My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 527 Zhang Mu

Chapter 527 Zhangmu
The atmosphere on the field relaxed.

But Shu Shu remembered something, and looked at Brother Jiu sympathetically.

In the shooting demonstration at Changle Camp in early February, Brother Thirteen used a seven-power bow!
Brother Fourteen is Wuli!
Brother Fourteen is a little watery and looks like he is struggling.

I was nervous when I drew the bow, and I hit the bull's-eye with careful attention.

Brother Thirteen is obviously much better.

With these two outstanding little brothers comparing each other, even if brother Jiu practiced correctly, it seems that the four-strength bow can't be exposed!

Fourteenth elder brother is at his age, and he is expecting people to praise him.

Holding a five-strength bow in his hand, he looked at Shu Shu and Shi Fujin with a bit of complacency, and said, "This is a bow from the inner workshop. Zhang, the other few bows were awarded by Khan Ama to the generals in the army, so I kept this one. If the ninth sister-in-law and the tenth sister-in-law win, this bow will be the lottery. What is the lottery for the ninth sister-in-law and the tenth sister-in-law?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "I brought a lot of gold Ruyi out, one pair of twelve, if you win, I will give you a pair of little Ruyis."

When she was with Shi Fujin before, what Shu Shu thought was to use jewelry as a prettily.

Although Elder Brother Ten made some jewelry for Fujin before the big wedding, it was winter and most of them were gold jewelry.

It is Mengchun season now, and it will be early summer in one month. According to the custom of the capital, the golden head noodles will be replaced with jade head noodles.

Among the jewelry that Shu Shu brought out this time, there happened to be a pair of candy jade bracelets, which were dark honey in color.

Ten Fujin has fair skin, and the clothes fit her well.

But with the fourteenth elder brother following along, jewelry and the like are not suitable.

Jin Ruyi, on the other hand, is more affordable whether it is played with or spent.

The Fourteenth Elder Brother was really satisfied, showing that he was certain to win, and looked at Shi Fujin, and said with a smile, "Where is Ten Sister-in-law's prize?"

But Shi Fujin didn't respond, instead he took Elder Brother Shi for a few steps, then raised his toes and leaned into his ear and asked, "What should I do? What's my prize?"

Elder Brother Ten had a guess, and whispered: "Before, I wanted to give something to Sister-in-law Jiu, so I had a competition? What are you doing around this detour?"

Ten Fujin whispered: "I've troubled Sister-in-law Jiu for quite a while, and I've also collected a lot of things. I want to return a gift, but I'm afraid that my sister-in-law next to me will pick me up..."

According to her previous plan, it was just a prize for archery, and the things were also given away, so no one else could say anything.

But now that there is a younger brother-in-law, she looks quite powerful, and she doesn't know if she should change the lottery or not.

The tenth elder brother didn't answer immediately, but glanced at Shu Shu and the fourteenth elder brother, thought for a while, and said: "It's fine as it is, the ninth sister-in-law will not lose!"

Ten Fujin breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Then still take that golden crown as a prize."

Elder Brother Shi was taken aback, looked at Fujin Shi and said, "Isn't that your favorite?"

And it was her dowry, an old object passed down for several generations.

Shi Fujin nodded, earnestly, his eyelashes were like a small fan, and said, "It's my favorite, so I want to give it to Sister-in-law Jiu!"

If she gave it to someone else, Elder Brother Shi would persuade her; but to Sister-in-law Nine, he didn't say anything.

He hasn't had time to tell his wife about the two boxes of gold and silver purses and gold and silver collars prepared by Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-law before the wedding.

It was really too hasty to set off, after the "meeting ceremony", the two of them changed their clothes and came out, the servants from the Sansho were not rewarded, and the new maid from the House of Internal Affairs did not choose either.

After the couple discussed it, they came back again.

Ten Fujin smiled and said: "My prize is the golden crown I wore when I met you a few days ago. It is not as heavy as Nine Sister-in-law's Jin Ruyi, which is eighteen taels of gold!"

Elder Fourteen smiled openly.

As long as it's gold, it doesn't matter if it's a golden ruyi or a golden crown.

Did you make a lot of money?
This bow is made in-house, and I didn't pay any money at all, will it seem too stingy?

He was a little embarrassed, but he didn't speak in a hurry, but looked at Shu Shu.

This is remembering the dignity of the elders and the younger, and not daring to be presumptuous.

Shu Shu frowned slightly, and looked at Shi Fujin.

It was an antique golden crown, an old object from the Yuan Dynasty. It was hundreds of years old, and it couldn't be calculated based on the price of gold alone.

Ten Fujin smiled brilliantly, and said to Shu Shu, "Sister-in-law Nine wants to win!"

Shu Shu was infected by the joy and smiled, and nodded.

The fourteenth elder brother was at the side, thought for a while, and said: "Since the two sisters-in-law used gold as the head of the lottery, the younger brother is too embarrassed to be stingy. How about this, besides this bow, the younger brother will add two hundred taels!"

It's less than half of the Longevity Festival's reward, even if there is an accident and you really lose, you can still accept it.

Otherwise, it would not be in their hearts for the two sister-in-laws to win a bow.

Brother Jiu heard this, and quickly patted him, saying: "What did you say? It's not gambling, what two hundred taels is not two hundred taels, stop talking!"

Although the gambling mentioned in the "Law of the Qing Dynasty" is very general, Brother Jiu still thinks that a lottery is a lottery.

