Chapter 553 Nianxiang (the first monthly ticket is asked for)

Shu Shu took a bit of a rogue and said: "It doesn't matter, let Ama and Ernie favor the younger ones, I only want Amu to love me the most..."

Mrs. Uncle showed indulgence, groped her back, and said: "Okay, okay, I love you the most, no one can surpass you!"

Next to Brother Nine, I felt my hairs stand up.

This rascal's vigor is about to catch up with Fourteen, right?
Is this the elder sister's style?
It's not quite the same as he imagined.

While speaking, a group of people arrived at Dutong Mansion.

Brother Jiu still stopped in the front yard.

Shu Shu walked in with Mrs. Uncle's arm on her arm, and whispered why Jue Luo Shi invited her to come here.

After hearing this, Mrs. Uncle's expression was somewhat similar to Jue Luo's, as if she had thought of something.

I feel that Luo Shi has been waiting a little anxiously.

As soon as the sisters-in-law met, they spoke in unison.

Mrs. Uncle said: "The iron plate?"

Jueluo said: "Brother gave it to Zhao?"

The sisters-in-law looked at each other.

Mrs. Uncle said: "That was sent by Fangshan Zhuangzi. It is said that a meteor fell from the sky and landed in front of the old uncle's tomb..."

This old uncle is referring to the grandfather of the two, Shu Shu's heir and great-grandfather.

What is rare is that this meteor looks like a human figure, looking like a sitting boy.

I heard that their mother-in-law got this, she was really happy and gave birth to her eldest son.

Later Mrs. Uncle came in, and the unattractive Meteorite boy's sign was also passed to her.

"At that time, the uncle was crazy about begging for a son. After accepting Mrs. Zhao, he took the sign and gave it to Mrs. Zhao. After Mrs. Zhao confessed, and later gave birth to a son, Mr. Zhao had some letters and wanted to give it to you. So, in the end, Mrs. Zhao said that it was lost when it was consecrated in Guanghua Temple..."

Mrs. Uncle mentioned the past.

Now look, where is the missing?
It should be that Mrs. Zhao also believed it, and she hid it because she was afraid that Mrs. Uncle or Jue Luo would use it to ask for a son.

Jue Luo said: "Isn't that Xing Quan's father from the Zhuangzi over there?"

Mrs. Uncle nodded and said: "Yes, it seems that he was the little steward over there before he was alive. He found this meteorite and handed it in. He also won a reward of eighty taels of silver. Then he got an emergency. The doctor didn't care about it. I heard that The lungs are rotten, all the money is spent and people are gone..."

Shu Shu was by the side, and she was a little scared when she heard it.

Whether this thing is radioactive, or whether radioactivity is harmful to the human body, no one can say.

It's a coincidence.

If Jue Luoshi was really allowed to wear it, maybe there would be no comfort.

Mrs. Uncle closed her eyes, pain appeared on her face.

Shu Shu and Jue Luo looked over with concern.

Mrs. Uncle let out a long breath, and said: "Before Mrs. Zhao came in, I was pregnant twice, and I was wearing that at the time..."

Because Uncle's heir is difficult, Mrs. Uncle's palace is also a bit cold. After several years of recuperation, she also worshiped Buddhism and Taoism in the middle. This brand is also like a life-saving straw.

It was true that she got pregnant smoothly, but she did not sit still on both occasions.

Shu Shu already regretted it in her heart.

It's not "Approaching Science", why do I have to talk about it?
In the end, Amu's sad story was revealed.

She hurriedly put her arms around Mrs. Uncle, and said: "It may not be counted, it's just a mention in a miscellaneous book, or the author's hearsay."

Mrs. Uncle looked at Shu Shu lovingly, her expression gradually recovered, she patted her arm, and said, "It's all over."

She also gave birth to a little bit of rejoicing.

