Uncle looked straight at Xizhu, and said viciously: "This is not your home, you shouldn't be here..."

Having said that, he suddenly looked dazed, looked at Xizhu several times, looked at the butler and said, "Do you think he has a square face?"

Xing Quan, the ex-husband of Xi Zhu's biological mother Zhao Shi, has a square face.

This is suspicious of Xi Zhu's bloodline.

The housekeeper's eyes widened, and he also looked at Xizhu carefully.

He would rather that it wasn't his uncle's seed than believe that this little bastard "killed his father".

But no.

Xizhu is as thin as uncle, with a long face, while Xiao's mother is more.

The uncle didn't want the housekeeper to answer either, his eyes fell on one side of Xizhu's face, and his face was dreamy: "He still has a horse tie, and Xing Quan also has a horse tie..."

The old housekeeper hurriedly said: "No, no, you grew up with him, don't you know if there is Xing kid?"

The uncle looked ferocious, and said: "He has it, and Xing Quan has a horse tie!"

The old butler was over sixty years old, and he was sure of what his uncle said, but he was a little unsure of his memory.

In addition, since Xing Quan left, he hasn't seen him for more than ten years.

He thought about it carefully, then shook his head and said, "The old servant remembers clearly, he didn't..."

He was more than ten years older than his uncle, and he worked in front of his uncle when he was in his twenties, when his uncle was only in his teens.

Xing Quan is Uncle's baby brother and his servant.

The old butler watched the two of them grow up.

The uncle smiled a little coldly, and said: "I have a horse-holding post. Er Nie said it was a sign of a nobleman, and I will be appointed as a marquis and a minister in the future, but it is difficult for me to get on the horse... Xing Quan also has this, I cried. The nanny tied Xing Quan's horse-hitting post with a thread..."

The so-called "horse tethering posts" are small fleshy bumps on the front of the ears.

This is tied with a thread, and if the blood does not go away, the upper part will be necrotic.

The old housekeeper widened his eyes in shock.

Mrs. Uncle looked at Uncle Uncle, but was also speechless.

The atmosphere solidified.

When Mrs. Zhao came in with a big belly, there were some things she couldn't explain clearly.

It's not that no one in the clan criticizes the bloodline.

After all, it is an outer room, not a normal concubine in the mansion.

No one said anything until Xizhu fell to the ground and grew a horse-holding post like Uncle's.

Mrs. Uncle said angrily: "How can you be worthy of the ancestors of Dong E's family?!"

Knowing that his lineage was in doubt, he was regarded as the heir.

Even if Zhao's murder came out, he still couldn't forget to transfer more private property to his son.

Uncle's face was flushed, his eyes were blurred, his smile was uglier than crying, and he said, "Isn't it alright to deceive yourself and others?"

Mrs. Uncle felt sick.

What is this thing, for the sake of his face, let a child of unknown blood pressure on the head of his nephews, dare to climb up to Gege of the county palace!
Xi Zhu was already dumbfounded, and quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, Ahma is not, my aunt made it clear that Xing Quan was not in the capital at that time, but in Baoding..."

The uncle looked at him with serious eyes, and said, "Your aunt paid six hundred taels of silver to buy Wen Po, who was delivering the baby, and let Wen Po say that you were born full-term and weak, and it was only because of me..."

Xi Zhu was terrified and speechless.

Madam Uncle didn't even look at Uncle Uncle, she only looked at the pomegranate tree, and said calmly, "It's finally dead, after so many years, when Mrs. Zhao came in, I should have chopped it down!"...

Uncle looked outside stupidly.

It is windy in spring, and the eyes were green a few days ago, but now the branches are bare.

Only some sparse withered and yellow leaves are still swaying in the wind.

Uncle's face turned redder, and his eyes became more watery.

He turned his head, looked at the flower pot in hand, moved to reach it, grabbed the pomegranate branch, and lifted it up.

Under the branches, there is no sign of sprouting, but black and rotten.

This pomegranate branch was also quite dead.


The uncle spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body straightened and crooked.

The old housekeeper hugged him hurriedly, but his body was lifted, and he felt dead.

Seeing this, Xi Zhu froze with fright.

It was Mrs. Uncle who saw that the old housekeeper was about to be brought down, so she got up and came to help.

But when she helped Uncle back to the kang, her expression froze.

Uncle's eyes were staring like statues.

Enduring his grief, the old housekeeper put his hand under the uncle's nose, and he sobbed for a while.

Mrs. Uncle lowered her eyes, touched the Buddhist beads in her hands, she was neither sad nor happy.

"Ama, Ama... woo woo... How can I live..."

Xizhu walked to the edge of the kang on his knees, howling Tao cried loudly and wanted to throw himself on the uncle.

The old butler kicked it away, and said, "Unfilial little bastard, get out!"

Even if the blood is not true, the kindness of nurturing for more than ten years is real.

In the end, this little beast, like his aunt, is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!
Uncle's funeral has been prepared long ago.

Mrs. Uncle got up, sent someone to deliver a letter to the next door, and started to manage in an orderly manner.

Sundari is an earl, and there are rules for what happens after his death.

Moreover, his funeral must be reported to the clan mansion and the Ministry of Rites.

On the tenth day of April, the day Sheng Jia arrived at Jiangning Mansion, Brother Jiu got the news that the second class Bo Xindali had died of illness.

He hurried to the imperial court, looking for the booklet from the Ministry of Rites.

In the end, there was only one sentence. On the sixth day of this month, Shen Chu died of illness in Bo's house. Duo Luoge asked about the funeral.

This is a common practice. If a noble is mourned, if he has contributed to the country, he must be given a "posthumous title", and if he goes up, he will be carried to the funeral, or given the Dharani Sutra and quilt.

