Chapter 552 Loneliness
After the mother and daughter kissed each other, Shu Shu remembered the business.

It wasn't the ridiculous lawsuit of the third cousin of the government, but his own grandfather.

"Ene, does grandfather have a 'horse hitch'?"

Shu Shu asked.

Jue Luoshi glanced at her and said, "What are you thinking about?"

Seeing Er Nie's determined expression, Shu Shu felt relieved, and said, "That's because you checked with Ama, and we don't have any more relatives?"

If that were the case, the scandal would be doubled.

Uncle is not a prostitute, but a prostitute.

"Although he is a householder, he is not an errand in the mansion, but from Fangshanzhuangzi. Later, when your uncle landed, he also had a spare wet nurse, but he refused to breastfeed, so I asked someone who knew how to look at it, and said that he wanted it." If you are looking for a woman with a compatible zodiac sign, you will find this one from Zhuangzi..."

That is the mother of Xing Quan.

A widow at the time, the man had just died.

That's why even Xing Quan was brought into the mansion.

"There's an old man over there, she's Xing Quan's aunt, she looks the same, so don't try to figure it out..."

Jue Luo said with a bit of lightness.

When they first suspected it, their husband and wife were tossing and turning.

Shu Shu remembered the coincidence of the "horse tethering post", and there was another possibility, which was radiation and diet.

She asked, "Is there something that is old by grandma, that Xizhu's biological mother can still touch?"

Jue Luo looked at her and said, "When Zhao was brought into the mansion by your eldest Bernard, your grandmother had been gone for many years. How do these two get along?"

Shu Shu said: "Daughter seems to have read something in some idle book before, saying that this 'horse tethering post' is passed down by blood, there is another possibility, that is, some things made by Meteorite and Lei Gongmo, if pregnant women have been in contact with them for a long time , the baby in the womb may also have a mutation..."

When Jue Luo heard this, he suddenly said, "Is that so?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, I just remembered reading this, so my daughter thought of this when she saw Ama and Ernie's letter mentioning 'horse tethering posts'."

Jue Luoshi fell into deep thought, and said, "Why do I remember that there really is such a thing..."

As she said that, she called the girl outside: "Wu Fu, go to the next door and ask Mrs. Uncle to come over, just say I invite her to come over and talk!"

The five blessings are in response, and they are about to pass.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Ernie, it's better for the daughter to go, the daughter should also go to offer incense to the uncle!"

Now that the uncle has been mourned, the uncle's mansion offered a memorial tablet.

Jue Luo patted his forehead and said, "Look at me, I'm so confused!"

If Shu Shu didn't have Gui Ning, but only herself, it would be fine to invite Mrs. Uncle to come and talk.

After all, she is in confinement and it is not easy to go out.

But Shu Shu Gui Ning, it's too rude to invite someone like this.

Shu Shu comforted: "Ernie just gave birth to a little brother, it will be fine after a while."

Maybe this is "one pregnancy and three years of stupidity"?
Otherwise, Jue Luo would never be so negligent in his daily activities.

Arriving at the front yard, Shu Shu paused, turned to the living room, greeted Brother Jiu and said, "I'll go and offer incense to Uncle, Master, let's go together!"

Brother Jiu got up, looked at Shu Shu several times, saw that she wasn't crying, and felt relieved, and said, "Well, I'll accompany you there."

Qi Xi saw it in his eyes, and his eyes fell on Brother Jiu's plain clothes. He felt that it was pleasing to the eye, and said to Shu Shu: "Go, your uncle loved you the most in the early years..."

Shu Shu recalled the memories she dug up a few days ago, and her heart was sore, she said: "Daughter remembers, uncle still wanted to adopt his daughter back then."

Qi Xi smiled wryly.

Who would believe that the eldest brother mentioned adoption when he had a son?
Otherwise, this girl was loved by both parents since she was a child. If you really want to say that Mrs. Uncle spent more time looking after her, this adoption is just a name.

It's really wrong.

After coming out with Brother Jiu, Shu Shu talked about Xing Quan and the relatives and elders who were alive.

Since there are blood relatives with similar appearance over there, it rules out a possibility.

The reputation of the late great-grandfather of Dong E's family has been preserved.

"I told Ernie about the meteor or the lightning strike Mo, and Ernie wanted to ask Amu..."

Shushu said.

Brother Jiu was confused and said, "Why is there something about meteors here?"

It was only then that Shu Shu remembered that she hadn't mentioned this conjecture to Brother Jiu, so she said it just now.

"When I was young, I went to other people's houses, and I didn't like to go out to play. I just read the books. It was a mess. I read a lot. I just remembered this. Is it written in the notes of Song Dynasty or Ming Dynasty..."

In his heart, Brother Jiu took the initiative to replace "other people's house" with "Wang Wang's Mansion".

This one also grew up in the palace when he was a child, and was a childhood sweetheart with Chuntai.

She is Wuxin, but that one doesn't look like Wuxin.

How many books does Kang Wangfu have?

Certainly a lot.

Brother Jiu was grinding his back molars, and had already made up his mind to build a library in the Prince's Mansion later.

Isn't it just a book?
What is so rare about Song people's notes and Ming people's notes?
Get your own French notes, Italian notes, English notes...

Shu Shu didn't know, because of her nonsense, her Prince's Mansion needed multiple libraries.

