Chapter 523 High Hearts (Two in One for Monthly Pass)
Brother Jiu also felt weird when he heard this.

The news from the capital has already arrived?
This is because everyone knows that he sued the shop of the eighth elder brother's house, and knows that there is something wrong between the brothers?
Brother Nine glanced at Brother Eight.

The eighth elder brother looked back, with helplessness on his face.

Starlings are amazing.

Looking at his expression, he still looks innocent up to now.

Ninth elder brother raised his chin, feeling annoyed again, he greeted fifth and tenth elder brothers, "Let's go!"

As for Seventh Brother, he just got off the dragon boat, and went to the direction of camping at the wharf without stopping.

Fifth elder brother and tenth elder brother didn't say anything, just followed ninth elder brother.

The fifth elder brother is an older brother, so nodding to the eighth elder brother is considered a greeting.

Here, Elder Brother Ten only glanced at Elder Eight, his face was paler than usual, his eyes were full of scrutiny, and he didn't even say hello.

The eighth elder brother looked at the backs of the three of them, and did not move for a long time.

On the dragon boat, Kangxi stood at the hatch, watching the situation of the princes on the shore.

The elder brother stood by, a little confused.

What's so good about this?
It's so big, whoever doesn't like who, why can't they fight directly?

Kangxi raised his chin and said, "What do you think of Eighth Prince's usual behavior?"

The elder brother looked at the shore, and was stuck for a while, and really didn't have the right words to describe the eighth brother.

On weekdays, he seems to be close to himself, but if he has any actual walks, he just meets more warmly.

Not to mention anything else, just say that I stayed at home to observe the funeral a few years ago, and the children were all young. The eighth elder brother should be closer to the uncle than other uncles, but it is not uncommon to show courtesy.

In contrast, it is not as good as the fourth and ninth places. The two sisters-in-law also prepared meticulously. They didn't say anything, but they all remembered it in their hearts.

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "He is raised under your mother's name, why don't you get closer to him on weekdays?"

"There's a difference in age, and it's not the same age..."

The eldest elder brother did not mean to embellish: "Not only the eighth elder brother, but also the other elder brothers. The son is the eldest, five years older than the third elder brother, six years older than the fourth elder brother, let alone the lower ones!"

If he had become an Ahma early, his sons would be as old as the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers.

Kangxi didn't ask any more questions, just said: "What about brother Jiu, what do you think?"

The eldest elder brother couldn't express his words, remembering the fact that his reward had shrunk from [-] taels to [-] taels, he chose a similar word, and said, "Ninth elder brother has a bit of a temper, and treats people with sincerity."

Can you be dishonest?
If you do something good, talk about it; if you do something bad, talk about it.

Looking at it on weekdays, I want to kick my feet twice.

There are only so many people in the southern tour retinue, and everyone is watching the news from the imperial court.

Many people know what the reason for Khan Ama's anger today is, guessing that Brother Jiu is still pretending to be innocent, thinking that he can hide it from others.

To say that this heart is also kind is to act without fear.

Kangxi's expression eased a lot, and said: "He is also a thief, and he is small-minded. He loves to hold grudges. If you want to offend him in the future, remember to coax him early!"

It's not good to act like a brother like Eighth Prince without sincerity.

After this time, the brotherhood cannot be bridged, and there is no other way.

Kangxi was also hesitating before, whether to interfere, but later decided that it was better to let nature take its course.

The elder brother nodded and glanced at Kangxi.

He listened to the emperor's father complaining, and his words were intimate, which was completely different from when he mentioned the eighth elder brother just now.

There are too many sons, so is there a saying that "like the new and dislike the old"?

The elder brother's expression remained unchanged, but he realized something in his heart.

You must also be vigilant, the preference you get is not fixed.

There is also the matter of Lao Jiu.

Acting recklessly, but the starting point is to protect the reputation of the emperor's father.

No matter how incomplete it is, it doesn't matter for this reason, it is a good son of filial piety.

The elder brother felt that the saying "Threesomes must have my teacher" had some truth.

This kind of admiration can be learned.

The three brothers, Brother Nine, have already walked to the Empress Dowager's boat.

The fifth elder brother turned around, looked at the ninth elder brother, frowned and said, "Where is the old eighth, you have to be decent on the surface, or you appear to be stingy."

