My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 535 Borrowing

Under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the queen mother raised her head with a smile, looking at the red silk ribbons floating on the branches.

Brother Nine stood beside him, and said proudly, "Isn't it a good idea for grandson to throw all the silk belts up, just wait for your great-grandson to run all over the place!"

The Empress Dowager was overjoyed, she nodded repeatedly and said, "I'll wait, I'll wait!"

Because of her great vision, the Empress Dowager doubled the amount of sesame oil and lamp offerings to Jingci Temple.

Even with the followers, they all increase in turn.

Brother Jiu looked at it, and couldn't help being speechless, and said to Shu Shu: "Why do you feel that you are at a loss? It looks like it will bring prosperity to Jingci Temple!"

Looking at his appearance, I can't wait to collect the ticket at the door.

Shu Shu couldn't help but smile, and said: "Isn't it good if it's prosperous? It means it's effective..."

Brother Jiu thought about it for the same reason, and said with a smile: "I don't know if there will be Master's name in the memorabilia of Jingci Temple in the future, but the old monk of Lingyin Temple is afraid to scold Master!"

Praying to Buddha and offering incense is a similar process.

On the other hand, Su Zhai and Jingci Temple didn't prepare in advance, so this meal at noon is very simple.

It is white porridge and small pickles.

Rao is so, the Queen Mother also uses it sweetly.

"The water here is good, and it's good to eat porridge..."

The Queen Mother followed Shu Shu and Jiu Gege with a smile.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege looked at each other, the aunt and sister-in-law thought it was not the case.

It is because the Empress Dowager took a lot of steps today.

Lingyin Temple occupies a vast area, and Jingci Temple is not too small.

The old man did not move much this morning.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, we will take a tour on the West Lake, and we will take a boat for the whole journey, so we don't need to go any further.

Painting boats are separate.

The female relatives were on a painting boat, and the prince elder brother, the clan, and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs went to another painting boat with Kangxi.

The smile on Shu Shu's face increased a little, and he could relax and look at the lake and water.

Ten Fujin was beside him, also giggling.

It turned out that there were two saving boxes in the middle of the painting boat, both of which were half a foot square.

One contains fresh fruits that have not yet been marketed, such as cherries, loquats, and wild strawberries.

It looks watery and tender.

Another storage box contains Hangzhou local snacks, such as mung bean cake, glutinous rice balls, osmanthus cake, and lotus flower cake.

Ten Fujin stood in front of the fresh fruit plate, swallowing.

She invited the queen mother over and said, "Grandmother, what are these? Why haven't I eaten any of them?"

The queen mother looked carefully, and said: "The red one with handles is cherries, which are also available in this capital, and you can eat them later; the other-yellow-orange one is loquat. Among the annual Dragon Boat Festival tributes, several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River There is Gong, I have never seen the rest..."

As she spoke, she looked at Shu Shu and said, "What is this?"

Shu Shu looked at it and said, "This is a raspberry. When the fruit is green, it can be used as medicine. It tastes sour and sweet. It is a fruit that can be used for both medicine and food."

After hearing this, the Queen Mother reached out and took one, put it in her mouth, and said: "It's really sweet, the taste is indescribable."

In fact, according to geographical distribution, raspberries are widely distributed, but they are all snacks for children in the mountains.

It seems that there are also in Mongolia, but not in the Horqin and Abahai tribes, but in the west of Inner Mongolia.

There is no Kangxi, and there are no female relatives outside, they are all from our own family, so everyone is much more comfortable. …

At the beginning, Kangxi also asked the queen mother if she wanted to be accompanied by the provincial order, but the queen mother refused.

Impatient with guests.

When the time comes, the guests will feel uncomfortable, and they will suffer accordingly.

Throughout the painting boat, the windows on all sides are open, with gauze hanging down.

You can't see the inside clearly from the outside, but it's just right to see the outside from the inside.

The queen mother was sitting on the Luohan couch by the window, watching the scenery outside.

Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong sat on the lower chairs, and they lost their usual dignified appearance and were much more at ease.

Concubine Rong looked at Concubine Hui and said, "Brother's marriage is really going to be delayed until the next year? Don't worry, the grandson and granddaughter will be left to a girl to watch over."

