Jiugege's face was not as casual as usual, it was slightly red, and he said in a low voice: "Grandmother said, it should still be at Tong's house."

Shu Shu wasn't too surprised, and roughly guessed who the candidate was.

Although the Tong family has not reached the "Tong Banchao" at the moment, it has a large number of clansmen, and several branches have inherited titles and prosperous descendants.

To be honest, they are all offshoots or tribesmen.

The real closest cousin is Tong Yangzhen, the grandfather of Empress Xiaokangzhang.

Tong Yangzhen had three sons in total, the eldest son was executed by Daming together with his father, and passed down to Liaodong.

However, the eldest son still has his son left, and together with the third son, they are in the Zhenglan Banner of the Han Army.

The second room is the house of Kangxi's grandfather. In the eighth year of Kangxi, after the emperor came to power, Jia'en's mother's family carried the yellow flag inlaid with the Han army.

Then in the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi, Tong Guogang asked for an order to change it to Manchuria and carry it to Manchuria with a yellow flag.

The princess descended, and also the Ga-eun mother clan.

If grace is added to the side branch, it is meaningless.

This candidate is the one that Shu Shu and Nine Brothers mentioned before, the eldest son of Erlundai, the first-class public and lost minister, Buxi.

Now Buxi has not made up errands.

Because Bu Xi is only fifteen this year, not yet a grown-up, according to current regulations, he will not be able to make up errands until next year.

This is two years younger than Jiugege in age.

Not necessarily a bad thing.

Shu Shu took Jiu Gege's hand and said, "Congratulations, sister, it will be convenient for you to stay in the capital and return to the palace..."

Jiugege followed the southern tour for a round, and it can be regarded as seeing how big the world is.

Thinking of those aunts, aunts, and sisters who married far away, it would be better if they married closer to the capital, but if they were farther away, they might never have the chance to return to Beijing for the rest of their lives.

She is so lucky to be able to stay in Beijing.

It would be too dissatisfying to pick on others.

She pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Jiu, I want to ask Brother Jiu to see if he can build a princess mansion for me in the Beiguanfang."

Since she wants to stay in Beijing, the princess has the princess mansion.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Then ask, since there is no place to choose, there is still room for choice."

There are many official houses in the House of Internal Affairs in the city, whether it is the prince's mansion or the princess' mansion, all of them must be built or rebuilt in one of them.

Jiu Gege felt much relieved, and said: "Sister-in-law Jiu don't think I'm bothering you then."

Shu Shu said: "It's just right, when the time comes, call the fourth sister-in-law and the tenth sibling, and we can play cards..."

This time back to Beijing, mahjong can be freed up.

After a short while, Cao Shun came back to his order and bought eight refreshments.

Each is several kilograms.

Shu Shu then sent Xiao Chun to the Queen Mother to give most of it.

The female relatives of the palace are all at the Empress Dowager's place today.

When Xiaochun came back, there were footsteps outside.

Sanfujin, Wufujin and Shifujin also followed.

It turned out that the nun had already left.

The Queen Mother and the others set up the poker table and started playing leaf cards.

There are palace people around to serve, so I sent a few small crickets to bury them.

"Come here in time for dinner, I want to see what good food you guys eat!"

Sanfujin joked with a smile.

This ten days, with Concubine Rong's emotional stability, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not so tense, and she is also in the mood to talk and laugh.

It's as if Shu Shu didn't give her face before, but she doesn't hold any grudges. …

Shu Shu smiled and said: "But here we come, I just sent a reward to the dining room of the palace, and I want to order a few dishes..."

As she said that, she told Xiao Chun: "Send someone to tell the dining room, just return the other ones, and I need to add a few more bowls of dessert."

Sanfujin asked curiously: "The food you found in the book again? It's also reading, why are you not focused on learning, but on eating and drinking?"

Shu Shu got up, served tea to the two sister-in-laws, and said with a smile, "In life, eat and drink."

This eating and drinking is the most fundamental.

Sanfujin shook his head and said, "It's all nonsense."

Wu Fujin sat at the head of Sanfujin, just smiled and listened, not talking much.

Shu Shu brought the tea over and said, "That dim sum is just right for Fifth Sister-in-law right now."

Candle buried together for a few days, generally know what's going on.

Wu Fujin's childhood was connected with her.

Wu Fujin heard this, but couldn't guess it for a moment.

Ten Fujin was beside him, and asked with a smile: "Sister-in-law Nine, don't you want to add more to the dishes? Don't have enough food, I might eat it!"

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, when your ninth sister came, I already asked someone to join me."

After a short time, the steward of the dining room of the palace brought people over to deliver meals.

In addition to a few sample dishes, Shu Shu ordered brown sugar glutinous rice chicken, brown sugar fried pork, brown sugar osmanthus yam, brown sugar fermented glutinous rice eggs.

Four kinds of brown sugar dishes, plus brown sugar steamed buns, brown sugar rice cakes, two staple foods.

They are all women, except for Shi Fujin who was brought up by Abahai, the others naturally know what they do.

Sanfujin was surprised: "I never thought that this piece of meat can be fried with brown sugar. What kind of taste does it have?"

Looking at these, Shi Fujin thought they were bright red and very pretty, and urged everyone, "Sisters-in-law, move your chopsticks!"

Women are mostly sweet, and the few in front of them are no exception.

Even Sanfujin, who just thought the brown sugar sliced ​​meat was weird, didn't eat less when it was time to put down his chopsticks.

Although it is sweet, the main taste is still salty, which is even more fresh.

