My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 525 Grandpa is about to lose face

Chapter 525 Grandpa is about to lose face (second update)

After sailing for three and a half days, we arrived at Hangzhou Mansion.

Just like in Suzhou Mansion, all the gentlemen, soldiers and civilians of He County knelt down to welcome the holy driver.

All the princes and elder brothers, wearing auspicious clothes, have been driving on the dragon boat since the morning.

We have seen this scene of colorful flags fluttering on the shore and the gathering of the four peoples several times along the way, in Huai'an, Yangzhou, and Suzhou prefectures.

It was the first time for the ninth elder brother to see him, looking at the black heads on the shore, he murmured to the tenth elder brother next to him: "Didn't Khan Ama repeatedly order not to disturb the place? Why are you still tossing so many people?"

Elder Brother Ten pondered and said, "Perhaps, this is public opinion?"

Otherwise, how to show the scene of peace?

Brother Jiu curled his lips and muttered in a low voice: "You're stupid, how much money will this cost!"

To make colorful flags, to gather people's heads, and to change into new clothes.

There are also old people and children in tossing places.

Elder Brother Ten broke the conversation and said, "Is there a palace in Hangzhou, or is it also in Zhizaofu?"

Brother Jiu nodded and shook his head again, and said: "There is a palace, which was remodeled by the Zhizaofu in Hangzhou, but it is different from Suzhou. The Zhizaofu was remodeled by the local officials before Shengjia's southern tour in the [-]th year, and the weaving office has moved out. "

As for the Hangzhou Weaving Mansion, similar to the Jiangning Weaving Mansion, it is also a coat official from the capital. The father and son have managed it successively for thirty years.

The current Hangzhou Zhizao is called Ao Fuhe, whose Chinese name is Jin Yiren, and is the eldest son of the late Hangzhou Zhizao Jin Yuzhi.

The old man of his family, the generation of Cao Yin's father, has passed away.

They don't have such a deep relationship with the emperor. The reason why the father and son can sit firmly in Hangzhou Weaving is because they are the cousins ​​of the late university scholar Ba Tai.

This Jin Yiren has a younger brother who is also married to Li Xu's sister, so he is related to the Cao family and the Li family.

"These three families seem to have taken root, and this official position is really secure!"

Brother Nine and Brother Ten were talking about the relationship between the three families, and sighed.

It is estimated that it is an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so it can be regarded as a family heirloom.

If the officials of the imperial court dared to succeed father and son like this, they would have been punished long ago.

Not only the Weaving Mansion, but also other yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, most of them are controlled by one or two or three yamen.

In fact, this is not good, and it is easy to breed corruption.

But Jiangnan's location is important, so it's better to take root with the family than to be a low-ranking official.

Shilin here also had a lot of criticism of the imperial court in the early years, but it has become better in recent years.

Jiangnan officialdom has also been cleaned several times.

Here is next to Fujian, whether it was the San Francisco rebellion or the recovery of Taiwan later, the officialdom in the south of the Yangtze River has been cleaned up.

The three major weavings, united, and each other's horns can gain a foothold in the officialdom in the south of the Yangtze River.

"They're all surnamed Jin, and they're all Gaoli Baoyi Zuoling. Is their family related to the Jin family?"

Elder brother said.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "It's not the same flag at all, they are covered with the yellow flag, and the other is covered with the inlaid yellow flag, they have the same surname. Manchuria..."

Elder Brother Shi heard this and stopped asking.

It's fine if you're not a clansman, otherwise, you'll have to draw people's attention.

Several members of the Jin family died, and the family was fined into the Xinzheku. If there are relatives here, they must take precautions.

The eighth elder brother was on top of the ninth elder brother. Seeing the two younger brothers talking enthusiastically, he didn't pay too much attention.

With Ten Elder Brothers around, he felt a little apprehensive.

I feel like this first, and then go back to Beijing to talk about other things, so that the noise of the province will spread to the imperial court.

Yaqibu's letter also mentioned the construction of the two prince's mansions.

The eighth elder brother breathed a sigh of relief, living next to each other, the future will be long.

After a while, the boat stopped, and the princes, along with the accompanying officials, surrounded Kangxi and landed.

On Shu Shu's boat, she was sitting in front of the window, watching the welcoming scene.

Shi Fujin sitting opposite her was also a novelty.

After seeing the general situation on the shore, she was stunned, gestured with her fingers, and said, "How many people are here? From that side to the big side, they are all people..."

Shu Shu estimated in her heart that it should start at [-].

However, there should be quite a few officials and civilians to pick them up, and the main ones are the escorts stationed in the Eight Banners.

This is the garrison of General Hangzhou, one of the fourteen garrison generals, which governs Zhejiang.

According to the law of the Qing Dynasty, the general is the highest officer of the garrison flag soldiers. If he is stationed in the same province as the governor, the general should lead the performance.

This is genuine.

The princess's father was the deputy governor of the Eight Banners in Hangzhou in his early years, and the whole family served as a garrison in Hangzhou.

The current Hangzhou general seems to be a subordinate, and he came to Suzhou to pick him up.

