Chapter 522

Brother Jiu stood behind his brothers, and when he heard this, his face showed surprise.

Let's talk about Narfurt now?
Although internally, the royal family and clan are distinct, but externally they are one.

The prince of the clan was not up to the mark, and the royal family was also ashamed.

Shouldn't this matter be reduced to a minor one?

Immediately, he looked at Kangxi Wang Liangjiang Governor Zhang Penghe and said: "If someone pretends to be the emperor's envoy to blackmail merchants, some officials will use the name of the official to send them to investigate the facts and deal with them by military law; the subordinate officials threaten the local civil and military personnel, and the local civil and military will reward the subordinate officials. Those who are involved will be dealt with by military law!"

Zhang Penghe bowed and agreed.

Kangxi looked at all the people again and said: "You will start self-inspection from now on. If there are followers or others who make troubles, you must not hide it, and you will be dealt with according to military law! If you dare to conceal and deceive the king, you will be guilty of the same crime!"

In the end, his voice was cold.

"Slaves (subjects) dare not!"

Everyone knelt down.

Brother Nine swallowed, and then knelt down.

There are so many things?

Brother Jiu was a little nervous.

You won't be the "culprit" again, will you?

Although these people are so brave that they dare to take advantage of Shengjia's southern tour to make money, and it is not a pity to die, but those who have such courage are not ordinary officials and people.

They all have backing, so they dare to act recklessly.

Brother Nine is either afraid, or feels that there will be trouble.

If the security is not complete, there will be a few more enemies.

He couldn't help grinding his teeth.

Who doesn't know that Jiangnan is rich, but as the eldest brother of the prince and the biggest yamen, he didn't even say to blackmail him, so he was preempted by others!
There is really no place to reason!

After Kangxi had finished his training, he sent his courtiers down, leaving only the princes.

Kangxi did not speak, but looked at San Age.

The third elder brother was looked a little hairy.

Others also followed Kangxi's gaze.

"Yinzhi, you went to Wanbao Pavilion yesterday morning?"

Kangxi's voice seemed very distant.

Brother San nodded and said, "Yes, my son has gone..."

He didn't know what was wrong, looked at the fifth elder brother, ninth elder brother, and tenth elder brother and said: "Not only my son has gone, but fifth elder brother, ninth elder brother, and tenth elder brother have also gone..."

If Brother Nine hadn't shown off those things like presenting treasures, it would have made Fujin tempted, so he insisted on buying them.

I was confused, but was persuaded by Fujin.

Thinking that they are all valuable things, the price is lower than the capital, so if you buy them, you will earn money.

"Twelve taels of gold bracelet with jewels inlaid on it, but you bought it for thirty taels of silver, don't you know how to count?"

Kangxi said angrily.

After Brother Nine left yesterday, Kangxi was not at ease, worried that such a thing as Naerfu was not an exception, so he sent someone to Wanbao Pavilion to get the account books of Wanbao Pavilion.

As a result, a string was found.

Because it is the largest foreign goods store in the south of the Yangtze River, and the accompanying princes and ministers either went there in person, or sent their confidantes to pick them.

There are seven or eight people whose accounts are incorrect.

Among them is the third elder brother.

The third elder brother said embarrassingly: "Ama Khan, my son has always been careless about general affairs, but he didn't pay attention to such omissions."

The cup in Kangxi's hand flew out and hit the third brother's chest.

"Pa-ta", the cup rolled to the ground and broke into several pieces.

The third elder brother was startled and looked at Kangxi.

Seeing that Kangxi's face was full of anger, he was aware of current affairs, and knelt down with a "plop".

"It's my son who is confused, my son apologizes!"

Kangxi scolded: "Are you confused? Are there any smart people in this world? You bought five pocket watches at that time, and then what? The pocket watch under it is round?!"

The third elder brother's face turned pale with shock, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say anything to justify.

As for the account reconciliation in the morning, it can still be pushed to Fujin, but it cannot be shirked in the afternoon.

Because it was Halsa, the first-class guard, who came forward, and he was his confidant.

According to the regulations, there is no first-class guards in Baylor House, only second-class guards and third-class guards.

But because the county king he first made last year can have a total of twenty guards, six first-class guards, six second-class guards, and eight third-class guards.

Although they were taken off their hats later, the ranks of the guards were all made up, and no one chased Qing to retreat.


Thinking about the admonition given by the emperor's father to the clan of the officials who followed him, the third elder brother knew that he hadn't run away.

He said in shame: "My son does have the idea of ​​taking advantage of it, and it's embarrassing for Khan Ama."

As he said that, he felt that something was wrong, and glanced at Fifth Brother.

The fifth elder brother also bought something, why didn't he receive training?

There was injustice on his face.

Kangxi sighed heavily, looked at Fifth Prince and said, "Tell him, why didn't I train you?"

Fifth elder brother was a little ignorant, thought for a while, and said, "Is it because my son didn't send someone back to buy a second one?"

"What about the first time?"

Kangxi endured his disgust, and then asked.

The fifth elder brother came to understand a little bit, and said: "After the first meeting, my son Fujin felt that it was wrong. The price difference with the capital was too much. If the price difference was really so large, there would have been merchants who sold it in the capital long ago, my son thought. It is not easy to buy and sell people, it should be hindered by the status of the sons, and they are not willing to take advantage of this, so they sent someone to go again and make up some money."

Kangxi nodded, his face showing relief.

