My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 537 Have a message or not?

Speaking of Cao Yin and Li Xu, they feel a little bit like each other.

Both of them had difficult offspring.

But there are many nephews.

Li Xu here is a thoughtful person, he knows that the younger brothers are not easy to provoke, and he refuses to adopt him if he kills him, and only waits for his own children.

Not long after he got married, he had an eldest daughter from the first line, so it was not a problem to have children, it was just a matter of time.

Later, the eldest son was expected.

When it comes to Cao Yin, there are many twists and turns.

He used to have a full wife and concubines, but he didn't even have a pregnancy letter.

He adopted his younger brother's eldest son as his heir.

As a result, after the adoption, the stepwife gave birth to the eldest son.

"Cao Yin also has a title, and he has his own son, so he is not willing to give the family business to his nephew, it seems to be changed back..."

Brother Jiu was gossip about the Cao family with Shu Shu.

"It's a pity that the eldest son died when he was three years old. Fortunately, he has the present one. Otherwise, he would have to bring Cao Shun back..."

As for why Cao Shun still stayed in Zhizao Mansion?

That's because Mrs. Sun.

This is the grandson of the old lady.

The eldest grandson is the lifeblood of the elderly.

Reluctant to return to the capital, he stayed in Jiangning.

This was the first time Shu Shu heard of it.

Brother Jiu also thought about his own head, so he said a few more words, and said, "It can be seen that this adoption is also troublesome, and it is a hidden danger."

Shu Shu said: "Don't go on, it's a waste of time, worrying about others, it's a loss."

She didn't just talk about it, but also thought so in her heart.

With their identities, they are not afraid that no one will take care of them, so what are they going to do with that trouble?

Brother Jiu hesitated, and said: "Let's talk about it later, it's still early anyway!"

Perhaps what Khan Ama said to comfort him two days ago also made sense.

Just like Cao Yin and Li Xu, they both have the fear of dying out.

But later, after Cao Yinyao had his eldest son, he had one son and two daughters, and Li Xu also had an eldest son.

In the evening, Wei Zhu came.

"Jiuye, the emperor is going to Qiying tomorrow, and ordered all the princes to go with him."

"Did Khan Ama say anything else?" Brother Nine asked.

What clothes, bows and arrows.

Wei Zhu bowed and said: "Ming changed his riding clothes, brought his bow over, and prepared to practice shooting!"

Brother Jiu couldn't sit still.

He felt like sitting on pins and needles, thinking about whether to go to Yuqian to ask for a leave.

But thinking that I can't go so often, if there is no serious business, the trivial matters will be annoying.

He is self-aware, and he is reluctant to waste the hard-earned father-son relationship on this.

He didn't say much.

The next day, Brother Jiu changed his riding clothes and told He Yuzhu, "Bring that bow."

This is about the four-strength bow brought over by the ten princes a few days ago.

He Yuzhu took the bow, and Brother Jiu took it out.

Seeing this, Shu Shu thought that he was going to try the bow, and hurriedly reminded: "Master, put on the wrench first, don't cut off your hand!"

Brother Nine coughed lightly, and his hands didn't stop, and said in his mouth, "Looking at this Gongxuan, it seems to be loose."

Shu Shu stood up and came over, "Let me see."

Not only learning archery, but also learning how to adjust the bowstring.

Brother Jiu didn't hand the bow to her, but moved with his hands to adjust several places.

Seeing this, Shu Shu's mouth twitched. …

Brother Jiu relaxed the bowstring Xuan? !
She glanced at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "If someone has a fit and insists on playing, it's because the bow is not suitable..."

Shu Shu held back, so she didn't laugh out loud.

After tossing for a long time, I am still afraid of showing my timidity in front of people.

It's rare, Brother Jiu has always been proud of himself, and there are still times when he is not confident.

Brother Nine snorted softly, "Master also passed the Khan Amah's school examination when he was in the study. It's not that he didn't get used to it for more than half a year, so he gave birth..."

Having said that, he even raised his respect for himself, saying: "No wonder you say 'Renrouxiang is a hero's tomb', Lord Yin was also the one who got up to study in the early days!"

Let alone Yinchu now, even Maochu can't get up.

Shu Shu couldn't help it, she gave Brother Jiu a glance, and said, "It's all my fault, did I drag you down?"

Brother Nine felt obedient, and hurriedly said: "Isn't this thinking that husband and wife are one body, and both will be prosperous together? If I still dance alone, I will lose my face alone, and now I still have your face..."

Shu Shu said, "Okay, I got it, it's all for my own good."

Love fell from the sky!
How can it be?

For Brother Jiu's self-esteem, pamper me!
As the princes followed the emperor to the banner camp, the palace became quiet.

Shu Shu went to the Queen Mother to greet her in the morning, and then came back to rest.

I haven't been idle for the past few days, and I'm a little tired.

After a while, Jiugege came.

Shu Shu welcomed her in, and asked curiously: "Didn't the emperor's grandmother call a nun to speak well?"

She was tired, so she was impatient to accompany her, and came back after apologizing.

Jiugege smiled and said: "The imperial grandmother said it was not suitable for boudoir girls to listen to, so she sent me out."

Shu Shu thinks about it too, the so-called good teachings of Buddhism are nothing but karma.

It's about women again, either the husband and wife are jealous, or the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are against each other.

Anyway, it is not a good story that involves cause and effect.

