My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 526 Apologize

Chapter 526 Apology

"What day will it be?"

Shu Shu asked.

Brother Nine said: "Ama Khan will meet the local civil and military officials this afternoon, and tomorrow I will visit the lake with the Queen Mother and go to Lingyin Temple. Around seventeen."

As he said that, he looked at Shu Shu eagerly, hoping that she could help him think of a good way.

Shu Shu has a big head.

There is a feeling that poor students temporarily take the exam.

But riding and archery skills are all real. Is it useful to sharpen your gun in front of the battle?
She was also a little uncertain, and said: "There is nothing left and right today, why don't you change your clothes and let's go to the Xinggong school?"

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "Where's the hand crossbow of old ten?"

"It's in the luggage, but, how about using that one?"

Shu Shu hesitated.

This Kangxi tour camp performed shooting, there was one when he first left Beijing, and Shu Shu followed him to see the world.

At that time, it was the Green Battalion soldiers under the banner of the Tianjin General Army who were patrolling.

Shu Shu also saw the general process.

He led the princes to shoot.

The guard shoots.

He was shot by patrolling officers and soldiers.

Then grace comes from above, various rewards.

If you really want to go up with a crossbow, I'm afraid it will be eye-catching.

Brother Jiu got up and said: "Leave a backup, we can't really be ashamed!"

Shu Shu didn't think it would be so, there are nine princes in his retinue, should they be pulled out one by one to show?
If you show off outstandingly, shouldn't you keep it under wraps if you are not outstanding?

Kangxi was a face-saving emperor.

It's rare to see Brother Nine serious, so Shu Shu doesn't expose the matter.

It's just that brother Jiu didn't go out with a bow and arrow.

Shu Shu took her bow and arrow bag. Coincidentally, there were two bows in it.

One is of five powers, and the other is of three powers.

When Brother Jiu saw this, his face turned black, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Is this for you?"

It seems to be more uncomfortable than the disgust of others.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I guess it's Xiaochun Fang, this girl thinks a lot."

Because of the Sinicization of the Eight Banners, women can also pay attention to softness.

Great strength is not a compliment.

There is a three-strength bow, and if others see her shooting an arrow, they will say to use this.

Brother Jiu looked better now, picked up the three-strength bow, pulled it up easily, then got bored, put it down and said: "Under the four-strength, you can't break the armor, it's not a war bow!"

He picked up the five-strength bow again, and it would be no problem to draw it, but it was a bit laborious, and the accuracy of the bow could not be guaranteed when the time came.

With annoyance on his face, he said: "It's the master's fault, I'm slack!"

The couple still had targets in the second school in July last year, and they also practiced one or two every afternoon.

Wait until the northern tour, put it down.

After returning from the northern tour, I didn't pick it up again.

"Khan Ama asked the clan mansion to supervise the clan's riding and shooting in the first month, but the master didn't even think about it on himself, how stupid!"

Thinking of this, he really regretted it.

While speaking, there was movement in the yard.

Ten elder brothers came in stride.

"Ninth Brother..."

He stopped in the yard and raised his voice.

Brother Jiu walked to the window and greeted sullenly, "Come in!"

Elder Brother Ten held a bow in his hand, and Wang Changsheng, who was following behind, carried a quiver.

"This is a four-strength bow. Shisan brought two of them. I went to borrow one. This is the Ninth Brother's envoy..."

Brother Ten came in, greeted Shu Shu, then raised the bow in his hand, and said to Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu said uncomfortably: "I can't shoot twice, and the five-power bow is the same."

Elder Brother Ten said: "No one is holding a bow to look at it, let's focus on the head."

If you forcefully use the five-strength bow and miss the target, that would be embarrassing.

Brother Nine thinks about it, this is indeed the truth.

He glanced at Shu Shu, remembered what Shu Shu said just now about going to the school grounds, and asked Elder Brother Ten: "How is your brother and sister's hand skills? Do you want to practice too?"

This is because she is worried that Shu Shu is the only female relative, and she is uncomfortable.

Elder Brother Ten remembered his wife's dowry list, which contained four war bows, two for four powers, one for five powers, and one for six powers.

