My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 524 Saved a sum of money

Chapter 524 Saved a sum of money (the first change asks for a monthly pass)

Sanfujin was so annoyed that a figure of weak Liu Fufeng immediately appeared in his mind.

She got up immediately, took two quick steps, and rushed to the third elder brother.

Brother San hadn't reacted yet, several jewelry boxes in his hand had been snatched back.

"You! Give me back!"

The third elder brother said angrily.

San Fujin said with a cold face: "So what about the money I paid? I am Fujin, so I can't afford to spend your money? What, I spend all my food, clothing, and food as a dowry, so I let my master save money to supplement my little wife?!"

"Wretch! Vulgar!"

San elder brother glared at San Fujin and cursed.

San Fujin sneered and said: "Then why don't you think about it carefully, I am a gentle and virtuous princess, with good looks and character, that's why I was designated as Prince Fujin by the emperor, why did I become a shrew after being Prince Fujin for a few years? "

The third elder brother sneered and said: "Lost upbringing, don't talk about a little wife in the future, think about your mother-in-law, you are also born by a little wife!"

Sanfujin trembled with anger, and his voice became high-pitched: "What are you talking about? My mother is such a good concubine, how did she become a concubine? This is because I look down on my status, I wish I could get out of the empress's belly in Kunning Palace ? Let the empress listen, her filial son despises her!"

The third elder brother wanted to stop her mouth, and said: "What kind of dung is spraying with your mouth full, the master is talking about you, what are you doing breaking up your mother?"

San Fujin looked contemptuously and said: "If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't dare to imagine the appearance of a filial son in ordinary times, but it is such a virtue!"

"The sage is right, but girls and villains are hard to raise!"

The third elder brother looked at the three boxes again, and said, "You can take it if you like, and give it to the master when you return to Beijing!"

Sanfujin was about to refuse, but there was already movement at the door.

"Okay, what are you arguing about?"

Concubine Rong came over with a dark face.

Sanfujin put down the jewelry box in his hand, dropped his hands and did not speak.

Concubine Rong didn't ask her, but looked at the third elder brother.

The third elder brother said awkwardly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a few words in a hurry!"

As for being reprimanded and fined for buying things in "Wanbao Pavilion", he didn't want to talk about it.


Concubine Rong's face drooped, and she glanced at Third Elder Brother.

The two houses are next to each other, the plank of the ship is so thin, why can't you hear any movement?

She was just glad that her cabin was separated in the middle, and the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers in front couldn't hear it, or it was a big joke.

There are more than a dozen elder brothers in the royal family, except for the East Palace, they are all raised by the concubine!

East Palace!

Concubine Rong felt angry in her heart.

When the Empress Yuan was dying, she pointed to herself as the adoptive mother of the second elder brother.

At that time, I was also in confinement, and lost my third son, Changhua.

Neither Concubine Rong herself nor Kangxi thought much about it.

One loses a son and one loses a mother, so to speak, it's cheap for both.

Thinking about it now, was the Empress of the Yuan Dynasty certain that she would not be able to have children? !
But he gave birth to his fourth son Changsheng the following year.

When did Changsheng die?
March of the sixteenth year of Kangxi!
At that time, she was in confinement again and gave birth to Yinzhi.

Before confinement, he lost his three-year-old longevity.

She only thought it was because of her own negligence, and she was so remorseful that she was about to go blind from crying.

But the emperor only had the prince in his eyes, and it was the critical moment of the San Francisco Rebellion, so he didn't care to take care of the prince himself, so he was still sent to Zhongcui Palace.

Just because the prince's wet nurse filed a complaint, saying that she visited Yinzhi more times than the prince every day, Yinzhi was sent to be raised outside the palace.

What a big joke!
Is she a saint?
If you don’t feel sorry for your own son, how about caring for someone else’s son? !
Concubine Rong's face was overcast, and the third elder brother was careful.


He looked at Concubine Rong and noticed something was wrong.

Concubine Rong's eyes were black and blue, and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Aren't you resting?"

There was concern in his voice.

Concubine Rong looked at her son.

Already twenty-four years old, tall and mighty.

The sequence teeth are three, only smaller than the elder brother and the prince.

She let out a breath, and said: "Don't worry about money in the future, I saved a sum of money for you outside the palace, and I will hand it over to you in batches later!"

The third elder brother was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hands and said: "No need, no need, the son is holding the money in his hand, and the two hundred and thirty thousand taels of silver that opened the mansion have not been moved much!"

Concubine Rong didn't say anything, but looked at Sanfu Jin.

Sanfujin lowered his eyes.

Concubine Rong looked at the third elder brother again, sighed, and said: "She is your first wife, you and your husband will prosper together, and both will suffer together, and you will be well in the future, don't make trouble."

San Age was stunned, and San Fujin also raised his head.

Both the couple had surprise on their faces.

Why is it repeated?

Who was it that lifted up Tian Gege and suppressed his daughter-in-law before?
Concubine Rong looked at Sanfujin generously, and said: "First of all, Erniang is confused, her body is uncomfortable, and her heart is also irritable. If there is something that makes you sad, Erniang will apologize to you."

How could San Fujin dare to answer such words, in that case, it would be like her daughter-in-law forcing her mother-in-law to bow her head.

She hurriedly said: "It's nothing at all, you are polite."

Concubine Rong didn't say much, and looked at the third elder brother again, and said: "Think about it, among so many princes Fujin, only you Fujin gave birth to two sons, which is better than others. good..."

After that, she turned and left.

San Age and San Fujin were left behind, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Sanfujin rubbed the handkerchief, lowered his voice and said, "Is this really good? Is it because of illness in the first place?"