Concubine Hui couldn't get used to loquats and wild berries, so she picked up cherries and ate them, and said with a smile, "With their dear Ama around, it's not my turn to worry about this."

Concubine Rong disapproved: "If you don't help me at this time, when will you do it?"

Concubine Hui smiled, but did not speak.

One generation governs one generation.

Even if she wanted to intervene in the affairs of the county palace, it would be inconvenient across the palace wall.

Besides, the emperor will not be happy to see it.

The emperor felt sorry for the prince who had no mother, but he also stopped the son who had the mother from following his birth mother.

A confused father.

They are born as mothers, and they have no right to object.

Concubine Rong said again. "I was confused before. I was afraid that Sanfujin's temper would be too strong, and he would not be able to tolerate others in the future, so I wanted to suppress it."

Her voice is not high, but Huafang is such a big place.

This spring is just right, and it's not the time to break up the lawsuit between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Concubine Hui just stuffed a cherry into her mouth and said, "Try it, it's so sweet..."

Concubine Rong didn't speak, just looked at a few young crickets.

A few people stood in front of the railing and began to look around the West Lake.

Sanfujin never forgets Leifeng Pagoda.

"Where is it?"

Shu Shu looked at the approximate direction of the boat tour, confirmed the direction of Su Causeway, then thought about it, pointed to the direction of Leifeng Pagoda and said: "It's still far away..."

But "Three Pools Reflected in the Moon" is just around the corner.

But this view is not seen during the day.

Looking at it during the day, it is unremarkable.

Let’s talk about Leifeng Pagoda again.

Mainly the white lady.

When we arrive at the West Lake, how can we not mention the White Snake?

San Fujin said, "That's why men are not good things. At the beginning, they were affectionate and loving, and the children were all upper body. Later, the old monk said, this is not a wife!"

This is a bit harsh.

It will be sprayed in future generations.

Wu Fujin said: "It's also 'Shemale Different Ways'..."

Lives are at stake.

Other love affairs are trivial matters.

San Fujin curled his lips and said: "I heard this sentence is nonsense, whoever stipulates that this is a human being and that is not a human being, if you have a human form, you are all human..."

The ten Fujins are very unfamiliar with this kind of legend, and this is the first time they have heard it.

Shu Shu briefly told her the story.

But she had a different point of view, and said, "How come the White Snake and the Green Snake haven't beaten Fa Hai?"

"Isn't this just two women and a man robbing a man? I haven't robbed him yet!"

"In my opinion, women should be more self-reliant, otherwise men will be snatched away!"...

Everyone laughed after saying a few words.

Shi Fujin felt that what he said was reasonable, so he ran to Shu Shu's side, touched her shoulder, and said in a low voice, "I think Brother Nine must not be able to run away."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Don't worry, Elder Brother Shi can't run away either!"

Shi Fujin rubbed his fists, and said playfully, "I haven't told my sister-in-law yet, besides archery, I can also wrestle!"

Shu Shu opened her eyes wide and said, "I really haven't heard of this before."

Ten Fujin proudly said: "If Brother Ten bullies me, I'll give him a fall."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll cheer for you when the time comes."

Shi Fujin nodded like pounding garlic, and giggled again.

San Fujin was by the side, feeling that he wanted to act like a sister-in-law, and reminded Shi Fujin, "This royal family has royal rules, but it's different from ordinary people's families, and couples are not welcome to fight..."

Speaking of this, she thought of the place where the third elder brother usually hates people, and she also felt itchy, so she changed her mouth and said in a low voice: "If I really can't bear it and want to make a move, it's not easy to see it under the clothes." Catch people, don't say hello to anyone's face or neck..."

Shi Fujin nodded hurriedly and said, "I know this, it's called 'beating people without slapping their faces...'"

Speaking of this, she was very curious: "Why are there so many rules in this capital, there is a 'common saying' on the left and an 'old saying' on the right?"

San Fujin said, "I'm idle, I'm just paying too much attention to it, anyway, just listen to it, it's a custom passed down from generation to generation, so there's no need to be serious about it."

Ten Fujin responded with "Mmmm".

She is also a big-hearted person, she turned away when she spoke, and looked at Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law Jiu, sister-in-law Jiu, didn't you say that Mr. Dongpo has other dishes?"

