Xi Zhu's face was pale and he was speechless.

He didn't know if Mrs. Uncle treated him cruelly.

Amana passed away that day, he thought he would be kicked out by Mrs. Uncle, but he didn't; he also thought he would be strictly guarded, but he didn't either.

My aunt is a noble ancestral daughter, and she has never looked at him directly.

Brothers Fu Han and Fu Hai felt that his reaction was not right.

"Brother Zhu, you have grown up too, not a child. Now that your uncle is gone, you should stand up..."

Fuhan said tentatively.

Fu Hai played the drums beside him, and said: "Yes, yes, even if you have a flawed background, but after all, you are the only blood and blood of uncle, there should be room for the heir and successor to speak."

Xi Zhu stared blankly at the two brothers.

Fuhan patted him on the shoulder and said: "You are wronged enough, my aunt has always loved the brothers in the Dutong Mansion, if it wasn't for sending the title out, she wouldn't have made her family ugly, so she insisted on suing your aunt to the Zongfu." Renfu, I'm afraid your life will be sad in the future..."

This is "adult childbirth", and the biological mother is the sinner who murdered the husband.

Xizhu seemed to see a life-saving straw, he pulled Fuhan and said, "Second brother, what should I do? I don't need this title, I just want to keep the property under my name, my body can't live without medicine..."

As he spoke, he began to cry.

Fuhan endured his disdain and said, "In this world, there must always be reason, and you still have an uncle."

Xi Zhu froze.

He still remembers clearly that on the day of his Ama's death, the second uncle came over and found out what happened before Ama's death, and looked at him as if he were looking at a dead person.

He was trembling and his face was pale with horror.

Fuhan narrowed his eyes and said, "What's the matter, did Second Uncle hit you?"

Xi Zhu started coughing "cough cough", he remembered the old butler's kick, he didn't have any strength left, and now the bruise on his chest still hasn't subsided.

Fu Hai was beside him, and when he noticed something strange, he stepped forward to take off Ba Xizhu's clothes.

Now it is the turn of spring and summer, and the clothes are relatively thin.

There are only two pieces inside and outside.

Xi Zhu was taken aback, and wanted to struggle, but the result couldn't compare to the two brothers in their early twenties?
His clothes were torn off immediately, exposing the bruises on his chest.

Fuhan's eyes became more excited, and his breathing became quicker, he said: "Second Uncle Qi beat you, isn't it too ruthless?"

Xi Zhu hurriedly tied up his clothes, bowed his head and did not speak.

I didn't see the brothers' expressions getting more excited.

When Fu Han and Fu Hai came out, the brothers left the uncle's mansion.

After finding a secluded and deserted place, Fu Hai said frantically, "Brother, this is an opportunity!"

Fuhan's face turned red, then he shook his head and said, "Ama won't agree."

Fu Hai lowered his volume and said, "Then don't ask Ama..."

To be honest, the two brothers were of noble birth, and their biological mother was Peng Chun's step-wife, the daughter of Prince Xun Man Dahai.

But the two biological mothers have passed away, and the title of the uncle's family that lost the royal family is now passed on to their cousin and nephew, which is the title of duke of the town, so the mother's family can't borrow much.

The four regular wives before and after the birth of Peng Chun were all from high families, and five of the seven sons were legitimate sons. The two brothers could not be relied on.

They are all in their early twenties, and now they have no serious future, but they are just walking in the flag.


Fu Han hesitated and said: "It may not be possible, but there is still a prince Fujin in the Dutong Mansion..."

Fu Hai said: "Then what's the matter? It's just a bald brother, our prince and son-in-law are noble..."

The two brothers made a decision because of their greed.

Fu Hai said: "Second brother, you should just pretend you don't know about this, don't touch your hands, when the time comes, Ah Ma will only punish me."

Fuhan's eyes were red, and he said: "If you get the title, may uncle and nephew succeed you!"

Fu Hai was surprised and said, "Brother..."