There is also no lack of marriage accounts of men and women, and it is really not suitable for unmarried girls to listen to.

"Are there girls picking tea in the tea garden? Just like the 'Nv Er Xiang' mentioned in the notes of the previous court?"

Jiu Gege asked curiously.

Xiaochun served tea.

Shu Shu was holding the tea and was about to drink it. After hearing Jiugege's words, she looked at the tea soup and put it down.

"Don't mention this, it's disgusting, it's just that those full-fledged literati without virtue are after this..."

She hates it so much.

The so-called "daughter fragrance" refers to the young buds picked by unmarried girls and held in their mouths.

Hearing what Shu Shu said, Jiu Gege covered his mouth with a handkerchief, feeling sick.

Shu Shu said: "There are men, women and children picking tea in the tea garden, but the rules in the south are different from those in the capital. Women stay quiet before leaving the pavilion, and when they leave the pavilion, they become little daughters-in-law, so they are less taboo. Ordinary people's families, and slightly better official and gentry families, all women have to bind their feet when they are young, so they are not suitable for work."

Since leaving Beijing, the dragon boat team has gone through several provinces.

When officials from various provinces and provinces came to court, many imperial orders also came to pay their respects to the Queen Mother.

Jiugege has seen some of them, and thinking of those ladies with lonely feet, she frowned and said, "Didn't you say 'the body, hair and skin are the parents', the foot binding looks scary, and it's not good for the body, why not?" People say this?"...

Shu Shu remembered the pair of shoes that Brother Jiu bought in Wanbao Pavilion.

Whether bound feet or high-heeled shoes of later generations, they have roughly the same meaning.

She's not judgmental either.

It is not objective enough to say that the rules are set by men.

Because women are more dependent on men.

They abide by the rules, or actively increase the rules, just to survive better.

It can't be wrong, this is also their way of seeking a better life.

Shu Shu opened the conversation and said, "I brought this tea back yesterday. Yesterday I ate snacks made of tea leaves, including glutinous rice dumplings and tea shortbread."

After hearing this, Jiu Gege felt longing.

Seeing this, Shu Shu told Xiaochun: "Look who is outside, send someone to find a tea shop in Yujie, ask for refreshments, and buy a few of each..."

Xiaochun agreed and went out to find someone.

After a while, she came back and said: "Fu Jin, Master Jiu left someone outside, it's not Sun Jin, it seems to be that Cao Zhizao's nephew."

Now people are outside, waiting to greet Shu Shu.

Shu Shu was also curious about this part, so she asked Xiaochun to bring someone in.

Cao Shun was a tall and tall young man, and when he came in, he gave them a thousand blows and said, "Slave Cao Shun, I have met Master Fujin, I have seen Jiugege..."

It turned out that brother Jiu met Cao Shun when he went out in the morning, and left him here to take care of errands.

This is to worry about the inconvenience of only leaving Sun Jin alone.

This is not the capital.

Shu Shu nodded his head and said, "Get up!"

She sized up Cao Shun, and if it corresponds to "Dream of Red Mansions", this one is the prototype of Jia She.

Now the eyes look at the nose, the nose looks at the mouth, well-behaved, and he looks like a big family.

Shu Shu said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, I have to pick out the clean ones."

Cao Shun respectfully agreed, and retreated with Xiao Chun.

Jiu Gege was puzzled and said, "Why did Cao Zhizao's nephew come to Hangzhou and run errands for Brother Jiu?"

Shu Shu said: "Yesterday, when Cao Zhizao came to court, he knew that your ninth brother had an errand on hand, so he recommended his nephew to come. Your ninth brother will keep running errands first, and then send him to do the errand after shopping."

Brother Jiu was not in a hurry to send people to Changhua.

The stone is placed there, and I am not afraid of delaying the ten days and a half months.

On the other hand, Brother Nine still has an errand to help the female relatives do the shopping.

The Cao family is the local snake in the south of the Yangtze River, so it is just right to leave it to Cao Shun.

Jiu Gege heard this, and said with a heartbeat: "Hang Fan is famous, and seeing the weather is getting hotter, I want to buy some to share with everyone..."

Shu Shu said: "It's very convenient. You draw up a list of what you want to buy, and let Cao Shun buy it later."

Jiugege said: "Although Cao's family is not in Beijing, I have heard people mention it all the time. They are a respectable family in the House of Internal Affairs. When I chose to study as a companion, I heard people talk about their family."

Unfortunately, the Cao family didn't have a suitable girl.

Cao Yin has a niece, but she is a concubine.

Although this princess's companionship is not as good as the prince's companionship, it is a bright future, but for a girl, being able to enter the palace to be educated for a few years is also a very respectable thing.

Only then did Shu Shu realize that she knew too little about the princess.

I have never noticed before that there are such a group of people in the palace.

"Why haven't I seen it in the palace?"

After Shu Shu asked, she almost guessed it.

What else could there be?
Men and women are different.

Jiugege said, "They didn't study with the palace for a long time. They were selected when they were just keeping their heads, and they were released before they reached the age. It took only four or five years..."

"What about my sister's companion reading?"

Shushu said.

With melancholy on Jiugege's face, he said, "They're all going out. I have two companions in total, and they both gave makeup gifts. One was from the year before last, and the other was from the year before the senior year."

Usually, the princess companions are two or three years older than the princess, for fear that the same age will not know how to be humble.

Shu Shu said. "About the candidate for the forehead, has the emperor's grandmother got any news?"


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