My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 519 Little Joy

Chapter 519 Little Joy

It's all right in the afternoon.

Brother Nine sent He Yuzhu to run errands, saying: "Bring a few more people to the Changmen side, and when the night market stalls come out, buy some of them. The more the better, then spread them around..."

Although Elder Brother Ten brought back quite a few last night, apart from the crabapple cakes and Jiuniang cakes mentioned by the two of them, there were several more, but it was too late at that time, and it was not easy to give them away.

Staying here made the kitchen hot the next day, and it didn't taste that way when I ate it.

He Yuzhu went in response.

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "I heard that there is a dish of shrimp noodles in Suzhou. It is very delicious. It is eaten in season, and it is not yet time."

Shu Shudao: "Eat whatever you catch up with, and with the company of my master, everything is delicious and sweet."

Brother Jiu looked at her and said, "This is the morning I ate honey, why are you starting to coax people?"

Naturally, Shu Shu would not tell him the truth, fearing that he would cry because of brotherhood and want to be gentle and careless, so she gave him a sideways look and said, "I don't like to hear the truth, so I won't talk about it in the future!"

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "No, no, I have to talk!"

After more than half a year of marriage, he felt that he had mastered the "way of husband and wife".

Always want you to look good at me, and I look good at you, to live a sweet life.

If you despise me, I despise you, and I hate each other, and it is not happy to get together.

Looking at these many princes and prince Fujin, other couples have their own shortcomings, but I and Shu Shuyuan are the only ones who are perfect and can be called the family of gods. Everyone must be jealous.

Shu Shu glanced at him, suddenly remembered something, looked at Brother Jiu with winking eyes, couldn't help but smile more on his face.

Brother Jiu blinked, and said: "What's the matter, I'm a little panicked looking at this smile?"

It's not that the eyebrows and eyes are affectionate, it seems that there are some side effects in it.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Master, think about it carefully, what day is tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Shengjia departs for Hangzhou? What else?"

Brother Jiu took it seriously, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

Shu Shu suppressed a smile, and with a sullen face, said, "Er Jin has not read "Great Qing Law"?"

Brother Jiu understood it, and suddenly he said, "March [-]th, the day when Beicheng Bingma Division opened last year!"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing out loud when she recalled how the Nine Brothers had been devastated.

Brother Jiu quit, went up to her armpit, snorted softly, "Tell me honestly, at that time, did you look at me like looking at a straw bag?"

Shu Shu was itchy from being touched, she couldn't laugh, seeing that her movements were not right, she hurriedly slapped Brother Jiu's hand, and said coquettishly, "Be honest, where should I touch it?"

Brother Nine was honest now, and sighed: "It's only been a year, why does it feel like it's been a long time?"

Shu Shu let out a long breath, feeling the same way.

It seems that the past ten years have not been as busy as this year.

North tour, mourning, south tour.

There are also various events in between.

After all this, she and Brother Jiu have become Ke Xiaoshu and Ke Xiaojiu.

Especially Brother Nine, who used to be a "coated killer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", but now he is developing into a "clan killer".

Thinking of this, she realized that she hadn't asked about Nerfo, and said, "The grandfather went to the imperial court to file a complaint. How did the emperor deal with it?"

Brother Jiu didn't speak immediately, but looked at the door, saw that no one had moved, sat next to Shu Shu, and whispered: "I found out that I have grown up and started playing tricks with Han Ama !"

Shu Shu was stunned for a moment, looking at Brother Jiu, feeling a little uneasy.

Is this person too ignorant?
Can he still play tricks in front of Kangxi? !
Brother Jiu pinched her and said, "No slander is allowed! Master is not a fool!"

Shu Shu grabbed his hand and asked curiously: "Didn't the Lord sue to protect the emperor's reputation? He has no selfish intentions, so how can he be playing tricks?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "What I'm talking about is not about suing, but about begging for mercy later."

As he spoke, he talked about Kangxi's punishment of Neerfu and the governor of the county, and his pleading to stop him, persuading the emperor to change his golden words.

After hearing this, Shu Shu's smile faded a little.

This is out of line.

Right now, fathers are kind and sons are filial, and they don't care about it, but whenever there is an outbreak, it is a crime.

Rebellious, disrespectful.

Even if it is filial piety, is it necessary to do this?

She held Brother Jiu's hand, and said, "That's Khan... To act as a descendant, it's better to remember the status of a courtier..."

If it were the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, who were neither adults nor errands, and acted improperly, they could still use the phrase "young and ignorant" to justify it;

Brother Nine whispered: "So, the master has kept his selfish intentions, and we will also be the clan from now on..."

If you think from the standpoint of the royal family, it is a good thing to curb the power of the princes of the Five Banners and strengthen the authority of the emperor.

However, if the clan loses the detached status of the princes of the Eight Banners and allows the royal family to deal with it, it will make people feel uneasy.

He leaned over and said, "My lord and Ama Khan have proposed to fine money, and we will not be short of money in the future, even if we really have faults exposed, we will first use the money to block it."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and was really shocked. She never thought that he would "prepare for a rainy day"!
What he said is indeed the development trend of the three dynasties of Kang, Yong and Qian.

