My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 544 Inheritance

Brother Jiu entered the room and saw Kangxi sitting behind the desk, meditating with a notebook in his hand.

Instead of making a sound, he yawned.

Tears came out.

The corners of the eyes are watery.

It's not yet the beginning of the morning, and I slept for an hour and a half.

Brother Nine was also tired, and his eyes had already started to look around the room, looking for a chair.

Kangxi raised his head, and seeing his thug-like appearance, he frowned and said, "Stand still!"

Brother Jiu immediately stood up straight, but his mouth was not up to date, and he wanted to yawn again.

He quickly covered his mouth.

Kangxi couldn't wait to see him and said: "It's early in the morning, you're so lacking in energy, how can you be tired if you're doing well?"

Brother Jiu said with a sneer: "It's my son's fault. I ate a few more mouthfuls last night. My stomach was full and I couldn't sleep. I dragged my son Fujin to gossip. I missed my sleep and closed my eyes at five o'clock..."

Kangxi was very disgusted and said, "Others still know how to annoy you Fujin Dao, if you don't say comfort yourself, what kind of mess will you make!"

People who keep their homes and start businesses have no one to take responsibility.

It is also unlucky for Dong E's stall to have such a husband.

Ninth elder brother said with a bit of sarcasm: "My son can't cry with me, there are people who have never met twice, this diversion will save my son Fujin from feeling uncomfortable."

Kangxi shook his head and said, "I can only make excuses..."

As he spoke, he seemed to have no intention of asking: "What gossip are you talking about?"

Brother Jiu stretched out his fingers, counted, and said: "There are several things, the first one is that the ex-daughter-in-law of the Xindali family is the current eldest sister of Shuncheng County, the eldest daughter Gui Zhen, who left her. Dong E's family is gone, and she is in the dowry house outside. When her son Fujin got married, she gave a dowry Zhuangzi as makeup. Hearing that she left the uncle's mansion, her son Fujin mentioned it. The son thought he couldn't take it It's cheap, I plan to ask someone to see if I can buy a shop, and when she remarries later, my son brings Fujin to add..."

Kangxi was noncommittal.

Because of the vulgar custom of "accepting step-marriage" outside the customs, the clan was criticized in the early years.

In recent years, there are not many clan wives and clan daughters who remarry.

But that was widowhood.

Seventeen or eighteen years old like Guizhen Gege, who is reconciled, naturally wants to remarry.

Brother Jiu mentioned the second matter again, and said, "Xin Dali died of illness. His son Fujin was a little scared. He was worried about his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He also advised his son to be more filial to Han Ama and his wife in the future. The son thought about it. Looking for a piece of land in front of the Spring Garden, it will be convenient for the son to greet Han Ama and the empress when Khan Ama is in charge of the government in the garden..."

Speaking of this, he smiled "hehe" and said: "There is one thing left, I still want to come back to you after I have made a plan, and you have passed it on, so my son will also say it, it is the Ji family..."

He said that he wanted to purchase Jijia Lake stones in the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Khan Ama, don't talk about the side, just talk about the new garden of the emperor's grandmother, and also need to build a rockery bonsai, this is indispensable..."

Kangxi listened and pondered for a while.

It was really the first time when I passed through Suzhou, the clan and ministers were too embarrassed.

At this time, giving the Ji family the title of Imperial Merchant is also to make up for one or two.

Ji's family is not an ordinary businessman, their family is still a family of eunuchs, a scholarly family, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and old in-laws are all over the scholar forest in the south of the Yangtze River. …

"Go back and make a plan carefully!"

Kangxi made the final decision.

Brother Nine grinned and said, "If things come to fruition, my son will feel at ease. The matter of the Suzhou Lake Stone Field was uncovered by him. If Ji's family is really ruined, then my son will not bear it."

Kangxi glanced at him unexpectedly, and said, "You have a compassionate heart!"

Brother Nine sighed and said: "Isn't this the whole day with the emperor's grandmother to burn incense and pay respects to the Buddha? It's the cause and effect of the wise guests in the temple. My son is timid, so I think it's better to be less indebted."

Kangxi frowned.

He supports the empress dowager and concubine worshiping Buddha, and can pass the time.

But the princes worship the Buddha...

Well, all the anger is gone!
Kangxi reprimanded: "Buddhism and Taoism are two religions, just understand them, and don't indulge them!"

