My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 531 Reminder

The next day, Shu Shu came back to life full of blood, and changed into a Ning silk robe and a vest of the same material, looking refreshed.

Tianzi is also a half-tian, and she wears boat-bottom flag shoes suitable for walking.

Today, I will go to Lingyin Temple with the Queen Mother to worship incense and Buddha.

Brother Jiu didn't believe this before, but now he is looking forward to it, and said to Shu Shu: "This time, I beg the Buddha to bless my mother to give birth safely."

Concubine Yi's delivery date is in late May, but it's hard to say whether the child will be born sooner or later, it will happen sooner or later.

Shu Shu nodded, "I'll beg with you."

Jue Luo's delivery date is in mid-April, and she is still ahead of Concubine Yi, and she is a few years older than Concubine Yi, so she is considered an advanced maternal age.

Before, Shu Shu had to mention it every time she offered incense.

Now that it was approaching, she was afraid.

Worried about what to fear.

The accuracy of various laws is palpitating.

So she didn't talk about Jue Luoshi.

Nine Elder Brothers figured it out on their own. Knowing that they had missed something just now, they hurriedly made up for it. "And my mother-in-law, I begged together, offering a few more lamps to pray for blessings..."


Capital City, Metropolitan Government.

Jue Luoshi had a big belly, thinking about her own due date.

For old couples, when Dun Lun, naturally have a general impression.

That is, before the eldest daughter came out of the cabinet, the couple was worried and went to bed late. Talking about the years of seeking a child before giving birth to a daughter, it was roughly in mid-June.

So now, it has been eight months, nine months and a few days.

Although it is said to be "conceived in October", it is actually possible to start at any time when it reaches nine months.

In the past few days, she also obviously felt her stomach sinking, and she changed clothes more frequently.

Jue Luo looked towards the direction of Bo's mansion.

I really didn't expect my uncle to survive for so long.

From the beginning of February to the present, it seems that I am almost done, and I am still holding on.

Thinking about the two visits with her husband last month, the uncle looked at her belly, and felt that Luo Shi would put his face down.

She is a very smart person, how can she not guess that Uncle is waiting for her to give birth?
At this moment, Qi Xi came in, smelling of traditional Chinese medicine.

This is just coming out of Bofu.

Up to now, all he can do is to go to accompany uncle to recall the past from time to time.

Jue Luoshi rubbed his belly, feeling that he wanted to remind her husband, and said, "Master, uncle seems to care too much about the child in my belly, and he probably intends to adopt him."

Qi Xi was silent, and said: "I guessed it, don't worry, I won't nod."

Having been brothers for most of their lives, they know who each other is.

He knew that his uncle seemed to be indifferent, but in fact he already hated him.

Wanting to set up a baby who has just landed as an heir is not for Mrs. Uncle to rely on in her later years or for the incense to be sacrificed, but for revenge on her younger brother.

Although Jue Luo's child did not land, there is a half probability that it will be a son.

Now the uncle and Qi Xi are "reminiscing about the past", and what they are asking for is only the last "last wish", which is to adopt the second child's newborn as an heir.

It seems that the requirements are simple and not embarrassing.

After all, he will be gone soon, and he will not take away his nephew just by using the name of his stepfather.

But with this extra title, property, and title, there are more hidden dangers.

Even if the title is transferred to Qi Xi, what about the next heir?
Is it Qi Xi's eldest son, or uncle's "heir"?
At that time, there will be no peace between father and son and brothers.

"When I was young, I refused to suffer..."

Qi Xi sighed.

The couple were not worried. They knew it was a pit and jumped down. Aren't they fools?
Then there is the last wish, that is uncle's own last wish.

In this world, where can you be free everywhere?
Jue Luo's mention of this sentence is also to remind her husband that uncle's funeral should be prepared.

Uncle seems to be relaxed, but in fact he is suffering.

After Jue Luoshi gave birth, his anger should have dissipated.

Qi Xi sighed: "It wasn't like this in the early years, it became more and more empty, and I lost my sincerity with anyone..."


Bo mansion, front yard, under the pomegranate tree.

After Qi Xi left, the uncle asked the housekeeper to carry him to the yard.

Now, he is sitting on a chair with his clothes on.

He is the person who loves cleanliness the most, but right now he has a lingering stench on his body.

When he turned his head, the windows of the house were open, and the servants inside brought people to straighten the mattresses on the kang.

Through the window screen, he could see the servant woman covering her mouth and nose with disgust on her face.

He turned his head hastily, his face flushed, resentment grew in his chest, he looked at the old housekeeper beside him and said, "Where's Madam?"

The old housekeeper paused, and said, "Madam is making summer shirts..."

The uncle was overjoyed at first, then smiled wryly. "It was cut for her good niece..."

This "good niece" does not refer to Guizhen Gege, but Shu Shu.

Gege Guizhen and Xizhu have reconciled and moved out of Bofu.

Before she said she would stay here to get married, she was just deliberately angry with Xizhu.

But Dong E's family doesn't just have one tin pillar, if that's the case, it's slapping Dong E's family in the face.

Now it's a good time to get together and leave, and after getting a compensation, she moved to her own dowry yard.

The old butler didn't answer.

The wife is not close to the concubine, and only Fujin was the only child she raised herself, so it is human nature to miss her.

On the contrary, it's the uncle here, even if the aunt deserves to die, but the uncle is his own flesh and blood, and now he doesn't mention the uncle...


Hangzhou, by the West Lake, Lingyin Temple.

Today, the ancient temple is closed to the outside world to entertain the royal family.