Among the dishes prepared by the Xinggong Dining Room, many people didn't touch their chopsticks, and everyone ate a few more mouthfuls of a pickled vegetable tofu, and used the pickled vegetables to relieve the greasyness of the new dish.

When he put down his chopsticks, Sanfujin felt a little satisfied, and said, "I didn't expect that brown sugar can be eaten in this way. On weekdays, I also cook ginger tea with brown sugar, which is like drinking medicine. Others are fine, glutinous rice chicken, Rice cakes are two things, they should be good to eat on weekdays..."

I don't know if it's a genetic problem, but the banner people in the capital love to eat sticky pasta.

Old yellow rice noodles, glutinous rice noodles, as long as it is sticky food, I like to eat it.

But the way of eating is relatively simple, sticking pastry or directly sticking rice.

Now that he saw the fresh way of eating, Sanfujin also wanted to write down these two things.

They are all extremely simple recipes, and you can know the general method after eating them, so you don't need to ask.

The aunt and sister-in-law said a few gossips, and they left.

This is compassionate.

After all, Shu Shu took leave today because she was not feeling well, so she did not serve the Queen Mother.

Now that the sky is long, Shu Shu changed her clothes, lay down on the Luohan couch, and took a nap.

When she opened her eyes again, Brother Nine was already sitting beside the Arhat couch, drinking water from a teacup. …

Looks really thirsty.

Seeing Brother Jiu's appearance, he was very calm, so Shu Shu didn't rush to ask, sat up and looked at him with a smile.

After Brother Jiu put down his teacup, Shu Shu asked, "How is it? Is there any difference between the Eight Banners and the Beijing Banners?"

Brother Jiu felt that his throat was dry again, and he drank two more sips of tea before saying: "The drill is better than those in the capital, and the morale is also good, but the food in Qiying is not very good. Today is stewed pork with pickled vegetables, beat me to death." Selling salt!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu said, "The emperor has taken you to a big pot of rice?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Yes, originally the military officer here prepared meals, but Han Ama was afraid that they would deduct the military salary, so he took us to the kitchen in the camp."

"Although it's salty, it's justifiable. I practice a lot now, and I sweat a lot every day. I eat more salt and I feel energetic."

"What about today's performance?"

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Shu Shu knew that it should be good, so there was no need to avoid it.

Brother Nine proudly said: "Today Khan Ama performed the shooting in person. It was very majestic. You didn't see that Khan Ama not only shot with a strong bow, but was also arrogant on horseback. Those people were dumbfounded." It's..."

Having said that, he described the situation today vividly.

This is what happened today.

There are two rounds in total.

The first round is a rifle shot.

Kangxi personally led the princes to shoot.

Fifteen is good at shooting hard bows.

The officers and men of the Eight Banners garrisoned in Hangzhou were divided into infantry and cavalry shooting.

In the second round, Kangxi led the princes and fifteen guards to ride and shoot.

"The first arrow hit, but the second arrow didn't go well. The mount ran off and went to the left. Seeing that it was far away from the target, Khan Ama stood on the horse, changed his left hand, and hit it directly. Then he turned over and landed on the saddle, but the cow was so angry that everyone knelt down and shouted, "The emperor is mighty..."

Brother Nine was beaming with joy.

Listening to this scene, Shu Shu felt magnificent.

Brother Jiu was proud, and said a little uncomfortable: "Why don't you ask Master if he ejaculated?"

Shu Shu smiled and glanced at the bow beside her, but didn't answer.

Ninth elder brother pulled his head and said sadly, "Today Han Ama ordered third brother, eighth brother and thirteen..."

These three performed really well.

"Brother and Thirteen are fine, but they are more brilliant than ordinary people. Third Brother is in the limelight today. With an eleven-strength bow, he almost shot through the target. He was also on the boat with the teachers and students of the government school yesterday. In one place, everyone now praises him for being both civil and military..."

At the end, Brother Jiu slipped sourly and said: "What is this, if Big Brother goes up with Seventh Brother, he will just annihilate everyone."

Shu Shu could sense that he was in a bad mood, and comforted him: "Everyone has their strengths, isn't there an old saying, 'A dragon has nine sons, each one is different?"

Brother Jiu slapped his face and said: "Don't comfort me, I still don't live up to my expectations. I was lazy and slippery when I was a child, so I can't always hide. Now the clan has to ride and shoot. In the future, maybe Khan and Ama will be Clan Exam, Lord, pick it up!"

Like today, other brothers rushed to ride and shoot with Khan Ama first, but he was the only one who was anxious and wanted to hide behind, which was not a good feeling.

He didn't want to go through the second time.

Seeing that he was ashamed, Shu Shu encouraged him: "That's fine, don't show your shortcomings to the public, I will accompany you to practice hard when you return to Beijing, and when you take the next exam, you will be a blockbuster again!"

These words were spoken from the heart of Brother Nine.

With a fighting spirit on his face, he nodded and said: "I think so too, the same brothers, if I don't believe that they can do it, I can't do it!"

It's embarrassing enough to be worse than his younger brothers now, and the next generation of nephews can't get up and treat him as a trash snack.

Although Brother Nine talks eloquently in front of the imperial court and is proud of his economics, he also knows that in the eyes of the world, it is a small way.

Not only did he not want to embarrass Shushu, he also didn't want future children to be ashamed.


Counted today, counting the rest of today, there are six changes in total, one chapter is the leader of the "Key Passenger Waiting Area" plus changes, four chapters are one after another, and one chapter is the end of this chapter , keep the accounts first, the heating comes on, Xiao Jiu adjusts his schedule and makes up slowly.

Then the accounts are clear, can I ask my fathers for a monthly pass, lol!

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