Brother Jiu listened with his hands down, and answered honestly, saying: "Well, my son understands, it's not quite right, if you keep listening, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again if you kill chickens and pigs next time!"

Who knows whether the six realms of reincarnation, the chicken or the pig, were human in their previous lives?
Kangxi listened.

This is the impact of teaching.

If the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism, and Fanism become popular in the Eight Banners, it cannot be said to be a catastrophe, but also a huge hidden danger.

It's just that this is what I'm talking about right now?

Kangxi lowered his head, glanced at the book in his hand, and finally understood why Brother Jiu didn't go to sleep until five o'clock.

It's so bullshit.

And there is no direction, and it will be far away if you pull it.

He said: "What do you think about Dong E's family? This second-class uncle, what kind of inheritance method?"

Brother Nine heard this, but he didn't rush to answer. Instead, he thought about it carefully and said, "My son remembers that the title of this branch of his family comes from his son Fujin's great-grandfather and Shuo's son-in-law. "

I haven't downgraded before, so what about this time?

He held back his joy and did not plead for mercy.

Because you know that, you can't please.

Kangxi threw the booklet on the desk and said, "Read it before talking."

Out of curiosity, Brother Nine stepped forward to take the booklet, and when he saw the font, it looked familiar.

This way of writing is somewhat similar to Shu Shu's.

He didn't care about the content, and directly turned to the last page to read the inscription, "Duoluogegejilan", which turned out to be Mrs. Bo's secret booklet.

Seeing his eagerness, Kangxi shook his head helplessly.

Brother Jiu had already turned back to the front, looked down, with a surprised expression on his face, it turned out that this was a letter of apology on behalf of his husband.

Mrs. Uncle did not hide anything, she told the inside story of Uncle's death, and the matter of Xizhu's bloodline, and she also talked about the promise made by Duo Luo's son-in-law Shindari to her mother "one after another" before her mother-in-law died many years ago, please. The title passed down by Dong E's family ancestors was transferred to the uncle's younger brother Qi Xi.

When Brother Jiu saw it, he couldn't help being annoyed: "There is still such a promise, why didn't Xin Dali deny it before?"

Kangxi glanced at him angrily, and said: "If you are asked to give the title and all the family property to your nephew, but not to your son, would you be happy?"

Although it is hateful, it is not uncommon.

Brother Jiu said, "But this is not his title and family property. It is passed down from Dong E's family. It is really unfair if he earns the credit and family property. Since it is passed down, if he does not follow the promise, it will be a failure." Have you cheated the prince?"...

Kangxi said: "This time, you should have some fun?!"

Brother Jiu didn't hide it, and raised his eyebrows, but thinking of Xi Zhu's body, he said a few more words, and said: "My son didn't know there was something hidden in it at the beginning, and I thought Xi Zhu didn't look like a long-lived person at the time. , if he dies short-lived, it would be a pity to lower his title again."

After saying this, he still couldn't help but asked: "Khan Ama, how will this title change?"

My father-in-law is of the same generation as my uncle, so this time it's not Xijue, it should be the original grade, right? !
Kangxi glanced at him, and said: "This is Dong E's family business, even if it is transferred, they have to hand over the list of honorees themselves."

There is no reason for the emperor to directly specify.

Brother Jiu heard that this was wrong, and hurriedly said, "But there are no side branches in their house, only these two brothers."

Speaking of this, he thought of Peng Chun's sons.

When he got married, those guys were not friendly to his cousins ​​in Dutong Mansion.

"Could it be that Peng Chun is also thinking about this noble?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said: "There are several sons in his family, and this title is not enough..."

Kangxi stroked his forehead, "Great Qing Law" still hasn't been read in its entirety.

Unless Qi Xi and his son have committed serious crimes or are dead, this title has nothing to do with the other heads of Dong E's family.

Seeing his expression, Brother Jiu knew that he had guessed wrong, and said confusedly, "My son can't imagine, besides my son's father-in-law, who else can come to inherit the title..."

"Jilan mentioned transfer, but the Dong'e clan may not agree, and they should be more optimistic about adoption."

Kangxi said.

No matter how confused Xin Dali was, it was an internal matter, and there was nothing wrong with him outside.

