In the evening, Brother Jiu came back exhausted.

"It seems that there is something that I don't know..."

He told Shu Shu about today's situation.

"Sacrificing the Mausoleum of the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, this was added temporarily. It was not in the previous itinerary, and the world must be ordered to find the descendants of the Ming Dynasty..."

Ninth elder brother was thoughtful, and said: "I didn't find anything else along the way..."

Shu Shu handed him the tea, and immediately thought of the legendary Hongmen.

The headquarters of Hongmen seems to be in Jiangnan.

What news is this?

It's just that it's not easy to mention this to brother Jiu.

It doesn't make sense that a prince on official business wouldn't know, but she guessed it.

She said: "If you are really curious, you can ask King Zhijun and Qibeile!"

The two responsible for the security of the southern patrol should be relatively well-informed about this kind of news.

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "I'm just curious, but I don't want to ask any more. It's not good news, I'm going to fight and kill."

What he said in front of the emperor before saying that he believed in cause and effect was not a lie.

It is true that after reading too many Buddhist books and stories, my heart softens.

But as far back as I can remember, the several cases related to the "Third Prince Zhu" were murders one after another.

"Fortunately, my father is not walking in the criminal department. My father only looks at the case and makes troubles. I can't sleep well for several nights. Fourth brother seems to be fine, very powerful!"

Brother Jiu said with emotion.

Shu Shu recalled that before the Southern Tour team came to Jiangning, they stopped in Suzhou Mansion for the second time, and Sheng Jia went to Songjiang to appease the people in person.

In the past few years, due to natural disasters and man-made disasters, there were civil disturbances in Songjiang.

On the surface, the people in need of relief suffered injustice and went to the county government to make trouble. In fact, they besieged the county government and opened official warehouses.

If you really want to say it, it is tantamount to rebellion.

But Jiang Nan was too sensitive, so the matter was suppressed.

Turn big things into small things, and small things into nothing.

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu. This was the news that Brother Jiu had told her before going to Songjiang with Sheng Jia, and it was not ten days old.

As a result, there was no sensitivity at all, and Dasuo and civil unrest were not thought of together at all.

Seeing Shu Shu's eyes falling on him, Brother Jiu said, "I'm missing you, how are you doing today?"

Shu Shu smiled very restrainedly, and said, "Ninth Sister brought Cao Gege over to talk for a while, thank you, Lord, and I'm still thinking about this."

Actually it wasn't, it was my sister-in-law who gossiped about Cao Gege learning the rules, and then the little beauty came back from picking flowers, a few people arranged flowers again, and then Shu Shu also left a meal at noon.

Steal half a day off.

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "What else should I do? Why are you clinging to Grandpa? If Grandpa is not here, how will you survive the whole day?"

Shu Shu "."

This one seems to really think so!
Turning black and white upside down, you can still be so confident.

Shu Shu also nodded in recognition, and said: "Yes, thinking that my master will be tired outside today, I even missed a bowl of rice at noon."

I only ate two and a half bowls, and I was afraid that I would scare the little girl if I ate too much.

The corners of Brother Jiu's mouth were grinning to the ear, but he still remembered the serious business, and said: "The letter from your father-in-law and mother-in-law should also be from the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the letter from Fusong's side, it should be just a few days ago, Grandpa. I'll ask tomorrow..."

Normally, Qi Xi and his wife would not send letters from the Ministry of War, but this is to report the funeral of their daughter, and they have to keep the rules, so it should be from the Ministry of War.


Mentioning this, Shu Shu really felt a little hopeful, and said, "When will Shengjia set off, and how long will it take to go from Jiangning to the capital?"

Brother Jiu did the math, and said: "Tomorrow, I will rest for a whole day, and I will move to the next day. I won't stay in between. At most, I will stay in Yangzhou Prefecture or Huai'an Prefecture for one night. Calculated in this way, it should be less than one and a half months. Arrived in Beijing."

On the next day, Brother Jiu didn't wait to find someone from the Ministry of War, someone came over there to deliver the letter.

It was two letters, one was from Qi Xi and his wife to Shu Shu, and the other was from Fu Song to Brother Jiu.

Shu Shu couldn't wait, and opened the letter from home.

"Ernie gave birth?!"

Shu Shu found the news first, and finally let go of her worries: "Chu Qichou is giving birth to a son, mother and child are safe..."

Brother Jiu said, "Isn't that the day after your uncle passed away? Did your mother-in-law be surprised?"

Shu Shu continued to look back, and said: "It was not mentioned in the letter, but Er Nie's delivery date is about this time."

Brother Jiu jokingly said, "Didn't give birth to Little Gege to compete with you for favor, are you secretly having fun?"

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu and said, "Am I that stingy?"

It seems that there is a little bit.

If she gave birth to a younger sister, she would still love her, but she also felt a sense of being replaced.

With many young brothers, it seems that there is a little less sourness.

She was not good enough in her heart, but Brother Jiu saw through it.

Brother Jiu really wanted to nod, but after thinking about it, he held back and read Fusong's letter.

Shu Shu has already seen the back.

He mentioned the details about Uncle's questionable life experience of Xizhu, and the past related to the horse tie post.

Qi Xi called Xing Quan and his wife back from Haidian that day, ready to thoroughly investigate the past.