It is estimated that after half an hour, the people who picked up the driver had almost dispersed.

Kangxi led the prince, clan, and civil and military ministers to leave the Hangzhou Canal Wharf first.

The female relatives landed one by one and changed carriages.

Shi Fujin opened the curtains and looked outside.

Every few feet on both sides of the road, there are armored garrisons.

Apart from the convoy, there was no one else near the official road.

But far away from the official road, there are faint shadows, and some people are looking at it curiously.

Ten Fujin lowered the curtains, and said with interest: "Sister-in-law Jiu, is there a 'Wanbao Pavilion' in Hangzhou?"

Shu Shu really asked once.

"Yes, it's also the same owner!"

Shushu said.

And speaking of it, a lot of goods from Suzhou came from Hangzhou.

Hangzhou Weaving Mansion is also responsible for the tribute of foreign feudal vassals.

Every time a foreign vassal came to pay tribute, a caravan followed, and the goods were sold in Hangzhou.

Ten Fujin laughed immediately, and said, "Then shall we go again?"

Shu Shu felt that it was inappropriate. A few days ago, Kangxi just scolded the third elder brother just to buy something.

Even the third elder brother was fined, and the other officials who were related to the "Wanbao Pavilion" were not far behind.

At this time, when they went to the "Wanbao Pavilion", it would be a little conspicuous.

Looking at Shi Fujin's appearance, as if he didn't know about it, Shu Shu said briefly, and then said: "It's the same thing as Suzhou, if you want to add something, you can ask Shi brother to write a list and send it over. Just fine."

Ten Fujin immediately became honest, nodded and said, "I'll listen to Sister-in-law Nine."

Who would have thought that buying something could go wrong? !
When they arrived at the palace in Taipingfang, Shu Shu and Shi Fujin looked at each other with joy.

I used to be in Suzhou Weaving Mansion, which was a government office, and it was inconvenient to come and go, especially for female relatives.

There is always a feeling of being a guest.

The palace is much better, there are no idlers, and it is more convenient to enter and exit.

Led by the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they also brought their maids and eunuchs to the next place.

Separate small yard!

It is next to Xinggong Middle Road. There are three north rooms, two upside-down rooms, and no wing rooms.

Compared with the courtyard in the north, the courtyard here is very small.

Even so, Shu Shu is also satisfied.

Even if Elder Brother Shi is not an outsider, Fujin is also acquainted with each other, but living in the same courtyard is quite inconvenient.

Today is the [-]nd of March. Compared with the length of stay in Suzhou, it may be five or six days, or more.

The house had already been cleaned and the yard was sprinkled with water.

Shu Shu pushed open the window and looked outside through the screen.

There is an osmanthus tree in the yard, but it is a pity that it has not yet bloomed.

After a while, Xiaochun and the others laid out the comfortable living place.

In addition to luggage bedding and curtains, there are also tea utensils for daily use, jewelry boxes and the like.

Seeing that several people couldn't stand, Shu Shu said: "It's almost enough, let's take a rest."

Xiaochun said: "Fujin, Xiaoyu repeatedly asked before leaving the palace, if Fujin buys materials here, buy more Hangluo, then it will be just right to use that handkerchief, and it can be sold together in the rouge shop."

As soon as Shu Shu finished persuading Shi Fujin, he gave up the idea of ​​buying along with him and said: "Don't worry, write a list of things to buy later, and let the weaving yamen do the purchasing for you."

Otherwise, if you don't know how to tell, you will be misunderstood as a money grab.

Xiao Chun put the matter aside, and said: "It is said that the south of the Yangtze River is warmer than the capital city, and the servants see that it is almost noon, but it will not be cold sooner or later, similar to the weather in the capital city in April."

Shu Shu said: "The main reason is that winter is warmer than in the north. In spring, it's not so obvious."

Xiaotang still remembered the Hangzhou cuisine that Shu Shu had talked about when he was in Huai'an, and said, "Fu Jin, where is the West Lake? I didn't see the West Lake on the road just now?"

Shu Shu said: "The West Lake is still on the west side, about ten miles away from here."

Xiaotang said with regret: "Then you don't want to eat 'West Lake Vinegar Fish'?"

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, Lingyin Temple is right next to the West Lake, the Queen Mother will definitely go, when the time comes, we will follow and find a restaurant nearby."

Speaking of Hangzhou cuisine, Shu Shu recalled the picnic at Baiwang Mountain during the Chinese New Year, and said: "Beggar's chicken was eaten on the mountain that time, which is the way of eating in the south of the Yangtze River. I don't know if Hangzhou has it now..."

Xiao Song was beside him, drooling when he heard it, and said: "There is no beggar chicken, but roast chicken is fine."

Shu Shu thought about it, the palace where they are staying now seems to be the prince's mansion in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The weaving yamen began to be built in the Ming Dynasty, and it was not until the [-]th year of Kangxi that the weaving yamen was moved out during Kangxi's second southern tour, and this place became a palace.

Isn't that next to the Imperial Street of the Southern Song Dynasty?

It should be just to the northwest of Taipingfang Palace, less than half a mile away.