If Mrs. Zhao hadn't gotten started, and the uncle hadn't given that brand to Mrs. Zhao, then she would have given it to Mrs. Jueluo.

After all, it is a good thing passed down from the mother-in-law, and there is a sign of "seeking a child".

Thinking of this, Mrs. Uncle hugged Shu Shu tighter, feeling afraid.

Thinking of this possibility, she lost her hatred for Zhao Shi, looked at Jue Luo Shi and said, "What does Second Uncle want to do with Xizhu?"

Jueluo said: "Separate households and go out, follow the usual practice."

Mrs. Uncle nodded and said: "That's fine, let him fend for himself, don't be harsh, and hurt the second uncle's reputation."

She had covered up her family ugliness before, and never made any mention of Xi Zhu's background.

But Xizhu got mixed up with Fuhan and Fuhai brothers, and she had already violated her rebellion.

She directly wrote a handwritten letter from Xizhu because her biological mother was pregnant and her bloodline was unknown, and handed it to the clan's residence, asking the clan to torture Zhao again and verify Xizhu's identity.

The case she submitted to the clan's residence in February has yet to be judged.

If Mrs. Zhao had just been a liar before, now because of the death of his uncle, he would be hanged.

No matter what Zhao's final testimony was, Mrs. Uncle You's appearance proved Xi Zhu's identity of "unknown blood".

This is also the reason why many high-ranking families in the capital do not allow "outsiders" to enter their genealogy.

It is easy to confuse blood.

Jueluo's example is the example of Cong's "outside room".

Xizhu can no longer bear the old surname of "Dong E", and has to be different from the blood of Dong E's family.

It can be changed to "Zhao" of his biological mother's surname, "Xin" at the beginning of his uncle's name, or "Dong" at the beginning of "Dong E".

Shu Shu was at the side, thinking of Gui Zhen, said: "A Mou, where is my cousin, have you recuperated now?"

Mrs. Uncle nodded and said, "Okay..."

But now that news about Dong E's family comes out one after another, Gui Zhen will inevitably be involved and talked about.

Now she can only stay behind closed doors, waiting for the rumors to pass.

Shu Shu is clever, also thought of this, sighed inwardly, and hoped that the matter would turn over quickly.

Because it was already afternoon when the couple came over, and they didn't stay long, so after finishing what they had to say, Shu Shu hurried back.

"He came out directly, and didn't tell the elders, it's not good to stay outside for a long time..."

Shu Shu got up and said, "I'll come back after we've been together for a hundred days..."

Jue Luo was taken aback for a moment, "slap", slapped her on the back, and reprimanded: "I can't be more sensible, it's not the time to be a girl at home, it's just gossip, and it involves decades How about saying it a few days later?"

As she said that, she wanted to take a second shot.

Shu Shu rushed behind Mrs. Uncle, looked at Jue Luo, and complained: "E Nie, you are really, why did you do it without asking a question? Brother Jiu came back, and I didn't make the decision? "

Speaking of this, she said to Mrs. Uncle again: "Amu, do you think I'm that unreliable person? Nowadays, the elders in the palace don't praise, it makes people feel uncomfortable, so they just want to make a mistake once in a while." Minor ailments are fine, so you don’t have to keep carrying ‘virtuous’ and ‘sensible’ all over the place, that’s not good, I’d better make a little padded jacket, be considerate and considerate, and be delicate or delicate, that’s the only way to be hurt..."

The two close relatives and elders were not others, so Shu Shu naturally told the truth.

Jue Luo gave her a sideways look, and said, "It's all nonsense!"

Mrs. Uncle nodded appreciatively, and said: "You did the right thing, you don't need to ask for good things, you have to remember that you are the youngest daughter-in-law, and you were raised pampered at home..."


Shu Shu hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Outside the gate of the Dutong Mansion.

Shu Shu hugged Mrs. Uncle and didn't want to let go.

She thought about the desolation of the uncle's mansion, and she was also afraid that Mrs. uncle would think about others when she saw things.