Shu Shu followed Sanfujin and Wufujin, looked up at the plaque in front of the ancient temple, very speechless.

The temple is an ancient temple, which can be traced back to the Jin Dynasty, but the plaque is only ten years old.

What is written on it is not the original name of the ancient temple, but the word "Yunlin", which was written by Emperor Kangxi ten years ago during his second southern tour.

Because of this imperial brush, the official name of Lingyin Temple has been changed to "Yunlin Temple".

Since the emperor personally worshiped the empress dowager, Shu Shu and the others all set up the background board, so there was no room for them to speak.

The scene also became solemn, no longer talking and laughing every time when worshiping the Buddha in the temple.

The Empress Dowager felt bored, and after burning incense in the main hall, she urged Kangxi: "The emperor should go discuss Zen with the abbot, and just ask the children to accompany me."

Kangxi raised his head, looked at the group behind him, each of them felt obedient, knowing that he was in the way, he said: "You guys serve the Queen Mother well..."

Everyone agreed.

Kangxi took the eunuchs and guards and followed the abbot to the Zen room to discuss the Tao.

Everyone else immediately relaxed.

Jiuge held Shushu and said, "Is this the place where Jigong practiced?"

Jigong was a Zen master in the Southern Song Dynasty, but he left many deeds in Hangzhou.

There are many stories about this "Fiftieth Patriarch of Zen" in the popular sayings on the market.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "He was ordained under the name of Zen Master Fohai, the abbot of Lingyin Temple. He stayed in Lingyin Temple for more than [-] years. After Master Fohai passed away, he went to Jingci Temple on the south bank of West Lake."

Jiugege said enthusiastically: "Everyone said Jigonghui's spells are amazing. I remember that in the theater troupe who entered the palace in the early years, there were still people who played the role of little Jigonghui!"

Jigong's film and television dramas of later generations have been filmed in many versions, with spells and without spells, using science to analyze his legendary deeds.

Shu Shu did not disappoint Jiugege to reveal the secrets of popular science spells, but listened to Jiugege tell popular legends such as "Feilai Peak" and "Gujing Transporting Wood" in front of the audience.

It is indeed full of fantasy, comparable to The Legend of the White Snake.

Wu Fujin was beside him, and he also listened with great interest.

On the other hand, San Fujin regretted hearing the birth and said: "You good official young master, why did you become a monk? Are there any relatives who can't tolerate it? Doesn't it mean that the clan in the south is powerful, and the clan loves to lose their families and seize their births?"

Monk Jigong was born in a family of eunuchs, his parents were nearly fifty years old, and Jigong was born only after worshiping the Buddha and begging for a son.

Before Jigong became an adult, his parents passed away one after another.

Jiugege was dumbfounded, the script didn't mention this.

Wu Fujin looked at Shu Shu.

I feel that Shushu is more knowledgeable.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said, "If there are deeds, there will be no traces. Master Jigong is from Tiantai Mountain. The local area is a place where Zen and Taoism are flourishing. The family has believed in Buddhism for generations, and there are eminent monks preaching the Dharma in the school. It should be It is also deeply influenced by the ears and eyes, and the Buddha's relationship is getting deeper."

San Fujin was puzzled and said: "But he is the only son. He became a monk. Didn't he break the family blood and commit 'unfilial piety'? How can he be praised by the world?"

Jiugege and Wufujin looked at each other, if they said that, there was a little truth in it.

Shu Shu thought about the legend of Jigong, and said: "Although there have been legends of mages in Hangzhou and Taizhou since the Southern Song Dynasty, they were not so widespread. In the last years of the previous dynasty, natural disasters and man-made disasters continued, and the people were in dire straits. , the legend of the mage became more and more widespread, because he was obtained by his parents praying to Buddha for a son, and some people said that he was the reincarnation of an Arhat, and they hoped that he would be reincarnated again, and he would be everyone's savior and save the people from suffering."

As for whether the savior himself has moral flaws, it doesn't matter, the important thing is to come to help.

Brother Jiu happened to come to look for Shu Shu. Hearing this passage, he couldn't help laughing and said: "If all the people who pray to Buddha are reincarnations, then you are also the reincarnation of Bodhisattva?"

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

It's true, boy!
Although she is not a bodhisattva, she is indeed close to the reincarnation.

Brother Jiu felt that there was something deep in her eyes, but he couldn't guess the reason.

Sanfujin was by the side, looking at Shu Shu, wanted to mention Hongluo Temple, but held back.

There is also Wu Fujin beside her, if she continues the topic of "asking for a child", it will seem like a stab.

Jiu Gege saw that Brother Jiu was looking at Shu Shu without a glance, followed behind his sister-in-law like a puppy, and said, "Brother Jiu, what are you doing here?"

I didn't see that there are all women's relatives here. They have something to talk about, so it's time to leave.

Brother Jiu didn't speak immediately, but pulled Shu Shu to the side, and said in a low voice: "Look at what Ama Khan means, he wants to go to the lake together, so many people are in a mess, what's the point! Now go to the Zen room and talk about the chicken blood stone, and when we have the fast meal at noon, I will use this as an excuse to take you away..."

Shu Shu smiled, shook her head and said, "Master, I have to change my excuse, I'm afraid this excuse won't work!"

Brother Jiu asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Shu Shu stretched out two fingers and said, "Although they are all under the rule of Hangzhou Prefecture, Changhua Town is two hundred miles away!"

Not to mention a few broken stones, even the gold and silver mines over there, Kangxi would not rest assured that they ran so far...

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