Chapter 536
Kangxi thought of Cao Yin's book from the House of Internal Affairs.

The pharmacists at the imperial pharmacy were too busy, and both Monan Mongolia and Mobei Mongolia ordered a lot of medicine from Brother Jiu.

The deposit paid is enough to purchase medicinal materials.

Now the steward under the imperial pharmacy is going to other places to purchase medicinal materials.

And on Cao Yin's side, the Jiangning cashmere weaving factory is also about the same.

Kangxi was not in a hurry to scold his son, but he also said with a straight face: "What is the way to make money? I have already said that disturbing the people is not allowed, and I am not allowed to search places..."

Ninth elder brother hurriedly said: "Is my son the kind of person who violates the sacred order? Not only listened to what Han Ama said, but now my son has read the "Great Qing Law"..."

Having said that, he looked at the cases at Kangxi's hand.

In addition to the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and the two stacks of papers that have been approved and not yet approved, there are also two private seals of Kangxi.

He pointed and said, "My son is targeting the pockets of literati this time, not only in the capital, but also in Jiangnan and other provinces..."

Kangxi followed his gaze, shook his head and said, "You want to get involved in the study business, it's not as exclusive as selling medicine before."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "It's not pen, ink, paper and inkstone, it's seal material!"

He said Changhua chicken blood stone.

There are also chicken blood stones in the palace, but they are rare and not as precious as the other two materials.

Brother Jiu said: "It has been handed down from the previous dynasty to the present. It has its own merits. The quality of this kind of thing is no problem. Then it is very simple to make it fashionable..."

Speaking of this, he mentioned the small merchants he saw outside Jingci Temple in the morning.

Many people took advantage of Shengjia's stay in Hangzhou, and the people were curious about the royal family, so they used the banner of the capital.

What are the palace flowers in the capital, the tea soup in the capital, and the milk pancakes in the capital.

It can be seen that the popular wind direction is not only from Jiangnan to Beijing.

It will also spread from the capital to the south of the Yangtze River.

When the father and son toured the north last year, they had already sold medicine together once, and Kangxi already knew what it means to work together.

He said: "Then what are you going to do?"

Brother Jiu already had a rough plan, and said: "My son plans to send people to Changhua to buy all the rough stones that can be purchased in the market, and then leave an exclusive purchase contract with the local merchants. Slowly put it out, it will take about three years..."

Kangxi understood, but it was just "hoarding".

This thing is really not about people's livelihood.

Even if the premium is ten or a hundred times higher, it does not harm the interests of ordinary people.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly: "Then what kind of borrowing method is this?"

It's really fresh.

Brother Jiu thought about it in his mind, and said: "Now this thing is not expensive, and the output is limited. What my son means is that he wants to transfer [-] taels of silver from you for a period of three years. When the business comes to an end, the capital Return it to you, if the profit is excluding the throwing fee, I will contribute another [-]%!"

Kangxi was dissatisfied: "Why is it three times?"

Last year, I just borrowed a name and paid fifty-five cents.

This year, I paid for it myself, but it dropped to [-]%.

He thought of a word, "No business, no adultery", and Brother Jiu seemed to have become unreal.

Brother Jiu stretched out three fingers and said: "My son got a good omen at Jingci Temple in the morning. The next three sons, don't you want to save some money for your son, don't let go like before."

Kangxi felt slightly sour in his heart.

The son below has no shadow yet, so this Ama will give in.

Nine elder brothers were clever, and immediately said: "Khan Ama, this is not a one-time transaction. Next time my son wants to come up with something else, it will still be [-]%. If you add up the [-]% and [-]%, you will not lose."

Kangxi snorted lightly, and said: "No, I still feel that it is a loss. You are still named as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This business could have been named under the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs like pharmaceuticals."

Brother Nine was dumbfounded, looked at Kangxi in disbelief, and laughed for a while and said: "Khan Ama, it's better to distinguish between public and private. Needless to say, selling medicine last time, because it was used in the Tai Hospital, it was no small matter to be involved in the feudal clan. It’s just been handed over to the public, and this seal is a small matter, so you don’t have to bother the Ministry of Internal Affairs.”

Kangxi said with a bit of earnestness: "The seal is a stone. Its value is not only 'effective from above and below'. Rare things are more expensive, but also carving is the main aspect. Adding the word 'inside', it is not worth. Can it be doubled again?"

