My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 554 you stare at

Chapter 554 Keep an eye on it

Back at No. [-] Institute, Shu Shu didn't want to move at all.

When it is delivered later, it will be two servings over the water.

There are two kinds of stew, the meat one is shredded pork stew, and the vegetarian one is egg fried chili shredded stew.

There are also shredded cucumbers, shredded radish, celery segments, soybean sprouts and other vegetables.

The noodles are hand-rolled, but Shu Shu's bowl is thick.

Because she doesn't like fine noodles, she despises it.

Brother Nine's bowl is extremely thin, so it's easy to digest.

This midsummer season, the journey is tiring, looking at such a portion of noodles really whets the appetite.

Brother Jiu glanced at it, but was not very satisfied, and said, "Isn't it too simple?"

Not to mention the reception banquet, there should be eight dishes and four bowls, which is their example.

Shu Shu said: "Xiaotang asked me before going out, I ordered it, refreshing, if you don't want to eat noodles, then ask the kitchen to make two small stir-fries..."

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't want to eat noodles, but I'm afraid that we won't be here for a few months, and there will be someone in the second institute to do the work."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "It's been a few rounds, if there is any dishonesty, it will be death."

Besides, with Cui Nanshan and Nanny Qi around, how could there be so many ulterior motives?

Now she somewhat believes what Concubine Yi said, the palace is similar to a big courtyard, and people live at home.

It's more about living a life, and it's more peaceful.

After eating late, Brother Nine talked about the conversation with Qi Xi in the afternoon, and then said: "Father-in-law is too cautious, and Khan Ama has to be close to him, I plan to go to the imperial court tomorrow..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu hurriedly dissuaded him: "Master, I'd better trust Ama, Ama said it's not good for me to interfere in this matter, so I don't want to meddle in this matter, otherwise, the third elder brother will also get involved in the future, and it will be more disturbing." It's getting more and more chaotic."

Brother Nine frowned and said: "I don't do anything else, just tell Han Ama about the inside story."

Shu Shudao: "Didn't the previous master say that it's ok, any more will be superfluous, and now it's just waiting for the holy order. If the master comes forward, outsiders will look at it, it seems that Ama needs the help of the master for a reason. That's not a robbery." The title has also become the title."

Brother Jiu was persuaded, nodded and said: "It's reasonable for you to say so, then I won't get involved."

But he still felt itchy in his heart, and said: "Peng Chun's title is a first-class duke, and the foundation of it was laid by your great-grandfather, but the duke behind it was won by your own great-grandfather with a knife and a gun. You can also think about the title over there. Peng Chun himself still has merit. Even if the eldest son descends, there is still a second-class and third-class buffer. On the contrary, it is our uncle, who knows what will happen... "

Shu Shu's great ancestor, He Heli, was one of the five founding ministers, and at that time he was the third-class general officer.

After He Heli's death, the third-class commander-in-chief was succeeded by his son He Shuutu.

Later, He Shuotu made great contributions to the founding of the country and made numerous military exploits. He was named a third-class prince.

When He Shuutu died, there would be more third-generation successors.

He Shuutu's three sons successively took over the throne.

They are Peng Chun's uncle, father and uncle.

Then came the fourth generation, first the cousin of Uncle Peng Chun's family took over the title, and got the imperial edict, and was promoted from the third class to the first class.

But this cousin died later, and the title fell to Peng Chun.

Most of the elders of Dong E's family died in the army.

This title is bought with life.

Although Shu Shu's grandfather was Heshuut's own son, because he had adopted the Dulei branch, his descendants were not qualified to inherit the title of Duke from Heshuut's branch.

Shu Shudao: "At most, it will be Zhuliang's attack. It's a blessing in disguise. Don't worry about it."

Even if Qi Xi was a second-class uncle, he would be demoted in the next generation.

Shu Shu thought about the wars in the next [-] years in his mind, it seems that there was chaos in the Northwest in the last years of Kangxi, about [-] years younger.

When the time comes, Elder Fourteen will take the clan and the Eight Banners soldiers to the northwest, and that will be an opportunity.

In the future, the big battle will be even further away, and it will be the next generation.

Zhu Liang can only keep going, the twins have abandoned martial arts and followed literature, Dong E's family wants to rely on military exploits to reach another level, or to regain the glory of the family, but it still falls on Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu.

It's a pity that there are so many younger brothers, and none of them are seen today.

Xiao Wu has been studying at the government office since last year, and he doesn't know how he has learned.

Xiao Liu is here in the upper study room, but I can send Zhou Song over to have a look tomorrow.

There is also Seven Fujin, so there is no need to worry.

She was born on April [-], just in time for the full moon ceremony, and Shu Shu can visit her in person.

Shu Shu was thinking wildly, while Brother Jiu was baking pancakes beside him, and said, "Master, why do you feel a little bit off..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu reached out to touch his stomach, and said, "Is the face hard?"

Brother Jiu grabbed her hand and said: "It's not this, it's because it's too quiet and I can't sleep!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing "puchi", and said: "Why, you can't hear the frogs, do you still think about it?"

On the way back to Luan, people seldom go ashore to live in the palace, but mostly live on the boat.

At the turn of spring and summer, it is the season of animal breeding, and the croaking of frogs on the canal pier is simply deafening.

Brother Nine had trouble sleeping for several days, but Shushu and Xiaosong made earplugs out of cork for reference to later generations, which relieved him.

But later on, Xu got used to it, and he could sleep soundly until dawn without wearing it.

Brother Jiu complained: "It would be great if there were Haizi in the palace like Changchun Garden."

Hearing that his voice was wrong, Shu Shu wiped under his body until the mattress under him was wet.

She hurriedly pushed Brother Jiu to get up, and said, "I didn't say anything about the heat, didn't the walnuts find a mat to prepare?"

