My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 530 Wealth Code

Chapter 530 Wealth Code (Second Change)

Shi Fujin's eyes lit up all of a sudden, looking at Shu Shu, wishing he could press her and nod.

This is a sure win, and I don't know what good things the third sister-in-law can get.

Shu Shu was also slightly moved, but casually denied it.

Can't move anymore.

Otherwise, if you win, you will appear greedy.

It is unlikely to lose.

On the contrary, it was like a monkey show, where people watched too much and lost respect.

Today is just a coincidence, and there is a premise that the princes have to perform shooting, and it can be justified by acting out of line.

The second time, it's like showing off.

Thinking of Brother Nine's words earlier, she smiled, declined, and said, "I've had enough this time, I've moved less, my arms and waist are so stretched, I'm going back to rest..."

As she said that, she became a little delicate, helped Brother Jiu's arm, and leaned on him.

Brother Nine only thought that her stomach was uncomfortable, so he quickly helped her up, let her lean on him, and said to everyone: "Then let's go back first!"

After all, without waiting for everyone's reaction, he helped Shu Shu walk to the backyard.

San Fujin couldn't see it, and couldn't help complaining to Shi Fujin: "If you win, you won't come again. Isn't this behavior too stingy?"

Shi Fujin shook his head, showing disapproval on his face, and said: "Sister-in-law Jiu is not stingy, sister-in-law Jiu is generous, don't take advantage of it!"

Brother Ten glanced at San Fujin, and explained to Shi Fujin: "Sister-in-law Nine is afraid of trouble!"

For someone like Sanfujin, even if she wins, it doesn't mean much to her, and she still has to grind her teeth.

No need.

However, he also reminded himself that if he is favored by his brother and sister-in-law, he must know how to measure it, so as not to be annoying.

My own Fujin did a good job today, I know how to be grateful, and I am sincere in giving gifts.

San Fujin was by the side, hearing something was wrong, feeling unhappy, said: "Listen to what the ten younger siblings mean, they are sure that your ninth sister-in-law will win. This is too small. My family is also a generation of martial arts. I have learned to write since I was in primary school." String control!"

It's just that she loves beauty after she grew her hair in her teens. She was afraid that the wind would hurt her face and her hands would be rough.

When Shi Fujin heard this, he couldn't help admiring him, and said, "Sister-in-law San is so powerful, how much power does sister-in-law shoot?"

San Fujin showed his color and said: "Although it is a little bit reluctant, but I can barely open the five-strength bow!"

Ten Fujin was immediately disappointed, waved his hands and said, "Forget it, I won't take advantage of Third Sister-in-law anymore."

Sanfujin was a little dazed, but looking at Shifujin's solid physique, he guessed, "My brother and sister drive six strengths?"

Shi Fujin nodded, then immediately shook his head and said: "I'm at home, and I can also make seven-strength bows, but I, Erhe, said that men don't like strong ones, so I usually use five-strength bows, and the dowry bows are also made of four-strength bows." , five powers, six powers!"

Sanfujin: "..."

Isn't he from the Mongolian palace?
It's not from a hunter's family, what kind of bow should you play well?

Sanfujin slandered, then realized something was wrong.

She looked at Shi Fujin a little sourly, and said: "The lottery is so big, and the ten brothers and sisters still release water, this is a deliberate gift!"

Ten Fujin took it seriously and said: "I use a five-strength bow!"

She wanted to say that two fives are ten, and that two herself is the size of sister-in-law Jiu, but when she thought of what Er He said, she changed her words again: "I am convinced that I lost!"

San Fujin wanted to say more, but Elder Brother Ten had already said, "Sister-in-law San, we are also tired, let's go back and rest first!"

Sanfujin smirked and said: "That time, I will go back too!"

After following Elder Brother Shi into the yard, Fujin whispered, "Sister-in-law Nine can pull a ten-strength bow, shouldn't she tell others?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Don't say it out loud, and you don't need to hide it when others ask."