Seeing that elder brother Jiu didn't answer, she looked over and saw that his expression was a little serious, and said, "What did you think of?"

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, blinked his eyes, and said, "I'm just thinking, can this prove that Xi Zhu is not the uncle's son?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I was thinking about this thing. Is it possible that it came from Fangshan Zhuangzi? Xing Quan's mother also came into contact with it..."

In fact, Xing Quan has blood relatives, which proves that there are no other secrets. Whether this object exists or not is irrelevant.

But looking at Er Nie's previous reaction, it seemed that she remembered something, but she was not sure.

While talking, the two arrived at Bo's residence.

The old housekeeper greeted people inside, and at the same time sent people to deliver letters to the main room.

Shu Shu saw that his body was hunched over, and there were a lot of creases on his face, and he lost all energy.

This is a loyal servant who has served uncle for most of his life.

In the last few months, the uncle has been served by this old man himself.

"You should also take good care of yourself. Uncle is underground. I don't want to see you too sad..."

Shu Shu sighed and persuaded.

The old butler wiped away his tears and said: "The old slave has already resigned from his wife. When the matter in the mansion is settled, he will go to the blessed land to guard the uncle's tomb..."

The blessed land of Dong E's family is in Fangshan, where Shu Shu's great-grandfather and grandfather are buried, and now an uncle has been added.

With the qualifications of the old housekeeper, where is the lack of a place for the elderly?

Such a choice is nothing but the heart's will.

It's not easy for Shu Shu to say anything.

The yard is empty and cold, as if the owner is not there, it will be different.

At this moment, Mrs. Uncle also got the news.

Shu Shu quickly stepped forward and held Mrs. Uncle's hand, tears came down.

Although Mrs. Uncle was more plump than Wujue Luoshi before, she was not thin, tall and tall with a relatively large frame.

Now she only has a layer of skin on her hands, her face is thin and out of shape, and her dark hair has been dyed a lot of silver.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Ah Mou is fine, it's just that he didn't rest well a few days ago, just take care of him..."

Mrs. Uncle took a handkerchief and wiped Shu Shu's tears while saying.

Shu Shu didn't want to cry either, and said: "Amu, you still have me. When I give birth to my little elder brother and little Gege, you can go and help me take care of the children. Don't think about uncle."

Death is a very miraculous thing, it seems to smooth out all the bad things.

The rest is glorified memory.

Shu Shu doesn't want Mrs. Bo to be like this.

In that case, I am afraid that it will be difficult to settle down in the future.

If you miss it to the extreme, you will regret it, and if you regret it, you will hate it. All kinds of complicated emotions torture yourself.

Mrs. Uncle smiled and said: "Don't worry, don't worry about me, go and see your uncle first!"

Shu Shu nodded.

Uncle's memorial tablet is just to the east of the front yard.

It is a wooden memorial tablet pasted with white paper.

In front of the tablet is a plate of pomegranates.

Are pomegranates in season?
Shu Shu burned the incense, and after the worship, her eyes fell on the pomegranate.

If you look closely, you can see that something is wrong. It is a plate of carved wood pomegranates.

It's just that the color is good, it looks like a real pomegranate.


Shu Shu turned her head and looked outside through the window screen.

No wonder I just felt that the yard was empty. It turned out that the pomegranate tree was cut down.

Yes, the dead tree, what to do with it.

When Brother Nine also offered incense, Shu Shu told Mrs. Uncle that Jue Luo would invite her.

Mrs. Uncle urged: "Then what's the delay, go over quickly, but your Ernie is not feeling well, or is our Er Gege falling asleep again?"

"Two princesses?"

Shu Shu was a little stunned, and said: "It's a mistake in the previous letter. The one born to Er Nie is not a younger brother, but a little princess?"

Mrs. Uncle smiled lightly and shook her head, "It's Xiao Qi's nickname, I gave it to me, and it's called 'Er Ge Ge'..."

It was also that day when she told Jue Luoshi about her uncle's bad intentions, which made her less patient with her husband.

When the uncle bit him to death and said "the wish has not been fulfilled", she could bear it no longer and arranged for someone to pass the words of "heir" to Xi Zhu's ears.

The final result was not what she expected.

But it wasn't until her uncle was put into the coffin that she realized that resentment is also love.

She lost her father when she was a baby, and lost her mother before she got married.

Uncle is her husband and her elder brother, who has been with her for more than thirty years.

Shu Shu seemed to be aware of Mrs. Uncle's loneliness, and hugged her tightly and said, "Amou, when we move out, we will replace a piece of land in Haidian to repair the garden, and we will live in the garden in the summer..."

Mrs. Uncle said: "It costs a lot to repair the garden, and Ah Mou will prepare some money for you when the time comes."

Shu Shu nodded happily and said, "Mmm, um, I will have to talk to you then."

Brother Nine was listening, blushing.

what's up?
Such a big lala takes advantage?
Or the widow aunt's cheap?
Shouldn't they be filial to their elders?
Shu Shu has already continued talking to Mrs. Uncle: "Anyway, I'm eyeing your private house, and no one should think about snatching it..."

Mrs. Uncle patted her affectionately and said: "You are scared, I am afraid that if a little princess comes out, you will not be the most precious?"

The next update will be at 11:18 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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