On the next day, it was still Zhejiang civil and military ministers, gentry and common people who gathered outside the palace to kneel down and leave the holy car, but this time, Kangxi did not agree.

The next day, March [-], Kangxi returned to Luan with the Empress Dowager.

Government orders were issued one by one.

Kangxi was sympathetic to the officials and people in the south of the Yangtze River, and he ordered the Ministry of Officials to pick up the officials along the way. It is very hardworking. If they miss the job, pay a fine, reduce their salary, or degrade and dismiss them and stay in their posts, they will find out and forgive them.

He also ordered the Ministry of Household Affairs to exempt the Zhejiang people from owed silver and miscellaneous taxes for [-], [-], and [-] years.

He also ordered the Ministry of Punishment to grant an amnesty to Zhejiang, except for heinous crimes and official corruption, other crimes below death shall be pardoned.

He also ordered the Ministry of Rites, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, which are famous for their humanities, to add five Confucian scholars to the universities, middle schools, and primary schools of the prefectural schools.

He also ordered the Ministry of War, the officers and soldiers of the Manchurian Han Army in Hangzhou to be good at riding and shooting, and proficient in Manchu, all of which were trained by General Zha Muyang.

This time the boat was going faster.

It took two days to arrive in Suzhou Mansion.

The entourage and others are still living in Suzhou Weaving Mansion.

Brother Jiu also went to Songjiang Mansion with other princes and elder brothers.

Shu Shu didn't have time to go out for a stroll.

There is no mood to look forward to the trip to Jiangning.

She has trouble sleeping and eating.

In April, it was Jue Luo's birth date.

Even if you know it's so far away, it's useless to worry, but the most uncontrollable thing in this world is your mood.

Seeing him, Xiao Chun asked, "How about Fujin going out to worship the Buddha?"

There are many ancient temples here in Suzhou. Going in and paying homage will calm your mind.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I won't go."

She looked in the direction of the capital, feeling somewhat regretful.

Compared with going out to see the world, being with Ernie when she needs it is what she should do most.

Xu is a tacit understanding.

In the Capital City Mansion, the Jue Luo family was also mentioning Shu Shu to Mrs. Uncle.

"The prince's mansion is halfway under construction. Fu Song said that it will be almost finished around the Dragon Boat Festival. It is impossible to say that Shu Shu will really be able to move out before the end of the year..."

At that time, walking around during the holidays can become more frequent.

Even if it's not easy for the girl to go back to her mother's house often, it's not the same as living in the palace. It's more convenient to visit here by herself.

Mrs. Uncle also smiled and said: "Although when the time comes to live at home, there will be no elders to worry about, but you have to learn to be in charge of the house slowly, so that's good."

They are also daughter-in-laws and have experienced getting along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, most of them are far away and near smelly.

If Shu Shu lived in the palace all the time and was too close to her mother-in-law, she would easily feel disgusted.

Cricket buried both of them tacitly did not mention uncle.

Jue Luo looked at his stomach: "Fortunately, the imperial doctor said, it's probably a boy, if there is another Ge Ge, he will have to cut the flesh again in the future."

According to the doctor, it's probably another kid this time.

Mrs. Uncle was quiet for a while before she said, "If you're a boy, your nickname should be Ergege."

Jue Luoshi was stunned, looked at Mrs. Uncle and said, "Sister-in-law, this..."

Mrs. Uncle looked at her, and said seriously. "Listen to me this time, so as to save trouble..."

This is to prevent the uncle from making any "dying wishes" or direct "last words". …

Feeling that Luo Shi is kind, he knows that such words are the solution to future troubles, but the premise is that Mrs. Uncle must cover up Uncle's news, and "pointing at a deer as a horse".

In that case, wouldn't it all fall on my sister-in-law?
Mrs. Bo sneered and said: "If the clan is not fair, just come and beat me. As for Xindali, I'm not afraid of him alive, and I don't care if he complains about me when he dies? If he really has the nerve to blame me, I'll go underground Shake your head off with him again..."

Before the words were finished, the boy next door came over.

It turns out that the uncle is not feeling well and wants to ask his wife to go back.

Jue Luo raised his eyebrows, couldn't see, and said, "What are you doing, keeping my sister-in-law by your side all day long?"

Mrs. Uncle patted her hand and comforted her, "Don't worry..."

It will take ten days or so.

He is a coward, and he is afraid.

Next door, the uncle was sitting on the south kang, leaning on the window sill, with annoyed expression on his face: "Madam, why haven't you come back yet, send someone to invite you!"

The butler had no choice but to call the servant to run errands again.

Fortunately, there was movement in the yard outside at this time, and Mrs. Uncle came back.

The uncle looked at her anxiously, and said, "Is there any movement from my brother and sister?"

Mrs. Uncle smiled and said, "Master, don't worry, it should only be a few days."

Uncle heard this, and a strange brilliance flashed in his eyes: "Okay, okay, the second child is amazing, not only supporting Dong E's family by himself, but also this wife is a good wife, with prosperous children, worthy of the ancestors!"

Mrs. Bo cast a glance at him.

Uncle has already babbled about the past again, it was nothing more than his grandfather's favor when he was young, and Er Nie's partiality.

It seemed that the happiest and happiest days of his life were those carefree childhood.

Mrs. Uncle didn't hate him, but just listened quietly.