Those who are well-informed will know what they should know.

But it's Fujin's seven-strength bow?

It's the first time I've heard of it myself...

A cozy yard.

Shu Shu came back and went to the clean room.

It's really a small day.

When she changed out of her riding clothes and homely clothes and put them on again, she was crooked on the Arhat couch.

Xiaochun took the hand stove, and Xiaotang also lit the smoker.

Brother Jiu stretched out his hand and stroked her belly, seeing her face turned pale, he said: "Why does it look worse than before, did you just get tired?"

Shu Shu waved his hand, pondered for a while, and said: "It should be because the boat was on the water surface a few days ago, the water vapor was too large, and it was a bit humid."

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Then what should we do, we still have to take the boat all the way back?"

Shu Shu said: "It's not the old one, just a few days have passed in Hangzhou."

Brother Jiu was still worried, and said: "Then, should we pass on a prescription to the imperial physician to dispel dampness?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No need, Xiaotang prepares barley and red bean tea for dampness..."

Coincidentally, Xiaotang was serving tea.

There is only one copy, not Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu looked at the red tea soup and asked, "It looks ordinary, it's all grains, why can't I use it?"

Shu Shu said: "This tea is cold in nature, it is not good for the spleen and stomach, even I should drink less..."

Although Brother Jiu didn't know much about medical skills, he knew that Shu Shu should avoid the cold and cold this day, so he said: "Then take it, take it, drink it after a few days, drink jujube tea first!"

He is considerate, and Shu Shu appreciates it, nodding to Xiaotang.

Xiaotang served tea and went down again.

Before the jujube tea was served, Wei Zhu arrived.

He was followed by several rough eunuchs, all holding in their arms and carrying in their hands.

Shu Shu got up and stood beside Brother Jiu.

Wei Zhu came in, bowed to the two of them, and then said: "Your majesty respects the emperor's orders, I have brought rewards to Master Jiu and Fujin Jiu..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the things that the eunuchs were carrying, and said one by one: "Ten horses of 'Qing Taiping' Silla, and a pair of Sugong Baifu mutton fat jade peace cards."

Brother Nine happily said: "I'm just curious about what this Silla is like, but the name suits the occasion, have you seen it?"

Wei Zhu said with a smile: "I haven't seen it yet, it seems that there are only twenty horses, and Hangzhou Weaving didn't bring them up until noon."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Then let's see and see together."

After all, he took a "Qing Taiping" and took it apart.

The outside is wrapped in several layers, the first layer is waterproof oil paper, the second layer is white Songjiang cloth, the third layer is white plain silk, and the fourth layer is the master.

Luo itself is a thin silk fabric, which is relatively breathable, and is used to make curtains and summer shirts.

The color is mostly light.

This "Qing Taiping" is darker than ordinary Luo. It is a kind of blue-dyed gray background with a white flower pattern of Taiping with elephants on it. No wonder it is called "Qing Taiping".

Compared with the general Luo's light and thin, this one looks thicker and has a texture.

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "This color is good. I just cut you new clothes. It looks refreshing. I can also wear this color!"

Shu Shu listened with a smile and didn't say anything.

After Wei Zhu left, she said to Brother Nine: "There's no rush for this, put it away first, since it's a tribute, the emperor must use it first, and let's use it as sons and daughters, so that we can show respect."

Brother Nine was playing with the pair of Ping An cards. Hearing Shu Shu's words, he nodded and said, "Well, I listen to you. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

When dressing in the capital, what materials to change every month is almost fixed.

Luo Yi is worn in midsummer, after the Dragon Boat Festival, there is still plenty of time.

But it was the safety card. He looked down at it thoughtfully.

Shu Shu was curious and came over.

Brother Jiu handed her a piece and said, "Look carefully, what's the difference?"

The women's tag was handed to Shu Shu, it was not big at first, one and a half inches long and one inch wide, but it was like rice grains, scattered with big and small blessing characters, and the characters were in different shapes.

