Chapter 520 Ship

This night, someone is going to be fine, very rambunctious.

Shu Shu didn't stop her either.

Who knows what happened on board.

Even if the sound insulation is done, what if the effect is not good?
At that time, the girl, the eunuch, and the guards will all be on the same boat. If people really listen to the movement, the two of them will become a joke.

Shu Shu felt that she was still a shy person.

Same as the tiredness of the night before, brother Jiu is much calmer today.

The two of them rested as soon as they entered the shift. Although they had learned a lot, they also fell asleep with their necks crossed before the third shift.

The next morning, the two woke up early.

Brother Jiu went directly to Yuqian.

Those princes who are accompanying them will also accompany the princes and princes to escort Kangxi to board the ship.

The officials, gentry and common people in Suzhou have to kneel down and keep the holy driver.

This time it's just going through the motions.

After all, it is impossible for Shengjia to stay in one place for too long, and the officials, gentry and people in Zhejiang are also looking forward to Shengjia.

Shu Shu, along with Sanfujin, Wufujin, and Shifujin, went to meet the female relatives.

Jiugege already knew about Shushu's change of ship, so he was reluctant to give up, and dragged her to complain: "Brother Jiu is really, so clingy!"

Shu Shu remembered one thing, said: "Yesterday the emperor gave you money, my sister..."

Jiugege said: "Compared with the two concubines, the grade is reduced, four hundred taels."

Two thousand taels for the queen mother, six hundred taels for the two concubines, five hundred taels for the two concubines, four hundred taels for Jiugege, and two hundred taels for the two noblemen.

Shu Shu regretted asking.

I really didn't expect that except for the queen mother, other rewards were less than the prince and prince Fujin.

But it doesn't seem surprising when you think about it.

As soon as the prince's elder brother landed, his annual rule was only two hundred and forty taels, which was already only sixty taels less than the imperial concubine's annual rule.

When the prince's elder brother enters the study at the age of six, the annual limit is six hundred taels, which is twice that of the concubine.

When the prince confers a title, Baylor's annual salary is directly [-] taels.

But in the harem, the most respected empress only has one thousand taels of silver every year.

Fortunately, Jiugege didn't care about this, he just said: "Can I go to my sister-in-law's boat to play?"

Although it was said that they came down with the southern patrol fleet, they only sat on the Empress Dowager's boat for a month and a half since they set off, and none of the other boats had been there.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Of course I can go, but it is four cabins less than our previous boat, the length is also two feet shorter, and the width is three feet narrower..."

Even so, Jiugege still showed envy on his face.

Shu Shu knew in her heart that no matter how well-behaved a child is, she would not like to live with her elders.

At this time, it is not easy to put people on their boat.

Whether it's uncle or sister-in-law.

are already big.

A Jade Nianhua, who is waiting in the boudoir; two half-year-olds, even if they don't know everything about personnel, they still have a little understanding.

When the carriage arrived at the pier, Shu Shu came and followed Wu Fujin to help the Empress Dowager.

"Grandmother, my grandson-in-law is going to live there first. If you want to play cards someday, just send someone to tell me, and my grandson-in-law will come over to set up a game." Shu Shu said.

The queen mother smiled and said: "When the boat is sailing, don't hit it, it will waste your eyes. When the boat rests and Brother Jiu is busy with him, you come here."


Shu Shu agreed.

The queen mother glanced at Wu Fujin, but she was thoughtful.

In the past, she didn't think about the sound insulation of the ship's plank. After all, this was her boat, and her grandchildren accompanied her, and they were all sensible and worry-free, and none of them made any real noise.

It was because Nanny Bai said something earlier that the fifth elder brother and his wife never called for water on the boat.

At that time, the queen mother thought it was due to the fatigue of the journey.

Now that the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are packing up the boat alone, she will understand.

This is a young couple who are tender-faced, and it is not easy to get close on the boat.

But along the way, there are few people living in the palace, and they spend more time resting on the boat.

Her old man had already planned in her mind to kick her out when she arrived in Hangzhou.

Even if you come here during the day while sailing, you can rest alone at night.

Thinking of this, she pushed Wu Fujin away, and said, "Xiaofang and Xiaojiu go first, I will whisper to Shushu!"

Old children, old children, say nothing more than that.

Wu Fujin smiled, and greeted Jiu Gege to walk a few steps quickly.

Shu Shu lowered his volume and said, "What does the imperial grandmother want to say? It's the fifth brother, what's the matter with the fifth sister-in-law?"

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "Tell Brother Jiu later, let him pack a boat for the fifth couple, and when they return to Luan, they will live in a spacious room, so that they don't have to stay in the same boat."

After hearing this, Shu Shu hesitated, and said: "Grandmother, the emperor won't allow it."

The adult princes accompanying him all had errands, serving the queen mother and obeying the orders of the queen mother was the fifth elder brother's errands.

The Empress Dowager said: "Then pack up one and let them go back to the boat to rest when it's time to rest."

Shu Shu understood that she was looking forward to her great-grandson.

She nodded with a smile and said, "My daughter-in-law knows about it, so I'll tell Master Jiu later."

The queen mother looked at her with kindness in her eyes, and said, "You are different from your sister-in-law, so don't worry."

Shu Shu: "..."

It seems that the news of Ningshou Palace is also well-informed.

This is because she is also in a hurry to seek a child, and if it doesn't go well, she will be disappointed.