After a while, the uncle said: "If you don't marry me in the next life, then who will you marry?"

Mrs. Uncle said, "Perhaps it is according to the routine. The man who races the horse will give birth to a few strong cubs like wild wolves."

"Cough cough cough..."

The uncle didn't expect this answer, and he coughed until tears came out.

"So you're still blaming me..."

Mrs. Uncle looked into his eyes and said: "Back then you and I were married for three years, and there was no pregnancy letter. The imperial doctor had seen it. If you were not with me, what did you say at that time?"

The uncle murmured: "I said at the time that if you want to remarry, I will not stop it; if you stay, then I will treat you well in this life, and I can adopt the children of my younger brothers in the future."

As a result, he didn't do a single word.

There was a sneer at the corner of Mrs. Uncle's mouth, but she took it seriously at the time.

Seek medical advice for him, and go down with bowls of medicine soup.

My body was going to be eaten up, and I tried to get up twice, but I couldn't sit still.

Sure enough, things in this world cannot be forced.

The uncle sighed and said, "I'm not defending myself, I made a mistake, but there's nothing I can do if I make the same mistake again and again. The blood is too precious. At that time, the second brother and the younger sister-in-law hadn't gotten comfortable yet. There is no one son and a half daughter in the two rooms."

At the end, he was choked up.

Mrs. Uncle was impatient to hear this, and said, "Since Uncle knows it's inappropriate, why don't you do it? You are also an older brother, an uncle..."...

This is already a matter of clearly discouraging passing the heir.

Uncle sighed again, "I only have this one unfulfilled wish now."

Mrs. Uncle's eyes also turned cold.

She didn't say anything else, because she was afraid that if he failed at one plan, he would make a living again, and then create another disgusting person.

She felt that she was also cold-hearted, and she actually hoped that he would close his eyes sooner.

It's just that she never took the initiative to do anything.

Now that he is like this, she doesn't want to let him torment.

It doesn't make sense that people who are wrong will not be punished and can be willful and self-willed for a lifetime, but those who are right will be bullied and made things difficult again and again.

In a blink of an eye, a few more days passed.

Uncle's days are almost the same every day. He gathers Mrs. Uncle by his side and looks at the pomegranate tree outside every day.

Mrs. Uncle does not serve her personally, but the loyal old housekeeper does it herself.

On this day, Uncle noticed a change in the pomegranate tree.

The tender green leaves of the pomegranate tree were curled up, looking like they were withered.

Uncle stared blankly, his face turned disastrous.

After a while, he asked the butler beside him, "Is it going to die too?"

The old butler saw that the uncle looked like a skeleton, not a human, not a ghost, and wanted to kneel down and beg him to just go like this, and stop suffering.

But what he said was still soft: "It should be because of the lack of rain, the old slave immediately asked someone to water it."

Buckets of water were poured down, but the dead leaves of the pomegranate tree did not ease.

The uncle looked at him, feeling hopeless, and muttered to himself: "Is it possible that my days are only a few days away..."

He couldn't close his eyes all night, and his mind was sometimes confused and sometimes sober.

His attention was already on the pomegranate tree.

Seeing that the pomegranate tree was not relieved and started to drop leaves, he told the housekeeper, "Leave the branches and let it live."

The butler listened to him, and broke off a few strong pairs of branches in the shade of the pomegranate tree, and inserted them into flower pots.

Uncle felt at ease now, staring at the pomegranate branch in the flower pot, expecting it to take root and sprout.

On this day, when he opened his eyes, he found that there was no one else in the room, only Xi Zhu standing beside the flowerpot.

His eyes widened, he looked at Xi Zhu, and said, "What are you doing?"

He looked so ferocious that Xi Zhu jumped up: "Ama, son."

The uncle's eyes widened, and he scolded: "Say, what are you holding in your hand?"

Xi Zhu looked down at his hand, his eyes wandered, and said, "This is a kettle, son... my son is watering the flowers."

The uncle cursed: "You bastard, you're not watering the flowers, you're scalding them, and you're going to kill them!"

Xizhu's face turned pale with shock, and he couldn't help hiding the kettle behind his back, saying, "No son, no son..."

With such a big commotion, the lady uncle in the inner room and the butler in the outer room were all alarmed, and they all came over.

Seeing the butler come in, the uncle hurriedly said: "There is something wrong with that water, there is something wrong with that water! Go and have a look, it's boiling water!"

The butler listened with a solemn expression, and went forward to get the kettle in Xi Zhu's hand.

Xizhu didn't want to give it, but was snatched away by the housekeeper.

But when I touched the body of the pot, the kettle was cold, not boiling water as my uncle guessed.

But Xi Zhu's appearance, his teeth are chattering, it's obvious that he has a guilty conscience...

The old butler opened the kettle, looked at the water in it, hesitated for a moment, dipped his hand in it, and put it to his mouth to lick it.

The old butler looked at Xizhu, speechless.

The uncle looked at the old housekeeper and said, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the water?"

The old housekeeper said slowly, "This is a pot of salt water..."

The uncle was so angry that his eyes were red, he pointed at Xi Zhu and said, "You are expecting me to die early..."

Xizhu couldn't stand still, knelt down with a "plop", choked up and said, "Ama, please, don't let your step-child... woo... If you pass by a younger brother, there will be no place for a son in this family... ..."


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