My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 521 Inadequacies

Chapter 521 Inadequacies
Xiaochun and Xiaotang were waiting on the pallet.

Seeing Shu Shu and his party coming, they greeted her.

Shu Shu didn't go up immediately, but looked behind her.

The boat of the ten elder brothers and theirs is right behind.

There were also people waiting there, Wang Chang'an and Shi Fujin, a maid.

Ten Fujin couldn't wait any longer, and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, I'm leaving, I'm going to our big ship."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Go!"

Ten Fortunes left in a hurry.

Shu Shu just got on the pallet.

As soon as she stepped on the floor of the cabin, she could feel the difference.

It was so silent.

The feeling of stepping on thick carpet.

This felt seems to be thicker than the door felt.

Shu Shu looked at the walls of the cabin again, they were all nailed with plain white silk, which looked very bright.

She stretched out her hand to touch it, but the back was also felt, and she tapped the wall twice with her hand, but there was no sound.

She looked again at the window and hatch.

Felt was also nailed to the hatch and one was hung.

On the window, there are two layers of curtains, except for the silk inside, there are thick curtains with silk floss on the outside.

Xiao Chun said: "The servant tried it last night, the curtains were drawn down, it was quiet inside, and the sound insulation is good."

Although she is one year older than Shu Shu, she is a girl of Huanghua, she can't think of anything else, she really thinks that the noise insulation is done in such a big way, because Brother Jiu feels light and afraid of noise.

Shu Shu nodded solemnly and said: "That's good, so that I won't sleep well, and my body will be ruined."

Speaking of this, she thought of her "lard bibimbap" plan, which was too cruel and unhealthy.

But the method of gaining weight can be thought about.

The reason why Brother Jiu is thinner than his peers is because of his weak stomach, and he will suffer from indigestion after eating a few more mouthfuls.

If you want to gain weight, eat less and eat more.

Shu Shu said to Xiaotang: "Fried noodles, lotus root noodles, and pasta, these small kitchens are always stocked, and there will be an extra meal in the morning and afternoon. My father is too thin, so make up for it..."

Xiaotang hesitated: "Fu Jin, is it too plain?"

Shouldn’t meat be eaten to nourish the body?

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "Don't be too greasy, Grandpa's stomach can't stand it, there must be two eggs in the morning, and milk cake in the afternoon."

For the southern tour, they also prepared road dishes before, and they ate a lot of them. Only milk cakes were made a lot at that time, and they were able to hold it, and they were rich.

Xiaotang memorized everything carefully.

Brother Jiu happened to come back, and after hearing this sentence, he said, "Why is it only Master's, you haven't said yours yet!"

Although Shu Shu is also growing her body, she doesn't want to eat.

This is fattening!
Brother Jiu said: "I can't eat it, you can watch it?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, but the situation looked pitiful and easy to get greedy.

She thought about the light food recipes for future generations, and said: "In the morning, I also have a boiled egg, and a cup of tea is enough, and I serve fried noodles or noodle tea for my grandfather; in the afternoon, I also have tea, and an extra apple is enough."

Brother Jiu sat in front of Shu Shu, reached out and touched her forehead and said, "Is it because you are not feeling well? Why don't you like eating all of a sudden?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, you still have to eat three meals. I just said extra meals, one extra meal in the morning and afternoon..."

Brother Jiu showed surprise and said: "Eat five meals a day?! Is the master a rice bucket? Who eats like this?"

Shu Shu said: "Grandfather has a weak stomach, if you want to nourish your body, you have to eat less and more often."

Brother Jiu knew that he was disgusted, and when he looked at Shu Shu, his eyes were a bit unfriendly.

Shu Shu didn't try to coax him.

Otherwise, it becomes a habit, and only those who suffer will be affected in the future.

You should know what is good or bad.

For the sake of his body, does she still have to feed him mouthful?
Seeing that the boat was about to leave, Shu Shu waved her hand and sent Xiao Chun off, saying, "Just come over for extra meals or lunch."

Xiaochun and the others agreed and withdrew.

The three of them lived in the back cabin, the large room connected by the two cabins.

There is a big bed inside, and a one-foot board outside, which can sleep three people.

There are two other rooms in the back cabin, one is used as a temporary kitchen, and the other is lived by Sun Jin.

The four front cabins are all separated.

He Yuzhu occupied one room, and the remaining three rooms were reserved for the guards and guards on duty on board.

I used to think eleven cabins were rich, but they were actually full.

After a while, the boat sailed.

Seeing that Shu Shu didn't pay attention to him, Brother Jiu had already adjusted himself, brought a little novelty, walked on the ground, stomped his feet from time to time, and said: "This boat is safe, no wonder the emperor's grandmother and the concubine are not seasick. "

Hearing what he said, Shu Shu said: "I hope the ten younger siblings don't get seasick, or else they will suffer on the way back."

Brother Jiu said: "No, even if you go back by car, you don't have to hurry, and it's just right if it's neither hot nor cold."

Shu Shu thought of one thing, and said: "When you come here, the wind is smooth, but when you go back, it's against the wind and the current is against the wind. I heard that you will use trackers to pull the fibers. If that is the case, will the speed of the boat be slow?"

Such a fleet, with so many big ships in front and behind, how much manpower will it cost?

Brother Jiu was taken aback, then pointed at Shu Shu and laughed.


Shu Shu was overwhelmed with laughter.

Brother Jiu was still laughing non-stop, the corners of his eyes were fluorescing, and tears came out of his laughter.

Shu Shu couldn't bear it anymore and grabbed his waist.

Since I asked, I answered well, even if I encountered a field that I was not familiar with, it was too much to laugh at.

