When Shu Shu and his party went to the main hall to burn incense, and then returned to the osmanthus tree, they took a new belt in their hands.

It is red, fine silk, about two inches wide and two and a half feet long.

A branch is tied at one end.

This is the "children belt" provided to pilgrims in Jingci Temple.

A branch tied at one end adds weight.

Zhike monk didn't say anything about pomegranate wood either.

Looking at this, Shu Shu guessed that it was a dead branch of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

There are not twelve straps in one handful, but three.

According to the Zhike monk, one time is enough, ask for three times, if it doesn't go well, it's because of insincerity, come back next time.

Everyone stood under the tree and looked up at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

Brother Jiu couldn't help coming up to Shu Shu, and whispered to her, saying: "The old monk is too thieves, if these are more than a dozen tapes, if you throw them around, a blind cat can hang one of them even if it touches a dead mouse. These three are not guaranteed, they are long-term deals..."

It's all wrong when you have a baby.

If everyone successfully wears red on the "seeking child tree", then no children will be born when they come back, and they will not be able to come over and smash the temple.

In the end, there were only three chances, and the only ones who failed were those who blamed themselves.

Shu Shu looked at the red belt in Brother Jiu's hand, and said, "Why don't you try..."

Brother Jiu froze, then shook his head and said: "No, no, you should come, I can't believe my size..."

What if the hand is crooked, it's unlucky.

It is said that ghosts and gods are "if you believe, there will be, if you don't believe, there will be no". Brother Jiu can't be sure that he doesn't believe in it at all.

The one who was more nervous than them was Wu Fujin.

The fifth elder brother stood by, seeing his wife holding her breath, and noticed her nervousness.

He hesitated for a moment, and said, "How about... I'll throw it?"

In that case, Fujin would not blame herself if she really couldn't get pregnant later.

Although the fifth elder brother was raised by the queen mother, he doesn't really believe in Buddhism.

He felt more like Mengxiang people's money.

The expensive ones sold in the incense market outside are only two hundred and twelve sticks, but three sticks in the temple cost two taels of silver.

His homework is average, but he can still do basic math.

Wu Fujin took a look at Fifth Elder Brother, shook his head and said, "Didn't you say you need to throw it yourself?"

Her hands holding the red ribbon trembled a little, and she looked up at the nearby branches, unable to make up her mind.

"Hee hee, it's too simple. I've harnessed a horse on the grassland, and I'm ready..." Shi Fujin and Shi Elder brother showed off, their voices were sweet and naive.

Elder Brother Ten said, "Then hang them up..."

At that time, three little elder brothers will be born, let Jiu Ge and Jiu Sister-in-law choose.

Listening to the conversation between the ten princes and his wife, Wu Fujin let out a breath.

It can't be delayed any longer, the two siblings are still waiting.

Seeing her nervousness, Shu Shu walked over and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'll try it first and see how I throw it."

Brother Nine was listening, but he was a little anxious.

There are only three in total, what are you trying?

Just as he was about to stop him, Shu Shu had already waved to Xiao Chun.

Xiaochun stepped forward and handed her the red ribbon in his hand.

It's not the three sticks from Jingci Temple, but the one I bought at the incense market just outside.

Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I'll try it too."

There are twelve of their counterfeit tapes. …

Shu Shu nodded slightly, took a strap, found a branch closer to the bottom, and threw the strap on it.

With great strength, the throw was too high. Fortunately, when it fell back, it was caught by other branches, which was considered a success.

"Haha, it's done!"

Seeing this, Brother Jiu smiled openly, thinking it was a good omen.

As for the one in his hand, he didn't intend to throw it away, in case it fell on the ground.

How unlucky.

He could see clearly, even Shu Shu was not [-]% sure just now.

There is no wind today.

Shu Shu compared his arms, thinking about the force just now, and then looked at his position just now, turned to look at Wu Fujin and said, "Sister-in-law, come and stand here, the position is closer."


Convinced and comfortable, Wu Fujin responded, and approached according to what she said.

"The arm is almost at this angle, and then just throw it with the strength of breastfeeding. The branches over there are luxuriant, and the strength is great. If you throw it too far, you can hang it on the branch behind you."

Shu Shu explained carefully.

Because there is no wind, as long as the angle and strength are similar, it is easy to throw it up.

Wu Fujin also listened carefully, and then picked up the silk belt.

She knew that she was not strong enough, mainly because of the first few strokes.

Definitely not the latter.

The red silk belt is thrown into the sky.

Next to the opposite branch, it fell to the ground again.

Wu Fujin smiled, and made another slap.

Now the shot is accurate, the throw is higher than the branch, and it is about to land on the opposite branch.

"Plop flop", but two birds flew out from the nearby branches, causing the branches to tremble.

The red silk belt fell down again.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

The smile on Wu Fujin's face froze as he looked at the small black spot in the sky that was fading away.

Shu Shu stepped forward and said: "Perhaps the Buddha is kind, and he doesn't want to make us travel so far to fulfill our vows. When we return to Beijing, my sister-in-law should accompany me to Hongluo Temple..."

Wu Fujin looked at her and smiled softly.

This is caring and chaos.

In matters concerning women here, it has never been the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who are in charge.

Wu Fujin thought about the whispers between the two of them, and he also mastered the method of calculating the days suitable for conception, so he calmed down a lot, and threw the remaining silk belt on it.

I don't know if it's the right angle, or because people relax.