Brother Nine hummed and said, "But Mammy said that you can't use it right now, you have to be subdued."

Shu Shu said: "For such a big kang, it's over to the shop master."

The husband and wife got up again to light the lamps, spread out the mats that had been collected,
Brother Jiu lay down, sighed comfortably, and said seductively, "Why don't you come here, and the Lord will hold you?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his arm.

Shu Shu stuffed the bamboo pillow next to him into his arms, yawned and said, "It's the second watch, go to sleep, don't you have to go to the Yamen tomorrow..."

Brother Jiu, who was infected, also started to yawn, but he didn't give up, he groped a few times, hooked Shu Shu's little finger, and fell asleep with a "whirring".

Accompanied by this even breathing sound, Shu Shu also fell asleep.

When Shu Shu opened her eyes the next day, elder brother Jiu had already turned over and got off the kang.

Seeing that Shu Shu also wanted to get up, Brother Jiu said: "Go on and sleep, there is nothing wrong with you."

Shu Shu stretched her waist and said: "Sleep well, I have to go to Yikun Palace and Yuqing Palace in the morning..."

Brother Jiu recalled the impromptu incident yesterday, and knew it was inappropriate, and said: "Tell the empress that they were all dragged away by the master, so there is no need to go to Yuqing Palace, just send someone to deliver the earth instrument?"

Shu Shu said: "There are still ten younger siblings who will live in the palace for a while, so they should go and see."

Even if you don't think about the difference between monarchs and ministers, you are still the older sister-in-law.

Being in charge of the house is also hard work. As the younger sisters-in-law, they always have to be polite and respectful.

Brother Nine said: "Then send someone over there early to say something, and then go back early, it's my fault."

He remembered the matter of the shoulder chariot in the palace again.

After their big wedding "first meeting ceremony" last year, both Dafujin and Sanfujin had chariots.

My title has not been conferred for a long time, and my wife will lose her legs in the palace in the future.

I have to think of a way back.

Hearing Brother Jiu talk about sun drying, Shu Shu said: "Go to the yamen, and ask He Yuzhu to bring an umbrella."

Brother Jiu looked outside.

The sky is clear and cloudless.

"How do you know it's going to rain? There are no clouds today?"

Brother Nine was puzzled.

"It's not for the rain, it's for the sun..."

Shu Shu said.

This time I went to Hangzhou, the special product is oil-paper umbrella, I bought a lot of them back.

Some of them are dark in color, and Shu Shu thinks they can also shade.

Brother Jiu just wanted to refuse, but looking at Shu Shu's white Yingying face, he nodded and said, "Okay, let He Yuzhu take it."

After breakfast, when the ninth elder brother came out, the tenth elder brother had already brought Wang Ping'an and Wang Changsheng outside.

Seeing that He Yuzhu was holding an umbrella in his hand, Elder Brother Shi also looked up at the sky.

"It doesn't look like it's going to rain?"

he wondered.

Brother Jiu said proudly: "Life is too rough, who said that you can only carry an umbrella on cloudy days, and when the sun comes out, if you don't cover it, isn't it tanned?"

Speaking of which, he took out a small bottle from his purse, only a circle bigger than a snuff bottle, and it turned out to be a small perfume bottle.

Brother Ten looked at Brother Nine and said helplessly, "Sister-in-law Jiu is back, why are you still taking Sister-in-law's things?"

Brother Jiu gave him a disgusted look, and said: "I have never seen the world, who said that perfume is only for women, this is a men's perfume, your sister-in-law Jiu specially bought it for my grandfather, it smells like oranges, smell it..."

As he spoke, he twisted the perfume bottle and handed it to Elder Brother Shi's nose to shake it around.

It is indeed a strong citrus flavor, which is very pleasant.

However, thinking of Brother Jiu sprinkling this on his body, Brother Ten's mouth twitched and said, "Men still use perfume, sister-in-law Jiu is going to make you happy, right?"

Brother Jiu said: "The world is so big, there are so many wonders, on Europa, whether it's perfume or high-soled shoes, they are all used by men first, read more books when you look back!"

Elder Brother Shi hurriedly shook his head and said, "I don't want to read it, but the Chinese, Mongolian, and Chinese languages ​​are all useless back then..."

The two grew up together, and the ninth elder brother also knew that the tenth elder brother was smart, but he really didn't like to read books, so he didn't force him, just said: "By the way, there is one more thing, you have to keep an eye on it, so as not to worry about it." In case it’s really something that hurts people, it’s wandering outside and hurts people..."

As he said that, he talked about all kinds of weird coincidences about the meteorite boy card.

Elder Brother Shi heard this, with a more serious face, and said: "Meteorites are really harmful. The Ministry of Industry and the Construction Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should have stocks of this thing..."


Brother Jiu was very surprised, he really didn't expect this.

Brother Ten said: "In the early years of forging weapons, I liked to add meteorites to them. Is this really harmful?"

Brother Jiu thought about Shu Shu's remarks before, and said: "No one can protect this, maybe it was harming people when he first fell down, but now it's better, it's just too coincidental, it doesn't seem like a good thing, it just so happened that Mrs. Zhao was still there It's in the clan mansion, and if you find a chance, you can ask about the whereabouts of the sign."

Elder Brother Ten listened.

When they passed by the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Brother Nine and Brother Ten parted ways.

The tenth elder brother continued to leave the palace south, while the ninth elder brother went to the main hall of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Gao Bin is already there.

Tea was also prepared.

Very attentive.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu said: "I don't need you to bring tea and water, but it's not a bad thing to be diligent. You are at the age when you are learning errands. When the master is away, you can follow Mr. Zhang to learn official document excerpts. Not a bad thing..."

(End of this chapter)

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