Fu Han said: "I don't have a son under my knees, I would like to take my eldest nephew as my son..."

Fu Hai became more and more enthusiastic, and said, "Brother, just wait!"

Jiangning, Weaving Mansion.

In Shushu's closed door, a few days passed by in a hurry.

On this day, Shengjia went to pay homage to Ming Taizu's Mausoleum, and Brother Jiu was also ordered to accompany him.

Shu Shu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought she was fine, but Brother Jiu still walked around her like a puppy, afraid that she was forcing a smile.

He didn't move for several days.

Today, he had to go out, so Brother Nine rambled on for a long time, and walked away step by step.

Shu Shu is much more at ease, and welcomes guests.

Jiugege brought Cao Gege over to talk with Shushu.

"Brother Jiu made a special detour in the morning and said that he would be out all day today, afraid that sister-in-law Jiu would feel uncomfortable being alone, and he promised to give me a thank you gift later..."

Jiugege said jokingly.

Shu Shu asked someone to serve tea, and said to Jiu Gege: "I also told me [-] times in the morning, lest I cry again, how could there be so many tears!"

Seeing that her mood improved, Jiu Gege became more relaxed, and said with a smile, "I never thought that Brother Jiu would still be so reliable..."

Shu Shu also smiled, and said, "I will pass my sister's words to your ninth brother later, he must be happy."

While the sister-in-law was talking, Cao Gege just sat quietly on the round stool next to her.

Shu Shu looked at her several times, and said kindly, "Is this the beginning of learning the rules?"

Cao Gege is eight years old, with snow-white skin, willow-leaf eyebrows, and almond-shaped eyes, already has the shadow of a little beauty.

Although Cao's family is in the banner, but because Xu is in the south of the Yangtze River, she did not shave her head like a child in the banner, and has already started to grow her head.

These movements are all the rules of the palace.

Sit up, hold your head up, and smile.

Cao Gege got up and said: "When we go back to Fujin, at the beginning of the year, the slave Ama invited Jeyme, who had withdrawn from the palace, to make offerings and teach the slaves how to behave."

Between standing up and answering, he was already in good shape.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege looked at each other.

What Shu Shu thought was, has Kangxi already told Cao Yin to give his daughter a future?
Refers to marrying Naersu, is this the time to plan?

Jiugege thought of the next few geges. The fifteen geges born to Zhang Pin are nine years old this year, and it's time to choose a companion to read.

In front of Cao Gege, the sister-in-law did not speak clearly.

Shu Shu told Cao Gege to sit down.

When Xiaochun brought tea and snacks, everyone ate.

Shu Shucai said to Xiaochun, "The weather outside is fine, don't stay bored in the house..."

Then she said to Cao Gege, "I wonder if I can trouble Gege to take my girl to the back garden?"


Cao Gege got up, and said crisply: "The slave obeyed Fujin's order, and the peony flowers in the back garden just happened to bloom, so the slave took the sisters to pick flowers for Fujin and the princess!"

It's funny that Yuxue looks cute and speaks adult language.

Shu Shu's heart softened.

I think of a stalk that is often mentioned in later generations, cheating a daughter.

This is the case with Cao Gege.

When Xiaochun led Cao Gege down, the aunt and sister-in-law looked at each other.

"Accompaniment to fifteen frames?"

Jiugege said his guess: "Khan Ama is really kind to the Cao family. I heard that he has rewarded Sun Mofu twice in the past few days..."

But Shu Shu felt something was wrong.

Isn't this minister of grace a disciple of Gaiyin?
After all, in the eyes of the world, the son is the family inheritance.

Especially for Cao Yin, there is still only Cao Ke, the only son.

Why did the Cao family favor the girl here?

"Did you reward Cao Zhizao's son?"

Shu Shu asked.

In the past few days, she stayed behind closed doors, and was tied up with Brother Jiu, so she didn't know much about it.

Jiugege shook his head and said, "There's no such thing as a title that can be rewarded casually, and I haven't heard that Cao Zhizao has made any outstanding contributions..."