"Can this carver catch up with the inner one?"

Shu Shu looked carefully, with admiration, asked a question.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "There are jade carving masters in the palace who make jade works. They are all craftsmen from Suzhou. But good craftsmen should be found in Suzhou. I forgot about this when I was in Suzhou. There are quite a few jade workshops, everyone knows Su Gongqiao, the price should not be much cheaper..."

The main reason is that Shu Shu's [-]-jin gold load is more than [-] taels of silver, so it's a pity to bring it back to the capital directly.

Everyone knows? !
Shu Shu's mind was also running fast.

Forget well-known things like Suzhou jade carvings and Taihu stones, what about the others?
What is there in Hangzhou?
In addition to the well-known things such as hangluo, hang silk, hang fan and hang umbrella, there are other things that are not well-known but precious to the world.

Hangzhou...Lin'an...Changhua Town...

Changhua chicken blood stone!
Mining began in the early Ming Dynasty.

However, it is relatively small, and the printing materials recognized by the world are still Shoushan stone and Qingtian stone.

It seems that it was not until after the Qianlong Dynasty that Qianlong liked bloodstone, which made it a high-grade material and became a printing material sought after by literati, dignitaries and dignitaries.

It's just "up and down".

Shu Shu smiled, she felt as if she had mastered the wealth code.

"Grandpa, I thought we left people to buy something, so we don't compete with everyone for what's popular..."

Shushu said.

Brother Nine made a guess and said, "Longjing tea?"

He still remembered that there was a teahouse under Shu Shu's name before, and he planned to build a teahouse in the future.

As a result, the tea house did not come out, and the maid who combed her hair was sent out to open a rouge shop.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "It's a chicken blood stone, or a Chang fossil."

The red one is chicken blood stone, and the colorless one is Changhua stone, which is a companion to the cinnabar mine in Changhua Town, a stone containing cinnabar, quartz, chalcedony, and red iron.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "This is the top grade and it doesn't cost much."

No matter what, it's still a stone, so can it be sold at the price of jade?
Although it is true that he came to Hangzhou, it is convenient to send people over there, but he is somewhat disdainful of this petty trouble.

Shu Shu pointed her finger and said, "Look, what is this?"

Brother Jiu said, "Isn't it Tianzi?"

Because it was still early, after Shu Shu changed her clothes, her hair hadn't been straightened yet, so she temporarily brought a half tin to prevent any guests from coming.

"Although this is an item from the previous dynasty, it was not fashionable in the palace before. When we got married at the end of June last year, only our mother wore it in the whole court, but it took less than a year. Except for the queen mother and the two A concubine, concubines, and nobles are all starting to wear tianzi haircuts. Believe it or not, the tianzi haircuts of the Eight Banners women's families should also become popular..."

Shu Shu said unhurriedly.

Brother Nine has always been convinced of her, and he understood it when he heard this, and said: "Then when this year's Double Ninth Festival ceremony, the master will carve a bloodstone seal with his own hands to honor Ama Khan?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu hurriedly said, "Don't do it!"

Made two mistakes at once!
Brother Jiu said: "Is it too late? Is the Dragon Boat Festival too hasty, or should it be moved to the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Shu Shu put a smile on his face, looked at Brother Jiu, didn't speak immediately, but looked at the door, and then leaned into his ear, and said softly: "Master, in front of the emperor from now on, don't mention the Double Ninth Festival, and don't talk about it." Associating the Emperor with the Double Ninth Festival..."

Brother Jiu didn't speak for a while, and after a while, he also lowered his voice and said, "Khan Ama is forty-six years old, and he will have his fiftieth birthday in a few years, so he's still young?"

The elder brothers of Yuqing Palace are all in their teens, and in a few years, the emperor's great-great-grandson will all be born.

