Chapter 551 Taught Out (Second Monthly Pass)
Coming out of Yikun Palace, Shu Shu felt somewhat regretful.

When I came back from Tongzhou this morning, I should have sent Xiao Chun to go directly to the Dutong Mansion instead of going back to the palace.

Although Er Nie gave birth safely, her uncle also passed away, and her mother's family had a major event, but she still cared about Er Nie's and Amu's bodies.

According to the rules, the time of stopping the spirit can be long or short.

Uncle is the head of the family, and there are no elders above him, so he can stay on "July [-]" to mourn.

But now it is summer, there is no way to stop the spirit for so long, and the "March [-]" will be buried.

Otherwise, Shu Shu would have to go to mourn.

Concubine Yi sighed that she was not young anymore, E Nie was several years older than her, and Ah Mou was also about fifty years old.

But I was negligent, and only thought about repairing and tidying up. After the luggage was unpacked and the presents were finished, I would return to Ning in a few days.

But the family knew that Sheng Jia would return to Luan today, and Ama and Er Nie must also be thinking about her.

As a result, when I arrived at the second school, I saw Brother Jiu changed into plain clothes and was waiting for her to come back.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, my master will take you out of the palace..."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and urged her.

Shu Shu was overjoyed at first, then hesitated and said, "Is this convenient?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "What's the inconvenience, the palace gate is still blocked to allow entry and exit?"

"But the empress and the emperor haven't told the elders yet?"

Shu Shu felt too casual.

Brother Jiu patted his chest and said: "We are not children, and we have to report whenever we go out, saying 'marry and obey your husband', the master insists on taking you out, there are so many important national affairs that Khan Ama is pressing, where is it? I will take care of this, and the empress will also be considerate."

Shu Shu immediately went to change clothes, unable to let go of the corners of her mouth.

She felt that she had behaved herself again.

I am the youngest daughter-in-law.

Remember this identity in the future.

It doesn't have to be reliable.

Isn't it normal to be a little daughter-in-law who can't make up her mind in front of men?

Shu Shu called a few girls over.

Xiaotang still refused to go home, so Shu Shu took Xiaochun and Xiaosong, while Brother Jiu sent He Yuzhu and Sun Jin to go ahead and arrange a carriage.

In order to hurry, did not call the guards.

The couple got into the carriage, took twenty guards and headed for Zhenghongqi.

After the carriage got out of Di'anmen, Brother Jiu stroked his forehead and said, "Oops, you're empty-handed!"

He is now acting more and more "comfortably", that is, go to other people's homes to keep this in mind, "It is not surprising that there are many people who are polite."

Shu Shu frowned and said: "Go back and pack up the luggage and send someone to send it there."

Brother Jiu didn't ask anyone to detour to buy things.

He felt that for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, returning his wife to peace was the best gift.

When we arrived at the Dutong Mansion, before the carriage stopped, someone reported inside.

When the carriage stopped, Qi Xi had already come out with great strides.

"Didn't you just go back to the palace? Why did you come here today? It's time to rest..."

Qi Xi complained, but the joy in his eyes was undisguised.

He patted Brother Jiu on the shoulder, as if he was very close.

Brother Jiu smiled, but felt a pain in his shoulder.

He didn't understand, when did he offend his father-in-law again?
He still doesn't know that the father-in-law in the world never really likes his son-in-law.

Shu Shu looked at Qi Xi, a little moved, and said, "Ama is dark and old..."

Funerals are the worst, and Shu Shu witnessed it from beginning to end a few years ago.

The eldest brother is still in his prime, he has lost a lot of weight, and is several years older.

Qi Xi's here, after all, is also a person in his forties.

He sighed, and said: "Just this time, let's make it up after the server is out!"

Shu Shu was also worried about Jue Luo Shi, seeing that no one came out, she said, "Ernie is confinement?"

Before Jue Luo gave birth, Mrs. Uncle mentioned that she should be raised by then, because she is not young anymore.

Nowadays, in addition to [-] days of confinement, there are also people who do it for [-] days or two months.

Now I feel that Luo Shi hasn't come out, it's been two months.

Qi Xi nodded and said: "Go directly to the main room to see you Ernie, you Ernie don't know you're back..."

Shu Shu nodded, and walked towards the second door without stopping.

Brother Jiu was by the side, knowing that his mother-in-law was not yet confinement, so it was not easy for him to visit, so he followed his father-in-law to the living room to talk honestly.

Seeing Qi Xi's appearance of mourning and filial piety, very stable, he was puzzled and said: "Father-in-law, Shengjia is coming back to Luan today, why don't you find a way to enter the palace?"

The Eight Banners are all in charge, and they all work shifts in the palace.

Even if it's not the red flag today, can't it be changed?

Brother Jiu felt that if he was sued for no reason, he should go to the imperial court to explain clearly and find someone who can make the decision.

Qi Xi looked at Brother Nine, didn't speak, and sighed inwardly.

The current crisis is not in Dong E's house, nor in the two brothers Fu Han and Fu Hai, but in the palace.

How could he bump into it at this time?

Having been a monarch and minister for many years, he also saw the emperor's temper, and he was unwilling to be stretched out for power.

The more you jump up and down, the more it will make that person unhappy.

Brother Nine said: "You can't be too honest, don't think it's just a family matter, wait for Mr. Peng to discipline his son, who knows if he has selfish intentions, he has so many sons, and he lacks a future..."