Speaking of this, he said to the tenth elder brother: "You too, you can't look at your ninth brother for everything, it's really rude to ignore people like just now."

Brother Nine was already annoyed, yesterday he was still able to greet with a smile, but today he is self-willed again.

He nodded and said, "I understand, it won't happen next time."

Elder Brother Shi also looked like he was being taught, and said: "Well, I was negligent for a while, but I won't in the future."

The fifth prince listened, his brows stretched out, he waved to the two of them, and got on the pallet.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten continued to move forward.

Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten and said: "Listen to Fifth Brother, what to do in the future, otherwise it will fall into the eyes of others, because we don't understand reason, and you will look down on Brother!"

Elder Brother Ten did not reply immediately, but said, "Brother Ninth, find a quiet place to talk."

Brother Jiu stopped, looked at him suspiciously, sized him up several times, and said, "Why is your face so ugly?"

Elder Brother Ten did not speak in a hurry, but looked towards the edge of the pier.

There is an empty pavilion.

The brothers moved over.

Brother Nine felt a little uneasy, it was rare to see Old Ten like this.

He was a little nervous, was he angry that he filed a complaint yesterday?
He's not stupid, he's just deceiving himself and others in the first place.

He also understands in his heart that he is the "culprit", and he is afraid that it will not be long before the followers and these people will know.

Brother Nine felt uneasy.

The brothers have similar temperaments and temperaments, and they also have similarities in their natural behavior.

He knew that Old Ten was just like himself, avoiding troubles, either because he was afraid of something, or because he was lazy and didn't like trouble.

It seems that I have grown up in the past year, but the troubles I caused are also one after another.

"From now on, Brother Nine should keep a respectful distance from Brother Myna!"

Elder Brother Ten solemnly said.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, is this it?

With such a serious look, I thought I was going to say something!
He nodded and said: "You don't need to remind me, I also plan to do so. I figured it out, the starling is warm-hearted and cold, he is not as good as the seventh brother."

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while, and said: "He should find Brother Jiu to make amends in the next few days, when that time comes, Brother Jiu..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "I already made amends yesterday, roughly how to make amends, you should be able to guess!"

"Overseeing, the servant is rude, I don't know about it..."

As Brother Ten said, he guessed right.

Ninth Brother smiled bitterly, this time it was his turn to look at Tenth Brother, and said, "Old Ten, tell me, do you think that Brother Ba is not sincere?"

Elder Brother Ten was silent for a while, and said, "He is too strong."

Brothers get along freely, and it doesn't mean that everyone has to hang around with each other.

Even if Brother Nine didn't care, and he didn't bother to worry about it, Brother Eight was the leader among the three.

But that was when I was a child.

Now that they are older, they are all the same prince and elder brother, so there is no such thing as who is the master and who is the second.

Just like him and Brother Nine, they are brothers side by side, and Brother Nine didn't say anything to overwhelm him. This is the way for brothers to get along for a long time.

Brother Nine was also disappointed, and said: "Last year I was appointed as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I was proud of myself in front of my elder brothers, but I never mentioned this in front of starlings."

It was because the eighth elder brother was angered by the emperor's father because of the rudeness of the eight blessings in Ningshou Palace, and lost his job in the household department.

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's good that Brother Nine is aware of it. Before Brother Nine did not go to Yuqian, Brother Ba was very respectable in front of Yuqian. Now the situation is reversed. I'm afraid he has some grievances in his heart."

Be it Yun Haitang or Qianjinfang, no matter how innocent Eighth Brother said, Tenth Brother would not believe it.

What made him most angry was this candidate.

If the "beauty trick" at that time was successful, what would others think of Brother Nine?
After all, in the eyes of outsiders, the old girl who has not married for a long time is more like the eighth prince's pet.

Whenever Brother Jiu makes a mistake, he is suspected of "stealing his sister-in-law".

Even the suspected little sister-in-law who didn't even get along with a concubine.

"Anyway, you have to remember that he is not going well now, so he may not be happy to see Brother Nine going well. You should also know him as a brother of more than ten years. He is the strongest in his bones. I heard that he was working hard a while ago. Yue also travels thousands of miles, everyone is biased, I'm afraid in his heart, he doesn't think it's all Bafujin's fault, and he should also blame Jiusao..."