Brother Jiu heard the meaning of this, pondered for a while, and said: "Then if it is not under the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then the son can't use the craftsman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Kangxi said: "It is possible not to hang it under the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but you are suspected of using public equipment for private use. If this is the case, the 'fifty-fifty account' can't be less. Protecting you, I will bear the suspicion of allowing my son to act recklessly, and you will be my 'loved son' from now on..."

Brother Jiu was shocked when he heard this.

The title of "Aizi" is not bad.

Regardless of what's going on inside, you can fool people outside.

As a bald-headed prince without a title, he went out of the palace to open a mansion. For a long time, he was looked down upon, even his wife was despised by his relative Fujin.

He didn't hide his joy, he looked at Kangxi happily and said, "Okay, it's all according to what you said, who made you the most respected and dear Khan Ama of my son!"

He brought pride when he came, and doubled his pride when he left.

Kangxi felt a lot better when he saw his stupid look.

It's really satisfying.

However, he was still picky, and complained to Liang Jiugong: "I really don't know the sufferings of the world. I know that the rags are not worth two hundred cash, but only a dozen cash, but I still pretend to be a fool and buy it at the original price. I don’t even know what a bargain is.”

Liang Jiugong said: "Master Jiu is still kind. If you expose the price, you don't want to be fooled, but you still gave it at the original price. This is showing compassion for the common people in the market."

Kangxi shook his head and said: "But it's just playing tricks, every time he speaks unforgivingly, and in the end, neither the inside nor the outside can take advantage."

Liang Jiugong thought about the snuff bottle he had pressed at the bottom of the box, and wanted to tilt his mouth.

Think about it and forget it.

It's not worth comparing with him.

I'm afraid I'm so angry, Brother Jiu doesn't know where he broke the taboo.

In the small courtyard between Shu Shu and Brother Jiu, Brother Jiu proudly said the title of "Aizi" first, but then he couldn't help regretting and said: "I gave too much at the beginning, and I'm afraid it will be less if it goes down later." Struggle, why do you think Khan Ama is trying to equalize the rich and the poor..."

"This is seeing that the master is about to make a fortune, so hurry up and search for more. Look, the money came back into his pocket, and he didn't really want to take it. He must have rewarded it casually."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Don't worry about these things, the emperor is right. If you get 'inner-made', you can indeed double your worth a hundred times. Besides, this 'emperor's beloved son' is even more expensive. Don't say it's [-]%, it's all filial piety." It’s not a loss.”

After doubling the material, the remaining [-]% is more than the [-]% that has not been doubled.

Nine princes will also account for this.

Shu Shu thinks further.

With the addition of this "money-greedy prince", it is impossible to say that Brother Nine will be able to take root in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The boss of the previous court, I am afraid that he is worried that Brother Jiu's character will walk in the previous court.

But she reminded Brother Nine to be clear about the accounts.

Even if the outsiders really regard Brother Jiu as a money-grubbing prince, the next emperor cannot be misunderstood.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, this master must keep accounts, and if anyone doubts in the future, I will directly throw him in the face!"

The next day, at leisure.

The couple were finally able to act alone.

The two of them didn't go far, just strolled around the Royal Street near the palace, and then went to the nearby tea plantation to spend half a day.

Mingqian tea is over, now is the time to make Yuqian tea.

Shu Shu drank tea with brother Jiu, bought ten catties of freshly made Yuqian tea and went back to the palace.

The next day was March [-]th.

The scene of Suzhou time appeared outside the palace again.

Guo Shilong, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and Zhang Yan, the governor of Zhejiang, led Zhejiang Manchu, Han, civil and military officials, scholars, gods and people to gather in the palace and kneel down to stay in the palace.

Kangxi agreed, and stayed for another day. The departure was originally scheduled to be on the [-]th, but it was postponed to the [-]th.

Brother Jiu watched the excitement, and came back to talk to Shu Shu: "It's like singing a big show, just wait, I will definitely have to kneel again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow..."

Seeing that he was heartless, Shu Shu reminded: "Don't forget, sir, it's time to go to patrol the camp..."

Brother Jiu's smile gradually froze.

Then he said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will abandon martial arts and follow literature in the future. As long as Khan Ama and my brothers don't force me, who can let me draw a bow and shoot arrows?"

