Chapter 529 Engagement

"Jianmen Tiger Girl, nothing more than that!"

Kangxi Longyan was very happy, looking at Shu Shu with unabashed admiration.

Qi Xi and his wife hid their daughter so tightly that they didn't show any of their fame until they were teenagers.

He felt differently again.


Not ostentatious.

It is completely different from those who think of ways to add fame to their daughters and plan to climb high.

The family style is really clean!

Only such parents can raise good children.

Dong E's family has been here for more than half a year, and she is also filial and virtuous, not a temperament that likes to grab the limelight.

Showing this hand today is also "eager to protect the husband",

He also thought about the popularity of "talented women" in the noble family of the Eight Banners nowadays, but he actually didn't think so.

Advocating Confucianism is for the Han people.

It is for better governance of the people.

How can a weak mother raise a son who is as outstanding as an eagle? !
Now, he is already looking forward to the first emperor's grandson of this branch.

Shu Shu has finished her performance, the only thing left is to continue to be virtuous, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and take a step back to stand behind Brother Nine.

Brother Nine's mind became flexible at this moment, he accepted the emperor's father's words with a smile, and said: "It's because Khan Ama's eyes are as bright as a torch, and my son got a good Fujin!"

So what was "Gyeong Tai Ping" Silla like?
If you really only get twenty horses, then the ten horses you get are "rare things are more expensive"!
There are also the golden crowns of the ten Fujin, not just gold, but red and sapphires the size of a thumbnail, the largest being the size of a pigeon egg.

A good thing handed down from generation to generation!

Fourteenth elder brother's bow is not bad in the eyes of people who know the goods!
Kangxi nodded slightly.

It is indeed his sharp eyes!

This marriage is a good one!
He was very happy, and his dislike for Brother Jiu was a little less. He looked around at others and said, "Riding and archery is the foundation of the Eight Banners, and the Eight Banners are the foundation of my Qing Dynasty. Man, are you ashamed or not?"

Everyone bowed their heads to lead the training, and few raised their heads.

Let's talk about each of them, apart from Kangxi, Big Elder Brother, and Third Elder Brother, the remaining No. [-] and No. [-] players on the field have stronger bow strength than Jiufu Jin, which is just a palm count.

The eighth elder brother was also among the crowd, trembling in his heart.

He didn't like Dong E's very much before, and he always felt that the other party acted according to his heart, and he was a little arrogant.

Cover up her faultfinding with thoughtfulness and kindness.

And it seems that you can see your own shadow in the other party.


But today he discovered that Dong E's family is different from himself!
I am easy to worry about gains and losses, think too much, and lack confidence.

Dong E's family is more calm than herself. Before, she only thought that she lacked the fear of imperial power, and that some noble children often have the arrogance, so she has other confidence!

How could Shu Shu think that other people would make up so much?


It's installed, and it can be returned.

It’s too late.

When Sheng Jia left, she urged Brother Jiu in a low voice: "My back is sore, I don't feel very comfortable..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and immediately became nervous, and said: "Did you stretch it hard just now, do you want to pass on an imperial doctor?"

Shu Shu: "..."

It seems to be underestimated.

She counted the days in her mind, and whispered: "Maybe I want something..."

Her childhood was relatively regular, and Brother Jiu also roughly remembered it.

He was a little relieved and said: "Then go back!"

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are still looking at Shu Shu's bow carefully.

At the same time, the two are still comparing other bows.

The thirteenth elder brother saw it a little bit clearly, not only the length of the bow, but also the angle of the bow, there are some differences.

Brother Fourteen's eyes were shining and his mouth was drooling. Remembering Kangxi's baby's reaction, he knew that this item was expensive.

He immediately licked his face, with an undisguised longing on his face, and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, this bow..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "You can use it for a few days if you want, but it's made by me, Ama. I want to keep it as an inheritance, and I have to return it later. When I return to Beijing, Ama and I I asked for the blueprint for you."

Even if she doesn't ask for it, she won't be able to keep it, so she might as well be a favor.

The fourteenth elder brother was already satisfied, nodded hurriedly and said: "I will only borrow it for a few days, and I will cherish it carefully, and return it properly after Khan Ama tours the camp!"

