Chapter 543 Bad Brother
After crying for a while, most of the tightness in Shu Shu's chest disappeared.

She looked at Brother Nine and sighed, and said: "My master will be more considerate to the emperor and empress in the future, and I will be the same to my Ama and Ernie."

The most regrettable thing in the world is "the child wants to support but the relative is not around".

There is no way to make up for it.

Then avoid it!
Brother Nine saw her turn around, and said, "How can you be considerate? How can someone else be so sympathetic to Ama Khan? One by one, I'm afraid I didn't slander Ama Khan for being partial, so I figured it out; let's talk about Brother Wu's side." , in his heart, the queen mother is ranked first in the empress dowager, which is not wrong, but the empress dowager is really interesting, but she feels that she owes the fifth brother, so she also ranks the fifth brother in the first place. , I guess God couldn't see it, and I made up for it. I have the old ten as companions when I was young, and you when I grow up..."

He would not have said these words before.

Now I feel nothing.

Just admit it.

Shu Shu is no one else.

Shu Shu took his hand and said, "I'm also lucky. When I was young, my family and elders spoiled me, and when I went out, I married my grandfather."

Mentioning this, Brother Jiu couldn't help grinding his teeth.

Instead of talking about Prince Kang, he thought of the two righteous masters his father-in-law had found.

They were all made up for the clan guards in April last year, and they were the descendants of the Zhenghongqi clan, Prince Lilie.

He complained, "What kind of vision does father-in-law have?"

There is an unmarried prince in the palace, and there is also an unmarried prince in the royal family. Prince Yu's mansion and Prince Gong's mansion are two close princes' mansions, and there are also unmarried elder brothers. As a result, the second son of a state mansion and the eldest son of a general's mansion were investigated. ?
With Shu Shu's character, how could she become the general's wife?

That is the lowest imperial order in the clan.

Shu Shu stroked his forehead and said, "I'm lazy, and Ama loves me..."

Thinking about it now, it was a bit weird that Ama and Ernie could accept her willful repetition at that time.

Shu Shu sighed inwardly, since she was young, she was under the eyes of Ama and Ernie, and the change of temperament a few years ago was also in the eyes of her parents.

Fortunately, it was that age, thirteen years old, which was the time when a child grew up to be an adult.

It is reasonable to love to learn how adults behave for a while.

Brother Nine said: "Fortunately, you went through a cutscene in the palace, and you didn't get exempted directly..."

Otherwise, if it is not in the show girl booklet, Khan Ama probably will refer to Fujin among the remaining show girls.

No matter who she changes, Shu Shu will not be able to do so well.

Seeing that he was about to turn over the front tent, Shu Shu changed the subject and said, "When we move out, we'll take a look at Haidian. If there is no suitable place, we can directly build another courtyard in Baiwang Mountain. In summer , it will be more convenient when the emperor lives in the garden."

The main thing is to let Mrs. Uncle go there and leave the sad place of Uncle's mansion.

Brother Nine stroked his chin, with a wicked smile on his face, and said: "Don't worry, I will search again, if Khan Ama will live in the garden a lot in the future, then we are not the only ones who need to repair a different courtyard." One family, the Empress Dowager's north garden is to the north, but there is still a lot of open space..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, if it was in the northwest direction, she would go in the direction of the Summer Palace. In the future, it might be within the scope of the Imperial Palace.

Or northeast direction, better.

She reminded: "Don't get too close, it's all under your nose, and you can't move freely. It's best to be five or six miles away, seven or eight miles away..."

At that time, within a quarter of an hour on horseback, and within two quarters of an hour on a carriage, you can reach Changchun Garden.

Brother Jiu hated iron for being weak, and said: "Are you stupid? At that time, the closer you are to Changchun Garden, the more decent it will be. If you want to change it in the future, you can sell it at a high price. loss!"

Shu Shu could only point it out and said: "Master is thinking about twenty or thirty years, I think about the future, if we are too close, the imperial garden will expand next time, then we have to be like King Pingjun." Xianyuan', won't it be a loss by then?"

Brother Jiu listened and thought about it for a while, then nodded and said: "That's true. This year, Khan Ama felt that the West Garden was too small. He wanted to build the North Garden for the Empress Dowager. It would take two years before he repaired the garden for the Prince..."

The emperor's father was in his prime in spring and autumn, and now the imperial concubine still has news of happy encounters year after year.

The next wave of emperors and grandchildren will also grow up. If the emperor thinks of bringing the emperors and grandchildren together one day, there is really no place for him.

"At that time, we will still be next to Old Ten..."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Of course it's better, we can fix the garden together to save trouble."

Brother Jiu heard the words "together", but felt a little itchy in his heart, and said, "Ji Hong and his richest father have also come to Jiangning..."

Garden repair stones are one of the major items.

Shu Shu said: "Their house is too conspicuous, master should not touch it."

Even if Brother Jiu is capable and thinks of a win-win situation, but in the eyes of others, it is more like greed and blackmailing the richest man.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "I didn't think about anything, it's not that the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also use lake stones to repair gardens in the future, and I will ask Khan Ama for instructions. gone."

That is, the relationship is under Kangxi's nose.

Shu Shu recalled what Ten Fujin had been talking about before, and said: "In that case, in the future, when the ten younger siblings shop for foreign goods, they don't need to send people around to search for them, and just walk directly from Ji's house."

In that case, it would kill two birds with one stone.

Ten Fujin is relieved.

Ji's family also has the connection of Elder Brother Shi.

When it comes time to seize the heir apparent, Elder Brother Ten will be shining, and anyone who insists on winning Elder Ten will have ulterior motives.

As for Elder Brother Shi himself, his wife's family is not close, his mother's family is not close, and he does not get involved in court affairs, so he is already in a detached position.