While the couple were talking, He Yuzhu came in and said, "Master, Cao Yin of Jiangning weaving is here, see you outside."

Brother Jiu was a little surprised and said, "Please come in!"

Shu Shu got up and said, "I'll go to the east room."

The couple were talking in the West Room before.

Brother Jiu nodded.

After a while, He Yuzhu led Cao Yin in.

Brother Nine got up to meet him, and said: "This is to greet you, isn't it too early?"

Cao Yindao: "The slave came with the two governors and governors, and the people of Jiangning are all looking forward to the arrival of the holy chariot."

Brother Nine knows that this is all the loyalty of local officials.

He said: "But does Khan Ama have to go back to Suzhou first, and the Songjiang Mansion is going to comfort the people?"

Cao Yin glanced at Brother Jiu in surprise, he didn't expect Brother Jiu to think of this.

He nodded and said: "It should be so."

Brother Nine said: "What about the cashmere weaving factory? How is the preparation going? Have you tried to get a sample?"

Cao Yindao: "The servant came here to mention this matter to Master Jiu."

As he said that, he took out a big purse from his sleeve, took a palm-sized piece of cashmere fabric from it, and handed it to Brother Jiu.

As soon as Brother Jiu touched it, he knew it was a good thing, it was very soft to the touch.

Very slippery.

He smiled and said, "Isn't this very good!"

Such a good material, not to mention for the outside world, even if it is sold in the capital and Jiangnan, it will not be bad.

Cao Yin nodded and said, "It's indeed a good thing, but the cashmere needs to be greased. The process is complicated, and the cost of throwing is several times higher. The thread must be spun first, and then the loom must be specially modified. The output will not be high for the time being."

All of these were expected by Brother Nine.

But it is not enough to count on this to make money, and to strive for excellence.

He thought for a while and said, "Then divide it into two stalls. The cashmere is used to keep improving, and the wool is reduced by a few processes to make wool..."

Cao Yin has worked in weaving for more than ten years, so he is naturally well-versed in the economy.

Knowing this is a good idea.

"It's just that if we expand production and there is no shortage of labor, this material..."

Cao Yin was a little worried.

Brother Nine said: "During the first lunar month, I signed a contract with many tribes to purchase wool. They are responsible for transporting it to the capital, and then it will be transported to Jiangning with Jiangning's tribute ship."

Cao Yin nodded, with hesitation on his face.

Brother Jiu saw it, and said, "You're not an outsider, so just speak up if you have something to say?"

Cao Yin hesitated for a moment, and said: "This slave has a nephew, Cao Shun, who is already in his weaker years, and has never been out on errands. He was with this slave before, but this future is not easy to delay. It is said that Master Jiu wants to be ordered here..."

Brother Nine happily said: "Then let him come over later, he is a child of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he will run errands with the master first, and when the experience comes out, the master will fill him in..."

If he was born in a family of officials and eunuchs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs like the Cao family, and he was pushed to him, it shouldn't be too bad.

Cao Yin thanked him gratefully.

Brother Jiu really lacks people around him.

Before, I was thinking about sending someone to Changhua, fearing that the other side would bully me.

His long-term follower, Gao Bin, caught the wind and cold on the way, and was kept under the luggage by Brother Jiu when he was in Jinan.

It should still be on its way to the south.

Right now, elder brother Jiu really needs a man to watch over the bloodstone business.

Such a candidate is also suitable, and he can be regarded as a half-headed snake. No wonder Khan Ama was sent here.

When Cao Yin left, Brother Jiu mentioned this matter to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu was indeed surprised by Cao Shun's name, is this his nephew?

Isn't he Cao Yin's youngest son?
Brother Nine said: "I've heard of this person before. His name should have been changed in the past few years. It was full of name earlier, it seems to be Heda Se, who donated to the prison student..."

The Cao family is also a bad debt.

I am afraid that the days to come will not be happy.

Shu Shu was still stunned by Cao Shun's name.

Immediately she shook her head, thinking that she was thinking about it, it was obviously a novelist's words.

Brother Jiu said: "This is Cao Yin's nephew, or his heir in the early years, and later got his own son, anyway, it's a mess..."

Shu Shu slandered endlessly.

What's going on with this Yanjiu?
Isn't it necessary to check the information carefully when writing historical novels?

Why are you still putting on a hat?

It's really just a few people's names at the beginning, and the story is made up casually.

(End of this chapter)

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