He felt that he was so smart today!
Seeing the starling's embarrassing appearance every time, he, a bystander, felt uncomfortable and wanted to crawl into the ground in embarrassment.

Mynah is still thick-skinned, no, no, it is mynah who has deep self-cultivation.

That is a lesson for the past!

He did the opposite, and it was just right!


The thirteenth elder brother was by his side, but he didn't expect the fourteenth elder brother to make such a request, nor did he expect the nine sister-in-law to respond generously.

He can try this bow too!

Good thing!

Although Shi Fujin's eyes were glued to Shu Shu's body, he was more concerned about going back to get the corolla.

"I'd like to bet, give it up quickly, so that my sister-in-law next to me won't gossip, the third sister-in-law had her eyes glued to her head that day..."

She whispered to Elder Brother Ten.

The tenth elder brother nodded, and said to the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother: "You guys also take it easy, don't go too far, don't hurt your arm, but it will delay the shooting performance for a few days!"

Both the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother agreed.

Because of his long memory and the fact that Shu Shu was still by his side, Elder Fourteen became more obedient and did not talk back like in the past.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine met at the side, and the husband and wife looked at each other, thinking that it would be okay for this brat to be honest, and he wouldn't be so bored.

Next, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother continued to stay here, and the Shu Shu couple and the tenth elder brother left the school grounds.

Ten Fujin held Shu Shu's arm, raised his face and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, do you have armor? Among our craftsmen in Abahai, there is a master armor maker who is famous on the grassland. I will write to Ehe later." , ask her to ask that person to make an armor for Sister-in-law Jiu?"

In her dowry, there was a pair of armor specially prepared for Elder Brother Shi, mainly made of gold, mixed silver, and meteorite. It looked inconspicuous, but its texture was extremely tough.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Don't bother the county king Fujin, when we have the opportunity to go to Abahai, we can go to the door and order it in person."

There was no abnormality on her face, and "Great Qing Law" inexplicably came to mind.

The "Law of the Qing Dynasty" follows the bans of previous dynasties, "If armor is banned, soldiers cannot be banned", and the ban on firearms is even more severe in terms of weapons.

Monan Mongolia is the inner vassal of the Qing Dynasty, isn't it practicing the "Law of the Qing Dynasty"?
She was a little embarrassed, and inexplicably thought of a sentence.

Immediately, she denied it in her heart.

Too much double standard, no good, no good.

Shi Fujin was persuaded by Shu Shu, and he said with crooked eyebrows: "I will also make a deal when the time comes, and I will go hunting bears and tigers with Sister-in-law Jiu in the future!"

She remembers the guard who pulled the ten-strength bow just now, he can hunt bears!

Shu Shu kept smiling.

She had a premonition that the rumors about herself would add a "female strongman" in the future!
While talking, the group arrived at the Kua yard where they were temporarily staying.

The yard of the ten princes and his wife is still ahead.

Ten Fujin immediately said: "Sister-in-law Jiu, wait, I'll get it right away!"

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

Ten Fujin galloped away.

Shu Shu told Xiao Song, "Take that pair of candy jade bracelets with your little sister Chun."

Komatsu stood down.

The tenth elder brother stood at the same place to accompany his brother and sister-in-law and the others, and said after hearing this: "Sister-in-law Nine, no need, no need, I have given it to you several times before, and it is our turn to reciprocate courtesy."

Shu Shu said: "Ordinary things, they are just about to be worn, and they were originally intended to be given to younger brothers and sisters."

Elder Brother Ten stopped talking.

Seeing that Brother Nine was silent, Elder Brother Ten was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable, and said, "Brother Ninth, looking at Khan Ama's appearance, that bow is a good thing, maybe Lord Qi Xi can get credit for it!"

The title of the Eight Banners is accumulated according to merit.

The beginning is the title of the fifth rank.

Then accumulate, step up.

These credits can be accumulated on the original title, or can be divided among brothers and nephews.

After hearing this, Brother Jiu really regained his spirits: "Well, this master is staring at me, so I can't suffer anyway!"

Shu Shu's uncle, Xin Dali, was just struggling. Xi Zhu also lost his right of inheritance because of his status, and the second-class uncle had already been placed on his father-in-law's head.