Thinking about these days, Fujin himself has really worked hard, and his actions are also restrained, and he is not allowed to be free, so he smiled and said: "It should be good, I will go back and call her..."

After making an appointment for a quarter of an hour to meet at the entrance of the courtyard, Elder Brother Shi took Wang Changshou and left.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu didn't delay, and changed their riding outfits.

Among the three bows, the two of them brought the Sili bow and the Wuli bow, which He Yuzhu carried on their backs.

Xiao Song also wiped off the arrowheads happily, and followed behind with two quiver on his back.

Now she feels guilty for taking the monthly report every month, as if she only takes money and does not work.

Apart from massage, there is no place to serve Fujin.

The four masters and servants went out of the yard, and the ten princes and his wife were already standing at the door.

Ten Fujin was dressed in a red riding suit, with his waist tied, and red sheepskin boots under his feet.

Seeing Shu Shu, she put aside Elder Brother Ten and came over, holding Shu Shu's arm and said, "Sister-in-law Nine, Sister-in-law Nine, Master Shi said that there are rabbits in Xishan, next time we go to Xishan to shoot rabbits?"

Shu Shu said: "Not only are there rabbits, but there are others..."

She talked about the experience of catching birds and smashing ice nets last year.

Hearing this, Shi Fujin looked forward to it, raised his head, and said, "Then when we move out, let's hunt birds and fish together!"

Shu Shu nodded.

Anyway, they are still young now, and they can do whatever they want for two years after leaving the palace.

If you turn around and conceive and give birth to a child, you will be stumbling.

This Taipingfang Palace occupies a large area, with a total of nine spans and five courtyards.

Shu Shu and the others used to live in the first cross courtyard on the west side next to Xinggong Middle Road, and the school grounds should be on the westernmost side.

As soon as the group of people spoke, they arrived there.

There are a lot of targets on the field.

Someone started to shoot, all dressed as guards.

All of them were tall and mighty, holding bows and arrows each.

Among them was the first-class bodyguard Bose who accompanied the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother.

When it was time to patrol the camp, the guards would also perform shooting. This man showed his face before the imperial court and was selected as one of the fifteen guards performing shooting.

Bose knew that the final candidate for the business trip was not his own.

It was Brother Jiu who greeted the guards and changed himself temporarily.

As a result, hard work is hard work, and showing your face is indeed showing your face.

As soon as he arrived in Suzhou, there was a round of rewards, and then the emperor personally summoned him to ask Ai Yintu about elder brother's journey.

Inquiring about it bit by bit, just like Ama from ordinary people.

Bose only felt delighted, but he didn't feel anything. He didn't expect to have an errand to show up again.

He is very grateful to the ninth elder brother, and he generally understands in his heart that it is probably because of "loving the house and the crow", so he has become more respectful to the tenth elder brother.

Seeing this group of people coming, Bose greeted them.

Brother Jiu saw that he was carrying the bow, and said casually, "How much force is this?"

Bose said in shame: "Not a great talent, only six powers!"

Brother Nine: "..."

He glanced at Bose and saw that his expression did not seem to be pretending to be humble. He really thought so, but he was speechless, and said: "The guards next to him are all Qili and Bali?"

Are the same honorable children all so promising?

When Shun Anyan was reading with her in the study room, how could she be Wuli?

Bose looked back at the guards, and said: "It's also mostly six powers, but I just remembered that Guard Fu has seven powers, the black guard has ten powers, and Lord Ma Wu has eleven powers..."

Brother Jiu was surprised: "That kid Fu Nai is actually a seven-power bow?"

Needless to say, Montenegro looked like an iron tower, and the manpower that even a veteran Peng Chun would miss would not be bad.

As for Ma Wu, whenever Khan Ama travels, he must be accompanied by a bodyguard. He is the top bodyguard among the bodyguards, and he certainly did not come up by loyalty alone.

Fu Nai was left, a boy in his early twenties, who looked gentle and gentle, and couldn't see any force value at all.

Although Fu Nai was a guard of the palace, but this time the fourth elder brother sent him to escort the ninth and tenth elder brothers, but he valued his ability to deal with people more.

Bose nodded and said: "Firstly, the slaves had a contest in the camp camp in Suzhou."