Shu Shu expressed her doubts in her heart: "But if it is Jiaen, wouldn't it be added to my son?"

Jiugege didn't think of this before, now he thought about it, and said: "In this way, shouldn't the quota of the first prince of the Cao family fall to the son of Cao Zhizao?"

Shu Shu also thought that would be more reasonable.

Accompanied by the prince, it is the appointment of the guards, a future.

But there is another possibility.

That is, Kangxi wanted to make Jiang Ning weaving into a "world official", so he didn't arrange for Cao Tempo to go to Beijing.

Shiguan means that the grandparents, father and son of a family all hold the same official position.

"Haha beads are not the same after all. For the sake of being a child, only your ninth brother has a bad temper and offended everyone. There is not a single one left..."

Shu Shu sighed.

When they opened the mansion, there was a real shortage of manpower everywhere.

Shu Shu arranged for a Fusong from her natal family, and even asked for a Black Mountain. It would be difficult to recruit other people from Dong E's house, otherwise it would not look like it.

I thought about using Xing Quan and his son at that time, but now because Xi Zhu's life experience is doubtful, I have to look at their behavior with their character again, so it's not easy to use it directly.

Jiu Gege laughed and said: "Anyway, Brother Nine is incomparable to Sister-in-law Nine. The maids around Sister-in-law Jiu are good, and the emperor's grandmother praised them twice. Let me learn more from Sister-in-law Jiu to take care of girls..."

Shu Shu thought of the maid next to Jiu Gege, she was not close to her, and asked in confusion, "The two around you act cautiously, why don't they look like old people?"

Jiugege suppressed his smile, rubbed his handkerchief and said, "They were assigned years ago. The two previous palace servants were called away by the Department of Punishment in the twelfth lunar month..."

Shu Shu was surprised, it was the first time she heard about it.

She frowned. "But there are irregularities in the daily service, or suspicion of greed and theft..."

Jiugege jawed his head, his mood was a little low, and he said: "It's a place where some belongings are not clear."

Shu Shu patted her hand and said: "Sister, don't feel bad, it's a good thing to find out early, this kind of mind-testing is not worthy of my sister's nostalgia."


As for theft, it may all be for the first time.

Shu Shu remembered clearly that the cleaning up of the palace after the year after the year was still related to the placement of the Hesheli family and the Tong family in the palace.

Behind Yifei's entry into the palace is the Hesheli family's beauty offering.

Concubine De is here, I don't know if it is the child candidate arranged by Tong's family.

It was just a coincidence, it was just that Kangxi found a noble adoptive mother for the fourth elder brother on a temporary basis.

Jiugege let out a long breath, and said, "One of them is from the Wuya family, the empress's cousin, who has been by my side for seven or eight years..."

Shu Shu felt that her guess was off the mark.

The Wu Ya family is related to the Tong family...

Ming Taizu Mausoleum.

After personally sacrificing the Ming Taizu, Kangxi mentioned to the clan, civil and military ministers that he wanted to visit and investigate the descendants of the Ming Dynasty, confer world duties, and keep the rituals for the world.

"The Forty-Eight Banners of Mongolia in this dynasty are all descendants of the Yuan Dynasty, and I still nurture them; future generations in the Ming Dynasty should also follow this example!"

Kangxi had plausible words.

Immediately, a great scholar responded and sang meritorious deeds.

Ninth elder brother stood behind the accompanying elder brother, lowered his head to conceal the strangeness in his heart.

What news is this?
Want to make a big claim?
This "Third Prince Zhu" has killed a lot of people...

When he came back from Ming Taizu Mausoleum, Shengjia inspected Jiangning Banner Camp again.

It is more reluctant.

There is no timidity, but it is very different from Hangzhou Qiying.

Kangxi endured his anger and went to see Jiangning's green camp.

Kangxi was furious, and also issued an order: "Immediately evaluate the officers and soldiers of the green battalion one by one, and those who fail to pass the bow and horse will be ordered to work for the river workers."

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