This red silk ribbon hangs firmly on the opposite branch of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

"Wow! Hung up!"

Ten Fujin laughed happily beside him.

Wu Fujin's eye circles were hot, and he said happily, "Well, it's done!"

Brother Jiu gave Shu Shu a push and urged: "Hurry up, hurry up, throw all three!"

Having said that, he shook his head again, took out one of the silk belts in his hand, handed two to Shu Shu, and said: "The wise guest said that you can only toss three times each time, or the Buddha is too greedy and doesn't hear this wish." No see, let’s count the first time, don’t risk the total..."

But a beautiful vision.

Shu Shu also obeyed him, and threw the two sticks in his hands up, and they hung on the branches smoothly.

This time it was the fifth elder brother who laughed out loud: "Okay, okay! The Buddha heard it!"

It was a little more joyful than when Wufu Jin was hung up just now.

Brother Nine is proud and wants to show off, but he hangs three!
Not one!…

The words were all bald, he changed his mouth again, and said with a smile: "Who told us to be sincere!"

The remaining ten Fujin were not as worried about gains and losses as the five Fujin, but they were also cautious.

She clasped her hands together, her lips moved slightly, and she muttered something.

Among the three of Zhubu, she is the real Buddhist, and everyone in her family believes in Buddhism.

When it was time to throw, she also looked very serious.

As a result, it hung up at the first click.

Brother Ten was beside him, with a smile on his lips.

This is a good sign.

It's a pity that it only hangs up for a while.

got windy.

The second was blown off course.

When it came to the third one, it didn't even pass the branches.

Shi Fujin looked at it, his eyes were red, he choked up and said to Elder Brother Ten: "What should I do, there is only this one, give it to Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister, and we will have nothing?"

Elder Brother Shi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, first one, we will ask for the second one when we go to Hongluo Temple."

Besides, if this is completely effective, then Brother Nine has three of them!
Brother Ten glanced at Brother Nine.

If that's the case, I will follow Brother Jiu and ask Brother Jiu for a nephew.

It saves the difficulty of raising single seedlings.

Ten Fujin was easy to coax, nodded immediately and said: "Well, well, let's go to Hongluo Temple then, and ask for a little princess like Sister-in-law Jiu..."

This is the origin of knowing Shu Shu's name.

Brother Nine was beside him, hearing that something was wrong, he said: "It is said that girls are like aunts, but I have never heard that girls are like aunts..."

Shi Fujin said, "When the time comes, I will let Sister-in-law Jiu teach, just like Sister-in-law Jiu!"

A good sign.

In any case, everyone got a satisfactory result.

When they came out of Jingci Temple, everyone was stunned.

It seems to have changed the world.

The bustling incense market just now has dispersed.

Where there used to be beaches on both sides of the road, there is only a mess left.

A few young monks took brooms and were cleaning.

There are some flags beside them, and a few adults in men's uniforms.

Gao Yanzhong is among them.

Seeing Brother Jiu and others coming out, Gao Yanzhong trotted forward and greeted everyone.

Brother Jiu looked at this scene, how could he not know?

"Shengjia is coming over, didn't he say to swim in the lake in the afternoon?"

"The emperor saw that the queen mother was worried about the masters, so he asked the queen mother to come over..."

Gao Yanzhong bowed and said: "The slave came with Lord Ma, Lord Ma went to the temple to meet the abbot..."

Having said that, he pointed to the side along the lake, and said, "Qi Ye led people to set up defense over there."

Brother Jiu couldn't help grinding his teeth when he heard this, and couldn't help whispering to Shu Shu: "Ama Khan is too clingy, we probably have to obediently follow."

Shu Shu didn't speak.

Only so.

That's fine too.

She didn't want to be Ke Xiaoshu, just looking for trouble to deviate from the main force, and encounter any unexpected incidents.

After an estimated two quarters of an hour, the road in front of me was almost cleared.

They were also paved with yellow sand and sprinkled with clean water.

Luanjia is mighty and mighty, from far to near.

The seventh elder brother has already deployed his defenses and returned, standing between the fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother, and greeted them together.

Brother Nine saw him with a straight face, and said, "Brother Seven, have you gone to the capital to write a letter?"

Brother Seven glanced at him, but did not answer.

Brother Jiu disapproved and said, "It's the end of March, if you don't write any more, sister-in-law Seven's children will be born!"

Brother Seven snorted softly, "Noisy!"

Ninth elder brother gritted and said: "You are too inconsiderate, people are not here, this letter should be more diligent, and the things should be sent, otherwise Seventh sister-in-law is so pitiful, it seems that the child has no Ama!"

Seventh elder brother was overwhelmed and said, "I'm going to write a letter!"

Brother Jiu nodded in satisfaction and said: "Anyway, you have to be more diligent, or women are narrow-minded, and then hold grudges!"

Shu Shu was standing on the right side of Brother Nine, hearing this, she wanted to shake her fist.

The fifth elder brother couldn't stop listening, and said: "You are too worried, the seventh is the elder brother, you still worry about your own size."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "What's the matter, brother? I might not be able to compare with others, but these two live better, who is better than us?"

He is very boastful.

Moreover, he also got the knack of guessing the emperor's mind.

This, I will not share with you!
Ha ha!

In the morning there is another update from yesterday, everyone, don’t be left behind, whisper that the next episode will not be announced if you can’t finish it, and you dare not read the comments even if you break your promise.


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