Waiting for Bai Momo to go out before coming in, Jiu GeGe also came in.

"How is sister-in-law Jiu?"

"I was still asleep when I came out." Brother Jiu said.

Jiu Gege hesitated for a moment, and said: "Jiu Gege asked Cao's Ge Ge twice before..."

Brother Jiu said unexpectedly: "Ask her what to do?"

The chaotic people who meet and drive, these brothers all have their own errands, and no one will pay attention to the female family members of the Cao family.

Besides, apart from Mrs. Sun, the Cao family has no other female family members worthy of the prince's elder brother to take a high look at.

Jiu GeGe didn't know either, so he guessed, "Maybe it's because he's good looking?"

It is indeed exquisite and pleasant, and it looks cute.

Brother Jiu was dissatisfied, and snorted softly: "What's the matter with you? It's not good to read books when you have nothing to do, isn't it good to do needlework? Why do you just look at other people's good looks?"


Jiu Gege said: "You have nothing to do in Jiangning these few days. If the female family members of the Cao family come back, I will bring Cao Gege to talk to my sister-in-law?"

Brother Jiu quickly waved his hands and said: "No, no, you'd better be safe, I'm here, it's inconvenient for you to take outsiders there!"

Jiu Gege was taken aback for a moment, then burst into a "puchi" laugh and said, "Cao Gege is only eight years old, what's the inconvenience?"

Brother Nine: "..."

He couldn't figure out what his wife was thinking.

It seems that the wife is very interested in the Cao and Li families and their in-law relationship.

Because Fu Nai is the son-in-law of the Cao family, she asked a few more questions.

Could it be that the Cao family is related to the ancestors of the Dong E family?

But one is from the old family of Jianzhou, and the other is the coat of prisoners of war, which does not match the boundaries.

The flag affiliation of the Cao family has never been related to Zhenghongqi.

He can't hide his words.

After going through the scene at Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong, he went back to the east courtyard.

Shu Shu is already awake.

Was woken up by hunger.

Because she told someone to be a vegetarian for the past few days, what was served was assorted buns, eight-treasure rice, and a few vegetarian dishes.

Those who work in the dining room nowadays are very careful about the errands of Brother Jiu and Fujin Jiu.

Even if it is a small dish, I dare not fool it. There are vegetarian eight-treasure tofu and vegetarian spring rolls.

It happened that elder brother Jiu came back, and when he saw this, he moved his index finger, so he asked for bowls and chopsticks, and the husband and wife ate together.

Shu Shu ate to her heart's content, and felt that Shi Fujin's proposal was really reliable.

After eating and sleeping, eating and sleeping, it seemed that the discomfort had really passed.

It would be a bit fake if it was time for Ai Ai again.

She looked at Brother Jiu's dark circles, feeling distressed, and said: "I'm fine, but it's not easy to go to the elders. It's time to rest and tidy up the notebooks. Master, take a good night's sleep. What should be done is what to do." what!"

"Is your family related to the Cao family? I've never seen you care so much about other people's affairs before?"

Brother Jiu asked directly.

Shu Shu didn't know how to answer for a moment.

This is just the curiosity of Honglou fans about the prototype characters of the Red Chamber...

But even the so-called Red Chamber experts in later generations have no evidence to prove that "Dream of Red Mansions" is the Cao family's affair.

There are also explanations about Zhu's family affairs.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said, "Just curious, the Cao family and the Li family behave differently from other banner families, but this is the south of the Yangtze River, where etiquette prevails!"

If it is a Manchu family, it is the "polygamy" handed down in the early years.

The wife's son is also a legitimate son.

However, both the Cao family and the Li family were dressed in Han Chinese clothes, and both of them practiced Han Chinese rules.

On Li Xu's side, the concubine still has a lot of arguments, and it's Li's father who is at fault, and there is a suspicion that he will stop his wife and remarry, but Li Xu's mother is indeed married into the door by a bright matchmaker.

Later, the original spouse from his hometown came, and Li Xu's father bowed his head down on Wen's, because he was the one who was sorry for Wen's mother and son.

When it came to Cao Yin's place, his biological mother was just a concubine in her early years.

However, Cao Yin still overwhelmed the younger brother born by his aunt.

If there is a big difference in age between the two brothers, the elder brother and the younger brother can be justified, but this is not the case.

So Kangxi is very interesting. Whether he emphasizes concubines or concubines depends entirely on his preferences, not a fixed standard.

Shu Shu said: "If you look at it this way, if Liu Gege on the fifth brother's side is asked to be sealed as a concubine, does that mean that the elder brother there will also dominate the first brother in the future?"

Brother Jiu heard this, looked at Shu Shu, and said helplessly: "Why are you worrying so much? We don't worry about other people's affairs, we won't have any Fujin or Mrs. Fang in our family!"

Shu Shu lowered her eyes, and said: "It's not just you and I who can decide, I'm just worried that if there is something I can't do one day, the emperor will also give me a concubine..."

Brother Nine: "..."

It seems to be right.

"The trouser belt is tied on my body. If I don't untie it, others can pick it up? Don't worry, don't worry about it all day long!"

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu raised her head, looked at Brother Jiu, and didn't speak for a while.

No matter what happens to him in the future, he is sincere at this time.

Brother Jiu was embarrassed by the look, mentioned Mrs. Uncle's secret booklet, and said: "You learned the characters from Mrs. Uncle, so it looks somewhat similar to what you wrote?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "When I was a child, Ernie gave birth one after another. I spent half of the time at home and half of the time in the uncle's house. Amu gave me a mask..."