That's Commercial Street.

Although it is not as good as it was in the Southern Song Dynasty, as long as the shop is there, you can go shopping.

Now that the vicinity of the Palace is heavily guarded, the Imperial Street should also be an important security area.

Shu Shu then told Xiao Chun: "Prepare some silver coins, Master Hui is back, maybe we can take you out for a stroll."

Xiaochun glanced at Xiaotang and Xiaosong, and then persuaded: "Didn't Fujin say that he would stay in Hangzhou for a few days? Let's wait and see. After all, you are young, and there are several sister-in-laws..."

Shu Shu knew that this was a good word, so she nodded and said: "Okay, let's have a good rest today, and we'll talk about it later."

Shengjia's southern tour, in addition to inspecting river workers and appeasing the people, there is another one is to serve relatives.

There are many ancient temples in Hangzhou, and there should be no less group activities in the next itinerary.

At noon, Brother Nine came back.

The dining room of the palace also sent food boxes.

The couple sat opposite each other and had a meal.

March in Yangchun is the time when mandarin fish are on the market.

There is a mandarin fish and a water shield soup.

When the dining table was removed and the tea came up, it happened to be the occasion, and it happened to be West Lake Longjing tea.

Shu Shu looked at the clear tea soup and the tender green leaves, and thought it was pleasing to the eye, and a sip would leave a fragrance on her lips and teeth.

Seeing her happy, Brother Nine said: "The timing is just right. Mingqian tea is ready, and Yuqian tea is also out. When the time comes, I will help you find some..."

Speaking of this, he remembered his wife's way of buying red ginseng, and said: "If you want to give it away, can you buy more?"

Shu Shu put down the teacup, shook her head and said, "No, a few catties is fine. I see that the elders should drink more black tea."

Perhaps because of the meaty diet, people in Beijing prefer to drink black tea.

Shu Shu's elders, whether they are from her mother's family or her in-laws' family, usually drink black tea, loose tea, or boiled milk tea with tea cakes.

Brother Nine said: "Tomorrow Khan Ama will serve the Queen Mother to offer incense at Lingyin Temple. Let's accompany you for a cutscene, and then don't come back. I will take you to find a tea garden to have tea..."

Shu Shu became interested.

If she remembers correctly, there is a Longjing tea plantation beside the West Lake.

After traveling by boat for a few days, he finally found the joy of the southern tour: "Taking a boat is much more comfortable than riding a horse, and you are in a hurry. Otherwise, if you listen to the fourth brother's advice, you won't have to suffer such a crime by taking an official boat from the Ministry of Household Affairs!"

Shu Shu didn't say anything.

After all, the other half is for her.

Otherwise, take it easy, and it will be early April.

"It's dark and late, and I can go shopping for half a day!"

Ninth elder brother planned happily.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Then come back after dinner."

The couple were working on a small plan, and someone from Yuqian came, and it was an acquaintance Wei Zhu.

"Jiuye, the emperor summons!"

Brother Jiu was very surprised: "What's the matter? Master only came back from the imperial court for half an hour?"

Wei Zhu smiled, but stopped talking.

Brother Jiu also knows the rules and doesn't embarrass him.

Looking at his expression, I knew it should be nothing serious.

Otherwise, I would not dare to have a hippie smile on my face.

Brother Jiu followed Wei Zhu and left.

Xiao Song sorted out a package, which contained Shu Shu's riding outfit and bow and arrow, and asked, "Fu Jin, do you want to take this out for practice?"

Shu Shu pointed to the size of the yard, and said, "It's such a big place, there's no place to hang the target."

The entire courtyard is two and a half feet from east to west, and less than one foot from north to south, which is why there are no east and west chambers.

Unable to build a house.

Xiao Song took the package back.

Shu Shu felt her back was sore, so she asked Xiaosong to rub it for her.

Xiao Song sat next to her and began to massage carefully.

Xiao Chun glanced at Shu Shu, counted her little life in her mind, and decided to kowtow twice more when she went to offer incense tomorrow.

It was estimated that half an hour later, Brother Jiu came back, the corners of his mouth were drooping, and he looked in a bad mood.

Shu Shu also smiled, waved her hand to send the girls off, then went up to meet her, and said, "What's the matter?"

What's wrong again, got reprimanded?

Brother Jiu wiped his face, sat down on the chair, showing frustration, and said: "Master thinks, this time I'm afraid I'll have to scold you!"

"What's the reason? Didn't you be fine in the morning?"

Shu Shu was confused.

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said: "Ama Khan is going to inspect the flag camp, and he just told us to go there, just to let everyone pick up the horse and shoot in the next two days, so don't embarrass him then!"

Shu Shu frowned slightly, and was also a little nervous.

This is too unfriendly to Brother Jiu.

In particular, there are senior officials stationed in the Eight Banners and the Governor of Zhejiang.

This is embarrassing, thrown thousands of miles away.

Brother Nine was dissatisfied, and said: "Ama Khan called everyone to go, and explained it, but he took a few glances at the master, and this is for the master to hear!"


Want two in one, not finished.

The next update will be at 11:8 on November 12th. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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