First, in Wanbao Pavilion, Brother Jiu looked at the account books and knew that the foreign goods business was profitable.

He nodded and said, "That's fine. From now on, there will be a lot of money-making businesses on Lao Shi's side, so what's the point of our favors, just go and make a living."

The couple were gossiping and missed the moment.

When the five-watch drum sounded, the two fell asleep drowsily.

In the early morning of the next day, brother Jiu yawned and got up by himself.

He still has official duties today.

When Shengjia was stationed in Jiangning, he not only inspected the green camp as usual, but also went to worship the mausoleum of Ming Taizu.

This is the joint mission of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He told Xiaochun and the others: "Don't call Fujin, let Fujin continue to sleep, and don't disturb others."

Xiaochun and the others nodded silently.

Only then did Brother Nine go to the outside room, wash up briefly, have a sip of breakfast, and then went to the middle road to look for Ma Qi.

There are several people standing next to Ma Qi, they are the eldest brother, the third elder brother and the seventh elder brother.

Seeing this, Brother Nine hurriedly rubbed his face, regained his energy, and went up to see several brothers.

"Big Brother, Third Brother, Seventh Brother..."

But how could he hide his bloodshot eyes from others?

Big brother frowned when he saw this, and wanted to reprimand him, but it was not good to be in front of so many people.

The third elder brother picked the corner of his mouth, with a bit of yin and yang, and said: "Old Ninth, what's the matter with you? What's the matter? When did you stay here until you became a rabbit's eyes?"

Ninth elder brother glanced at third elder brother and said: "Third elder brother, what are you thinking about? What can younger brother do, Fujin has a nightmare in the middle of the night, and younger brother is talking about gossip with me, so I can't cry with you. Why did you change your taste when you said that?"

The third elder brother said uncomfortably: "What did you say? What am I thinking? I just care about you, so I asked one more question!"

Brother Jiu saw that he was wearing maroon clothes today, looked at him twice, shook his head and said, "What's the matter with you, third brother? After all, the new uncle is the elder cousin of the third sister-in-law, that's why I lost my faith. Third sister-in-law yesterday I also cried a lot, don't you say that it's uncomfortable to be with you for two days, you can't be so popular, right?"

The third elder brother blushed and said: "Not in the uniform, how can there be such a rule?"

Relatives in the Eight Banners set up relatives. If you get mourned, you will be taboo, and you won't be able to wear bright clothes.

Brother Jiu expressed his disapproval, and said: "But rules are rules, and favors are favors. As a human being, you should be more humane!"

Speaking of this, he pointed at his body and said: "You learn from my younger brother, and my younger brother doesn't wear underwear, but wearing blue clothes for two days is also giving Fujin face, isn't it?"

Just like just now, without recruiting him or provoking him, he just talked about the affairs of his younger brother and sister-in-law's house. Is this a human thing?
The third elder brother pointed at the ninth elder brother with a fan and said: "Speaking freely, no matter how big or small, who's younger brother wants to teach my elder brother to behave? Isn't it serious?"

Ninth elder brother pouted, looked at eldest elder brother, and said: "Big brother, do you think third brother looks like an elder brother? You still have to worry about it, pay more attention to third brother's rules, you have to teach it!"

Third Elder Brother: "..."

Eldest elder brother looked at third elder brother, also frowned, and said: "Ninth younger brother and younger sister are very protective of ninth younger brother, so you can't think too much about what you say in the future."

What Shu Shu said to Elder Brother Fourteen at the school grounds in Hangzhou last month has already spread in a small area.

That's a bit willful and ignorant, but it's Brother Jiu who is protecting him, so it's not wrong.

The third elder brother thought about Dong E's appearance of holding a strong bow and shooting three times, the corner of his mouth twitched, and said: "I didn't do anything, the elder brother said this, as if I was bullying Lao Jiu..."

Brother Nine snorted beside him.

Not tall!

Brother Jiu felt complacent for a while.

He not only touched Khan Ama's temper, but also found the trick to deal with these bad brothers.

Hmph, isn't it just that the seniors and young are in order!

He thought of the business, looked at Ma Qi and said, "Master Ma, have you ordered the sacrifice to the Ming Emperor's Mausoleum in the future?"

Ma Qi bowed and replied: "Master Jiu, don't worry, everything has been arranged. Gao Langzhong is watching over there."

Brother Jiu looked at Ma Qi and felt that he had lost money.

Before, he wanted to praise Gao Yanzhong, so he arranged for him to behead Ma Qi and follow him out of Beijing.

Now it's like a meat bun is beating a dog, and it will never come back.

Ma Qi ordered people, and he was very diligent.

Brother Jiu didn't say much.

This is Gao Yanzhong's opportunity, there is no need to hold it back.

never mind.

Anyway, he didn't intend to take all the power of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in his hands.

He came to look for Ma Qi because of this matter, and after asking, he thought about going to the Queen Mother.

He also wanted to complete the errands assigned by the emperor's father before.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Liang Jiugong came out and said, "Master Jiu, the emperor has summoned you!"

Brother Jiu was a little surprised.

He didn't ask to see you.

But he still complied and followed Liang Jiugong in.

The third elder brother pointed to the back of the ninth elder brother, and said: "I ran to the imperial court three times a day, don't you worry, elder brother?"

Big Brother looked at him and said, "What are you worried about?"

The third elder brother's eyes wandered a little and said: "The favor of the ninth son is getting deeper and deeper. Concubine Yi's mother sees that she is going to give birth to the emperor's youngest son or daughter, and the fifth elder is still holding hands with Ningshou Palace..."

The elder brother's eyes grew impatient, he looked at the third elder brother and said: "Third brother, there are some things that are difficult to say, and you can't say them!"

(End of this chapter)

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