the ground with cold sweat on his forehead.

Kangxi held the account book in his hand, which was exactly the one Brother Jiu wanted from Ji Hong.

Brother Jiu said: "It's nothing to buy some earthen instruments when you go south with your retinue, but I'm afraid that something like this will happen. Someone will take advantage of the opportunity of the southern tour and rely on Khan Ama's power to make money!"

Nerfu hurriedly kowtowed and said: "I dare not, I really didn't think so much, and I never asked Guiming to lower the price!"

Brother Jiu snorted coldly: "You didn't lower the price, but Guiming was wearing a third-grade supplementary uniform, and directly displayed the name of Pingjun Prince's Mansion, using the official ship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' Southern Tour!"

The most hateful thing is this.

It's obviously just to take advantage of it, but it seems to be very innocent.

Nelf smiled wryly: "Nephew didn't think so much, I forgot to tell you something."

The fourteenth elder brother remembered what happened in Wanbao Pavilion yesterday, and he was indignant, saying: "Didn't you inquire about the price before buying something? I will give you half of the cost, and you dare to accept it. What is the difference between that and a blackmail place? Yesterday at Wanbao Pavilion, Ji's family needs to calculate according to the purchase price. Ninth Brother and Nine Sisters-in-law didn't let it go. Korean ginseng is calculated according to the market price, and other things are also sold at [-]% of the price. They are afraid that they will lose money and let the Jiangnan gentry see a joke! We are all like this, how dare you take advantage of it?"

It was the first time for Kangxi to hear about this, and he understood why Brother Jiu wanted to ask for the other party's account books.

He looked at Nerfo, and his chest was filled with suffocation.

Is it just for this that I asked myself to borrow the official ship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Ji's family is not an ordinary businessman, but an official businessman's family, and they are so filial at the expense of their capital, what about other merchants?

Narfurt is not the only one who buys famous things in the south of the Yangtze River?
Kangxi turned cold, and said: "Nerfu, the king of Pingjun, acted confusedly and disturbed the place. He stopped his errands from now on and waited for the family to discuss the crime; Shi Guiming, the chief of the county, didn't make admonitions. Punishment!"

Nerfu's face turned pale with astonishment, but he didn't dare to argue, he bent down and kowtowed, accepting the order.

Brother Jiu was taken aback.

Is this going to be handed over to the clan's government?

Is it too heavy?

He also thought that Narfurt was hateful before, and it was enough to "kill chickens and scare monkeys".

But seeing Kangxi punishing him severely, he thought of something else.

The governor of the county prince's mansion is also a third-rank official, higher than the prefect of Suzhou.

It can't be said that it was a mistake.

If you really want to be reckless and greedy for money, how can you use yourself to come forward?
Just send it over with the post, and Ji's family can't say anything.

Seeing that Guiming is not very old, it may be that he is being a little roundabout.

Immediately, Brother Nine said: "Maybe it's really a mistake..."

Kangxi frowned and looked at Brother Jiu.

He is also the one who complained, and he is also the one who begged for mercy. Why do you repeat it like this?
Don't want to offend the clan prince?

What were you doing here before that?
Not only Kangxi was surprised, but also Neerfu, who was kneeling on the ground, and Brother Fourteen, who was standing next to him, were confused.

Brother Jiu said: "My son just made a calculation in his mind. Even if the sixty stones are worth a lot, they are still stones. No matter how high the price is, the cost price is there. Even if it is halved, it will only be a thousand dollars." An extra two silver is cheaper. Guiming is a Genuine Third Grade. If you use this status in the past, it would be too shabby if you want to lower the price. I’m afraid that Narfurt’s side would not have thought of this. They must be confused and didn’t think so much..."

He analyzed it carefully and said: "Buying things in the capital is different from that in the south of the Yangtze River. Every business in the capital is a business. When you meet relatives and old friends, the owner of the banner, you just get a discount. I haven't heard of it. If you’re afraid of that, you’ll sell it at a loss.”

"At Wanbao Pavilion yesterday, if my son Fujin hadn't asked the price first, I'm afraid they wouldn't have dared to pay the bill. Even if they were willing to collect the money later, they would only agree to the purchase price and dare not increase the money. The purchase price is not the cost, the shop, the population, and the loss are all thrown away, and my son Fujin felt that it was inappropriate, so he asked for the account book, looked at the price, and asked someone to settle it at [-]%."

"Ji's family is cautious, and my son is thinking about it. Even though Gui Ming inquired about the price of the lake stone, he probably didn't think about anything else. He only counted the profit as Ji's family. This layman doesn't know how much profit..."

The fourteenth elder brother quit at the side, and said: "Then the ninth brother said that, Gui Ming is not wrong?"

What are you doing all the time?
Offending a clan prince in vain?
Even if the seniority is low, the prince's hat is real!
Brother Nine said: "There are some people who act carelessly."

Nelf looked at Brother Nine with tears of gratitude.

Those who can be the chief historian of the county king are either relatives or confidantes, and Guiming is no exception.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu angrily, will he be reasonable now?

He glanced at Narfurt, but he didn't intend to punish him severely.

To be honest, after the year when the garden of Pingjun Prince's Mansion was taken over, only the new land was rewarded, and the others were not rewarded.

This time it was for the purpose of repairing the new king's garden, which is understandable.