That was the highlight moment of her life.

The four elders of the two houses wished they could all circle around her.

The cousin at the top, the younger brother at the bottom, and the cousin, combined, are not half as favored as her.

Fortunately, she grew up like an adult, not a domineering child, and she was close to her cousins ​​and brothers, otherwise, she would be hated.

Brother Nine then told the contents of Mrs. Uncle's secret booklet.

Shu Shu was dumbfounded.

"Then Xizhu is the blood of Dong E's family, or isn't he?"

Shu Shu was also confused.

She thought carefully about Xi Zhu's appearance, but if she said she looked like him, she didn't have much resemblance to her uncle, and if she said she didn't look like her at all, it wouldn't be right.

"Isn't it too hasty to just rely on the hitch post?"

Shu Shu said: "Is there no other way to make it clear?"

If Xizhu is the blood of Dong E's family, even if he is the son of an adulterer with an unclean background, that is a way to deal with it.

But if it wasn't for the blood of Dong E's family, it would be another way to deal with it.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said, "You're so stupid, I can't even figure it out, maybe it's not, otherwise, why is that aunt afraid of investigating the past, and she gave up her whole body to keep her mouth shut..."

Shu Shu frowned and said, "What about Xing Quan? Do you also know that this child's blood is suspicious?"

She couldn't help but conspiracy theories.

Before, I only felt that the Xing family was pitiful.

But if the ex-husband Xing Quan is an insider, then this "poor" will be discounted, and it directly reminds her of the cuckoo bird.

Brother Nine said: "Who knows, when you return to Beijing, just ask."

Now Xing Quan's family is under Shu Shu's name.

If it's really that thoughtful, it really can't be used.

Brother Nine said: "Master Cai just said a few words in front of Khan Ama and raised Ti Xizhu's body, so he can understand the difficulty of father-in-law."

Now that Dong E's family is in possession of a title, he is an insider, so he naturally feels that Xinda is immoral, Xizhu is low, and the title should be transferred to Qi Xi as a matter of course.

But what do others think?
Xizhu has been the only son of the uncle's family for more than ten years, but before he gave birth to Chengjue, he revealed his status as a "child of adultery"?
Although it was Madam Bo, the aunt who handled the matter, it seemed that it had nothing to do with Qi Xi.

But what fell into the eyes of others, they might suspect that it was uncle Qi Xi who did it.

Coupled with Xi Zhu's tattered body, Brother Nine was still worried, and said: "We just went through a funeral a year ago, so how hard can Xi Zhu bear that? At this time, there was a mistake, and my father-in-law also has a big head..."

Shu Shu didn't know why she remembered the matter of Niu Hulu's family. Everyone thought that A Ling'a and her mother conspired to seize the title. Is it true?

She sighed, and said: "It can be seen that people follow what they say, but it may not be just what they say. In the future, we must not listen to one side or believe it."

Brother Nine nodded and said, "For a real outsider, even if he is curious, he is only talking about idle articles. If he insists on making up something with his nose and eyes, then he is not an outsider. It must be all about interests."

This is about the government office.

Shu Shu also thought of Dong Egong's mansion.

It's a good thing that my cousin is alive, and the brothers of the older generation also have deep feelings for each other.

But in Zhuliang's generation, he was older than his cousins ​​over there, and they didn't grow up together, so they really didn't have any friendship.

At that time, I am afraid that the two families will drift away.

Capital, Bofu.

A coffin was set up in the yard.

The courtyard is full of chanting.

There are three ashrams of Buddhism, Taoism, and Fan.

Even though he has never held a real job in his life, Xin Dali's title is here, and there are many old relatives in Dong E's family, and many relatives and friends have come to worship these days.

The old housekeeper and Qi Xi were at the front, as well as Fu Song, Zhu Liang and other brothers from the Dutong Mansion, who were also supporting them at the front.

On the contrary, Xi Zhu, a filial son, did not show up at all other times except for the three-day funeral.

He is weak and suffers from funerals, but no one cares about him.

Only the two young masters who came from the public house murmured and went to Xizhu's yard without knowing what to say.

Xizhu lives on Bofu East Road, with a very spacious yard.

But the yard was also extremely deserted.

He got married last year, and the girls around him were released.

It was already an embarrassing situation to wait until Gege and Guizhen reconciled.

Mrs. Uncle has never intervened in the affairs of the East Hospital, and Uncle is seriously ill and can't remember it.

Xizhu's manpower is short here, and the yard is deserted, looking a bit dilapidated.

When the two brothers came in, Xizhu was sitting under the window, distracted.

Seeing the two of them, he got up cautiously and said, "Second Brother, Third Brother..."

They are Peng Chun's second son Fu Han and third son Fu Hai.

Seeing Xizhu's skinny appearance, the two brothers looked at each other with pity.

"Auntie is too cruel, no matter what, brother Zhu, you are the only blood of uncle..."

Fuhan sighed.

Mrs. Uncle reported to the clan's residence, and Dong E's family was naturally alarmed.

According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, the succession of the title is based on the distance of the blood, but it is not [-]%.

These two are brothers from the same mother, Peng Chun's late stepwife was born, and there is an elder brother above him, he has no hope of his title, so he is eyeing the uncle's house.

But they also knew that Mrs. Uncle's side must be partial to the Dutong Mansion, otherwise they wouldn't have exposed the matter of Xi Zhu's "child adultery" in the Clan Mansion.

But they still didn't give up, and wanted to ask Xi Zhu to find out if they could find another way...

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