Now Fu Nai has gone to Jiangning to visit relatives.

Heishan of Dong'e Mansion took other guards and Zhu Liang moved to the post station outside Suzhou City, where he waited for the rest of the guards to come.

Seeing that the guards were bustling with excitement, Brother Jiu said to Bo Se: "Go, go, you practice yours first."

The campus is so big.

The guards only occupied one corner, and Brother Jiu and his party went in the opposite direction, and asked the guards of the others to set up a few targets.

Ten Fujin held the bow and looked at everyone with a troubled face. Seeing him, Elder Ten whispered, "What's wrong?"

Shi Fujin said: "Should I compare with Sister-in-law Jiu first, or with Master, or with Brother Jiu, or with Brother Jiu?"

Brother Jiu heard this, and interjected: "Don't count me as a master, I will not compare with you!"

At that time, it will be shameful to lose, and it will be disgraceful to win.

Shi Fujin looked at Shu Shu, and said: "It's not interesting to compare, sister-in-law Jiu, let's compare?"

Shu Shu wanted to accompany Brother Jiu to "grind his guns in front of the battle". Seeing so many people in the school field, Brother Jiu wanted to save face the most, so he probably wouldn't like to practice in front of others.

She took the bow from He Yuzhu's hand, smiled and nodded to Shi Fujin, and said, "Okay, let's compare!"

Shi Fujin smiled and said: "If I lose, I will give Jiusao a gift, you can't refuse!"

Shu Shu blinked, why did she think it was more like a gift.

But reciprocity, she also said: "Then if I lose, I will also prepare a share for my siblings."

At this moment, someone came again.

It was the eighth elder brother who brought the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

Fourteenth elder brother saw several people there, excitedly rushed over, and said: "Ninth sister-in-law and tenth sister-in-law want to compete in archery? What is the lottery? Can younger brother participate?"

Brother Nine glanced at him and said, "You're fine too?"

Brother Fourteen laughed and said, "Why are you so sorry, my brother is still young, after two years, he will naturally be compared with his brothers!"

After finishing speaking, he leaned over to Shu Shu, and said cautiously: "Sister-in-law Jiu, my brother was young last year, and there were things that were ignorant, but they have changed now!"

Shu Shu looked at him, a ten-year-old child is actually very good at reading facial expressions.

But she knew she didn't want to see him.

But at the moment, these words are also a bit sincere, after all, such a big child hopes to be liked by others, not disgusted.

Shu Shu smiled, and said: "Brother said seriously, I am Jiu Ye's Fujin, we are two half-brothers who have become family members, I am also young, I am a fussy person, who will treat me?" If our master is good, I will treat him well; if anyone neglects our master, I don't like to talk to him. If there is something that treated elder brother poorly before, elder brother will forgive me..."

The ten princes next to him didn't change their expressions, but the corners of their mouths turned up.

He had long discovered that Nine Sisters-in-Law was warm-hearted and cold-hearted, and she seemed to be friendly when interacting with others, but in fact she was far and near.

I am first class!

He has no siblings, and has a half-sister raised by his biological mother who is also younger than him.

He felt that even if he was his own sister, Shu Shu would be like this.

Brother Thirteen couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Didn't he remind Brother Fourteen last year to be more respectful to Brother Nine in front of Sister-in-law Nine.

The fourteenth brother didn't care at the time, he felt that a brother was a brother, and he just didn't get along with his sister-in-law.

But in fact, every elder brother is different after getting married.

Elder Fourteen said awkwardly: "Brother, remember, it won't happen in the future."

After that, he went to Brother Jiu generously, put his arms around Brother Jiu, and said, "Brother Jiu, from now on my younger brother will not be old or young, let's be good brothers!"

Brother Nine was so disgusting, he hurriedly tore him away, and said, "Speak well, don't touch me!"

There have been a lot of comments from readers recently, and Xiao Jiu read them all. She was worried about gains and losses, and wanted to speed up. As a result, the text was stuck, and the writing was not smooth, and she was speechless.Xiaojiu knew her fault, the story was slow, but she felt that the speed of the plot was like writing an outline, and she couldn't hold back.Sorry, I still have to go back to the rhythm of the calendar card.

(End of this chapter)

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