That was the prince Fujin he appointed, even though there were some discussions outside, but Wu Fujin acted generously and uprightly, and he really deserved to be the prince Fujin.

The third elder brother drooped his head, already regretting it.

The same prince Fujin, why is there such a big gap? !

Wu Fujin came from a small family, and he knew that he didn't take advantage of it, but he took advantage of it, so he could only be proud of it!
Brother Jiu stood among the brothers, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

If the third child is the "culprit", then it has nothing to do with him, right?
But what's wrong with Khan Ama?
Watch your son so closely!

Is this a matter of action?

The ninth elder brother looked at the third elder brother sympathetically, whether the Ji family is unlucky or not.

A county king and a prince Baylor are all bad for their family.

This is no longer "killing the chicken to scare the monkey", it is already "killing the monkey to scare the chicken".

Even if it is the richest man's family, with the visible Jinshan, it is estimated that no one will dare to take advantage of their family for a while.

Kangxi looked at the third elder brother, also speechless.

Prince elder brother, this is the pattern, even a woman can't compare!
Even if he cultivates both civil and martial arts, so what, if he doesn't change his stingy way of doing things, he will have no future in this life.

For this reason, direct demotion is too heavy, without punishment and without long memory.

Kangxi glanced at the obedient Jiu elder brother, remembered what Jiu elder brother said, and said: "Yinzhi is not careful, the reward of two thousand taels yesterday will be refunded, and the money and rice will be exchanged for another year!"

Third elder brother raised his head, his face changed greatly.

That's four thousand five hundred taels of silver!

God is sorry, he knew that "Wanbao Pavilion" bought things for himself at a low price, and he also had the idea of ​​taking advantage of it, and the difference between them was not that much.

At most, it is one thousand taels and several hundred taels, and two thousand taels of silver is enough to support it!


Kangxi looked at him with an unkind expression, and said, "Do you have any objections to my punishment?"

The third elder brother looked dejected, as if mourning his concubine, he hurriedly said: "Son dare not dare, son deserves it."

Kangxi looked around the rest of the people again, and said: "Brother San is a lesson learned from the past. If anyone commits the same mistakes as him, or if his followers have blackmailed places, they will be punished as usual!"

All the princes and elder brothers responded solemnly.

Kangxi looked at it impatiently, and said: "Brother, stay here, everyone else kneel down!"

Everyone responded respectfully and got off the dragon boat.

The third elder brother was covered in cold sweat on his back, his forehead was sweaty, and he was afraid of giving birth.

Fortunately, the emperor took care of his dignity and did not deal with him in front of the clan and ministers of civil and military affairs, otherwise he would have to hide his embarrassment in the future.

But thinking about the four thousand five hundred taels of silver, his heart, liver and lungs ached, and his whole body felt weak.

When he got off the trestle bridge, he bent his knees and almost knelt down.

The fifth elder brother followed behind him, saw it and quickly stepped forward, picked it up, and said: "Third brother, be careful!"

The third elder brother turned his head, looked at the fifth elder brother, smiled wryly, and said, "Old five, old fifth, why are you hiding adultery?"

Brother Fifth blinked his eyes and said, "What are you hiding?"

The third elder brother pushed him away and complained: "You know the price is wrong, and you sent someone to send the money back, why didn't you know to tell elder brother?"

Fifth elder brother frowned and said, "I sent someone there!"

During the past few days in Zhizao Mansion in Suzhou, the two brothers lived together, which was the small and medium courtyard in front of the West Garden.

The elder brother and his wife are the elders and live in the upper house.

The fifth elder brother and his wife were young and lived in the East Wing.

The maidservants of the two Fujin families lived in the west chamber, and the eunuch lived in the reverse seat.

It is not easy to look up and look down, and it is not easy to pull down.

The third elder brother was dumbfounded: "..."

The fifth elder brother thought about what happened yesterday, and said: "Oh, the third brother was not there at the time, and went to the guard camp. The people around me told the third sister-in-law."

The third elder brother was still smiling wryly just now, but now he was sullen and gritted his teeth: "Dong E's family!"

Brother Jiu happened to walk up to him, and after hearing this, he hurriedly reminded: "Third brother, you should change your rhetoric when you mention Sansao in the future. This third sister-in-law and Fujin are both Dong E's. You call me that, brother, listen!" Be awkward!"

The third elder brother was just angry. Hearing the voice of the ninth elder brother, he became even more angry. He glared at him and said, "Old Jiu, do you think you dug a hole for me on purpose? If you weren't tossing around, I can think about it." Are you going to the 'Wanbao Pavilion'?"


The ninth elder brother was stunned. He looked at the third elder brother with disbelief on his face: "Third elder brother, you are venting your anger too much, right? Why am I messing around? I have ordered Khan Ama to give the Queen Mother, The concubine and the concubines were running errands to take the things they bought to the elders, and I didn't come to your side!"

The third elder brother also knew that he was unreasonable, but seeing that the ninth elder brother was still heartbroken, he stomped his feet and said: "Anyway, you just restrained me, really, 'the wrong has its head, and the debt has its owner', whoever is sorry for you , you go to fight with the right master, don't toss others!"

After all, he glanced at Eighth Brother meaningfully, and left with a sullen face.

Everyone was baffled and looked at the eighth prince.

The eighth elder brother felt that something was wrong, and the third brother didn't seem to have a good word...

In the morning, it was yesterday’s, so don’t miss it.

(End of this chapter)

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