Shu Shu pulled Brother Jiu's hand and wrote two words in the palm of his hand,

"Long live……"

Brother Jiu read it aloud, and then snorted, but he knew the seriousness, followed Shu Shu and bit his ear, and said, "Isn't this nonsense? Let alone ten thousand years, the emperor has never heard of it in a hundred years!"

He had hoped that he would be a prince for decades, but he didn't dare to think that Han Ama would live a hundred years. He just thought that even if he lived a rare and long life, he would still have more than twenty years of happy life.

Shu Shudao: "Emperor Qin, Han and Wu both sought immortality and asked about it. It can be seen that after becoming the lord of the world, he has everything in the world, and what he looks forward to is longevity."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "Ama Khan wouldn't believe that."

Shu Shu said: "Anyway, I have to remember this. It's the same reason as children don't like others to say that they are young, and women don't like others to say that they are ugly..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Yes, I understand, it just means don't talk short words in front of me."

Shu Shu reminded: "There is also the carving, so please don't exploit your weaknesses and avoid your strengths. The price of chicken blood stones is still normal now. It is necessary for skilled craftsmen to sublimate this. I can design the shape of the seal, which is also a filial piety. As for the carving, let the internal craftsmen Come craftsmen who do it!"

At that time, a group can be sent.

Looking back, Kangxi rewarded people and so on, and his worth came up.


Shu Shu remembered the matter of the imperial medicine, and felt that she almost made an omission.

That is Kangxi, the Lord of the World!

If you want to take advantage of nothing and get some traffic, absolutely not.

No one is a fool.

Kangxi is not anyone.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will be free. I first reported the matter to Yuqian, and said that the money was insufficient, so I borrowed money directly from Yuqian. When the time comes, it will be counted as a share of the emperor..."

Shu Shu advises Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine laughed out loud: "Understood, just like selling medicine last time, you have to pull the banner of Khan Ama!"

Shu Shu glanced at the Baifu Ping An card next to her, and felt pity in her heart.

The production of Chang fossils is limited, even if the materials mined in the local area are rounded, the quantity is not much.

On the contrary, Jade, if you really have to operate it and become popular, you can make a lot of money.

It is a pity that Myanmar is now only a vassal state in name.

San Age's yard.

San Fujin asked the girl to pull out her riding outfit, which was prepared, but not the bow and arrow.

Who goes out with a bow?
She is a member of the royal family, not a female general.

The third elder brother came back from the imperial court, saw the hanging riding clothes, his eyes flickered slightly, and said: "Why did you think of finding this?"

Sanfujin said: "Isn't it that I heard that Jiufujin took Shifujin to the school field to shoot arrows? I'm a sister-in-law, so I can't be as good as the two younger ones..."

San elder brother looked at San Fujin twice.

To be honest, perhaps because of the cousins, my own Fujin and Jiu Fujin really have a lot of similarities.

They all look good and look soft.

Is it also hidden?
He tentatively asked, "How much bow can you draw?"

San Fujin remembered Shi Fujin's reaction just now, and seemed to despise Wuli.

Is the average strength so great?
The five-strength bow is no longer eye-catching?

She coughed lightly, moved her eyes, and said: "My mother said that men don't like strong ones, let me use five-strength bows on weekdays, six-strength bows are fine, and seven-strength bows are not good in front of others... "

Because you can't pull it apart.

Six forces are barely.

Shooting two or three arrows is not bad, but if you shoot more, you can't draw the bow, and the stamina is not enough.

The third elder brother laughed twice and said: "I really didn't realize that Fujin is still a tiger girl!"

The eleven-strength bow he opened with difficulty is the second most powerful among the princes.

But men and women are different.

Although Fujin is not as eye-catching as Fujin Jiu, he is already strong enough to open a seven-strength bow. If he is scratched or scratched twice, it should be quite painful.

The third elder brother decided to be more polite between husband and wife in the future...

Two more eight thousand, and half a chapter owed.Make a fist and get up early tomorrow to code words.

The next update will be at 11:10 on November 12th. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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