My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 541 Dao Annoyance

When Brother Jiu came back, Shu Shu was sending Xiaochun to Sanfujin to report the funeral.

Uncle is also Sanfujin's cousin.

Even if the married niece who is separated from the room refuses to accept it, she must obey it for two days to mourn a little, which is the human principle.

"Listen to my concubine, you are right..."

Brother Jiu told Shu Shu what he had asked from Concubine Hui, and then worried that she would not be happy, said.

Shu Shu nodded.

Manchuria is already lighthearted.

The princess's father died in November of the [-]rd year, and the princess married into the palace in May of the following year, only half a year later.

At that time, many people criticized it.

If calculated according to the Manchurian rules, it would not be wrong to go out for a hundred days, but now because of Confucianism, the mourning period has also changed.

The death of parents is the heaviest.

The princess's wedding date was not set properly.

But at that time, the prince's wedding had been prepared for several years, so it was still held as scheduled.

So when it was Shu Shu's turn, she had to follow the example and not be too cool.

"In the past few days in Jiangning, master go out with the other elder brothers, I'll just stay by myself..."

Shushu said.

There is still Kangxi, a powerful father-in-law, on top, and she doesn't want to tie Brother Jiu to her side.

Brother Nine waved his hand and said, "Is there anything better, wait until I find time to go to the cashmere weaving field, and the rest of the place will not be impatient..."

Shu Shu glanced at him and said, "Where is the Buddha?"

When he was in Suzhou and Hangzhou, he was very interested.

Brother Jiu took a look at Shu Shu. He was interested at the time because she was by his side.

What's the point of only jumping alone?
He contemplated, and said, "There is one thing that I have been pondering for several days, wondering if I should tell the imperial grandmother..."

Shu Shu said: "What's the matter?"

Brother Jiu said, "The Buddhas worshiped in each temple are different. Is the worship in each family sincere or insincere?"

Shu Shu was so upset that he didn't want to use his brain, but somehow felt that what Brother Jiu said made sense.

Brother Jiu saw that she had listened, and said, "The lamps offered each time, and the price of sesame oil are about the same. He is impartial, but he doesn't care about any of them. If the Buddha wants the power of faith, is he looking for someone more?" Pious people bless?"

Shu Shu realized later, and hurriedly made a silent movement.

Brother Nine was just talking nonsense, diverting Shu Shu's attention, and saw that her grief was distracted, so he stopped.

Shu Shu gave him a gouged look, and said, "Being bolder, talk about the emperor's grandmother!"

Brother Jiu changed the subject and said, "Didn't you look forward to coming to Jiangning? Cao Shun is a local snake. Do you have anything you want to eat or play with?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I'll be vegetarian for a few days..."

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said, "Then let Cao Shun pull more fresh fruits..."

Shu Shu remembered that Jiugege bought fans when he was in Hangzhou, and Jiang Ning's fans seemed to be very famous, and said: "Master, don't forget the emperor's errand, if the elders and Jiumei want to buy something, Jiang Ning should be the last stop ..."

When the dragon boat leaves Jiangning, it won't stop in the middle.

Or stay, also only stay for one night.

It's really getting hotter.

The current April is May and a half in the Gregorian calendar, which is already the beginning of summer. …

Brother Jiu said, "Don't worry, with Cao Shun here, Gao Bin can barely make up the number of those who are useless..."

When they were in Suzhou before, Gao Bin and his party finally reunited with Brother Jiu.

Ten Fujin's luggage has also arrived.

The ceremony was scattered again.

With the addition of Cao Shun, who is in his twenties, Gao Bin, who is in the same age as the ninth elder brother, is not enough.

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu, "Did the master be too anxious at that time, even if there is a shortage of people, shouldn't he pick all the people who are not on the job?"

Although Cao Shun didn't have a formal job, but he had been running errands with his uncle Cao Yin for several years, and he had practiced it.

Brother Jiu is very comfortable with it, and he does his best every time he is ordered.

Shu Shuke still remembered that Gao Bin would be a capable minister and an expert in river control in the future.

He was promoted in the Yongzheng Dynasty, and he had already become the governor of the river. He did not make his fortune in the Qianlong Dynasty by relying on nepotism.

Shu Shu persuaded: "I asked for the person on my own initiative, so I just have to be a bit more tempered, and it's not really inappropriate. The difference in age and qualifications between the two is unfair."

Brother Nine said, "Anyway, the master has learned a lot from a pit, and when he needs to employ people in the future, he should just pick the old man!"

Shu Shu looked at him and didn't speak.

Among the prince elder brothers, it is estimated that only the ninth elder brother can employ people like this.

What I think about is the ability to use people, not whether to subdue or not.

He is only used as a subordinate, and has no intention of recruiting Chengmen, otherwise he would not promote the children of the House of Internal Affairs.

At this moment, Xiaochun came back, and Sanfujin came with him.

Both Shu Shu and Brother Jiu stood up.

Sanfujin also went to make jewelry and changed into plain clothes.

She nodded to Brother Jiu as a greeting, then took two steps forward, took Shu Shu's hand, and said with a sob, "Why did the hall uncle go?"

As soon as she spoke, she burst into tears.

On the contrary, the grief is heavier than that of Shu Shu, the niece.

Shu Shu sighed and said, "Who said it wasn't? I didn't expect it to be this time. Every year after the twelfth lunar month, it will make people feel at ease for half a year..."

"In the past few years, several clan uncles and clan uncles have gone, and their older generation has withered one after another..."

As Sanfujin said, the tears fell again "patta", "patta".