Otherwise, they wouldn't have come up with a "beauty trick" to drive apart Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-Law.

The corner of Brother Jiu's mouth drooped, and he knew this, so he was disheartened.

"Why is it so crooked? A person who was good earlier is now at a loss, and has gone to the third place!"

He couldn't help muttering.

Elder Brother Shi said very justly: "When I was young, there was no conflict of interest. It is not difficult to take a step back and be magnanimous, and say something nice to coax my brothers; Naturally, I look forward to winning the championship!"

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Isn't that bullshit? Don't say that he has Eight Fujin holding him back, even if he doesn't have it, he can't compare to the big boys in front of him!"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Maybe it's because of this that I am more motivated!"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "I can't think about it, I'm tired of tossing, let's stop daydreaming!"

Elder Brother Ten nodded and said, "Well, my younger brother is just like Brother Nine, contented!"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Let them fight, let's have fun!"

If Suo'etu didn't die, Brother Nine would also feel uneasy.

Facing Yuqing Palace, he also felt anger in his heart, and he was not willing to submit to the Crown Prince.

But Suo'etu died, and the resentment in his heart dissipated.

Where the prince is, let him go.

When the prince goes up, he will be the emperor's younger brother.

The other elder brothers went up, but he was still the emperor's younger brother.

Even if you don't pay much attention to it, you can keep your title and enjoy leisure without having to go out on errands.

Maybe at that time, Shushu could be taken around in the name of health preservation and treatment.

He was very curious about Guangzhou and wanted to see Western cargo ships.

Seeing him like this, Elder Brother Ten was relieved.

Otherwise, don't worry about it.

After the two brothers finished speaking, they left the pavilion.

When Brother Nine was on the side of the boat, Brother Nine remembered the arrangement of the Shushujia meal, stopped in his tracks, and looked at Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten is also at the age of slapstick, and looks weak.

Especially walking with Shi Fujin, it's not very harmonious.

Ten Fujin has lost a lot of weight, and is also much wider than Ten Elder Brother.

He coughed lightly, and said: "Your sister-in-law is worried about my body and is looking forward to my gaining weight. Now there are snacks in the morning and afternoon. There are eggs and other things in the morning, and milk in the afternoon. They are served with fried noodles and noodles. Tea, lotus root powder, soft pastry..."

Brother Ten listened and glanced at Brother Nine.

It's strange, there is no intention of showing off on the face, so what are you talking about?
Seeing that he couldn't react, brother Jiu stretched out his hand to grab his arm, and said, "It's like a hemp stick, you're also skinny, and you don't get along well with ten younger siblings, so turn around and ask Wang Changshou to come over and talk to Xiaotang. Take food, and you also add meals according to this time, so as to gain weight!"

Only then did Elder Brother Shi realize what he was talking about, nodded and said: "Well, then I will have to bother Mrs. Jiu, Fujin is just complaining about being hungry, and the boat is long in a day, so I will have a hot meal at noon."

Brother Jiu was a little worried when he heard this, and said: "But this is for fattening. Your sister-in-law, Jiu, dare not eat the same food as your master, because she is afraid of getting fat; younger brothers and sisters have finally lost weight, so they eat with you, isn't it just another one?" Gained weight?"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "My younger brother doesn't want her to lose weight, it was fine before."

If he really wanted to lose weight all the time, he was worried that he would be beaten when Aba Haibu came back at the end of the year.

The ninth elder brother was about to despise the tenth elder brother with bloody eyes, and then thought about the changes in his wife in the past six months.

Plump and plump are good.

It's not good to speak to outsiders.

He said: "As you, as you..."

The two brothers separated and boarded the boat separately.

Shu Shu was sitting next to the table with pens, ink, paper and inkstones on it, and Xiao Song was grinding the ink beside her.

I have been busy these few days, and I haven't written down the southbound handbook for several days.

Taking advantage of the bright sky, Shu Shu made a note.

She writes seriously, and Komatsu grinds the ink attentively.

Not only in the cabin, but also in the aisle outside, woolen felt was spread, so people walked silently.