However, those who did not come out to work like Uncle, most of them would attend funerals according to the rules.

The excerpt has been approved by Zhu, and it really is "according to the rules".

Brother Jiu wanted to go to Yuqian and tell the emperor about Dong E's family's title inheritance. After hesitating for a while, he went to Dongkuayuan guest courtyard to find his wife.

Regarding the Yue family, it is better to listen to his wife's opinion.

Shu Shu was sitting in front of the dressing table, letting Xiao Chun put her hair on.

Today at the Jiangning Wharf, not only Jiangsu officials and people greeted them, but also the imperial wives of Jiangsu gathered to welcome the Empress Dowager and other royal family members.

Shu Shu and other prince Fujin also changed into prince Fujin's auspicious clothes as a background board.

Before leaving the capital, Shu Shu was looking forward to coming to Jiangning Weaving Mansion.

When you come here, you won't feel it.

But today is also a witness to history.

That is, when Shengjia arrived outside Zhizao Mansion in Jiangning, Mrs. Sun brought her daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter to kneel outside Zhizao Mansion to welcome Shengjia.

Kangxi personally helped the old lady up, followed the attendants and said to the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the province: "This is my old man!"...

Both the Cao family and the Sun family are extremely respectable.

Shu Shu thought about the children behind Sun, the boy was about ten years old, and the girl was eight or nine years old.

Needless to say, the boy is Cao Yin's only son, Cao Time, and the girl is the future Pingjun Wang Fujin.

Cao Yin now has a son and two daughters under his knees, the youngest one should be still young, so he didn't accompany the elders to pick him up.

The Jiangning Weaving Mansion is said to be a government office, but two generations of the Cao family have lived here for more than [-] years, so it is more like a private residence.

In order to welcome the driver, it has been renovated.

The guest house that Shu Shu and the others set up also had newly replaced window screens, and the blue bricks on the ground were also new.

This is really the beginning.

In the future, Kangxi's fourth, fifth, and sixth southern tours will be accompanied by the Cao family.

But how could there be such a big deficit?
If we only repair Zhizaofu and make it a palace, two to thirty thousand taels of silver will top the sky.

She was wondering when she heard hurried and familiar footsteps outside.

Shu Shu has been worrying about Jue Luo these days, so she can't help being concerned, so she immediately stood up, went out to meet her, and asked with concern: "Is it Ama's letter?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's not a letter from the family, it's a booklet from the Ministry of Rites, uncle has gone!"

Shu Shu was startled, and when she realized it, her mood was extremely complicated.

It would be a lie to say that she is not sad, after all, she is an elder who has been loving for many years.

If it's too sad, it's fake, after all, since the beginning of February, he has known that he is procrastinating.

Brother Nine was a little worried, so he dragged her to sit beside the couch of Arhat.

Seeing the red circles under her eyes, she could only sigh and say, "My condolences will change."

Shu Shu nodded slightly, and said, "I'm fine."

As a niece and son-in-law, brother Jiu didn't feel it at all.

They are not clan relatives, and they have never dealt with them before, so they have no friendship at all.

"What will father-in-law do about the title?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "Do nothing!"

No matter what, let's fight at this time, the food is too ugly.

Seeing Brother Jiu sitting comfortably, Shu Shu said: "Master, do you know how the female family members in the palace wear mourning for their mother's family?"

In Manchuria, mourning clothes are light, and married women are even lighter.

When you get to your grandson, you don't have to kneel down.

This has something to do with their custom of "respecting and not being intimate" to outsiders.

Now on the southern tour, there are so many elders above.

Shu Shu is just a junior, so she can't wear this mourning dress casually.

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "I never paid attention to this..."

Speaking of this, he also understood Shu Shu's difficulty, got up and said, "Master, go ask Hui'eniang..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "I'm sorry to bother you."

As a royal wife, Shu Shu must respect the rules of the palace.

But after Brother Jiu left, she still took off her jewelry and changed her robe into a plain color.

Xiaochun, Xiaosong and others also changed their attire.

Concubine Hui came back to rest after following the Queen Mother's orders.

Hearing that elder brother Jiu was coming to see her, she sat up and immediately called in.


Ninth elder brother greeted you, and then explained the purpose of coming. "My son, Fujin, is suffering, but he didn't dare to make a mistake in the rules, so he took the initiative to invite Ying to find his concubine..."

No matter what time it is, the death of a letter is embarrassing.

Especially people of her generation.

Concubine Hui thought for a while, and said: "You Fujin is a married woman, not a member of Dong E's family. This is just an uncle, and it's one level away. You don't need to wear white clothes. You can wear plain clothes for a month or so..."

The clothes of the Manchus are light, and the clothes of married women are even lighter.

Brother Nine heard this, frowned and said: "Is it too light? How about serving a hundred days for sister-in-law first?"

Talking about the distance, that's my uncle over there.

Concubine Hui sighed: "This has been the rule since ancient times. The filial piety of the mother-in-law's family is more important than the filial piety of the mother's family. Not only Manchuria, but also the Han people have more rules, and this is also the case..."

"Where is the son here?"

Brother Jiu asked.

Concubine Hui shook her head and said, "If you go to a funeral, you wear your belt, if you go out, you get rid of your filial piety, and if you don't go to a funeral, you have no clothes."

If it was the father-in-law who died, it would only be a month at most.

That is also the rule outside. Here in the royal family, it is said that it is a rule, but in fact it is the most unruly.

Brother Jiu got the letter, nodded and said: "The son has made a note of it, and later, wait for his son Fujin to serve, and then kowtow to the concubine."

Concubine Hui waved her hand and said: "It's just a few words, what's the point, go, go, and stay with you, Fujin, no one feels bad when a relative dies."

Brother Jiu agreed, stood up, took his leave and left...


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