Brother Jiu grabbed Shu Shu's hand, and his face was already full of smiles: "It's so interesting! Don't you think the canal is going backwards, and it's all driven by people? It's more than two thousand miles from Hangzhou to the capital, and it all depends on manpower?"

Shu Shu didn't think about it before, but thinking about it now, it's really nonsense.

"How about sailing against the current?"

Shu Shu asked.

Brother Jiu cleared his throat, stood up, folded his hands behind his back, and said, "Of course it's also through water conservancy, that's just to open the gate to release water."

Shu Shu suddenly realized.

Although there is a gate on this road, Shu Shu thought it was a repair unit.

Didn't think about what it does.

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu, and said with dissatisfaction: "When I met Master who couldn't do it, did I laugh at Master?"

Brother Jiu sat down and snorted softly: "I just asked me what day it is today, but you forgot today? How dare you say that you are not joking?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Didn't you think that someone would dare to use false evidence to sue?"

But she asked curiously: "Why do you think of the alias as 'Jin Er Ye', not 'Jin Jiu Ye'?"

Brother Jiu said: "You are a fool. There are many smart people in this capital. Who doesn't know that Gui Dan is the nephew of the empress. If there is a 'Jin Wu Ye' or 'Jin Jiu Ye', what will others think?"

Shu Shu smiled, she was really smart once, but not many people are smart.

This identity is nothing more than self-deception. She really remembers the look that deserves to be beaten.

In spring, the sun is warm.

The young couple didn't always cat in the cabin, but went to the deck.

Along the canal, there are clusters of flowers.


Can't see people...

Occasionally, I saw a marching team, which was greeted by General Hangzhou.

Shu Shu said: "Didn't the script say that there were people who stopped the holy driver and sued the imperial court? Why didn't you see it?"

Not only that, but the people along the way seemed to be expelled as well.

Brother Jiu said: "What else can there be, nothing more than a tight defense, so that you can't rush forward."

The team on the southern tour seems to have hundreds of people, but in fact, there are more than ten times the number of pick-ups and escorts in the local area.

Only when there is a grievance will one think of suing the imperial court, but in that case the local officialdom will be cleaned up, and the parents and officials will naturally guard against it.

Not only the two of them came out, the ten princes and ten Fujin were also on the deck.

Seeing the two of them, Shi Fujin waved his arms vigorously and shouted.

It's just that it looks close, but in fact it's far away, and you can't really hear what you are shouting.

Brother Jiu looked at Shi Fujin's appearance, and murmured to Shu Shu: "Fortunately, the reduction has been reduced. If it is still the same as before, the plank of this boat will not collapse!"

Shu Shu gave him a sideways glance, and she was really embarrassed.

Fortunately, he is more sensible than before, but he is more presumptuous in front of himself.

Just after watching the back boat, the front boat moved again.

It was Brother Fourteen, who put his hand around his mouth and shouted, "Brother Ninth!"

Brother Jiu waved his arms in a foolish way, and murmured to Shu Shu: "It's boring, it's really fun."

Because Shu Shu just mentioned the extra meal to Xiaotang this morning, so these two meals are very simple.

But it should be there.

Brother Jiu has two hard-boiled eggs, two small twists with honey, and a bowl of oil-fried noodles; Shu Shu has one hard-boiled egg and a cup of tea.

Brother Jiu touched his stomach and said, "I'm really hungry, but isn't this too vegetarian?"

Shu Shu pointed to the fried noodles and said, "There is butter here."

Brother Nine said, "Where's the meat?"

He was thinking of his dear fifth brother, who had no pleasure in eating meat, so he got fat.

Since he was disliked and lost weight, then he is just making up for it.

Shu Shu said: "The meat for dinner is enough."

Brother Nine didn't talk too much, and the couple had morning tea.

After lunch, the two took a nap.

The windows of the cabin were all open, covered with soft smoke.

Brother Jiu said warmly before, but he didn't mean to drag Shu Shu into absurdity.

This is his prince Fujin, and now he is on the way to follow him, whenever there is a little disrespect in the eyes of others, he will speak out.

He didn't care much about his own reputation, but he couldn't stand his wife's flawed reputation.

The next afternoon is another lunch.

Guessing Shen Zheng, the boats in front began to berth one after another.

Arrived at Pingwang, Wujiang County, where it will be anchored tonight.

Brother Jiu stretched his waist, and said to Shu Shu: "I don't know, but riding a horse is like being a grandson!"

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

The couple were bored, so a young eunuch trotted over and said out of breath, "Master Jiu, the emperor has summoned you!"

Brother Jiu nodded and said to Shu Shu: "Master, go over there. If you don't want to stay, just look for ten younger brothers and sisters."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement.

The little eunuch didn't stop on his feet, and had already sent a message to the boat of the first ten elder brothers.

The transmission was urgent, and Elder Brother Shi did not delay.

In the time it took to speak, Elder Brother Ten arrived.

The two brothers went forward hand in hand.

"What's the matter, are you in such a hurry?"

Brother Jiu muttered.

Elder Brother Ten remembered what they reported yesterday, and had a bad feeling.

Wouldn't it be pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud?

When they got on the dragon boat and arrived at Yuqian, they found that everyone who should come had come.

Follow the adult princes, clan princes, university scholars, ministers leading the guards, and other civil and military ministers.

The atmosphere was not quite right.

Kangxi sat high on the dragon throne, looked around at everyone, and said with a livid face: "I went to the south to patrol the province. I came here to appease the people, not to disturb the people. Since I left the capital, I have provided everything I need for the imperial court, and I have used it for daily use along the way. , I also ordered the Yamen to buy according to the current price, but some people still ignore my orders and search the place, it is really hateful!"

This one is from yesterday, halfway through writing, I couldn’t sleep anymore, 55
(End of this chapter)

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