Therefore, Brother Nine came in, but neither the master nor the servant noticed.

Brother Jiu walked over and stood beside Shu Shu, looking at her letter.

Shu Shu wrote "Wanbao Pavilion", the western utensils are exquisite, and the merchants there also traveled far, and even came to Daqing, which is thousands of miles away.

I don't know if anyone in the Qing Dynasty went to the West to see the style of the West.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "This is really a tacit understanding!"

Only then did Shu Shu realize that he was there, and she put down her pen and said, "Your master also got something from the 'Wanbao Pavilion'?"

Brother Jiu sat next to him, poured a cup of tea and drank it, moistened his throat, and then said: "The master just wants to clear up the money shortage, if let them earn all the money away, wouldn't it be even more lacking? It's best The best way is that no matter what they earn from the Qing Dynasty, or from the East and Southeast Asia, as long as it is silver, it is best to stay in the Qing Dynasty!"

Shu Shu's eyes showed admiration.

At present, the official foreign trade organization of the Qing Dynasty, the Guangzhou Thirteen Bank, already exists.

It's just that it hasn't reached the "one-port trade" period, so it's not very conspicuous.

Now there are four customs in total responsible for foreign trade and tax collection, namely Guangzhou Customs in Guangdong, Zhangzhou Customs in Fujian, Ningbo Customs in Zhejiang and Yuntaishan Customs in Jiangnan.

Below the four customs, there are more than a dozen customs ports.

In the mid-Qianlong period, the "one-port trade" policy was implemented, only Guangzhou Customs was kept, and all other customs and customs ports were closed.

The Thirteen Banks in Guangzhou has also become a monopoly business, ushering in a glorious period of nearly a hundred years.

It is said that the men who work are handsome, and brother Jiu is really not bad when he wants to be serious.

Anything that has anything to do with the economy is handled well.

She didn't say any words of praise, but the praise was all on her face.

The corners of Brother Jiu's mouth curled up, showing a bit of complacency, but thinking about going to the dragon boat just now, he felt that he still had to make a note.

He pointed to Shu Shu's letter and said: "I seem to have offended someone. Our family may not want more enemies to come out. You can make a note later. When you turn around, I will inquire about the list and see who is there. Don't bother." Down."

If someone wants to take revenge blindly, let them learn what the prince's elder brother's temper is.

Shu Shu felt worried, why did she come out to be an enemy?

How many are there?

"At the Jijia Lake Stone Field, is there anyone else going to buy stones?"

She thought about what happened yesterday, and wondered if it was a follow-up incident.

Ninth elder brother heard this, thinking about third elder brother's embarrassment just now, but laughed out loud with a "puchi".

That glass is accurate!


pretty good!
Khan Ama's temper tantrum is not just to him!
This is only fair, the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat!
He laughed and said: "I guessed half right, it is indeed related to Ji's family, but it is not Hu Shichang, but 'Wanbao Pavilion'!"

As he said that, he said all the words that the imperial father questioned the third elder brother and defended with the third elder brother.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt that elder brother San was wronged.

Ji's family is the richest family, and the tree attracts the wind.

The accounts of these seven or eight people are not correct, which adds up to a lot of money. This is not the master of all the young masters, it should be the meaning of the master of the Ji family.

Spend money to buy peace.

It also means taking advantage of the east wind to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

The third elder brother, the dignified prince elder brother, has always been flattered by others, so he probably didn't take it seriously.

In his capacity, this is also an opportunity for the Ji family.

Otherwise, if other merchants want to be filial, they will not be able to show filial piety to him.

Brother Jiu said with contempt: "You still boast that you are good at reading, and you don't even need a face. If you want to talk about other foreign goods, such as clocks and pocket watches, the price can still be vague. If you accept it, you will accept it. Layman I don't know how much the purchase price was, but those three big gold bracelets, each weighing ten taels of gold and thirty taels of silver, were bought one by one, isn't this shabby?!"

Shu Shu thought of her big gold bracelet, because she insisted on paying [-]% of the selling price, only that one cost two hundred and eighty taels of silver.

That's because the center diamond is larger.

Several others were studded with pearls, garnets, and amethysts.

The pearls were not big, and the garnets were of an ordinary color, but the string of amethysts was also big, the purple ones were rich in color, and the price was [-] taels more expensive than her diamonds, and the price was [-] taels.