She nodded honestly and said, "Well, granddaughter-in-law is not in a hurry, we are still young, and it will not be too late for two years to recuperate."

In fact, as long as he thinks about it, Wu Fujin doesn't need to worry here.

Because the eldest son of the concubine has already been born, the next year's draft will not refer to Fujin.

After sending the Empress Dowager to the boat, Shu Shu joined Shi Fujin and walked to the back of the pier.

Their boat was right behind Concubine Rong's boat.

Remembering that there is no boat in Mongolia, Shu Shu was a little worried, and told Shi Fujin: "If you get sick on the boat, you can lie down with your eyes closed, and eat vegetarian food at noon. Brother Ten has prepared fruit for you. There is also peppermint ointment, if you feel uncomfortable, use some at that time."

Shi Fujin said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of seasickness, Master Shi said, if I get seasick, I'll come down and ride a horse, and then go with Seventh Brother."

Speaking of this, she blinked her eyes and said, "What's the job for myna?"

Shu Shu looked at her with envy.

It seems that in the eyes of Shi Fujin, the eldest uncle is an ordinary uncle, and the sisters-in-law are ordinary sisters-in-law.

In fact, this is also true.

It's not good for someone like Shu Shu who is always thinking about "Nine Dragons Conquer the Inheritance" to be snobbish.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I don't know, why did you think of asking this?"

Shi Fujin said: "It seems that no one is playing with him, it looks so pitiful, or let Master Shi take it with him!"

Shu Shu: "..."

Here comes the laggard.

What about the intuition of small animals?
She patiently said: "Babeile is a prince who can be enshrined, and if he wants to serve in front of the imperial court, I'm afraid he won't be free."

Shi Fujin nodded, and said: "So that's the case. They say that Empress Wei in the palace is the most beautiful. Looking at Mynah, I know it's true."

Well, it's another one who looks at the face.

Shu Shu couldn't help reminding: "Don't say such things in front of the tenth brother, anyway, in my eyes, our master must be the most handsome!"

Shi Fujin's eyes widened, he looked at Shu Shu's eyes carefully, and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, do you have bad eyesight?"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing and said: "If the tenth brother praises other people's good looks in front of you, would you like to hear it?"

Shi Fujin nodded and said: "When the time comes, I will watch and praise him together."

Shu Shu was helpless, but not worried.

Ten Fujin is innocent and innocent, but Ten Elder Brother is reliable.

Passing Concubine Hui's boat, I saw Eighth Brother standing on the pallet.

Seeing Shu Shu walking over, he nodded.

Shi Fujin also beamed, waved his hands and said, "Mynah!"

The smile on the eighth brother's face was more obvious, and he said: "The tenth younger siblings... the ninth younger siblings..."

"Eight Uncle!"

Shu Shu's mind was spinning quickly, he hesitated between "Eight Beile" and "Eight Master", remembering what Brother Nine said yesterday, he made a decision.

There is a difference between the ninth elder brother and the eighth elder brother, but they are both biological sons in the end, and if one ignores the other, Kangxi will not reprimand him.

But for Kangxi, he and the eighth elder brother are not of the same weight, there is a difference in closeness, and it is not his turn to show embarrassment to the prince.

In that case, Kangxi would not be happy either.

So Shu Shu chose this polite official title.

Even with a nod of greeting, the elder brother-in-law and the younger sister-in-law are about the same age, so they are not in a close relationship.

So Shu Shu and Shi Fujin continued to walk back.

Here, San Fujin has never boarded the boat, and supported the maids, standing on the shore, watching them come with a bit of envy.

"Why didn't you say something in advance?"

Sanfujin looked at Shushu and complained in a low voice.

Shu Shu glanced at the big boat next to her, and said, "Well, remember to tell the third sister-in-law next time."

San Fujin rolled his eyes, and said: "You know that's not what I meant, I just thought that the space on the boat is narrow, if we move it away, the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers can still be more spacious."

Shu Shu didn't answer either.

This has nothing to do with her.

Sanfujin also felt bored and got up, rubbing his handkerchief and saying, "Didn't you occupy our boat?"

Shu Shu raised her eyebrows and said, "Which one is the third sister-in-law's boat?"

San Fujin frowned and said: "It's the one we packed up earlier, and the things we bought later, we want to put them directly on the ship over there."

Shu Shu said: "Then I don't know. I guess I have to ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After all, the entourage is dispatched uniformly there."

Sanfujin was not satisfied with this answer, and said, "Then you remind Lao Jiu."

Shu Shu said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, most of the supply ships of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are empty, and there is room to load things."

As for wanting to free up a passenger ship to load things, I'm afraid it won't work.

In front of the pier yesterday, Gao Yanzhong made it clear that there were three passenger ships empty at that time.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother each took one, and the rest was the one that San Fujin was thinking about.

But the queen mother spoke, and that boat was for the fifth elder brother and his wife.

It's just that there's no need to say these words, otherwise it would be like deliberately angering San Fujin.

In case she persuades the third elder brother to live alone, how will the ship be divided?
After Shu Shu finished speaking, she said: "You are busy first, our ship is newly packed, and we have to go up to see if there is anything wrong."

Those two boats were right next to Concubine Rong's boat, San Fujin saw it clearly, they were unfamiliar, so he relaxed and said with a smile: "Go, go, I'll talk to you guys when I have some free time... "

The next update will be very late, everyone can watch it together tomorrow morning, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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