Shu Shu said: "There is nothing related to Hangzhou."

While talking, she saw the lotus pond passing by outside the window.

There are several famous dishes related to this lotus leaf.

Lotus leaf chicken, lotus leaf already has.

She said to Shi Fujin, "Wait until tomorrow and let the people in the dining room of the palace cook you a new dish."

Ten Fujin said happily: "Then I will wait."

Sanfujin was next to him, and said to Wufujin, "These two get together, but they have a companion, eating and drinking every day is not a serious matter, it's like being a girl at home."

Wu Fujin smiled and said, "This is also very good, anyway, I came out to play..."

Sanfujin sighed, with envy, and said: "I hope their life will be happier for a few more years, and people around here will feel at ease looking at it."

Wu Fujin heard the melancholy in her words, and said, "I only look forward to the good ones, among the elders of the clan, no one would say that the third sister-in-law is a blessed person."

The corner of Sanfujin's mouth was raised, and he said: "There is only one strength that can be talked about."

It's about offspring, stop here.

She changed the subject and said: "It is estimated that Lao Ba's wedding date will not be delayed. When Sheng Jia returns to Luan, Fujin will enter the door. I just hope this is not a routine..."

Otherwise, these prince Fujin would not be happy, this - offend the father-in-law, and give a side Fujin later, who can bear it?

There was resentment in these words, and Wu Fujin couldn't say much, only silence. …

But she watched Ba Fujin and Shu Shu get married into the palace. It was less than a year, and the situation of the two of them is very different now.

You know, at the beginning, Pieba Fujin was fighting for the first place.

The dowry is rich, the royal family is educated, and she is full of confidence.

What about now?
It's hard to say in the future.

This also made Wu Fujin alert.

No matter who is wronged or not in the royal family, the prince Fujin that the royal family wants is virtuous and virtuous.

The cruise ship circled on the West Lake.

Along the Bai Causeway, we saw the peach blossoms and weeping willows, and also looked at the Leifeng Pagoda.

After an hour and a half, the boat returned to its original place.

Sheng Jia's painting boat will arrive soon.

The group of people disembarked again and returned to the Taipingfang Palace.

It was bright daylight, Brother Jiu greeted Shu Shu and went to Yuqian.

Although he was also driving in the afternoon, he followed the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, and the tenth elder brother in the back, and did not go to the front of the imperial court.

There are talented scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, who recite poems and paint, and they are not in the same league.

This is already Shengjia's second day in Hangzhou, and he still has to send someone to deal with the chicken blood stone.

When Kangxi heard that he was coming again, he understood a little.

Every time Brother Nine comes over, it may not be because of something, or it may be because of nothing.

There is no itinerary for tomorrow, so I definitely want to go somewhere to play again.

Shouldn't he be left idle, should he be sent on other errands?
The previous errands were like a joke, and it didn't take much effort.

So was the "begging for a child" this morning a real begging, or was it just an excuse?

He could clearly remember that outside Jingci Temple, Brother Jiu looked strange when he picked up the driver by the roadside.

When Brother Nine came in, Kangxi looked at him with a half-smile.

Brother Nine got hairy at the sight, and said, "Ama Khan, what is this?"

Kangxi said: "Tell me, where do you want to go tomorrow?"

Brother Nine was taken aback, then thought about it. "Where are you going? Find a nearby tea garden to have some snacks and buy some good tea? Khan Ama, are you going out, do you want your son to accompany you?"

Only then did Kangxi realize that he had guessed wrong.

He coughed lightly, and said aside: "Then what are you doing here?"

Brother Jiu said: "Hey, you also know that my son can't save much money. It was the first time I bought something in Suzhou and borrowed money from the official account. Then this time, my son is not good enough to go to Hangzhou Weaving Mansion I just want to borrow from you in private..."

Kangxi recalled the four burdens of Jiufujin on the school ground yesterday, and said, "What are you going to buy? Thousands of taels of silver are not enough?"

Brother Nine felt a little proud, and said: "It's not about buying things, my son has found a way to make money, and it's short of capital."

When Kangxi heard this, he immediately felt a headache.

It's true, if you can't do it, you can't do it. Every day, you either think about buying things or thinking about selling things.

Who is it?


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