Adding this, he is a second-class uncle and a cloud cavalry captain.

Another credit, it is the first uncle!

He also has the title of the fourth rank.

If it is split, three titles can be passed on.

Zhuliang, Xiaoliu, and the rest of the twins seem to be going to take the exam, so if you leave Xiaojue for Xiaowu, the future of the juniors will be almost the same.

Shu Shu was by the side, thinking of this, brought joy.

It's really dark under the lights!
She had thought about the title of the family before, and also thought about how to help Ama raise the title.

I even thought of cowpox and growing sweet potatoes, but I still felt that there would be troubles before giving up.

In the end, he forgot about the new bow.

Qi Xi is a military officer, so it is reasonable for him to have income.

This is a logical credit, she didn't think of it before.

"Da da da da..."

After a few words, Shi Fujin trotted out, holding a brocade box more than a foot high in his hand.

She ran in a hurry, her chest heaved and fluctuated, her little face was flushed, and she looked like a big sweet peach.

Not only Elder Brother Shi stared straight at him, Shu Shu also took a few glances.

Look no further.

Brother Jiu turned his eyes away before, seeing his wife like this, he couldn't help but grabbed her lower back.

Before he finished catching, his movements slowed down.

Does this action look familiar? !
Shi Fujin had already handed the brocade box to Shu Shu, and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law Jiu will definitely look better wearing this!"

This heart is sincere.

Shu Shu didn't pretend to be polite, and said: "I will wear it well."

It means that the mind is the mind, after all, it is a thing of inheritance.

She has decided to wait until the ten princes and ten Fujin have a relationship, and then send this flower crown back.

If there is no daughter, it will be a "first meeting gift" when the younger brother of the two lives marries Fujin.

At this time, it happened that San Fujin helped the maid come out, and she saw her rightly.

She got the news just now, knowing that her cousin went to the school grounds with her elder brothers, she felt that it was not appropriate, so she wanted to come here to persuade him.

Now it's different from outside the customs.

The censors are also grumbling.

The royal daughter-in-law should be virtuous and virtuous first, and she should not act recklessly.

Especially here is Jiangnan, where the style of writing flourishes.

As a result, when she walked to the corridor, she saw Shi Fujin giving something.

What's in such a big box?
She came over and asked curiously: "Why is this a gift for a non-yearly festival? What is in such a big box?"

Ten Fujin took this as a "lottery", just for Sanfujin.

Hearing her question, Shi Fujin immediately smiled brightly, and said: "Just now I lost to Sister-in-law Jiu in the school field, this is my lottery! It's not the other one, it's my gemstone flower crown!"

Seeing her mischievousness, Shu Shu opened the box very cooperatively, revealing the golden crown inside, and said with admiration: "This is too beautiful. I don't have such luxurious and grand jewelry in my jewelry. It's worthy of hundreds of dollars." The palace made baby from years ago!"

San Fujin's gaze was glued to the crown, trembling, looking at Shi Fujin in surprise, "Isn't this your dowry? Why did you become a lottery?"

Shi Fujin smiled and said: "All my things are dowry, aren't they just for use?"

Sanfujin looked at Shu Shu, and wanted to ask if he could compete in the second match, and he could also shoot arrows!

Xiao Song came back, holding a brocade box about one foot long and seven inches wide in his hand.


She handed the brocade box to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu handed the corolla box in her hand to elder brother Jiu who was beside her, took the box, and handed it to Shi Fujin, "This is the 'lucky head' I prepared earlier, now I will give it back to my siblings..."

After finishing speaking, she opened the brocade box, revealing a pair of delicate and oily candy jade bracelets.

Ten Fujin brought a surprise, took the box, and said, "This is really beautiful, thank you sister-in-law!"

Sanfujin was at the side, and his eyes were fixed on the past.

Candy jade of this color, full of brown sugar, evenly oiled and shiny, cannot be bought for a few hundred taels of silver.


Sanfujin couldn't bear it anymore, touched his temples, coughed lightly, and asked.

"When will the next shootout be, I happen to be free..."

There are two event posts in the book friend circle, one for fan titles and one for starting point coins. If you are interested in book friends, you can go and take a look and find the two top posts of Sister Xiaoba this month.Ho Ho, roll around asking for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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