There are only seven on the genealogy, and I heard that there are illegitimate children outside.

That Mr. Peng is as famous for his flair as for his bravery.

Qi Xi hurriedly waved his hands and said: "This is Dong E's family affairs after all, it's not easy for elder brother to intervene..."

Brother Jiu couldn't hold back his curiosity, turned his eyes, and asked, "Is that Xi Zhu the son of uncle's father-in-law?"

Qi Xi glanced at Brother Jiu and said, "I don't know."

Brother Nine: "..."

He said anxiously: "Hasn't it been a month and a half? Why can't you find out?"

Isn't it time to start something like "recognizing relatives with blood"?
Qi Xi was also depressed when he mentioned this.

He didn't want to admit that the unfilial and incompetent bastard was his nephew.

But it is true that there is no evidence to prove that Xizhu is not the blood of Dong E's family...

In the upper room, it was quiet.

Jue Luoshi is taking a nap.

On the little twig next to her, there was a girl with sleepy eyes, and her little brain lit up.

Seeing Shu Shu coming in, the girl hurriedly got up and wanted to speak, but Shu Shu stopped her.

Shu Shu glanced at Jue Luo Shi, but she didn't see the baby, so she tiptoed out and went to the east room.

A woman in her thirties was doing needlework under the south window, with a leisure vehicle hanging beside it, with a confinement child tied to it.

Seeing Shu Shu coming in, the woman got up, but she didn't know who it was.

The girl next to her said: "This is my aunt coming back..."

The woman hurriedly squatted down to give blessings.

Shu Shu waved her hands and shouted, and looked down at the children in You's car.

The little guy is white and tender, sleeping soundly, with only his legs bound, his arms loose, his hands in a surrender posture, his nose and mouth are very delicate.

If you don't know it is a boy in advance, you will look like a delicate-looking baby girl.

As if aware of Shu Shu's gaze, the little guy opened his eyes, yawned, his little nose moved, and looked sideways in the woman's direction.

Seeing this, the woman hesitated, looked at Shu Shu and said, "Grandma, I'm hungry..."

Shu Shu nodded, then turned and left.

She went to Westinghouse again, but she didn't wake up Jue Luo, and sat on the edge of the kang.

Now it's midsummer, the weather in the capital is hot and dry, but Jue Luoshi still wears a forehead wipe, and a quilt is pressed on his body.

Her face was a little swollen, but she looked fine.

Shu Shu's heart is very peaceful.

It's great, my parents are healthy, and my husband is starting to understand.

She is indeed a lucky one.

As for "Nine Dragons Seizing the Inheritance"?
Who knows how many will be left?
If the scale is reduced again and again, it may be just a small fight at that time, and they will be done after watching it.

"What are you smirking at?"

When Jue Luo opened his eyes, he saw his girl sitting on the edge of the kang, having fun, turned over and sat up, and joked.


Shu Shu pulled Jue Luo's arm and leaned close.

Jue Luoshi pushed her, with disgust, said: "It's so hot, what's so boring?"

Shu Shu refused to let go, looked at Jue Luo Shi, and said dissatisfied: "Ernie, you have a young child, and you want to favor the youngest son?!"

Mother and daughter haven't seen each other for a few months, what's wrong with kissing each other?
Jue Luo snorted softly: "I can only favor you. When you give birth to a child, you will still fight for favor. Are you ashamed?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Zheng, who told me to have a good Ernie and a good Ama, naturally I want to love me the most..."

Jue Luoshi nodded her head and said: "It's Wo Liheng, why don't you dare to say that in front of your mother-in-law?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Don't worry Ernie, your son-in-law is fighting..."

It's really a coincidence, who would have thought that all the girls here are married, and the mothers and elders on both sides are pregnant with pearls, and each gave them a little brother or a little sister.

Seeing that Luo Shi's forehead was profusely sweating and his lips were dry, Shu Shu got up to watch the tea.

The teapot was warm, so she poured a glass of water and handed it to Jue Luoshi.

Jue Luo took it and drank water.

Shu Shu went to throw a towel again, and wiped Jue Luoshi's face.

Jue Luo didn't stop her, and let her serve, with a look of relief on his face, but he couldn't help feeling distressed in his eyes.

When I was young, where did I wink like this...

It has been less than a year since I left home, and I know how to take care of others.

When Shu Shu saw her, she knew that she had misunderstood, and said with a smile: "Where did Ernie think? There are so many palace people in Ningshou Palace, I can't show courteousness to the Queen Mother if I want to; let alone our empress, every time Please be safe in the past, as long as you have eaten and taken, you have not even touched a needle or thread, so you can rest assured!"

Jue Luo glanced at her and said, "Then what about your elder brother?"

Shu Shu thought about Brother Nine, she didn't say that she did it herself, it was almost the same.

But what to do?

You can't arrange others to circle around Brother Jiu.

Besides, it was taught.

She laughed and said: "Isn't this your daughter's narrow-mindedness, she doesn't like others to join your son-in-law."

Jue Luo's heart was half relieved, but he still reminded: "Don't get used to it too much, put yourself first."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Don't worry, your daughter was taught by you and A Mou, only if you let others suffer, can you still suffer yourself?"

Jue Luo said: "It's just that the mouth is strong, but the heart is softer than anyone else."

Shu Shu didn't speak.

That is an illusion.

Also, how can the standards for family members be the same as those for outsiders?
(End of this chapter)

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