There are doubts about Xizhu's bloodline, and Jilan Gege's is a secret, which is also to cover up the embarrassment of his deceased husband.

Since his concubine is a concubine, it is more in line with world conditions for his step-nephew to inherit his title and family property and take care of his widow.

It's the same as when everyone had no children back then, and the adoptive brother and Shuo Tu's son were the heirs.

Brother Jiu got dizzy when he heard it, and muttered: "What is there to compare? This title belongs to the public, and the property follows the title. If he is gone, it will be the son's father-in-law's turn. If he insists on adopting, he will make his son's father-in-law go. Over the past, what are you doing? There are many princes and dukes extinct in the clan, and many of them are transferred directly, and I have never heard that they must be 'inherited'..."

Kangxi frowned.

Nor had he made up his mind.

Dong E's family is a giant in Zhenghongqi.

Zhenghongqi is the capital of Manchuria, except for a few times, others are chosen among the direct branches of Dong E's family.

Peng Chun was old, and Xin Dali died of illness.

At this time, if someone is arranged to "continue" to attack, the title of Dong E's family can be reduced by a few ranks.

If it was Dong E's family before, Kangxi would not hesitate.

Because it was the marriage of Prince Kang's mansion.

Now Kangxi hesitated.

Because this is the royal in-laws.

He glanced at Brother Jiu and said: "You just need to know about this matter, don't be in a hurry, we have to wait until we return to Beijing."

Brother Nine was burning in his heart, but he was actually very anxious, and looked at Kangxi eagerly.

Kangxi waved his hand and said, "Don't hang around all day, just treat yourself as your errand!"

Ninth elder brother knew what was interesting, so he didn't dare to say any more, so he came out from the front of the imperial court. …

In the yard, the seventh elder brother and Ma Qi are no longer there, only the eldest elder brother and the third elder brother are still there.

Seeing the ninth elder brother come out with his head pulled, a little bit lost, the third elder brother raised his eyebrows.

It seems that it didn't work out either.

The eldest elder brother was worried, looked at him and said, "What kind of trouble is this again, and you have been reprimanded by Khan Ama?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "No, there is news from the capital, Khan Ama mentioned a few words to my younger brother, it's annoying..."

Khan Ama turned bad!
It's time to sell off!
The old man must have made a decision in his heart, but he just didn't tell himself!
Although the ninth elder brother pretended to be something, he still remembered his errand, told the eldest elder brother, and went to the queen mother's side.

Here, the Queen Mother just had breakfast, saw him coming, and invited him to sit in front of her.

She sized up Brother Jiu, seeing how haggard and lack of energy she was, she said with concern: "Why didn't you rest well, did you stay up late with Fujin last night?"

Brother Jiu first stood in front of the imperial court for a long time, and also rubbed the skin of his mouth for a long time. He didn't get a seat, and he didn't get a sip of water. Said: "Fu Jin woke up crying in the middle of the night, and his grandson talked with him, and he passed his sleep..."

The queen mother sighed, and said: "Shu Shu is a soft-hearted child, and it's my uncle who is leaving, can you not feel uncomfortable? You these few days, don't run around all the time, and spend more time with her."

Brother Nine said, "Isn't this already in Jiangning? My grandson is still thinking about being ordered to run errands for you. If you don't arrange to understand, my grandson won't feel at ease..."

Having said that, he looked at Bai Jiji next to him and said, "Excuse me, go and tell Xiao Jiu, if you have anything to buy, hurry up and write the list. Didn't she buy a fan in Hangzhou first? Let's see if there is more to buy this time." don't want……"

Bai Jeen responded, and said, "The servant will go over now..."

With that said, she was about to leave.

Brother Nine said, "Don't go if you're jealous..."

Bai Jeimo was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Brother Jiu and said, "Is there anything else you want to order, Brother?"

Brother Nine said, "Cao Yin's nephew works by my side. He is a local snake in Jiangning, and it is easier to buy it. If you have something to bring, don't be too polite. It's rare to come out..."

Bai Zhenmo said gratefully: "Thank you, Elder Brother, that old slave will also bring something to the old sister later."

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, it's just a matter of one sentence..."

It can also be regarded as "reciprocating peaches and plums", this Bai Zhenmo not only serves the emperor's grandmother well, but also respects Shu Shu...

Hoho, it's three o'clock, roll around and ask for a monthly pass. ^_^

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