But Brother Nine did not understand what he was doing.

It's not a child's play to speak golden words.

He first wanted to speak to deal with Guiming, but Nerfo didn't say anything.

If Brother Nine interceded for Gui Ming out of selfishness, then he really couldn't believe it.

Kangxi looked at Neerfu and said: "At the beginning of the year, you made great contributions in offering the garden, and I originally wanted to find an opportunity to reward you, so that the merits and demerits can be offset; Guiming is not mature in his actions, so he will be demoted to his original position by two ranks."

Nerfo kowtowed, choked up and said, "Thank you, my servant, for your generosity!"

Kangxi waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's kneel down and find out if there are other mistakes before. Don't let the people in the south of the Yangtze River laugh at the greed and vulgarity of the clan!"


Nerfo was ashamed, and he responded and withdrew.

Kangxi looked at the tenth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother and said, "You all go back too, I have business to ask the ninth elder brother!"

Seeing that his complexion was not good, several people responded honestly and retreated from the front of the imperial court.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu with burning eyes, as if he wanted to see Brother Jiu's heart.

Brother Jiu swallowed, looked away, and his breathing became heavy.

"Well, why did you change your mouth again?"

Kangxi snorted coldly and asked.

If it is reasonable, there is no need to be in front of Narfurt.

The reason why he said so much was to block his own will.

Knowing a son is like a father, Kangxi knew that his son was not brave.

Brother Jiu didn't want to hide it either, so he told the truth, "In recent years, all the princes of the clan have been deliberated by the clan's mansion, and most of them are Gejue. My son thinks that Prince Kang has just become a young man, and Prince Shuncheng is even younger. Somewhat, among the three kings of the Li Wang family, Neerfu can still make up the number, we can't let the clan mansion remove him, let the elder brother of the Ping Wang mansion take over the title, and he is another baby prince..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "What's wrong with the baby prince?"

Brother Jiu sneered, and said: "Isn't this melon field plum? If you don't be a thief, you have a guilty conscience. Even if it's Neerfu's fault, but other people don't think so, they may think that you are using the topic to get rid of the prince. Make a baby prince, let the Pingjun prince's mansion be idle, and make room for the brothers..."

Just like Shuncheng County Prince's Mansion, there were several baby princes in succession before, just to make up the number during the great dynasty, what difference can they make?

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu, feeling unpredictable, and said, "Are you worried that others think so, or do you think so?"

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Why do you ask such a question, Ama Khan? My son is naturally worried that others will think so. It's not because of your reputation that the son intervenes! If you don't like it, the son will be honest and shut up next time." Mouth is."

Kangxi glared at him, and said: "When you think about it, you always think about it, but if you have thought carefully before, instead of complaining in such a hurry, you still have to repeat it like this?"

Brother Jiu muttered, "Isn't that 'concern leads to chaos'? Regarding you, small things are also big things, and my son is naturally messed up!"

Kangxi laughed angrily: "Then I still have to thank you?"

Brother Nine smiled and said: "That's not necessary, just wondering why you didn't fine the money, Ama Khan. Compensating merits and demerits will actually make people lose their memory, because the reward has not yet been handed; but if the annual salary in hand is taken out Take it out, it will make people uncomfortable, next time you punish the clan, you will be punished with a yearly salary, half a year for minor mistakes, and three to five years for major mistakes!"

Kangxi was impatient, and said: "Go on, let's talk about money when it is clear, other times are confused, I am afraid I was not a merchant in my previous life!"

Brother Jiu refused to accept it and said: "Khan Ama, the real dragon emperor, came down to earth, why did his son become a merchant in his previous life, maybe he is the God of Wealth?"

Kangxi really laughed this time, and said: "To buy an earthen instrument, you have to borrow money from the weaving office. How dare you say that you are the God of Wealth? Okay, I'm waiting to see you get rich!"

Brother Nine looked at him, and felt a little agitated in his chest.

I am not good at martial arts and martial arts, so why can't I do a good job in economics?
He solemnly said: "Then just wait and see!"

At that time, we must let Khan Ama praise himself well, and he must boast for a quarter of an hour without repeating the same thing, just like when he praised the prince and brother in the past.

With this enthusiasm, Brother Jiu left Yuqian and came to the West Garden.

He doesn't believe in gods and Buddhas, but now there are Fanjiao in the capital, which has the theory of "reincarnation".

He was not curious about who he was in his previous life, but he was curious about who his wife was.

I feel more thoughtful than I thought, and I don't have a little vision like ordinary women.

It seems that she knows more about the political situation than her elder brother, the prince.

Brother Ninth felt a little uneasy for no reason.

It seems that Shu Shu is really blind for marrying herself.

At this time last year, he was still a little prince who was neither cared for by his father nor loved by his mother. In less than a year, he was able to refute the holy order on the spot, which was actually "pride of favor".

Because he knew that the emperor would not be annoyed, and he would not be too angry with him.

When was the father-son relationship close?

After the "first meeting ceremony" of the big wedding.

I was laughed at by the emperor's father once, and started watching "The Law of the Qing Dynasty".

Brother Jiu's heart was full of thoughts, and he walked to the west courtyard of the West Garden. Before he could enter, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Ninth brother..."

There is a bug in the last chapter, the county palace is a long history.

The next update will be at 11:5 on November 12th. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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