The Kangxi Dynasty restricted the distribution of clan titles, and had already reformed once before, lowering the titles of clan children by one level.

Otherwise, according to the rules of the ancestors, the prince's son is the prince, and the other sons are the county king; the county prince's son is the county king, and the other princes are Baylor.

In that way, one prince's mansion can be expanded to several.

It's different now.

The rule is that the prince's son is the prince, and the other sons are Baylor.

Even this Baylor, some of them have to go through the examination, only those with excellent grades, otherwise they will be demoted or not.

In Yongzheng and Qianlong, there were many restrictions.

Especially Qianlong, who reused his relatives and the generals of the upper three banners, and the entrustment and meritorious deeds were all top-ranked.

The "General King" has completely become history.

Shu Shu is not worried anymore.

It's really Brother Jiu's brain circuit, which can't be touched by anyone next to him, let alone Kangxi.

She did not hide her praise, and said with a thumbs up: "You are so smart, you can think so far!"

In the next few decades, as long as Brother Nine's princes survive Nine Dragons and seize the throne, their lives will be fine.

Who told them to be close relatives at that time, naturally closer to the royal family.

Brother Jiu laughed.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, I don't want you to worry. Whatever you do in the future, let's do what is 'harming others to benefit yourself', and what is 'harming others to benefit yourself' or 'harming yourself to benefit others', I will not do!"

Shu Shu nodded, her eyes soft.

That'll be fine.

Just do whatever you want.

The requirements are too high, and I am tired, so it is unnecessary.

Brother Nine was a little surprised, and said, "Did you just say 'benefiting yourself at the expense of others'?"

In the past, didn't Shu Shu always talk about not letting herself do bad things?

Shu Shu chuckled softly and said: "If there is nothing wrong, there is no grievance or enmity, it would be immoral to insist on 'harming others and benefiting oneself'; !"

Where is the saint so easy to do?
Still be an ordinary person honestly.

Brother Nine laughed "haha" and said, "That's what I meant. Anyway, we don't take the initiative to bully others, but we can't suffer!"

Is there anything better than a bond between husband and wife?

Brother Jiu tilted his head, looked at Shu Shu, and felt that it was shining, and it was good everywhere.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu and felt that she was not very objective.

When she went to court last year, she was still able to make an objective comment on Brother Jiu in her heart.

But after a year, I don't know if she got used to it or lowered her standards.

I think brother Jiu with his thin eyebrows and eyes is also cute.

The skin is really nice.

It is the time when the youth is tender, and even the sweat pores on the face are invisible.

Shu Shu reached out and touched one, then touched the second.

Well, it feels good in the hand, but it is a bit stiff.

The bit of meat that was so hard to grow before, after half a month of running around, it was all clean.

The same is true on the body, panicked.

Why don't you let him try the lard bibimbap for tonight's supper?

Shu Shu had bad thoughts.

Brother Jiu felt helpless, grabbed her hand and said: "It's still bright, wait a little longer..."

Shushu let go.

I was really moved.

Logically speaking, her body should not be ready for it yet.

Is it the addition of age in my heart?

The two are entangled, and the cat is sticky in the house.

When He Yuzhu came back with the big and small bags, the two separated.

The others were just a small amount. The crabapple cake and Jiuniang cake were both good, and He Yuzhu asked He Yuzhu to buy a lot of them.

When Sun Jin was not there, Brother Nine called Wang Changshou and Wang Ping'an to come over, and together with He Yuzhu and three, they went to pay respects and eat everywhere.

Eat it while it's hot like this, and He Yuzhu can't let He Yuzhu give it away one by one.

As for Xiao Song, her mouth is a bit stupid, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu usually don't let her in front of the elders.

"It's just a snack, just say what the master said, filial parents and try something new."

Brother Nine instructed and sent the three of them away.

The tenth elder brother and ten Fujin were invited over, and the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were also called.

There are twenty or thirty kinds of snacks on the table.

Shi Fujin pointed to some of them and said, "That, that, that, I ate all of them yesterday, and it's not as good as the wine glutinous rice cake..."

Brother Thirteen had a smile on his face, and his eyes were shining.

The fourteenth elder brother swallowed, and said: "The old ones are all from the night market?"

Brother Jiu said: "It's just some market snacks, just try something new."

You can't think about this thing carefully. If you think about it carefully, you won't be able to eat a single bite.

Thinking of this, he looked at Shu Shu.

Wife has cleanliness.

Shu Shu looked at the table full of food and struggled.

Although there is no technology and hard work at this time, health and safety are also a big problem.

She would rather figure out the recipe by herself and let Xiaotang lead others to recover, rather than trust the outsiders.

Brother Jiu lowered his head and held back a smile.

He felt himself getting wiser.

In the past, it seemed that Shu Shu was so smart that sometimes he couldn't understand her mind.

Now, he feels he can touch it too.

Not difficult.

Everyone, don’t forget to add updates in the morning, ^_^, roll, ho ho, begging for a monthly pass! !
(End of this chapter)

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