My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 548 Tell the younger siblings

Chapter 548 Tell Your Brothers and Sisters No (Second Monthly Ticket)
On April [-]th, Shang Zi entered Jiangning and boarded a boat at Ninghanximen.

Brother Jiu had no errands and was free, so he didn't sit on the backup dragon boat, but on the couple's boat.

These days, Brother Nine was belatedly aware, and finally figured out how Shu Shu was arranged when he went south.

The three girls took turns sleeping with her on the bed!

For this reason, Brother Jiu couldn't see Xiaochun and the others, except for grooming and delivering meals, they were all driven to their own cabins.

"How narrow is that bed, three and a half feet, two people squeezed?"

Brother Nine gritted his teeth when he mentioned it.

Shu Shu compared the previous cabin, and said: "At that time, only our cabin was half-large, except for the bed, only one couch could lie on it, and one chair could barely be put together. What should I do if there is one left? No way. Playing the floor, it was still early February..."

Not to mention the cold weather, the canal below is also humid.

If you really want to sleep, you will get sick.

Brother Jiu raised his chin and said dissatisfiedly: "Isn't there still a cabin for the passengers? Squeeze with the nurses and maids at the Ningshou Palace. Look, this kindness!"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "These are the only people around me. If the master wants to separate me, then I will be alone in the future. Are you pitiful?"

"Isn't there still a grandfather?"

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly.

"My lord is the prince on duty, and I will go to the yamen every day from now on. Do I just sit at home like that?" Shu Shu said.

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Don't be so pitiful, I don't know you yet, and you can entertain yourself! Arrange flowers, pile yarn, what kind of square leaf cards do you want... Isn't this Is it very happy?"

This is the news. Knowing that Shu Shu had fun with Jiu Gege and Cao Gege the day before yesterday, he felt uncomfortable again.

Shu Shu couldn't help it, pinched his face, and said: "Don't be annoyed, let me play with you next time..."

Brother Jiu couldn't laugh or cry, grabbed her hand and put it down, saying: "Who cares to play with you? I just think you have to find something serious, don't be so boring, what's the fun with a seven or eight-year-old girl? In the future, she is not allowed to be recruited to the second institute!"

Cao Gege took a nurse and a little girl, and went to the capital with the southern tour team.

She will be brought up in the palace as a companion of Shiwu Gege.

Mentioning this, Shu Shu thought of Cao Yong who had only met once.

The younger sister looks so Yuxue and cute, so it can be seen that the elder brother's appearance is naturally not bad.

The ten-year-old boy looked a little like his father, and was more delicate.

"Master, Brother Fifteen's companion, didn't Cao Yong be appointed before?"

Shu Shu asked.

Although Cao Yong is an only child, his parents may be reluctant, but it is still different to enter the palace as a companion.

Especially the Baoyi family, most of them live and thrive in the capital, and the Cao family who are so far away from the capital also need an opportunity to draw in the relationship with the master.

On Li Xu's side, he was also an only son, so he didn't delay in going to Beijing.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and looked at Shu Shu several times.

Shu Shu thought about what she just asked, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Brother Nine then said: "Cao Yin behaves a bit like his father-in-law, and he is more scholarly and loyal than his father-in-law. Khan Ama gave him grace at the beginning, but he seems to beg to change this person into a nephew, hoping that the brother's family can have another family. man of."

Cao Yin's younger brother has been a bodyguard for half his life.

There was no promotion, nor did he enter the court as an official.

With Kangxi's "nepotism" temperament, if he can use it, he will definitely use it; if he can't use it, then his ability is limited.

It's all other people's business, the couple put it down after saying a word.

Just as Brother Jiu expected, there was not much delay on the way back to Luan. The fleet stayed in Jinshan for one night and Yangzhou for one night.

Then head north.

There was also a Dragon Boat Festival in the middle.

The weather is also getting hotter.

There was also news from the capital in the middle.

The seventh Fujin gave birth to a daughter on April [-], and the mother and daughter are safe.

Ever since he got the news, Brother Jiu couldn't sit still, and murmured to Shu Shu: "Is your mother about the same time as Sister-in-law Qi..."

Shu Shu roughly calculated the time, and said: "It should be a month or a half month late, it should be the end of May, the beginning of June..."

Last year's northern tour started at the end of July. Qi Fujin was found to be pregnant in September, and Concubine Yi was in November.

Brother Jiu didn't speak for a long while, his eyes were far away, and he said: "I hope it's a little brother..."

Shu Shu knew that he was thinking of Elder Brother Eleven.

This time, Yifei, no matter if it's Elder Brother or Gege, will be a favored child.

If it is Princess, it is a noble princess.

If it's elder brother, then it's the youngest son of the emperor.

Now the palace is also peaceful, and I am not afraid of someone making trouble again.

Both husband and wife returned home like an arrow, and the days seemed to really speed up.

In a blink of an eye, it was May [-]th, and I was stationed in Tongzhou.

Tomorrow, you can go back to the palace.

When Brother Nine helped her to get off the boat, Shu Shu felt that she didn't want to take the boat again in a short time.

Too much time on board this time.

Brother Lian Jiu said: "The next time we go out, let's take a carriage. It's more comfortable to stop and go."

Just like when Shu Tan first boarded the boat in Suzhou in early April, that Shu Tan regretted that it wasn't him.

The boat of the ten elder brothers and his wife is right behind, next to theirs.

At this moment, Brother Shi and his wife also disembarked.