She was really sad, not just for Uncle, but more for the elderly and seriously ill Ama.

Shu Shu felt uncomfortable in her heart, and she was enduring it at first, but she couldn't help but shed tears after hearing this.

Just now when she heard the news of Uncle's death, she was three parts sad and seven parts scared.

It was also from the uncle who thought of his parents and aunt.

Brother Nine was by the side, looking at Sanfujin's luck.

Where is there such annoyance to human beings?

After finally chattering and diverting his wife's attention, it felt uncomfortable again.

Sanfujin didn't realize it, and kept wiping away tears.

At this time, Wu Fujin and Shi Fujin arrived after receiving the news.

They also came to annoy Shu Shudao.

Seeing Sanfujin dressed up like this, he realized that there was another one who was uncomfortable.

Only then did Sanfujin stop crying.

Shu Shu thank you all.

When I was young, the empress dowager, the concubine and the two empresses also sent people to visit Shu Shu.

Bai Jinmo also brought a plate of yogurt pastry, and said, "This is specially sent by the empress to send to Fujin. If Fujin doesn't have an appetite, I'll eat two pieces of this..."...

Shu Shu picked it up in person, and said: "I can't accompany the imperial grandmother to worship the Buddha, please tell the imperial grandmother for me, don't leave me behind when offering lamps."

Bai Jeimo said, "Don't worry, Fujin, I'll tell the empress when I get back."

Shu Shu looked at Xiaochun and said, "Take some money and put it next to Moji, when the time comes, I will trouble you to add my share..."

The last sentence was addressed to Bai Mojeen.

White should.

Shu Shu said again. "It's hot and I get angry easily. Why can I replace the tea made by the emperor's grandmother with Longjing, which is cold and cool, and it can relieve heat..."

That was Shu Shu's filial piety when he was in Hangzhou.

The young couple went to the tea garden to buy ten catties of tea, and they didn't share them all when they came back, that is, one catty for the empress dowager, half a catty for the two concubines and two concubines, four taels for each of the two nobles, and nothing for the others.

The tea garden is right there, and if others are interested, just buy it for themselves.

Bai Zhenmo wrote it down, and said: "My lady doesn't like drinking Longjing tea very much. She said that if you put too little tea, the taste will be bland, and if you put too much tea, it will be bitter."

Shu Shu thought of the popular Longjing fruit tea.

It's a pity that the current seasonal fruits are limited, only loquat, mulberry, and cherry, which don't seem to be mixed fruit tea.

She said: "The first one is in Hangzhou. Didn't the empress get sweet-scented osmanthus honey? When the tea cools down, put it in the tea and make it taste good. You can ask someone to make it for the imperial grandmother to try. "

Bai Jeimo said, "Your Majesty loves that sweet-scented osmanthus honey. For breakfast, you have to dip it in a small dish. If you drink it with tea, you must like it too."

After delivering the things, Bai Jinmo left.

A few crickets read the entire conversation between the two.

Sanfujin blinked his eyes, before he only knew that the Queen Mother liked Shu Shu, and also knew that Shu Shu was close to people from Ningshou Palace, but he didn't expect it to be such a familiar method.

Is it too flattering?
And the prince Fujin?
How to do this?
Diet and daily life must be taken care of? !
This cousin of mine is really hiding everything.

He loves to please his elders.

In fact, she misunderstood.

This time, Shu Shu accompanied the Empress Dowager on her southern tour, and she still carried the errand assigned by Kangxi and Concubine Yi on her back, which was to serve the Empress Dowager in daily life.

It's also because of this that Bai Zhenyao is able to answer all questions.

Sanfujin looked at Wufujin.

This sister-in-law is not easy to be.

The position of the filial granddaughter-in-law was snatched away.

But Wu Fujin knew the inside story, how could he think so much?

She noticed that Sanfujin was looking at her, and she also looked back.

Only then did Sanfujin look away, and tapped the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief.

Shi Fujin is even more simple-minded, he can't think of anything else, so he just said to Shu Shu, "If sister-in-law Jiu feels uncomfortable, eat more, sleep after eating, and wake up to feel much better..."

This method is quite unique.

Seeing what she said—seriously, Shu Shu nodded seriously.

At this moment, Jiugege also arrived.

Shu Shu said: "Didn't the fistula come here before? Why did it come again?"

Jiugege lived with the queen mother, and when Bai Meji was delivering things just now, Jiugege's words were also passed on.

Jiuge held her hand and said, "I'm thinking about it, I have to come here again, or I won't feel uneasy."

She didn't come here at first because the queen mother, the concubine, and the two concubines lived on Zhizaofu East Road, and Shu Shu and other princes Fujin lived on West Road with the princes, separated by Zhizaofu Yamen.

At present, because the holy driver is here, he is temporarily acting as a walker, and there are no outsiders. However, there are also many ministers from the province coming and going to see him, which is easy to collide.

Shu Shu shook her hand back, and said: "There is no need for these empty courtesy between you and me."

Maybe it's because of Tong Geng, but also because Jiugege reads a lot and is more stable than his peers. Both sister-in-law and sister-in-law can talk together.

Although we got along late, we felt like old friends.

Seeing Sanfujin in his eyes, he could only regret it.

There is no way to learn this, no one told her that there is an age difference between her and Jiugege.

Sanfujin and the others hadn't left yet, and someone from Yuqian came again.

When Liang Jiugong came over, it turned out that Kangxi personally ordered the palace dining room to prepare a vegetarian banquet for Shushu.

Just now Sanfujin was still consoling himself not to be sour, but now he couldn't bear it anymore.

This decent, she wants too!

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