There was also Wen Po, who delivered Xi Zhu's baby at that time, and the old man who served Xi Zhu's birth mother in the early years, and planned to find them all, and planned to check them all one by one.

Shu Shu sighed, and said: "Ama loves Uncle very much, Uncle doesn't dare to investigate, so he is so confused, but if Xi Zhu is really in Uncle's blood, even if Ama is annoyed with him, he will think about settling him properly. "

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Qi Xi's move was misunderstood to prove that Xi Zhu was not from the blood of Dong E's family, so as to avoid future troubles; but Shu Shu knew that it was not, Ama was afraid of a wrong judgment and let his uncle's flesh and blood spill out.

Even though Xizhu is unfilial, the uncle has become obsessed with blood.

Brother Jiu's eyes flickered, and he said: "Not everyone has the horse-holding post, but all three of them have grown it..."

Shu Shu put down the family letter, looked at Brother Jiu, and said, "What did you think of?"

She didn't know much about hitching posts herself, so she vaguely remembered that genetic factors were the main reason, and the rest were due to drugs or radiation.

Anyway, the fetus is formed in the mother's womb.

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and said, "I think, when you get back to the capital, you should ask your father-in-law and mother-in-law whether the late great father-in-law tied the horse stake..."

Shu Shu was taken lightly by the thunder, and said: "It shouldn't be so. Didn't that Xing Quan say he is an uncle and brother, who is two months older than uncle..."

If it really has something to do with Shu Shu's grandfather, it is the eldest son of Dong E's family, uncle and Qi Xi's uncle.

Is Shu Shu's grandfather unkind or Shu Shu's grandmother jealous for raising his son?


The character of this older generation will be criticized.

Brother Jiu said: "Anyway, that's what I said, or it's too coincidental. I'm so big, I haven't seen anyone else with this. It can be seen that there are not many people with this."

Shu Shu was silent. According to this statement, it is indeed a bit strange.

She carefully thought about Xing Quan's appearance, the usual square face, upright and honest.

She raised her forehead and said, "It shouldn't be like this, is it true? Grandma has no reason to let the concubine become a servant like this?"

Brother Nine said, "Who knows, then maybe we will look up and find out about Xing Quan's father?"

Shu Shu hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Impossible!"

You must know that her heir and great-grandfather adopted her nephew because she had no children, but anyone who has a biological child, even the son of a concubine, will not adopt him.

Brother Jiu thought about it, and it was indeed the truth, and said, "Then let the father-in-law and mother-in-law check Xing Quan later."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu, and remembered the situation of gossip about Cao's family with Jiugege yesterday.

Really, just thinking about other people's blood, there is a pot of blood pouring down on my own house.

But it may not be because of people, you can also ask Ama Cha to check the old things of grandma when she was alive, to see if there are any suspected radioactive sources...

Capital, Dutong Mansion, main house.

Qi Xi sat opposite Jueluo and his wife.

Qi Xi held two pieces of paper in his hand, one was Xing Quan's statement, the time when Kangxi came back from Baoding Mansion in the summer of the [-]st year of Kangxi, and the approximate date of the Zhao couple Dun Lun.

There is also a statement from the coachman.

The approximate time when Uncle Kangxi went to Xing's house in the back street in the [-]st year of Kangxi.

Even Xing Quan's eldest son, who was as old as he could remember at that time, Qi Xi personally questioned him.

Qi Xi handed it to Jue Luo, smiled wryly: "There are overlaps, I'm afraid Zhao can't explain it clearly, but she has a guilty conscience, she should be Xing Quan..."

Jue Luo looked on, thinking more, and said, "Didn't you think of anything else?"

Qi Xi raised his head and said, "Madam, what did you think of?"

"Xing Quan's hitching post!"

Jue Luo said, "Uncle said it himself, I think it's true..."

When Mrs. Zhao wanted to murder Uncle before, there was one thing that made people wonder why she felt guilty. After all, both father and son had "horse tethering posts", which were also a sign of identification.

Looking at it now, she should know that Xing Quan also grew up with a "horse tethering post".

Mrs. Zhao has served her uncle since she was a child, and she is several years older than her uncle. It is normal to remember these things.

Qi Xi was silent.

He has a toothache.

They don't have many people in this house, and they don't even have a side branch, so it wouldn't be a bad thing if they could have one more house.

But, that's a big joke!
If Xing Quan's background was really secretive, then Dong E's family would become a big joke.

At that time, the tutoring of Dong E's family will be questioned.

Each one of them is either raising a concubine, or raising an illegitimate child...

The husband and wife looked at each other, both feeling troubled.

There are three more sons... no, plus the newly born Xiaoqi, that is, four sons who have not talked about marriage.

Although Fusong's side is almost settled, it's only about the same, and the formal ceremony has not yet been officially celebrated, so there are five.

Even Zhu Liang, who is already engaged, will lose a little bit of confidence in Yue's family.

"Ama shouldn't be there, right?"

Qi Xi thought of his late father, and said something without confidence.

Jue Luo let out a long breath.

Who can be sure?
It's the uncle who looks dignified and respectful on weekdays, who would have thought that there were still absurd days back then?
She is also a mother herself, so she understands how abnormal her uncle's grandma's reaction is.

For the crying of a four or five-year-old child, it is a bit too loyal to be able to tie his son's "horse tie" with his own hands.

That's a good sign, and if you're not a stepmother, who would be willing to get rid of it directly...

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