When Shi Fujin saw Shu Shu, his eyes lit up, he trotted over, pulled Shu Shu and said, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law..."

Seeing that she and the puppy had met fleshy bones, Brother Nine couldn't help frowning, looked at Brother Ten and said, "What's wrong with Fujin, didn't I just see you yesterday?"

Although they didn't go to the palace or travel along the way, they didn't stay on the boat all the time, and they could walk around when they stopped at the pier every night.

Elder Brother Shi took a look at Fujin indulgently, and said: "My Fujin has never forgotten 'Wanbao Pavilion', and I am just waiting to open a shop in Beijing. She has never done this before. This is because I have no idea, and I plan to ask sister-in-law Jiu for more advice." ..."

Brother Jiu had a bad feeling when he heard "ask for more advice", and hurriedly said: "The dignified prince Fujin, why don't you do it yourself, you should find her a proper person to watch the shop earlier..."

Speaking of this, he thought of the separated property in the first month, and said: "Isn't there a pawn shop? The steward over there, you can just take it over and order it, don't let you Fujin mess around like a headless chicken!"

Seeing that Brother Nine was like this, Elder Ten could only promise: "Brother Ninth, don't worry, Brother Nine will teach her later and don't let her keep disturbing Sister-in-law Nine."

Brother Jiu heard what Shu Shu had said before, waved his hands and said: "Forget it, forget it, then we both go to the Yamen, they are bored staying in the daytime, so let's get together if you want to! "

Brother Ten looked at Brother Nine and smiled, and said, "I can't even remember what Brother Nine was like at this time last year!"

last year……

Brother Jiu made a "seal" movement, and said: "Remember to keep your mouth tight in the future, and don't mention it if you turn the page!"

Elder Brother Shi couldn't help laughing.

At this time last year, Brother Nine complained three times a day, being picky and dissatisfied with Fujin who did not enter the door.

Elder Brother Ten felt that he could be a trump card.

In the future, if Brother Jiu has something to worry about, he will ask Sister-in-law Jiu to take care of him.

At this moment, there are people coming from the front.

It's the fifth elder brother couple.

Because of the queen mother's private instructions, when returning to Luan from Hangzhou, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also prepared a boat for the fifth elder brother and his wife.

The fifth elder brother and his wife were kicked out of the queen mother's phoenix boat and went by boat alone.

Now, their boat is moored in front of Shu Shu's boat.

"Uncle Nine, Uncle Ten..."

Wu Fujin bowed his head to the two younger uncles first, and then said to Shu Shu and Shi Fujin: "Let's go, let's say hello to the emperor's grandmother together..."

Because the fleet departed early every morning on the road, the time for this junior to pay his respects was moved to the evening.

Shu Shu nodded, followed Wu Fujin and Shi Fujin to leave.

The fifth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, and said, "Did you tell her about the lawsuit of the brother and sister's natal family?"

Brother Nine was stunned, then honestly shook his head and said: "I don't know much at first, I'm afraid she will be anxious after hearing it, and I want to wait for the detailed information, and then tell her together..."

As a result, it was forgotten.

Brother Ten was beside him, frowning and said: "Dong E's family didn't attend the funeral first, why did they have a lawsuit?"

Brother Jiu also felt baffled, and said: "Who knows what happened to that third brother-in-law of the third brother, who actually reported to the Infantry Dutong Yamen and Dali Temple, saying that my father-in-law was suspected of murdering my brother, murdering my nephew, seizing the title, and stealing property. Who is he, who directly intervenes in the housework of other houses, and is full of nonsense, can't it be Peng Chun who is behind the agitation?"

In the end, he was really puzzled.

Even if it wasn't Peng Chun's instigation, the man had convulsions by himself, but after Peng Chun knew about it, he should have sent someone to withdraw the complaint.

When the husband and wife talked before, they mentioned "melon fields and plums", and Qi Xi was easily criticized.

But I also think it will be private speculation or rumors.

It's a joke for two fools to jump out and hand over the certificate directly.

Not to mention the false accusation in the "Great Qing Law", but the nephew suing the uncle, there is also the issue of respecting relatives.

Elder Brother Shi also felt weird when he heard it, and said, "Just tell me empty teeth, and no one will prove it?"

Brother Jiu sneered and said: "It is said that Xizhu is the witness, it seems that there is some physical evidence, anyway, all the infantry have been handed over to the emperor, I am afraid that in the eyes of others, there is a third brother behind the palace, and there is a master behind the Dutong mansion. I didn’t dare to investigate, dare not judge, so I waited for Shengjia to make a ruling after returning to Beijing..."

Fifth elder brother frowned and said, "It's too bad."

The emperor and queen mother praised Shu Shu's character and behavior here.

The parents who raised her will not be bad, and the one who is bad is the brother-in-law of the third elder brother.

Elder Brother Shi was thoughtful, and said: "The government has never withdrawn the lawsuit, nor has the youngest of their family been arrested?"

Brother Nine snorted coldly: "No, that's why I wonder if that old Peng Chun is also daydreaming..."

Otherwise, why didn't you come forward to discipline your children?

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while, and said, "Peng Chun has been sick since the beginning of winter last year, and he resigned due to illness at the beginning of the year, is it going to die..."

The ninth elder brother was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at the tenth elder brother and said, "But it's May now, and it's not the twelfth lunar month of winter. Is the end of the year sad?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth said that people are old and it's not easy to celebrate the new year. Peng Chun had a chronic illness in his early years and was bedridden for half a year. Is it because he is sick or not old..."

(End of this chapter)

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