The third elder brother frowned and said: "What is not sick, Er Niang loves me..."

The third elder brother's mind turned quickly, and he knew that this was the southern patrol road, and it was really not easy for the husband and wife to tear each other apart in the escort team.

At that time, it is a trivial matter to become a joke. If you are taught a lesson by Khan Ama again, it will not be a matter of a year's salary.

How many years has this been fined? !

Although he holds the money to split the family and open the house, the third elder brother doesn't plan to move.

There is a pawn shop and an antique shop in the shop that happened to be separated from the family.

The third elder brother deposited most of it in the bank to earn interest, and the remaining [-] yuan was put in two shops as capital.

The third elder brother sighed, sat down on the chair, and said: "I just got angry just now..."

After all, he talked about the fine of silver in front of the imperial court just now.

Hearing this, San Fujin felt guilty, and said: "I never heard that when I bought something, I had to go back and ask for a replacement. The eunuchs sent by the fifth elder brother were also stupid, and I didn't take it seriously."

The third elder brother calmed down, and the anger in his heart disappeared a lot.

He knew that even if he was there at the time, he would probably be the same as Fujin and would not take it seriously.

San Fujin frowned, but he couldn't care less about Yin Zi.

This time Kangxi didn't pass her on, but he didn't pull her away when the money was fined, obviously already dissatisfied.

Otherwise, her reward of one thousand taels of silver would not be fined back.

She was very nervous.

The third elder brother muttered: "It's all Lao Jiu's fault, if we meet him in the future, let's stay away!"

After hearing this, San Fujin also thought of Shu Shu.

That clumsy bracelet didn't suit the elders at first glance, but she took it out anyway.

Otherwise, I wouldn't inquire about it, thinking about the remaining ones.

It's really evil.

Ba Fujin and Shu Shu faced each other a few times, but they didn't take advantage of it, and they got into a mess.

On my own side, I also suffered a few times.

After the third elder brother finished talking, he remembered what his mother said just now.

"Tell me, how much money is there in the deposit that Er Niang said?"

The third elder brother felt a little itchy in his heart.

San Fujin wanted to say that there should not be much, because the concubine's annual salary is only three hundred taels, and other rewards are the norm.

The birthday reward silver is only rewarded every five to ten whole birthdays, that is, three or four hundred taels.

The New Year's rewards are also not fixed, the most is an annual salary, which is three hundred taels.

On average, less than one thousand taels a year.

The rest is the "Nian Jing" of the natal family outside the palace.

Those who have concubines from the harem are all enshrined by the whole family.

The Ma family is an ordinary family, but they can't afford to live in the imperial dining room as a servant for thirty years.

With Concubine Rong's stinginess, how could she take advantage of her natal family for nothing? !

Sanfujin suddenly realized and understood.

Among them, there should be a ratio of account sharing. It is impossible to say that "September [-]" and "August [-]" are possible!
The third elder brother was still doing calculations beside him, and said: "The annual salary, rewards, and filial piety to the mother outside the palace will always cost two thousand taels a year. After deducting the expenses, can you save [-] taels? In that case, twenty years It’s thirty thousand taels of silver, forty-five thousand taels in thirty years?!”

In the end, the third elder brother brought excitement.

It's not that he is thinking about keeping the money now, but that the empress only has his son, and the money will almost all be his in the future.

Sanfujin covered her mouth with a handkerchief to hide the smile at the corner of her mouth.

What a fool!
Thirty thousand two?
Forty-five thousand taels?
That is the Imperial Dining Room, the place where the House of Internal Affairs has the most oil and water.

If it was as she guessed, then after thirty years, the amount of money would be at least ten times this...

Shu Shu and Brother Nine are on board.

After using it later, the couple will wash and soak their feet.

As Xiaochun said, when the curtains are drawn down, the world immediately becomes quiet.

The sound of water running outside and the sound of frogs croaking could not be heard at all.

In the corner of the cabin, a space of about two square meters is separated by a screen, where toilets, basins and other items are placed, which can be regarded as a clean room.

Tonight is the first night on the boat, and the couple took advantage of the hot water in the clean room.

Even though they knew about sound insulation, the two of them didn't act presumptuously.

Only finely chopped, very restrained.

After tidying up, the husband and wife hugged each other and lay down.

They all say "feeling warm and thinking about sex", Brother Jiu felt that he was upside down.

After finishing his studies, he began to think about his livelihood.

"Master, I found out that Han Ama not only loves to do things, but also likes to fine money. We have been fined for several years. We have to find a way to save some money later, just in case..."

Brother Jiu said.

Not to mention other things, Haidian is still thinking about building a separate courtyard.

In the future, with Shengjia over there, I can't go back and forth for more than forty miles a day.

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Didn't you say that the prince has money to open a mansion?"

Let's hold on to the title, the elder brother in front of him also endured for so many years before he was awarded the title together.

But what about the silver?

Brother Nine stroked his chin and said, "I can't tell, but it seems that the taxation is much better now than in previous years, and there is no major war, otherwise we wouldn't start construction in several places and spend so much on the river! "

The prince's family money is also paid from the household department.

The elder brothers all follow the example of Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang, that is [-] taels per person.

Brother Nine's heart was pounding, he squinted his eyes, and said: "When the time comes, open a bank directly, Suzhou, Jiangning, Hangzhou, and Guangdong will all have a semicolon, and issue bank notes that can be used even when leaving Beijing..."

The current banknotes all have restrictions.

All are circulated locally and withdrawn locally.

It is inconvenient to settle.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and couldn't help but admire him.

That's talent.

This is not a matter of small steps. According to historical records, it is not until the late Qianlong period that there are silver numbers for inter-regional exchange...

(End of this chapter)

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