Jin Ruyi is Jin Ruyi, and Jinguan is Jinguan, and there is no taboo; if you take silver directly, it is easy to fall into the mouth.

The fourteenth elder brother was quick-witted, and probably understood the reason when he heard the word "gambling", nodded and said: "Okay then, let's use this bow to make a lottery first!"

A few people are bustling, and the previous events are considered a turning point.

The eighth elder brother was by the side, looking at the situation, he felt a little dazzling.

But he is different from Brother Fourteen.

The fourteenth elder brother is the younger brother, sometimes he acts willfully, and he is the elder brother.

It's just that he looked warm, concealed his unhappiness, and still looked at everything tolerantly.

Brother Nine has ordered the guards next to him to set up another target.

After the ten blessings came out with the golden crown, he knew that Shu Shu would not give up.

After a while, the third target was also set up.

Shu Shu, Ten Fujin, and Fourteenth Elder Brother stood in order from east to west according to their seniority.

The current target is also a ring target.

The eight-banner shooting competition, whether it is riding or standing, is three rounds and nine arrows.

There is no requirement for the strength of the bow and the length and weight of the arrows.

Brother Fourteen was young, so he shot first.

Elder Fourteen was holding his internal bow before, but when he saw Shu Shu and Shi Fujin standing in a posture, he calmed down a little and stopped being smug.

He looked down at the five-strength bow in his hand. He could control the string three times, but if he went up further, he couldn't guarantee the accuracy of his head.

He was able to bend and stretch, and said, "I'll change my bow first..."

As he spoke, he looked at the bows in the hands of the two sister-in-laws.

The bow in Shu Shu's hand is an old bow, which seems to be commonly used.

The bow in Shi Fujin's hand is familiar, isn't that old Shisan's five-strength bow?

He twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Shu Shu again, and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, how strong is your bow?"

Shu Shu said: "Five..."

As she said that, she called He Yuzhu over and told him to bring the four-strength bow to Elder Fourteen.

The fourteenth elder brother looked serious, and glanced at the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother.

what's up?
The two sisters-in-law are very strong!

He became more serious, holding the bow and not rushing to shoot, but getting familiar with the feel for a while, and then took out an arrow from the quiver.

Because the school field is large, here is the current standard target, [-] paces.

Even a four-strength bow is an adult bow, and it is already very good for Brother Fourteen at his age.

His grades are indeed decent.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After the first round, they all hit the target, one was in the center of the target, and the other two were off-center.

According to the current standards of martial arts, as long as you hit the target, it doesn't matter the number of rings.

But it's different when it comes to competitions.

A long time ago, the guards came over with a wooden board and drew the shadow of the target of this round on it with charcoal.

Then came the ten Fujins.

Her aura was completely different from her usual tenderness, with a bit of sassy air.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Compared with Elder Fourteen who is posing and correcting, Fujin's movements are much more agile.

She stood in a good position, then drew a few arrows and shot them one after another, very relaxed and calm.

Also all three arrows were on the target.

Two of them were in the bullseye.

"it is good!"

Someone nearby cheered.

It was Kangxi who came, and beside him were the three princes, the elder brother, the third elder brother, and the fifth elder brother, the two clans of Prince Jian and King Pingjun, and three retinue officials: Wu Cheng, the scholar of the University, Ma Qi, the Minister of Hubu, and Zhang Ying, the Minister of Rites.

Ten Fujin said generously, "Khan Ama, you are here, so I invite you to be the referee, and then watch our game!"

She was a bit cautious, afraid that there would be too many people coming, and the competition here would be stopped, so she said that she was ahead.

Kangxi was in a good mood, nodded and said: "Okay, I will watch your match and be the referee for you!"

The fourteenth elder brother was startled by the five-strength bows of the two sister-in-laws, and he was a little apprehensive, but now he heard Kangxi's words, he immediately braced himself, went forward, brought a fawn, and said: "Ama Khan, my son is with you!" The two sister-in-laws are serious competitions, and they both won the lottery, don't you also..."

Kangxi looked at his youngest son, and really wanted to tell him that there is a saying, "A good man does not fight with a woman", but seeing his glowing face, he didn't disappoint, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make a fortune too. , Hangzhou Weaving has just donated [-] horses of Silla's "Qingtaiping", and I will take out ten horses as a prize!"

The fourteenth elder brother was dumbfounded, and after a while he said with grievance: "Is Khan Ama not optimistic about his son?"

Otherwise, why use Hang Luo as a lottery?
Kangxi waved his hand and said, "Isn't it just the first round, why don't you prepare well?"

Brother Fourteen felt his skin was burning hot.


Shu Shu also bowed his knees and bowed to Kangxi.

Compared with his youngest son, Kangxi looked much warmer, and said: "Go on, don't let me delay!"

Shu Shu bowed and agreed.

She didn't intend to hide her clumsiness today.

There are three purposes.

One is the golden crown of ten Fujin Jin, which is a rare wish and cannot be let down.

The second is to intimidate the fourteenth elder brother. This kind of bear child is bullying and afraid of the hard in his bones. The reason why he was not very respectful to the ninth elder brother before is also because of his arrogance, and he feels that the ninth elder brother has nothing to admire.

Then let her sister-in-law come and give him a lot of insight.

The third is that brother Jiu really can't shoot at archery, so instead of letting him forcefully show up, it's better for his wife to show off the limelight.

In the future, when others talk about Brother Jiu, they will only think of Fujin who was born as a general and has excellent archery skills, not how weak Brother Jiu is and how poor his archery is...

(End of this chapter)

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