The purchase price is also in the early two hundred and twenty.

It's really shameless to take thirty taels.

It's better not to spend money directly, but it can be counted as filial piety.

It is too much to take advantage of it like this.

Thinking that the fifth elder brother and his wife went to the "Wanbao Pavilion" with the third elder brother and his wife yesterday, Shu Shu hurriedly said, "It's not implicated in fifth elder brother or fifth sister-in-law, right?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "This time Fifth Sister-in-Law did a great job, she realized that the price was wrong, she reminded Fifth Brother when she went back, and Fifth Brother asked someone to send money back to make up for it."

Shu Shu is relieved now.

Brother Nine gloated and said, "This time, the youngest not only lost face, but was also fined a year's salary, and the two thousand taels rewarded yesterday was also taken back!"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing either.

She could still imagine San Age's distraught appearance. He was obviously trying to save some money, but he suffered a big loss in the end.

She guessed rightly, on Concubine Rong's boat, in the cabin of the third brother and his wife, the husband and wife were fighting fiercely with each other.

The third elder brother pointed at San Fujin, and said angrily: "I know how to put on makeup all day long, I don't behave like a Fujin, look at the other people, and then look at yourself, you are so stupid, sir Unlucky, I pointed you to be Fujin!"

San elder brother was ashamed, and came back under pressure, but saw San Fujin sitting in front of the makeup mirror, wiping the perfume one by one and smelling the smell.

San Fujin turned his head, also unhappy, said: "Where did this evil fire come from? Whoever provokes me, I will find someone to talk to!"

The third elder brother said angrily: "Except for you prodigal bitch, there is no one else!"

As he said that, he saw several brocade boxes in front of the dressing table, which were the three Western bracelets from "Wanbao Pavilion".

what is this?
Here is the proof!

Twelve taels of gold each?

Because it was a woman's thing, he didn't pay attention at all at the time, and he didn't know how much gold it was.

He took two steps forward, took a box, opened it, and the eyes were full of rich purple.

Purple is expensive.

He changed his face, picked up the bracelet, it was a flat bracelet, it looked thick and clumsy, and it really weighed heavily in his hands.

Twelve taels of gold!

He glared at Sanfujin, gritted his teeth and said, "My lord didn't pay attention at the time, I don't know the weight of this bracelet, you already know it, don't you know?"

Sanfujin said unhappily: "I'm not a scale, where can I know its weight?"

San elder brother sneered, but came over suspiciously, looked at San Fujin and said, "Since when have you ever looked at such a thick thing? You usually think that bracelets are heavy, and you only wear filigree ones, and you think your wrists are sore , can you look at this?"

Sanfujin stroked his temples, proudly, and said: "Isn't it because others are ignorant and picked up a big leak? This circle is full of amethyst, the size of a thumb, and the same color. Take it off later. , with some beads, you can set a pair of heads!"

Shu Shu really has no vision. I don't choose such a good thing. I choose the diamond one. It looks like big glass. What's the point?

Nowadays, gemstones of all colors are all about color.

The third elder brother raised the bracelet and wanted to drop it to the ground.

Pick up a fart, this is four thousand five hundred taels of silver!

It doesn't even take so much money to hire another Fujin!
But this heavy feeling.

This rich purple.

This is a rare commodity.

It can be worth a few hundred taels.

The third elder brother put down his hand again and picked up the other two boxes.

The one inlaid with pearls, the beads are not big, just a circle bigger than rice beads, but these are pink pearls.

It's all pink.

Look at the rest, it is inlaid with "Ziyawu", and the color is also the most gorgeous wine red in "Ziyawu".

The jewels of these three bracelets were obtained, and the craftsmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were found to inlay them, and they would be placed in a silver house for consignment, each of which could cost several hundred taels of silver.

The third elder brother felt more at ease, and embraced all three boxes.

"Grandpa, what are you going to do?"

Sanfujin stood up and stopped him: "Where are you going to get this?"

The third elder brother sneered and said, "You can take the silver you paid, wherever you like!"

I didn't dare to stop, I was afraid of stopping, and after a break, Chapter 3 was delayed again, good night everyone, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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