She already planned to go back and tell Brother Nine that the matter of the garden will be discussed later, and a separate yard will be built in the East Road Garden first.

When they moved out, they found a reason to pick Mrs. Uncle to live there for a while.

It's just that according to the current customs, let alone a niece or nephew's family, even a son-in-law's family has no reason to live for a long time.

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu with eagerness.

For the rest, it is necessary to really ask for a child.

As long as she is pregnant, she can keep Amu by her side under the pretext that she has no elders to take care of her.

The carriage waited for a long time.

Brother Jiu also said goodbye to his father-in-law twice.

But Shu Shu was still sticky.

Mrs. Uncle simply pulled her to the front of the carriage and said, "Didn't I say that I would come back in a few days, that I would leave the palace earlier and stay at home for a whole day..."

Shu Shu reluctantly put down Mrs. Uncle's arm, but she seemed to think of something, and said: "I just came back from the south, and I realized that our capital city is really hot, and the gauze clothes don't absorb sweat, and the shoes are also uncomfortable. ..."

Mrs. Uncle was so distressed that she wiped her body and said, "Songjiang cloth is needed to absorb sweat. I'm free too. I'll sew two clothes for you later and ask someone to send them to you..."

Shu Shu smiled, nodded quickly and said, "I'll just wait there."

As she said that, she went to Qi Xi again, and said: "Ama said before, after serving, you should make up for it. Next time, don't lose weight like this. My daughter feels uncomfortable after seeing it..."

Qi Xi said: "Don't worry, don't feel bad, I will eat with your Ernie from now on, to make up for it."

Shu Shu thought about Korean ginseng, but didn't say anything.

It's just that she put a few more packs when she planned to deliver it to her mother's house.

Several elders made up for it.

Wait until you get on the carriage.

The carriage started and left Dong E's house.

Shu Shu also picked up the window curtain and waved her hands out vigorously.

It wasn't until the intersection, when it was about to turn a corner, that she couldn't see the gate of Dong E's house, so she put down the curtain in a sense of regret.

Brother Nine looked at her, didn't speak for a while, and was very angry, as if he was blaming her.

Shu Shu was a little puzzled, was she angry at her for ignoring him at first?

But it's been less than an hour since I got home, and I'm talking in a hurry, don't I have to worry about that?

Or did Ama just say something to him in the front yard?

Or did he owe it to himself and offended Ama?
She looked at him and said, "What's wrong, Master?"

"Why are you getting younger and younger?"

Brother Jiu said dissatisfied: "Didn't we all go well before we came back? Look at what you did today? You asked Mrs. Uncle for money and asked Mrs. Uncle to make clothes for you. What do the elders think? It’s as if Grandpa can’t support you, and you can’t live a good life…”

Shu Shu was very helpless and said: "Uncle passed away, I must give Ah Mou a thought, I am Ah Mou's thought!"


Brother Jiu was a little confused, and said, "Who can leave and who can't live? Let's say that the elder brother was also slumped last year. After half a year, it's normal? It's just for a while. All right!"

So this way of coaxing people is more like cheating money.

Shu Shu couldn't help pinching Brother Jiu, and said: "There is a difference between men and women, A Mou is a woman, she has no errands, and no children around her knees, can it be the same?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Anyway, you didn't give me good looks today, and next time my father-in-law won't look good!"

Shu Shu leaned against him, and said softly: "No, the more delicate I am, the more Ama and Ernie will treat you with sympathy..."

Brother Jiu realized later, recalled the previous few times, and said: "No wonder every time you are at home, it is not the same as when you were in the palace, and your words are coquettish. You did this on purpose for the sake of the master?"

Shu Shu touched his face.

A few days ago, I had five meals a day, and I had grown some meat, not a knife face anymore.

Also face big.

Isn't it normal to act like a baby when you meet your parents?

(End of this chapter)

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