My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 532 Make a report

Brother Jiu was very surprised.

He originally thought that Shu Shu specifically mentioned this, it was a specialty of Hangzhou, but he didn't expect it to be so far away from Hangzhou.

"Then what excuse is there?"

Brother Jiu didn't give up and asked.

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, then said: "Why don't you just forget about it, it's only one day or so, and we'll come out tomorrow."

Although there is no great use, it is their filial piety to make up the number.

Brother Nine quickly shook his head and said, "No, there will be great Confucian scholars and gifted scholars from Hangzhou on a lake tour in a while, and I will definitely write poetry at that time!"

Although he has self-knowledge and knows that he should not be targeted, but what if?
Besides, it's annoying.

Chirping and wailing, singing praises.

You don't even need to think about what they write.

Shu Shu looked at Feilai Peak next to him, and remembered Master Jigong that Jiu Gege mentioned just now.

Jingci Temple, where Master Jigong lived in his later years, is hundreds of years later than Lingyin Temple, but its reputation is no less than that of Lingyin Temple.

Incense is very strong in both places.

It's just that the master of Lingyin Temple got married, and the master of Jingci Temple begged for a son.

"Then I quietly reported to the emperor, saying that I want to invite my fifth elder brother, fifth sister-in-law, tenth younger brother, and tenth younger siblings to Jingci Temple to ask for a son."

Shu Shu thought for a while and said.

What Kangxi kept yesterday was martial arts, and after a few days of exams, this is literature now, and it is still something that Brother Jiu is not good at.

It's not friendly to the fifth elder brother, so you can make a profit.

The same is true for ten princes and ten Fujin.

Jingci Temple is more than ten miles away from here, just beside the West Lake.

At that time, they will burn incense together, find a place to eat and drink, and wait until the evening to gather with Sheng Jia and his party, or go back to Taipingfang Palace directly.

Brother Jiu didn't move, instead he looked at Shu Shu with anger and said, "You know that the incense burns over there, why didn't you tell me earlier, we should have gone there early in the morning!"

Burning incense and worshiping Buddha, hurry up sooner rather than later.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I heard that seeking marriage in Lingyin Temple is the most efficacious. Just now when I worshiped incense, I prayed to the Buddha in my heart. It is superfluous to meet the Lord for a hundred years."

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Master, I'm going to find Ama Khan..." After saying that, he paused, and smiled at Shu Shu. "In my heart, you are the fate of marriage. You are at the top, and everything else is behind."

After all, he left in a hurry without waiting for Shu Shu's answer.

Shu Shu stretched out her hand, wanted to open her mouth to call someone, but closed it again.

Really, I haven't directly told the Fifth Prince and the Tenth Prince to ask for an order. What if the two have other arrangements?
And what about the queen mother?
Under the normal procedure, didn't you first talk to the fifth elder brother and tenth elder brother, then go to the queen mother, and then go to ask for an order?
Jiugege came over and asked curiously, "Sister-in-law Jiu, what is Brother Jiu doing so mysteriously? He came in a hurry and left in a hurry."

Shu Shu looked at Jiu Gege, feeling a little embarrassed.

I'm going to leave Jiu Gege again.

Perhaps this is the difference between married and unmarried?
She didn't hide anything, and adjusted the order and said, "Your ninth brother wants to take me to Jingci Temple to offer incense. It's quite far from Lingyin Temple, and now I'm going to the imperial court to ask for an order."

When Jiugege heard this, yearning appeared on his face.

There are many old traces of Master Jigong in Lingyin Temple, how about Jingci Temple?

But if the brother and sister-in-law travel alone, it is not easy for her to follow.

She was hesitating when Shi Fujin came over.

Just now Shi Fujin guarded the release pond and kept feeding the fish there for a long time.

"Such a long red carp is so beautiful!"

With joy on his face, Shi Fujin gestured to Shu Shu and Jiu Gege, "It's longer than my arms, it's very thick and fat, and I don't know if it's delicious..."

Shu Shu smiled. "I'll go to a restaurant by the West Lake in the afternoon and try a carp. It should be about the same."

"Sister Nine!"

Jiugege disapproved and said, "This is a temple..."

As she said that, she turned to the ten Fujin, with a bit of solemnity, said: "If you come to worship the Buddha, you must not only be sincere, but also observe the law."

She is the eldest sister, so she can naturally teach the new sister-in-law how to behave.

Ten Fujin's face was tangled, he looked at Jiugege, then at Shushu, puzzled, and said: "It's the same to worship Buddha, why we can eat meat when we were in Abahai, but now we can't eat meat ?”

Shu Shu didn't answer, but looked at Jiugege.

She didn't know how far the Yellow Sect had developed now, and she was afraid that she would show her mouth.

Anyway, she still remembered Da Fujin's funeral, there were three ashrams.

There are all kinds of monks and Taoists.

The royal family is like this, and the actions below should be similar.

Jiugege followed the Queen Mother, and knew a lot about this, and said: "Although they are all Buddhism, they are divided into sects. The Tantric sect spread to Tibet and Mongolia, and the Sutra sect spread to the inland. Each has its own style." rule……"

Shi Fujin was confused, but he understood the general meaning, similar to "do as the Romans do in the countryside".

Although the Empress Dowager is from Mongolia, she has lived in the capital for a long time now, so she can follow the rules here.


In the abbot's Zen room, Kangxi and the abbot Dihui Zen Master are drinking tea.

If it's not Longjing tea, it's just an ordinary camellia, which has a special taste.

The old monk was over seventy years old, and he looked energetic, and he hadn't changed much from ten years ago.

"I heard that a monk died of hunger, what does the great monk think?"

Kangxi pondered.

This Zen master is famous for his strict precepts. The monks of Lingyin Temple not only "do not eat after noon", but also eat a bowl of thin porridge for breakfast and lunch.

The old monk said calmly: "If the mind is not settled, it is proper to meditate."

Kangxi was silent.

Uncertainty is hard to say, but eating less is the way to live longer.

Usually an old man of this age has white beard and hair, and is getting old, but the old monk looks like he is about fifty.

Although I don't keep the precepts myself, but later that - meal can be less.

What Buddhism adheres to is not only the "precept not to eat after noon", but also other things...

Kangxi was still thinking about it, but the old monk didn't speak again.

"Your Majesty, Brother Nine asks to see you..."

Liang Jiugong came in and whispered, immediately breaking the silence of the room.

"Let him in..."

Kangxi came to his senses, he was no longer thinking about the Buddhist way of keeping in good health, but wanted to scold his son.

After finally stealing half a day's leisure, he came to interrupt again.

Sure enough, children are in debt.

At this moment, Liang Jiugong went out and brought Brother Jiu in.

"Khan Ama, Zen master!"

There are outsiders around, so Brother Nine respectfully greets them.

Seeing that he was honest, Kangxi glanced at him in surprise.

On weekdays, there is a lot of turmoil, and there are troubles every time I go to the imperial court, but I can't see anything today.

Brother Nine also explained the purpose of coming, and said: "Ama, my son wants to take his son Fujin to go first, to offer incense at Jingci Temple, and fifth elder brother, fifth sister-in-law, old ten, old ten Fujin..."

According to the plan in the morning, they will have a fast meal at Lingyin Temple, and then go to West Lake in the afternoon.

But it's just now.

Kangxi couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Although Brother Jiu didn't say "begging for a son", Kangxi understood the people who were named and went to this place.

He looked at Brother Jiu and said, "Children are fate, don't be impatient, how old are you?!"

She is obviously a pig, but she has a monkey personality.

"Praying for a child" is "pleading for a child", what are you doing with the ten princes and his wife?
Ten princes and his wife have been married for less than two months, so they are going to "beg for a child"?

It was rumored that the royal family was so mean that they forced the prince Fujin to give birth that year.

Brother Nine said, "My son is seventeen, and we have been married for two years!"

Kangxi "."

I really want to ask him if he can't read numbers.

It's only March now, and it's not a whole year away. How come it's been two years?

Brother Nine held his head in a daze, his expression was gloomy, but it was actually somewhat deliberate.

He saw Wu Fujin's situation and worried that his wife would also face this kind of pressure in the future, so he took the initiative to take this matter on his own head.

He is the one who is so anxious, Khan Ama and the empress can only comfort him, and they will be more lenient to their daughter-in-law.

Sure enough, Kangxi couldn't bear to scold him anymore, and said: "Go if you want, I just want to accompany you fifth brother, don't think about anything else."

Brother Jiu raised his head and saw Kangxi's concerned expression, and felt guilty.

They all say, "When you marry a daughter-in-law, you forget your mother", as if you also forgot Khan Ama.

Seeing Old Ten walking around Shi Fujin before, he was not pleasing to the eye.

But now at Khan Ama's place, he has started to fool people.

He said with a bit of seriousness: "Son, just beg for these few years, if you don't have the fate of children..."

At that time, if you don't delay in eating or drinking, the elders will not be born along with them.

Kangxi said unhappily: "Just talk nonsense! Forget it, it's just the difference between coming late and coming early. Don't talk about others, just say your father-in-law. Didn't it be difficult for your children before? When you are in the prime of life, your body will be recuperated and your birth A bunch of them."

Having said that, he still felt a little worried.

Dong E's parents also had difficulties in their offspring in the early years. It can't be because of his mother, right?
It's not easy for a female Xiao mother to be happy.

But thinking that aside from Jueluo's one daughter and five sons, Dong E's ability to control ten power bows with ease and good health, he put aside this thought.

It should be because of Qi Xi.

Qi Xi'ama was in normal health, and he didn't let go of his job after being replaced as a guard.

Brother is like that again.

The sons below, I heard that the older ones also started writing.

"Don't worry, your father-in-law won't get his eldest daughter until he's thirty, it's still early for you..."

Kangxi comforted.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said: "Actually, my son doesn't care much about raising the child. He is still young. If it's two years or so, we can also take Brother Seventeen to take care of him, or the little girl under my mother of……"

Kangxi waved his hand and said, "Stop Huqin, you're not going to Jingci Temple, let's go!"

Sister-in-law is not the same as sister-in-law.

The crown princess can teach fifteen princes, but Dong E's is not good at following the example.

The princess is old and dignified.

The sister-in-law of Dong E's family who is slipping away is just a prince without a title, Fujin.

Besides, the situation of the two is different.

At that time, there was already a concubine in the East Palace, and the crown prince had no health problems, so he hugged the fifteen elder brothers to practice his hands for the crown princess, and it was also an "introduction".

Indeed, she got pregnant smoothly, but it's a pity that she is a princess, not a elder brother.

The reason for the second place is on Brother Jiu.

It's useless to take a little elder brother "Introduction"...


The next update is very late, everyone will watch it tomorrow morning, ^_^.

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